
时间: June 16, 2015
域名为何物? (国内俗称玉米,搞域名的人叫米农或米虫)
简单来说玉米就是个独特的网站地址,比如, 买米就像在互联网上买房地产,一般年付10到15美刀。
PS:本站域名的来历很简单,以前喜欢在网上找老外练习英语,想起个COOL网名。首先自报家门来自中国China,而且从80年代末90年代初,就开始喜欢Saint Seiya《圣斗士星矢》,Saint原意是基督教里的圣人,圣徒,引申为圣斗士,神圣的战士holy fighter!很自然的China Saint就诞生了。
之后大概2003年,一个爱好摔角的美国布鲁克林黑人兄弟就给我花钱在国外买了个顶级玉米,当时欣喜若狂!顶级玉米可是比免费的http://chinasaint.???.com 或 http://???.com/chinasaint/这种二级三级玉米强悍专业很多,现在虽然看起来有点土,但是很有纪念意义:)
1. 关键词+地方
那么我们以“MLM Barracks”为例:这玉米本身就说明了是做何种业务的。”MLM” (Multi-Level Marketing)多级市场是目标关键词,“Barracks”是兵营的意思,所以
Island岛 Castle城堡 Planet星球 City城市 Ville城镇(法)Land土地 Fort堡垒 Underworld地下 Hill山丘 Village村庄
Palace宫殿 Fortress要塞 World世界 Town城镇 Villa别墅 Cafe咖啡馆 Base基地 Portal门户 Country国家 Hideout藏身处 Hub中心 Camp营地 Wonderland水域 Playground操场 Hangout住所 Heaven天堂 Pit坑 Wasteland废弃之地 Backyard后院 Spot地点 Paradise天堂 Zone地带 Dreamland梦境 Bar酒吧 Society社会 Valley山谷 Area51 51区 DryLand旱地 Pit Stop旅行休息站
Express快递 Alley小巷 Studio工作室 Kingdom王国 Shelter掩蔽处 Central Vegas中部维加斯 Matrix矩阵 Ball Park棒球场 Refuge避难所 Precinct区域 Zoo动物园 Zion锡安 Gold Mine金矿 Retreat Station撤离点 Safe Zone安全区 Abyss深渊 Fields田地 Sanctuary庇护所 Plant工厂 Depot仓库 Pandora潘多拉 Vault地窖 Sector地带 Grounds场地Realm领域 Yard院子 Pad Locker挂锁 Colony殖民地 Bay海湾 Factory工厂 Club俱乐部 Lab实验室 District区 Gauntlet刑房 Jungle丛林 Street街道 Store商店 Battlefield战场 Elysium极乐净土
鳄鱼加强了其品牌化 ,让其看上去很可爱并值得信赖。这玉米很短很好记!
Ape猿猴 Cheetah猎豹 Eagle老鹰 Gorilla大猩猩 Hawk鹰 Baboon狒狒 Chicken鸡 Panda熊猫 Leopard美洲豹 Dragon龙 Bat蝙蝠 Cobra眼镜蛇 Frog青蛙 Wombat袋熊 Lion狮子 Bear狗熊 Crow乌鸦 Goose鹅 Wolverine金刚狼 Lobster龙虾 Beaver海狸
Cow奶牛 Hedgehog豪猪 Viper毒蛇 Tiger老虎 Bee蜜蜂 Jaguar美洲虎 Hornet大黄蜂
Penguin企鹅 Panther豹子 Buffalo水牛Dolphin海豚 Grub蛆虫 Shark鲨鱼 Bunny兔子 Butterfly蝴蝶 Duck鸭子 Koala考拉 Spider蜘蛛 Scorpion蝎子 Cat猫 Emu鸸鹋 Wolf狼 Turtle海龟 Snake蛇 Pig猪 Eel鳗鱼 Moose驼鹿 Owl猫头鹰 Zebra斑马
就像动物一样,描述人的单词比如说ninja忍者、wizard魔法师、 guru大师、chief酋长、scientist科学家等也可以用作吉祥物来加强品牌化!某种角色可以描述他们在网络利基市场某个领域的知识和经验。
Coach教练 Wizard巫师 Ninja忍者 Sniper狙击手 Guru大师 Specialist专家 Whiz智者 Warrior勇士 Hunter猎人 Engineer工程师 Master师父 Agent代理人 Journalist记者Captain队长 Geek极客 Addict沉迷者 Stylist文体学家 Fighter斗士 Champ冠军 Genius天才 Junkie瘾君子 Marksman神枪手 Hacker黑客 Champion冠军 Expert专家 Boss老板 Surgeon外科医生 Titan巨人Lady女士 Technician技术员 Chief酋长 Medic医务工作者 Hero英雄 Gal女孩 Emperor帝王 Artist艺术家 Soldier战士 Hippie嬉皮士 Angel天使 King国王 Scientist科学家 Knight骑士 Commander指挥官 Star明星 Queen皇后 magician魔术师 Sargent中士 Ghost幽灵 Wingman僚机驾驶员 rainmaker造雨者 peacekeeper和平守护者 Baron男爵 Builder建造者 Maniac狂热者 Catalyst催化剂 Pro专家 Comrade同志 Fan粉丝 Buddy伙伴 Kingpin大亨 Legend传奇 Mastermind策划 Pal朋友 Mate同伴 Ruler统治者 Seeker探求者 Skipper领队 Mentor导师 Motivator激励者 Mom老妈 Dad老爸 Player运动员 Jedi绝地武士 Teacher老师 VIP贵宾 Nerd书呆子 Daredevil冒险者 Surfer冲浪者 Searcher搜寻者 Explorer探索者 Bookie赌博者 Pilgrim朝圣者
