schuppenaas amber酒吧是什么酒

Het Nest啤酒简介_hetnest吧_百度贴吧
Het Nest啤酒简介
八位好友以及他们的梦想十多年前,有八位朋友成立了一个啤酒品尝俱乐部。每隔两周,他们都会聚到一起谈论足球,美女以及啤酒,他们对啤酒的兴趣与日俱增,直到有一天,他们决定开始学习啤酒酿造课程,那一年是2007年。很快,他们便掌握了酿造的精致艺术,他们的第一款三料啤酒诞生了。这种努力最终获让他们得了荷兰家庭酿酒师锦标赛第三名。这就是这八位朋友实现他们自己的酿酒梦的故事,致力于为每一个喜爱啤酒的朋友酿造最好的啤酒。这些朋友都是出生于比利时北部的特恩豪特市——一个以扑克牌行业而闻名于世的城市。啤酒描述Kleveretien 梅花10(高度黑啤)试想一个寒冷的冬夜,雪花纷飞……口感如咖啡和巧克力般的Kleveretien一定会让你倍感温暖。作为目前度数最高的啤酒,它有着10%的酒精浓度。这里的梅花10不仅意味着酒精含量,也让人联想到啤酒品尝俱乐部的十周年纪念日。还不过瘾?试试它的陈年木桶装。酒精浓度:10%比利时酿造并灌装DEAD MAN’S HAND 俄罗斯皇室黑啤还不过瘾?这些比利时朋友一次又一次反复地制作着一些极品桶装陈年精酿,并使用了这个名字DEAD MAN’S HAND。2013年,他们受到启发制作了这样一款俄罗斯皇室黑啤。酒精浓度:10%比利时酿造并灌装Schuppenboer 黑桃Jack(三料)喜欢果味香浓的啤酒吗?试试这款Schuppenboer 吧!这款受舒弗啤酒启发的三料啤酒在八位朋友的首次酿酒尝试中便诞生了。芫荽和卡斯卡特(Cascade)啤酒花使得这款啤酒有着果味香浓的口感。酒精浓度8.5%比利时酿造并灌装。KoekeDam 方片Queen(赛森啤酒 )KoekeDam 的酿造受到了传统赛森啤酒或是农舍啤酒的启发。在发酵中,我们采用了一种法国赛森酵母菌种。美洲酒花和古老的小麦的组合给这种啤酒带来全新的特色。酒精浓度6.5%比利时酿造并灌装Hertenheer 红心King(金色苦啤)喜欢酒香扑鼻的苦脾吗? Hertenheer 一定会成为你最爱的啤酒之一。这种啤酒的酿造中采用了顶级的欧洲酒花,如Fuggles 和Hallertau.酒精浓度6.5%比利时酿造并灌装SchuppenAas 黑桃Ace(琥珀)还想尝点别的吗?试试SchuppenAas:一款琥珀色的啤酒。二度发酵过程中布雷特酒香酵母的使用让这款啤酒有着独一无二的口感和风味。而Tomahawk 和Simcoe 酒花则让这款啤酒有着沁人心脾的橘子和西柚的果香。酒精浓度6.5%比利时酿造并灌装。
保存至快速回贴Hobbybrouwerij Het Nest SchuppenAas “Ace of Spades” Amber
Hobbybrouwerij Het Nest has a fun story and some great beers to go with it.  What started out as a beer tasting club amongst friends eventually grew into taking brewing courses in 2007.  That’s when Hobbybrouwerij, which translates to “home brewery,” Het Nest (the cradle) was founded.  Since then, they’ve been brewing more volume and variety, while winning medals for their products.  Their growth has been quite excellent leading them to signing papers to buy some land and put up their own brewery and tasting room which should be going online in 2014.  I’m not sure where they’re brewing currently, but I’ll reach out to them and find out.
