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蓝和黄混合成的颜色,一般草和树叶呈现这种颜色:绿色。绿叶。绿灯。绿化。绿洲。绿茶 &
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铺垫的东西,垫子、褥子、毯子的通称:茵褥。茵席。茵饪(寝褥和烹饪,引申为睡眠和饮食)。 &
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【造句】用绿荫造句,含有绿荫的句子和短语◎树木使草原成了绿荫处处的迷宫。◎独木舟顺水徐徐前进,到了绿荫翠幕之下。◎我趁着那芬芳的菩提树的绿荫,奔向铁匠铺子。◎拉尔夫硬爬上平台,一下子就注意到了这儿凉快的绿荫。◎从不远处看去,在绿荫覆盖下,礁石与湖岸似乎连成一片。◎那绿荫,至今还在溪中漂流;那绿叶,至今还在溪中荡漾。◎他突然离群飞奔,飞跃过绿荫,步伐飞快引领他向前。◎图为立于绿荫深处的“琼岛春阴”碑,碑文为清乾隆皇帝手笔。◎定制金属灯鹿身高35英寸与标灯绿荫和木材基地.任何风格提供了你的命令◎梳子可漂亮了,纯玳瑁制的,边上镶着宝石,那绿荫似的暗影正好与那消失的美发搭配。◎假日中心处于绿林茂盛的乡村,环境美丽幽静,绿荫葱郁,有很多两层小楼。◎到竹子湖附近泡汤的游客,可千万别漏了这个隐密在一片绿荫之中的纪念馆。◎藤蔓枝绕,绿荫葱茏,静谧安详。在这风景如画的绿意之中,鸡尾酒会,草坪婚礼,时尚展示会. . .精彩连连。◎我听说在这边散步能大开眼界,但我目光所及不过头顶绿荫、脚踏黄土罢了。◎要一睹这所宏伟清真寺的面貌,只需乘坐地铁至尖沙咀,它就在绿荫处处的九公园旁边◎果实的奉献珍贵,花儿的奉献甜蜜,可是啊,我愿象那绿叶,默默地低头奉献绿荫。◎只有无心插柳,方能带来一片绿荫,而在历史事件中扮演主角的人,永远不能明了个中的涵义。◎果的事业是珍贵的,花的事业是甜美的;但让我做叶的事业,谦恭地奉献它的绿荫吧。◎果的事业是尊贵的,花的事业是甜美的;但是让我做叶的事业吧,叶是谦逊地,专心地垂着绿荫的。◎故事由三所书院合并开始,继而是迁入沙田校园,昔日荒山顽石,今天绿荫遍坡,红花点缀,地灵人杰。◎果实的事业是尊重的,花的事业是甜美的,但是让我做叶的事业罢,叶是谦逊地专心地垂着绿荫的。◎欧式太阳房是各类门窗的组合体.在寒冷的冬天或暴风雨里您可不受任何干扰置身于盛开的鲜花和绿荫丛中◎饭店占地面积60000余平方米,宽敞的天鹅绒草坪宁静的假山池塘繁茂的绿荫树木赋予其得天独厚的幽雅环境。◎衡山宾馆位于上海市徐家汇商业繁华地段,毗邻徐家汇绿地和衡山公园,绿荫叠翠,环境优雅。◎在这绿荫环抱、鸟语花香的环境下,甚宜游客一睹道家及中国文化济人利物、觉世道人的风范。◎幢幢别墅建筑古朴典雅,依山傍海,绿荫如盖,是旅游避暑之最佳胜地。宾馆共有主楼和别墅楼40幢,共有客房540套◎它们时而停止嗥叫,时而又开始追赶。一分钟以后,孤林里传来追逐狐狸的叫声,整整一群猎犬聚集在一起,离开尼古拉,沿着沟岔朝绿荫方向追去。◎沿绿荫蔽日的神道进入龙虎殿,两扇高大厚实的木门开合有声,悦耳动听,宛如金鸡凤凰的鸣叫声,这是南岩闻名的一景。◎观内设有中式园林及宝殿群组,访客可在绿荫环抱的怡人景致下,感受道家及中国传统文化风范,亦可于观内享用素食。◎发现自己犯下的这个大错误之后,这位粗心的父亲乔纳森桑德下了往南开的地铁列车,又坐上了向北开的地铁列车,急于返回华盛顿北部12英里处的绿荫树林地铁站。◎他看见几个头戴红帽子的看守猎犬的猎人沿着长满幼林的峡谷边沿疾驰,甚至还看见猎犬,他时刻等待狐狸从那边的绿荫中出现。◎八卦山大佛风景区绿荫扶疏日夜皆美,到此戏水赏花面佛朝圣运动健身再来个深度的生态之旅,八卦山之行绝对让你精采可期!◎因此,必须以加倍的努力和热诚,以及明智的规划,方能排除万难,重植绿荫。事实上,不论在香港每一角落,重新植林的任务俱艰巨无比。◎我左侧的山谷满眼都是牧地玉米地和树林。一条闪光的小溪弯弯曲曲地流过深浅各异的绿荫,流过正在成熟的稻谷,暗淡的树林,明净而充满阳光的草地。◎美化的工程将持续一个月,预计在五月底时,永同道场将添上美丽的新装,成为绿荫处处又有清凉水池的人间仙境。◎春也是有前景的,春的前景就是盛夏舒畅绿荫,就是姹紫嫣红的百花齐放,就是仲秋的硕果累累… …春啊,那就是春的牺牲的风光!◎四周绿荫环绕,峨眉山泉从石上流下,色如白练,似明珠镶翡翠,水花跳跃奔腾,水声欢快歌唱,代表着热情好客的峨眉山人欢迎着来五湖四海的宾客。◎在绿荫郁郁及鸟语花香的环境下,游人可一边细赏道观的独特建筑和古朴盆景,一边尽情体会道家及中国文化济人利物、觉世道人的风范。◎它遥望天门山,依傍澧水河俯赏张家界市城区,加上风格各异的别墅吊角楼及康乐中心各种口味的精美佳肴,让您尽享阳光绿荫和人间美景,让您享尽温馨康顺和人间美味。◎在炎炎夏日步入我校园区,仰望那满冠吐芳、金蝉高鸣的凤凰树,在沁人肺腑的玉兰树旁,小憩梧桐绿荫之下,一股爽朗清气定会飘然而至,令人心旷神怡!◎占地40亩,楼高23层,建筑面积4 . 6万平方米,绿化覆盖率达30 ;楼体建筑掩映于绿荫花园之中,凝聚欧美设计时尚,荟萃热带滨海风情,是与自然相结合的典范◎他们驶过了渡口,即是他和皮埃尔一年前在那里谈话的渡口。他们驶过了肮脏的村庄打谷场绿荫下坡路桥边的积雪一层粘土已被冲洗的上坡路一段段茬地有的地方已经发绿的灌木林,驶进了沿着道路两旁蔓生的白桦树林。◎午后,许多精彩活动陆续展开:篮球对抗赛中,同修各个大展身手,不输灌篮高手绿荫树林间,大人小孩唱儿歌玩游戏,嘻笑声响彻云霄绿油油草坪上,七彩风筝飞扬,有人玩飞盘,有人写生戏水区人工湖与枫谷区,有人或坐或卧憩息,享受悠闲的夏日午后有人闭目打坐,自在悠哉有人游泳,有人戏水,好一幅夏日逸情。◎这里景色秀丽,民风淳朴,充满着诗情画意,一年四季青翠嫩绿、竹林环绕、果木成林、香蕉、椰子、槟榔、菠萝密、芒果,给寨子洒下了一片片浓浓的绿荫,幢幢竹楼掩映在青树绿竹之中,阵阵热带花开的幽香随风送来,一片清幽恬静。