4. 关键词+随机单词
形容词、事物、 颜色等单词都是很好的选择,用这类词,你可以轻而易举想出好玉米。请记住,随机单词组合可以没有意义,但它的好处就是:独特!你玉米中某个单词可以让你提升搜索引擎优化,因为人们可能会用特定的单词比如best最好、top顶尖、buy购买、fast快的、good好的、easy容易等这些词来搜索!
Live Alert
Lost Alive
Mad Amazing Complete
Ancient Concrete
Mysterious Any
Awesome Crafty
Nifty Basic Crazy
Nonstop Best
Big Cuddly
Oddball Blank
Outrageous Bright
Digital Fuzzy
Dim General Lazy
Prime Classic
Serious Sharp
Rapid Silver
Stable Sticky
Tricky True Twin
Valid Vital Wild
5. EMD (完全匹配玉米)
EMDs are basically domain names that are stuffed with keywords for the purpose of high Google rankings. Typically, marketers who go with an EMD are trying to rank for a specific keyword term.
For example, if a website wants to rank for the term “Lead Generation Tips” an exact match domain would be “.”
EMDs used to be a very popular option because you could easily rank for your keywords, but these days it’s a different ball game.
Check out the video below where Matt Cutts explains the importance of having keywords in a domain name.
Matt Cutts discussed whether or not you should go with an EMD or something that’s more brandable, but the video was uploaded on Mar 7, 2011 – which was right at the time where people took advantage of EMDs.
In Sep, 2012, Google turned down the knob and introduced the EMD update which penalized low-quality sites with EMDs.
emd algo changeIf a site with an EMD is high-quality, then Google won’t have a problem with it, but if the site is low-quality, then it’s headed for disaster.
Nonetheless, I’m with Matt Cutts here, and would shoot for something that’s brandable, though I’d still slip in at least a keyword, e.g. something like “” is brandable and still has a keyword, unlike “.” which is, as far as branding goes, useless.
Building a brand is the KEY to long term success. Google is also HUGE on brands, nowadays.
“Brands are the solution, not the problem. Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.” – Eric Schmidt, former CEO at Google.
6. 你的真名
A nice and easy option is to register a domain name that is your real name. This is also probably the most popular option.
But there’s actually a lot of debate and controversy as to whether you should brand yourself or your business.