SchuppenAas translates to “Ace of Spades.”  Founded in Turnhout, Belgium, Het Nest chose to use playing cards as their theme with good reason.  Turnhout is one of the world’s major production places for playing cards and other cards such as the ones in a Monopoly board game.  They call SchuppenAas an “amber,” but it would be more closely considered to be what Americans would call a “Belgian Pale Ale.”  The best correlation would be to think of it as being in the style of Orval.  Slightly darker than Orval, both feature a nice hop character (Tomahawk & Simcoe) and a unique yeast character that comes from using Brettanomyces for secondary fermentation (click here to learn more ).Appearance: Cloudy Amber/Orange, beige head, great retention.Aroma: Hop spice, citrus notes, earthy, orange zest, funky notes.Taste: White pepper, spicy, funky, light barnyard notes, crisp hoppy finish.  The finish is also quite long and very pleasant.Overall Impression: What a beer!  I’ve had one other beer from this brewery (review to come later) and have thus far been very impressed.  This tiny hobby brewery which is quickly growing into a full-fledged brewery has done a great job creating really good recipes and putting them into interesting packaging that really “pops” on a shelf.  I’d like to try this beer truly fresh and then try it next to an aged version to see its development.  I imagine it will develop much like O I also imagine this beer will develop a similar fan base which divides itself into “new” SchuppenAas and “old” SchuppenAas.  They’re still not producing much beer yet, so if you see anything from Het Nest, grab it while you can.  I’ll be very excited to see their new brewery go online so that we can get more of their fine beers.Availability: Highly small production, grab it while  you can.  They’re imported by , check with stores that carry beers from this importer.6.5% ABV
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remember meMotorhead, “Ace of Spades”
Posted on the 05 March 2015
Exactly, this is precisely my mindset, my philosophy about life, everything, all wrapped up in one band. I am immersed in everything this band represents. Hardly anybody gets this about me because everybody gets me wrong and almost no one figures me out or even comes close. But until you understand that about me, you will never even come close to figuring out kind of a person, and especially a man, I really am.I don’t just want to be a bad boy. I think I am one. I think I have been one since adolescence. Not only that, but I want to be one of the worst bad boys of all. A very, very, very, very, very bad boy. I don’t know if I am one or not, but I would like to be.FTW.A lot of people never seem