◎别人去拜访咖苔琳夫人的时候,她总是爱到花园旁边那座小林子里去散散步,那儿有一条很美的绿荫小径,她觉得那地方只有她一人懂得欣赏,而且到了那儿,也就可以免得惹起咖苔琳夫人的好奇心。◎摘要:日照人民广场改建设计在充分研究其区域环境和场地特征的基础上,将自然、绿色从与其相邻的银河公园等用地及其城市绿网中引入广场,并在景区设计中融入丰富的文化内涵,为市民营造一个绿荫下的文化、生态休闲空间。◎成都望江宾馆成都望江宾馆是一家环水大园林五星级宾馆,位于历史文化名城成都市东隅,近邻二环路和成渝高速公路,距飞机场15公里,火车站9公里,交通便捷。宾馆占地200馀亩,荟萃精品花木上千种,常年绿荫浓盖,花鸟缤纷亭台水榭,溪流潺潺,更有高档别墅掩映其中,自然人文景观交相辉映,是成都市园林式宾馆之一。◎我还发现,就在顶端用尖铁防范着的花园高墙之外,有着一种莫大的愉快和享受,它广阔无垠,直达天际,那种愉快来自宏伟的山峰环抱着的一个树木葱笼绿荫盖地的大山谷也来自满是黑色石子和闪光漩涡的明净溪流。绿荫英汉互译例句1.Trees made the meadow a bowery maze .树木使草原成了绿荫处处的迷宫。2.I went towards the forge under the sweet green limes .我趁着那芬芳的菩提树的绿荫,奔向铁匠铺子。3.Ralph hauled himself on to this platform, noted the coolness and shade .拉尔夫硬爬上平台,一下子就注意到了这儿凉快的绿荫。4.As the canoe slowly advanced, sucked in by the current, it entered beneath an arch of trees .独木舟顺水徐徐前进,到了绿荫翠幕之下。5.Many of the trees stretched so far forwards as almost to blend the rock with the shore, when seen from a little distance .从不远处看去,在绿荫覆盖下,礁石与湖岸似乎连成一片。6.Insurance , a shelter in life有保险的地方,就有一片绿荫7.Do you know , the shado the green leaves is still waving on the brook那绿荫,至今还在溪中漂流;那绿叶,至今还在溪中荡漾。 8.Suddenly he begins to run from the group , flying over the green grass , his legs carrying him faster and faster他突然离群飞奔,飞跃过绿荫,步伐飞快引领他向前。 9.The stele , erected in 1751 , is inscribed with this phrase in the calligraphy of emperor qianlong of the qing图为立于绿荫深处的“琼岛春阴”碑,碑文为清乾隆皇帝手笔。 10.Custom metal deer lamp stands 35 inches with a stanard lamp shade and wood base . any style available made to your order定制金属灯鹿身高35英寸与标灯绿荫和木材基地.任何风格提供了你的命令11.Custom metal deer lamp stands 35 inches with a standard lamp shade and wood base . any style available made to your order定制金属灯鹿身高35英寸与标灯绿荫和木材基地.任何风格提供了你的命令12.Beautiful combs , pure tortoiseshell , with jeweled rims ? just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair梳子可漂亮了,纯玳瑁制的,边上镶着宝石,那绿荫似的暗影正好与那消失的美发搭配。 13.The center is a quiet and beautiful place in a lush country setting , with numerous two - story buildings and much greenery假日中心处于绿林茂盛的乡村,环境美丽幽静,绿荫葱郁,有很多两层小楼。 14.The center is a quiet and beautiful place in a lush country setting , with numerous two - story buildings and much greenery假日中心处于绿林茂盛的乡村,环境美丽幽静,绿荫葱郁,有很多两层小楼。 15.Yangming villa was originally known as the chung hsing guesthouse , and served as the residence of chiang kai - shek in his final years到竹子湖附近泡汤的游客,可千万别漏了这个隐密在一片绿荫之中的纪念馆。 16.The vine - straggling and green - shaded garden is ideal for cocktail parties , lawn wedding , fashion events藤蔓枝绕,绿荫葱茏,静谧安详。在这风景如画的绿意之中,鸡尾酒会,草坪婚礼,时尚展示会. . .精彩连连。 17.Tom lefroy : i have been told there is much to see upon a walk but all i ' ve detected so far is a general tendency to green above and brown below我听说在这边散步能大开眼界,但我目光所及不过头顶绿荫、脚踏黄土罢了。 