Branding Yourself vs Branding Your Business
If you’re undecided about going with your real name or business name, then you should probably take a look at these pros and cons…
Brand Your Business
Craig Wolfe“I always tell every budding entrepreneur that you are your brand. But that doesn’t mean you want to self-promote yourself. Your branding of yourself is only as good as your brand. Thus you should always create a great brand and then the natural extension to promote yourself as the brand will happen organically. Promoting yourself first is not only a bit egotistic, but has no substance behind it. Richard Branson with Virgin, Steve Jobs with Apple, etc…they all had the brand first and their personality naturally followed to become intrinsically intertwined with the brand at that point.” – Craig Wolfe, CelebriDucks
Brand Yourself
Alex Blom“I feel personal branding is key. I have started and sold four technology companies and now work independently as a marketing consultant. People don’t remember me as The Exize Guy, or the Frag guy. They know me as Alex. I get a ton of referrals because people know ME. Having people know and trust me means my network move with me project to project, there is no need to call and explain new features. Especially with social media people want to get to know me. We have done silly things on Twitter such as vote for which haircut I will get. The result was many more referrals because people felt like they could trust me.” – Alex Blom, Marketing Consultant
Brand Your Business
Carol Roth“There is a huge downside to branding a person over a business, called the ‘key man issue’. If something happens to the branded person (a real something or a perceived something) that will have serious implications for the business. Take celebrity blogger Perez Hilton. If he gets hit by a bus, the brand loses a lot of weight (and by weight, I mean value). If he personally falls out of favor with his core audience, he can risk his company. And possibly most importantly, because he is the brand, he jeopardizes the ability to monetize his ‘media empire’ through an acquisition.” – Carol Roth, Business Strategist
Brand Yourself
Jacqueline Lisenby“In such a competitive market, businesses and individuals must separate themselves. This can be done by branding yourself. I believe that branding yourself will eventually create a stronger brand for your business. Ultimately, people buy from people and if faced with purchasing from a business with similar products and services, the consumer will choose the company they ‘know’ or can relate to best. Often, I think most people brand their businesses rather than themselves because its easier to hide behind your business. To brand yourself, you have to be authentic and courageous.” – Jacqueline Lisenby, President of Status J Entertainment Group
Brand Both
Africa Hannibal“I think it is equally important to promote yourself and your business especially if you are an emerging entrepreneur. Many people are weary of new businesses especially with all of these various ponzi and pyramid schemes going on. I have branded myself just as much as I branded my business because I want people to know that my business is legit and that a professional in Marketing is running this business and is competent.” – Africa Hannibal, Search & Social Strategist for Entertainment.
It Depends
Arden Clise“Whether to brand your business or yourself depends on the type of business. If you are a consultant or service provider I believe you must brand yourself, because your brain, your thoughts, your values are what you share with clients. However, if your business is product based, I believe it’s better to brand the company because it’s about the product(s) not the person behind them.” – Arden Clise, Business Etiquette Consultant
[Props to the folks at BrandMakerNews for rounding up these expert opinions.]
Also, over at CrazyEgg, Joyce Grace says that branding yourself is a no-brainer – she wrote a pretty awesome post revealing 4 undisputable reasons for branding yourself instead of your business.
I’m on the side of branding your biz, but I think the main thing to point out here is that you can defiantly succeed with either option, ultimately, your success will come down to the type of VALUE that you provide to the market place.
What if the dot com of my real name is taken?
I only recommend getting a dot com extension or a country-specific extension (see rules below), if you’re unable to purchase either one, then you may want to consider a nickname or a pen name
If those options are no good, then I guess all you can do is either add a prefix or suffix to your name or add in your keyword. You could also use the other domain name types (listed above), and just add in your first or last name.
So the combination could be something like this: Name+ – Gray Wolf SEO, owned by Michael Gray, is a perfect example of the 3 word combo.
GrayWolf's SEO BlogWith this option you’re branding both yourself and your business. (smart move)
Domain Name Generator Tools
If you’re still struggling for ideas, then perhaps these domain name generators will help – these tools can generate tons of potential and available domain names.
This way, you can go through a large list and actually see what the name looks like and define what it sounds like. They’re defiantly a good help.
Also, all these tools are free to use, and there’s no need to buy through these sites. You can just use them to find a name that you like and that’s available.
Lean Domain Search
Lean Domain Search is one of the best domain name generator tools out there. I beleive it has the largest data base out f the rest of the tools
It will generate a ton of combinations for you to go through. It’s also very easy to use – just enter a word that you want your domain name to include and then click search.