to figure that out either, but until you can even begin to wrap your head around that, you will never come within a thousand miles of even beginning to understanding me.Which is ok because generally almost no one figures me out and most people seem to be about a million miles off in their evaluations of me. Which is depressing. Which also makes me think almost all people are retarded. I mean, if you can’t figure me out, you’re fucking retarded, right? How hard could it be? 
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remember meHet Nest啤酒简介_比利时啤酒吧_百度贴吧
Het Nest啤酒简介
八位好友以及他们的梦想十多年前,有八位朋友成立了一个啤酒品尝俱乐部。每隔两周,他们都会聚到一起谈论足球,美女以及啤酒,他们对啤酒的兴趣与日俱增,直到有一天,他们决定开始学习啤酒酿造课程,那一年是2007年。很快,他们便掌握了酿造的精致艺术,他们的第一款三料啤酒诞生了。这种努力最终获让他们得了荷兰家庭酿酒师锦标赛第三名。这就是这八位朋友实现他们自己的酿酒梦的故事,致力于为每一个喜爱啤酒的朋友酿造最好的啤酒。这些朋友都是出生于比利时北部的特恩豪特市——一个以扑克牌行业而闻名于世的城市。啤酒描述Kleveretien 梅花10(高度黑啤)试想一个寒冷的冬夜,雪花纷飞……口感如咖啡和巧克力般的Kleveretien一定会让你倍感温暖。作为目前度数最高的啤酒,它有着10%的酒精浓度。这里的梅花10不仅意味着酒精含量,也让人联想到啤酒品尝俱乐部的十周年纪念日。还不过瘾?试试它的陈年木桶装。酒精浓度:10%比利时酿造并灌装DEAD MAN’S HAND 俄罗斯皇室黑啤还不过瘾?这些比利时朋友一次又一次反复地制作着一些极品桶装陈年精酿,并使用了这个名字DEAD MAN’S HAND。2013年,他们受到启发制作了这样一款俄罗斯皇室黑啤。酒精浓度:10%比利时酿造并灌装Schuppenboer 黑桃Jack(三料)喜欢果味香浓的啤酒吗?试试这款Schuppenboer 吧!这款受舒弗啤酒启发的三料啤酒在八位朋友的首次酿酒尝试中便诞生了。芫荽和卡斯卡特(Cascade)啤酒花使得这款啤酒有着果味香浓的口感。酒精浓度8.5%比利时酿造并灌装。KoekeDam 方片Queen(赛森啤酒 )KoekeDam 的酿造受到了传统赛森啤酒或是农舍啤酒的启发。在发酵中,我们采用了一种法国赛森酵母菌种。美洲酒花和古老的小麦的组合给这种啤酒带来全新的特色。酒精浓度6.5%比利时酿造并灌装Hertenheer 红心King(金色苦啤)喜欢酒香扑鼻的苦脾吗? Hertenheer 一定会成为你最爱的啤酒之一。这种啤酒的酿造中采用了顶级的欧洲酒花,如Fuggles 和Hallertau.酒精浓度6.5%比利时酿造并灌装SchuppenAas 黑桃Ace(琥珀)还想尝点别的吗?试试SchuppenAas:一款琥珀色的啤酒。二度发酵过程中布雷特酒香酵母的使用让这款啤酒有着独一无二的口感和风味。而Tomahawk 和Simcoe 酒花则让这款啤酒有着沁人心脾的橘子和西柚的果香。酒精浓度6.5%比利时酿造并灌装。
保存至快速回贴Het Nest啤酒简介_进口啤酒吧_百度贴吧
Het Nest啤酒简介
八位好友以及他们的梦想十多年前,有八位朋友成立了一个啤酒品尝俱乐部。每隔两周,他们都会聚到一起谈论足球,以及啤酒,他们对啤酒的兴趣与日俱增,直到有一天,他们决定开始学习啤酒酿造课程,那一年是2007年。很快,他们便掌握了酿造的精致艺术,他们的第一款三料啤酒诞生了。这种努力最终获让他们得了荷兰家庭酿酒师锦标赛第三名。这就是这八位朋友实现他们自己的酿酒梦的故事,致力于为每一个喜爱啤酒的朋友酿造最好的啤酒。这些朋友都是出生于北部的特恩豪特市——一个以扑克牌行业而闻名于世的城市。啤酒描述Kleveretien 10(高度)试想一个寒冷的冬夜,雪花纷飞……口感如和般的Kleveretien一定会让你倍感温暖。作为目前度数最高的啤酒,它有着10%的酒精浓度。这里的10不仅意味着酒精含量,也让人联想到啤酒品尝俱乐部的十周年纪念日。还不过瘾?试试它的木桶装。酒精浓度:10%酿造并灌装DEAD MAN’S HAND 俄罗斯皇室还不过瘾?这些朋友一次又一次反复地制作着一些极品桶装精酿,并使用了这个名字DEAD MAN’S HAND。2013年,他们受到启发制作了这样一款俄罗斯皇室。酒精浓度:10%酿造并灌装Schuppenboer 黑桃Jack(三料)喜欢果味香浓的啤酒吗?试试这款Schuppenboer 吧!这款受舒弗啤酒启发的三料啤酒在八位朋友的首次酿酒尝试中便诞生了。芫荽和卡斯卡特(Cascade)使得这款啤酒有着果味香浓的口感。酒精浓度8.5%酿造并灌装。KoekeDam 方片Queen(赛森啤酒 )KoekeDam 的酿造受到了传统赛森啤酒或是农舍啤酒的启发。在发酵中,我们采用了一种法国赛森酵母菌种。美洲酒花和古老的小麦的组合给这种啤酒带来全新的特色。酒精浓度6.5%酿造并灌装Hertenheer 红心King(金色苦啤)喜欢酒香扑鼻的苦脾吗? Hertenheer 一定会成为你最爱的啤酒之一。这种啤酒的酿造中采用了顶级的欧洲酒花,如Fuggles 和Hallertau.酒精浓度6.5%酿造并灌装SchuppenAas 黑桃Ace(琥珀)还想尝点别的吗?试试SchuppenAas:一款的啤酒。二度发酵过程中布雷特酒香酵母的使用让这款啤酒有着独一无二的口感和风味。而Tomahawk 和Simcoe 酒花则让这款啤酒有着沁人心脾的和的果香。酒精浓度6.5%酿造并灌装。


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