18.The mosque is located on the edge of leafy kowloon park . a fourth mosque , the cape collinson mosque in chai wan also includes a cemetery要一睹这所宏伟清真寺的面貌,只需乘坐地铁至尖沙咀,它就在绿荫处处的九公园旁边19.The service of the fruit is presious , the service of flower is sweet , but let my service be the service of the leaves in its shade of humble devotion果实的奉献珍贵,花儿的奉献甜蜜,可是啊,我愿象那绿叶,默默地低头奉献绿荫。 20.It is only unselfconscious activity that bears fruit , and the man who plays a part in an historical drama never understands its significance只有无心插柳,方能带来一片绿荫,而在历史事件中扮演主角的人,永远不能明了个中的涵义。 21.The service of the fruit is precious , the service of the flower is sweet , but let my service be the service of the leaves in its shade of humble devotion果的事业是珍贵的,花的事业是甜美的;但让我做叶的事业,谦恭地奉献它的绿荫吧。 22.The service of the fruit is precious , the service of the flower is sweet , but let my service be the service of the leaves in its shade of humble devotion果的事业是尊贵的,花的事业是甜美的;但是让我做叶的事业吧,叶是谦逊地,专心地垂着绿荫的。 23.The story begins with the colleges coming together to form the university , and continues with the physical move onto one campus , then barren , now lush故事由三所书院合并开始,继而是迁入沙田校园,昔日荒山顽石,今天绿荫遍坡,红花点缀,地灵人杰。 24.The business of fruit is a respect of , the business of flower is sweet , but lets me do foliar business , the leaf hangs green shade humbly and with concentration果实的事业是尊重的,花的事业是甜美的,但是让我做叶的事业罢,叶是谦逊地专心地垂着绿荫的。 25.European sun room is the combination of all kinds of windows and doors . it creates a fresh spring environment with flowers and trees even in winter and storm欧式太阳房是各类门窗的组合体.在寒冷的冬天或暴风雨里您可不受任何干扰置身于盛开的鲜花和绿荫丛中26.Ten minutes walk to the east brings one to the canal . strolling in this direction one quickly falls under the spell of the charming old water city of suzhou饭店占地面积60000余平方米,宽敞的天鹅绒草坪宁静的假山池塘繁茂的绿荫树木赋予其得天独厚的幽雅环境。 27.Hengshan hotel located in the lively commercial hub of shanghai ' s xujiahui district , adjacent to the xujiahui green belt and the hengshan park , folded shades of green jade , elegant surroundings衡山宾馆位于上海市徐家汇商业繁华地段,毗邻徐家汇绿地和衡山公园,绿荫叠翠,环境优雅。 28.This tranquil environment with birds and plants everywhere gives visitors a glimpse of the virtues of chinese culture , in particular the taoist teaching which promotes harmony between men and nature在这绿荫环抱、鸟语花香的环境下,甚宜游客一睹道家及中国文化济人利物、觉世道人的风范。 29.15kms and 15 - minute driving 17kms and 20 - minute driving to
