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责任编辑:李晗It is a glorious conclusion to an amazing tournament in which we've witnessed the fall of old champions and the rise of brand new shining stars. Dota 2 just got better than ever before.
The grand finals started with a speedy draft, CDEC not wanting to take their chances with a Techies chose to first ban them. Evil Geniuses got the chance to play their first Gyrocopter in the main event and surprised their opponents with a Skywrath Mage last pick to shut down the Chinese Winter Wyvern.
The actual game began in a disastrous way for Suma1L who got ganked three times in row in the first few minutes, CDEC doing what a lot of other teams have been doing, focusing to delay him as much as possible but meanwhile Fear and the supports were left to free farm and outlevel their opponents.
开局没多久,中路Sumail控制的蓝猫开始血崩&&他在对线期被GANK了三次, CDEC做了很多其他队伍也在做的事情&&尽量阻碍中路的发育,但所付出的代价便是,对方的飞机和辅助刷的飞起,等级高于对面。
And the wonder - child of DotA 2 managed once again to pull out an incredible recovery (same way he did at DAC) by storming really fast the jungle to finish the fastest Orchid from the tournament.
CDEC continued to keep up their super aggressive playstyle but Fear beat them at their own game being one step ahead, anticipating their intentions he landed his Call Dawns perfectly three team fights in a row to secure three-four kills for his team.
The Skyrwrath last pick put CDEC in the impossibility to use the Winter Wyvern as Aui was only focusing her with his silence and nukes which enabled EG to take a really early 10k experience and gold lead. A deficit that CDEC weren't able to recover and that lost them the first game in 34 minutes.
The first two picks and bans went identical but as the draft continues CDEC focused Suma1L with their bans. EG's last pick was Windranger for Suma1L but CDEC surprised the boys in blue with a unaccounted for Broodmother.
CDEC outplayed and outmaneuvered Evil Geniuses with the way they laned their heroes, sending Brood mid lane while what EG read as a support Leshrac turned to be a core pick for Shiki. EG were in big trouble right from the get go and although they did their best to recover after a really bad laning stage they ended up losing the game two to Brood's split push power combined with extremely aggressive plays from the entire CDEC lineup.
第二场开局与第一场相差不大,不过CDEC针对Sumail 禁用了蓝猫这个英雄。 EG最后拿的是风行者供Sumail使用,不过CDEC亮出了底牌,最后拿出了育母蜘蛛,此举全场哗然。
Game Three:
The third game of the grand finals could be described as the best game of the entire International and it is definitely a must to watch one. EG played for the third time of the evening Gyrocopter while CDEC continued to open the bans with Techies. Suma1L received an Ember Spirit to play with and he impressed pushing the hero to its limits.
Although EG were the ones who won the laning phase CDEC forced the issue from the early game, grouping as five to take the tier one mid tower from EG. Fear showed Agressif he can rotate and play the same aggressive carry as him and used his teleports almost on cd to ensure multiple teamfights for his team.
CDEC never stopped to pressure EG even though they were a bit behind sometimes and as a result, the graphs were completely even 57 minutes into the game.
The turning point happened at the 55 minute mark when Suma1l nullified CDEC's initiation power with a Linken's Sphere. EG turned the tables on the Chinese, wiped them and took the first tier three tower.
It all came down to one single decisive teamfight and that one was better executed by Evil Geniuses who took the lead of the series after an insane one hour long game there.
第三场比赛被说成TI系列赛中最精彩的一场,非常值得一看。EG连续三场都用了飞机,而CDEC继续禁用炸弹人。 这场比赛Sumail使用火猫,并完美诠释了这个英雄的特点。
The key moment of the final was the final fight in the Roshan Pit where CDEC felt comfortable enough to adventure in after they ganked Suma1L's Storm Spirit. They did not expect EG to contest the Aegis but the boys in blue pulled off the knock-out combo Echoslam into AA's ultimate and instantly killed four enemy heroes. And that marked the begining of the end for CDEC.
Prize pool distribution:
1st - Evil Geniuses - $6,616,014
2nd - CDEC Gaming - $2,848,562
3rd - LGD Gaming - $2,205,338
4th - Vici Gaming - $1,562,114
第一 EG 600多万美金
第二 CDEC 280多万
第三 老干爹 220多万
第四 VG 150多万
darkmonster59 1 day, 8 hours ago
They deserved it , amazing plays, amazing team with an amazing captain. PPD one of the best if not the BEST drafter of all times.
这是他们努力的结果,难以置信的操作,难以置信的队伍,难以置信的冠军。 PPD如果不是最厉害的队长,那就是最厉害的队长之一
tonicjr 1 day, 8 hours ago
PPD should be the most sought out player right now. Genius Drafter can counter any drafter in the world
GT-R 1 day, 8 hours ago
Yup they should just Admit that PPD is the Best Drafter in Dota2 even Puppey and S4 copy PPD's draft
Tjernobylbarnet 1 day, 8 hours ago
Definitely the best Dota team right, and they've been up there ever since their formation early last year.
tonicjr 1 day, 8 hours ago
They were strong since Summit1, with very different line up. But PPD was the core of the team, that is why they are so strong.
goxtortel 1 day, 8 hours ago
are the chinese fanboys already hiding in their caves? ahahaha! grats to EG!
tonicjr 1 day, 8 hours ago
I am chinese but i am not hiding because i amire EG and ppd
goxtortel 1 day, 8 hours ago
yea dude youre a fan of good dota. but check the previous cdec/lgd articles. too many people spoke early saying western doto shit doto and the like. a full comment page with like 70-80% red flags posting shit cussing eg and other western teams. this feeling of vindication..so good. cdec put up a great fight tho. the next major tourney, it will really be interesting to follow them.
Frost1990 1 day, 7 hours ago
couldnt agree more all the teams were great in this tournament best ti so far based purely on the amount of quality games.... but the last cdec and lgd posts there were pages and pages of just shit talking western teams its nice to see they are all hiding now. DAC-EG ESL-Secret TI5-EG enough said really but awesome tournament great games from all teams. was a pleasure to watch
.HallelujahChance- 1 day, 4 hours ago
GGnet forum has always been toxic. Western fanboys, Eastern fanboys, they're all the same. Any hint of success from one side, and you will see countless bragging threads being made left and right. Civilized discussion are quick to be shut down by retarded fanboys from either side,and the mods do nothing about it&
AHMYOLO 1 day, 8 hours ago
your just one exception most chinese think they are the gods of dota just check the chats here http://www.gosugamers.net/dota2/news/32109-the-chinese-show-down-vg-faces-ehome
im looking for them not you
@tonicjr 你是一位很特殊的中国人。因为大部分中国人都认为他们在DOTA里是无所不能的上帝,请点击这个网址(EHOME那篇),在评论里我没有看到你
tonicjr 1 day, 8 hours ago
All I see is &pinoy vs russian&. China vs West is only mild in that thread
029 17 hours, 4 minutes ago
nice provocation, girl ! Irani will win next TI!
persad 1 day, 7 hours ago
I'm really happy for the old man fear. and i think its the time for him to retire
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Ti5将进入尾声 中国军团迎战EG和VP
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