NameTumbler is basically the same deal as Lean Domain Search, however, you can narrow down the types of words that you want with your keyword.
Domain Hole
Domain Hole is another tool worth giving a go. It has quite a few features that’s worth exploring such as, Brainstormer, Name Generator, Expired Search and Name Spinner.
Need more? no worries, check out these 18 domain name research tools.
Domain Name SEO Factors
Google uses around 200 ranking factors in their algorithm, and the factors for the actual domain name are very little – in other words, they don’t really make a big difference in terms of ranking.
But there are defiantly some things that you may want to consider here.
Domain Name Starts with Keyword
With blog posts, having your target keywords at the beginning of the title will give you an extra boost at ranking for those keywords.
title-tag-keywords1Photo source: Backlinko
The same thing goes for domain names.
“Moz’s 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors panelists agreed that a domain that starts with their target keyword has an edge over sites that either don’t have the keyword in their domain or have the keyword in the middle or end of their domain.”
So there’s a slight SEO benefit, but here’s a more powerful benefit…and this one WILL blow you away.
Check this out…
If we take a look , which is a highly authoritative website and a well know brand within the SEO niche.
As soon as I start typing into Google the domain name’s first and target keyword “search engine” Google displays a drop-down box and shows some ideas, take a look at what they displayed:
SEL Google SearchNow that is some incredibly powerful stuff!
I hadn’t even finished typing in my query, but yet I was presented with some options.
If / when your brand is well established online and gains some authority in your niche, then Google will show your brand name in the drop down as people start typing in your keyword.
I’m pretty sure this will only work if your target keyword is at the start. Also, your full brand name needs to be typed into Google by a LOT of people over a ton of different IP addresses for this to work.
These are the reasons as to why I went with “” over “.” Not only is it shorter, but the target keyword is at the start.
Domain Registration Length
In this post, about the importance of domain age for SEO, a Google patent states:
“Valuable (legitimate) domains are often paid for several years in advance, while doorway (illegitimate) domains rarely are used for more than a year. Therefore, the date when a domain expires in the future can be used as a factor in predicting the legitimacy of a domain.”
In other words, low quality and spam sites usually don’t last longer than a year. So a domain name that’s only registered for one year may seem a little suspicious to Google.
But if a domain name is registered several years in advance, then it tells Google that the site is in it for the long haul.
As Matt Cutts pointed out in this video, domain registration length is not a big deal, but it still can’t hurt to register your domain name for a few years rather than one.
Public vs. Private WhoIs
WhoIs is a site that holds all the registration details for domain names. Whenever you register a domain name you’ll be given the option to hide your personal details from the WhoIs database.
Question is, should you go with “private registration?”
Well, whenever I look deep into a business opportunity, MLM company or a general website – I’ll check the Whois data on them, and if they have WhoIs privacy protection, then it tells me that the business owner doesn’t want people to know their real identity or any other personal information.
To me, that’s a red flag….and it seems as though Google sees it as “something to hide.” Here’s what Matt Cutts had to say about Public/Private WhoIs:
“…When I checked the whois on them, they all had “whois privacy protection service” on them. That’s relatively unusual.
…Having whois privacy turned on isn’t automatically bad, but once you get several of these factors all together, you’re often talking about a very different type of webmaster than the fellow who just has a single site or so.”
It may not make any difference as far as SEO goes, but as quoted, when you start adding all these little factors up then we’ve got ourselves a trust problem.
5 Tips and Rules to Take Into Consideration
Now that you have a general idea on how to come up with a good domain name, below I have listed out 5 tips and rules for you to take into consideration.
Make it Stand Out
Quick Test: The other day I was searching Google for coffee forums, after typing in my search query I started going through the pages, and I was looking at the domain names (as I always do) to pick a site.
My question is, if you were a coffee lover and you were looking for a forum / site about coffee, which site would you click on to check out – Here are your options:
So, which one would you click on first and check out? – I don’t know about you, but I’m going to check out Coffee Pig!
The name instantly caught my attention, why? because it sticks out like dogs balls! I mean, who wouldn’t want to go mingle in with a bunch of coffee pigs?
If you choose a name that stands out, then when it gets plastered over the internet via your promotional efforts, word-of-mouth etc… people will more likely check it out because it will catch their attention.