25kms and 30 - minute dri and 18kms and 25 - minute driving to the port幢幢别墅建筑古朴典雅,依山傍海,绿荫如盖,是旅游避暑之最佳胜地。宾馆共有主楼和别墅楼40幢,共有客房540套30.Through images , this story , at once sentimental and glorious , begins with the colleges coming together to form the university , and continues with the physical move onto one campus , then barren , now lush故事由三所书院合并开始,继而是迁入沙田校园,昔日荒山顽石,今天绿荫遍坡,红花点缀,地灵人杰。 31.A moment later he heard from the ravine the cry that they were on the scent of a fox , and all the pack joining together made for the opening towards the green corn away from nikolay它们时而停止嗥叫,时而又开始追赶。一分钟以后,孤林里传来追逐狐狸的叫声,整整一群猎犬聚集在一起,离开尼古拉,沿着沟岔朝绿荫方向追去。 32.Blotting out the sun along the shade of the longhu shinto temple , two tall with a thick wooden door with sound , the pleasant - sounding , just like the animal sound jinji phoenix , which is a well - known rock king沿绿荫蔽日的神道进入龙虎殿,两扇高大厚实的木门开合有声,悦耳动听,宛如金鸡凤凰的鸣叫声,这是南岩闻名的一景。 33.Ching chung koon temple is a complex of taoist temples , gardens and shrines . it is a peaceful experience strolling along the garden and the shrines , it is indeed a place worth visiting . vegetarian meals are served观内设有中式园林及宝殿群组,访客可在绿荫环抱的怡人景致下,感受道家及中国传统文化风范,亦可于观内享用素食。 34.At that point , she said , jonathan sander got off the southbound train and onto a northbound one , returning to the shady grove metrorail station about 12 miles north of washington发现自己犯下的这个大错误之后,这位粗心的父亲乔纳森桑德下了往南开的地铁列车,又坐上了向北开的地铁列车,急于返回华盛顿北部12英里处的绿荫树林地铁站。 35.He saw the whippers - in in their red caps galloping along the edge of t he could see the dogs even , and was every instant expecting the fox to come into sight on the further side among the green corn他看见几个头戴红帽子的看守猎犬的猎人沿着长满幼林的峡谷边沿疾驰,甚至还看见猎犬,他时刻等待狐狸从那边的绿荫中出现。 36.The pagu mount buddha sculpture is located at the pagu mount in chang hwa city . owing to the big sculpture with beautiful scenery , it is a famous tour spot in taiwan . the 23km height sculpture was established in 1954 and it has 6 floors八卦山大佛风景区绿荫扶疏日夜皆美,到此戏水赏花面佛朝圣运动健身再来个深度的生态之旅,八卦山之行绝对让你精采可期! 37.Thisrough terrain , with its mainly granitic ground that is susceptible to the lossof topsoil nutrients , created acute challenges for reforestation , which only could be overcome with much hard work , dedicated effort and wise planning因此,必须以加倍的努力和热诚,以及明智的规划,方能排除万难,重植绿荫。事实上,不论在香港每一角落,重新植林的任务俱艰巨无比。 38.All the valley at my right hand was full of pasture - fields , and cornfields , and a glittering stream ran zigzag through the varied shades of green , the mellowing grain , the sombre woodland , the clear and sunny lea我左侧的山谷满眼都是牧地玉米地和树林。一条闪光的小溪弯弯曲曲地流过深浅各异的绿荫,流过正在成熟的稻谷,暗淡的树林,明净而充满阳光的草地。 39.The gardening work is scheduled to continue for one month , and in may , the area around youngdongs new meditation hall will be reborn into a beautiful heavenly landscape with numerous trees providing plenty of shade , and a pleasantly cool pond constructed by initiates美化的工程将持续一个月,预计在五月底时,永同道场将添上美丽的新装,成为绿荫处处又有清凉水池的人间仙境。 40.The spring is to has foreground , the foreground of spring is the midsummer relaxed green shade , is purple to let a hundred flowers blossom flaming redly , is the large fruit of mid - autumn again and again … … spring , that is the scene of [ with ] sacrifice of spring春也是有前景的,春的前景就是盛夏舒畅绿荫,就是姹紫嫣红的百花齐放,就是仲秋的硕果累累… …春啊,那就是春的牺牲的风光! 41.Around the shade around , emeishan from the spring down on the stone , such as color sure , it may emerald pearl inlay , water jump pentium , acoustic jubilant singing , and the hospitality of the people of the emeishan welcome to the guests all over四周绿荫环绕,峨眉山泉从石上流下,色如白练,似明珠镶翡翠,水花跳跃奔腾,水声欢快歌唱,代表着热情好客的峨眉山人欢迎着来五湖四海的宾客。 42.This tranquil environment with birds and plants everywhere gives visitors a glimpse of the virtues of chinese culture , in particular the taoist teaching which promotes harmony between men and nature . the koon also serves delicious vegetarian food for visitors在绿荫郁郁及鸟语花香的环境下,游人可一边细赏道观的独特建筑和古朴盆景,一边尽情体会道家及中国文化济人利物、觉世道人的风范。 43.Zhangjiajie minhang resort is the three - star foreign hotel set up by the zhongnan management administation of civil airline . it is designed by the garden style for holiday and leisure . look to the tianmen mount , beside the lishui river and view the zhangjiajie city它遥望天门山,依傍澧水河俯赏张家界市城区,加上风格各异的别墅吊角楼及康乐中心各种口味的精美佳肴,让您尽享阳光绿荫和人间美景,让您享尽温馨康顺和人间美味。 44.In scorching summer stepping into our campus district , looking up at trees full of spit sweet - smelling , gold cicada high flame - tree that chirp to preceded , by oozing yulan trees , having a rest by chinese parasol trees under the green shade , with one candid clear airs floating in the air definitely , you are made completely relaxed and happy在炎炎夏日步入我校园区,仰望那满冠吐芳、金蝉高鸣的凤凰树,在沁人肺腑的玉兰树旁,小憩梧桐绿荫之下,一股爽朗清气定会飘然而至,令人心旷神怡! 45.The 23 - storey hotel covers 40 - mu of land , 30 percent of which is covered by trees and flowers , and the total building area adds up to 46 , 000 the hotel architecture combines beautiful scenery of nature of the coastal and garden surroundings with modern european building design to form a resort environment of leisure and comfort占地40亩,楼高23层,建筑面积4 . 6万平方米,绿化覆盖率达30 ;楼体建筑掩映于绿荫花园之中,凝聚欧美设计时尚,荟萃热带滨海风情,是与自然相结合的典范46.In scorching summer stepping into our campus district , looking up at trees full of spit sweet - smelling , gold cicada high flame - tree that chirp to preceded , by oozing yulan trees , having a rest by chinese parasol trees under the green shade , with one candid clear airs floating in the air definitely , you are made completely relaxed and happy在炎炎夏日步入我校园区,仰望那满冠吐芳、金蝉高鸣的凤凰树,在沁人肺腑的玉兰树旁,小憩梧桐绿荫之下,一股爽朗清气定会飘然而至,令人心旷神怡! 