It’s no biggie, but it’s just a little something to think about.
Keep it Short
A basic rule is to keep your name as short as possible, unless, of course, you’re going for the record of the worlds longest domain name, like these guys:
Make it Easy to Type and Remember
Creative spelling, abbreviations, numbers that aren’t memorable, letters that involve “q” “z” “x”, dashes, hyphens…are the kinds of things that require considerable attention, which might make the name hard to type, spell and remember.
Only Choose dot Com Extensions
Out of all the 300+ Top Level Domain extensions that there are, the .com extension is the most memorable one there is, in fact, most people still think that dot com is all that’s out there.
So if people happen to stumble across your brand name, then they’re going to assume that your website address has a .com. And if it doesn’t, then who knows where those potential customers will end up.
In my opinion, all these other extensions (.info, .biz, .net, .org) are a disadvantage compared to the standard .com. With the exception of a country-specific domain (explained below), I recommend that you only settle for a .com extension.
Country Code Top-level Domain Extension
A Top Level Domain (TLD) is the extension at the end of your domain name, such as .com, .org, .net, etc. As explained, it’s recommended that you go with a .com extension.
However, you may want to consider going with a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) which is an extension for a specific country. Some examples include: .com.au for Australia, .co.uk for the UK, .ca for Canada etc.
Having a country-specific domain will help your site rank within your country, but will limit your chances to rank globally. There are many reasons for getting a ccTLD.
?Local business: If your business is only useful to people in your local area, like a brick and mortar business, then getting a ccTLD would be the obvious choice.
?Real name is already taken as a .com: If the .com extension for you name is already taken, then check to see if the country-specific version is available. If it is, then I see no problem running with it.
?Highly competitive niche: Dominating your niche within your country should be easy pickings, a lot easier than competing globally, anyway. So if you’re dealing with a highly competitive niche, then it may be a wise move to get a country-specific domain.
Quick 4-point Checklist Before Registering
Before you make the final move and register your domain name, there’s a few quick checks that you may want to do.
Double Check the URL
One thing you do not want to do is buy a domain name to then find out that there’s an inappropriate word within the URL.
Check out City Max’s top 50 most embarrassing domain names ever purchased to see what I mean.
Check the Social Networks
You’re going to want to establish your new brand name on all the popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ – the question is, has your name already been claimed?
The name may be available as a domain, but people may have used it as their username on the main social sites. To find out, simply head over to KnowEm, type in your name and then click “check it.”
If your name is not available on the popular sites, then I suppose you can just add numbers to the end of it or something of that nature. It’s just one of those things where you’ll have to have a think about.
Knowem MLMBarracks3) Check for Trademark Violations
It’s always a good idea to make sure you’re not violating anyone’s trademarks. To check within the US, visit uspto.gov/trademarks and do a quick search before registering.
Also, if you are going to base your blog / business around a company, product or service, and your looking to use the name within your domain…
…for example, if you’re in a company like Avon and you’re looking at going with something
– then make sure that you review their terms and conditions.
There are lots of well known companies (such as WordPress and Facebook) that will not allow you to use their name within your domain name.
Run a Quick Google Search
This is just for curiosity reasons, but who knows what you might find – you don’t want to run into any surprises later down the road, so it’s worth a quick recon.
Be sure to put your potential domain / brand name in quotes, like so: “MLM Barracks”
Quick Recap!
So here is my recommendation and a quick recap on things:
1.Go with keyword+generic word or your actual name or combination of both
2.Have your keyword at the start (if possible)
3.Make it short, simple, unique, memorable, stand out etc.
4.Avoid dashes, creative spelling or any other funny business
5.Check for inappropriate words within the URL
6.Check for trademark violations
7.Check social networks
8.Run a quick Google search
9.Only settle for a dot com or a Country Code Top Level Domain
10.Register it for at least 2 years
11.Go with public WhoIs
Wrapping it up
With all these tips and rules in mind, it all now comes down to brainstorming. Remember, with a good domain name, comes confidences.
If you’re still having a hard time making a decision or coming up with one, then best bet is to just sleep on it…there’s 1,025,109.8 words in the English language, something will eventually come to mind.
Good Luck!
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