47.They drove through a muddy village , by threshing floors , and pa down hill by a drift of snow still lying near the bridge , up hill along a clay road hollowed out by the rain , by strips of stubble - field , with copse turning g and drove at last into a birch forest that lay on both sides of the road他们驶过了渡口,即是他和皮埃尔一年前在那里谈话的渡口。他们驶过了肮脏的村庄打谷场绿荫下坡路桥边的积雪一层粘土已被冲洗的上坡路一段段茬地有的地方已经发绿的灌木林,驶进了沿着道路两旁蔓生的白桦树林。 48.During the basketball match , fellow practitioners displayed their brilliant skill which was comparable to professional players . shaded beneath the trees , adults and children together enjoyed singing song their bursts of laughter were loud enough to reach heaven ! launched from the lovely green lawn , colorful kites soared into the sky午后,许多精彩活动陆续展开:篮球对抗赛中,同修各个大展身手,不输灌篮高手绿荫树林间,大人小孩唱儿歌玩游戏,嘻笑声响彻云霄绿油油草坪上,七彩风筝飞扬,有人玩飞盘,有人写生戏水区人工湖与枫谷区,有人或坐或卧憩息,享受悠闲的夏日午后有人闭目打坐,自在悠哉有人游泳,有人戏水,好一幅夏日逸情。 49.Here , scenery is beautiful , folkway is pure and simple , fill with poetry feelings drawing yi , throughout the year , green pale green , bamboo forest encircles , fruit tree become forest , banana , coconut , betel and pineapple dense , mango , have sprinkled a slice of green shade of thick flat to stockaded village , flicker bamboo building cover reflect in green tree green bamboo in , the tropical flower of battle array is fragrant as boiling to send with wind , a slice of quiet and beautiful quiet这里景色秀丽,民风淳朴,充满着诗情画意,一年四季青翠嫩绿、竹林环绕、果木成林、香蕉、椰子、槟榔、菠萝密、芒果,给寨子洒下了一片片浓浓的绿荫,幢幢竹楼掩映在青树绿竹之中,阵阵热带花开的幽香随风送来,一片清幽恬静。 50.Her favourite walk , and where she frequently went while the others were calling on lady catherine , was along the open grove which edged that side of the park , where there was a nice sheltered path , which no one seemed to value but herself , and where she felt beyond the reach of lady catherine s curiosity别人去拜访咖苔琳夫人的时候,她总是爱到花园旁边那座小林子里去散散步,那儿有一条很美的绿荫小径,她觉得那地方只有她一人懂得欣赏,而且到了那儿,也就可以免得惹起咖苔琳夫人的好奇心。 有叶树木底下的阴地(“绿荫”为误用,【荫】统读yìn,不读yīn。1.[动]&文&(树木)遮盖阳光。~覆。2.[动]封建时代子孙因先世有功而得到封赏或庇护。封妻~子。3.[形]阳光照不到;阴凉潮湿。地下室太~了,没法住。词语举例:荫庇(庇荫)|荫蔽|封妻荫子|荫凉(跟“阴凉”不同)|荫翳(跟“阴翳”不同)
――摘自《普通话异读词审音表》(1985)以及《现代汉语规范词典》)lǜ yìn夏日绿荫遮阳,是避暑的好去处green shade (of a tree)“绿荫”相近或相关的词语绿豆糕绿茶绿水青山绿鬓红颜绿林豪客绿藻绿营绿衣黄里绿葱葱绿浪绿惨红愁绿地绿化绿暗红稀绿萍绿茵茵绿林强盗绿衣使者绿林好汉绿荫绿灯绿草如茵绿林豪杰绿帽子绿惨红销绿肥绿林大盗绿茸茸绿色绿肥红瘦军荫v荫荫荫影天荫美荫干恩荫五荫慈荫恤荫随荫道荫密荫资荫禄荫荫封松荫桑荫不徙凉荫程荫浓荫难荫树荆棘得刺,树桃李得荫歇荫云荫阴荫荫泽荫藉覆荫荫蔚荫凉


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