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中文翻译n.〔法语〕1.(某一职业或团体惯用的)行话。2.(盗贼等的)暗语,黑话。&&&&土匪黑话&&&&暗语&&&&阿戈塔&&&&大量的..&&&&阿戈特&&&&n. 〔诗〕 1.大商船。 2.大商船队。 3.丰富的贮藏,丰富的供应。 &&&&阿尔古卜&&&&亚各斯托良&&&&阿尔古&&&&阿尔戈斯托利翁; 亚各斯托良&&&&阿尔古热; 阿尔古日; 漂白亚麻布&&&&阿尔戈斯托利; 亚各斯托良
例句与用法There are some argots and idioms in slang俚语中有一些暗语和习语。 Please advise your travel plan at earliest date so we make argot acidly请尽早告知旅游计划,以便我们做出安排。 The argot of drug addicts in the slang of the young in the contemporary russian language现代俄语青年俚语中的吸毒者黑话成分These argots and idioms frequently occur in newspaper , magzine , tv , film , songs and family这些暗语和习语经常出现在报刊杂志、电影、电视、歌曲和家庭中。 This paper explores and discusses the national implied cultural features of chinese argot jargon in naming motivation from the three aspects of concrete thought mode , totem and phallic psychology , orthodox cultural consciousness , to start with the relation between language and folklore摘要从语言与民俗文化的关系入手,从具象思维方式、图腾与性生殖崇拜心理、正统文化意识等三个层面对汉语隐语行话在命名理据中所蕴含的民族隐型文化特征进行了发掘与探讨。 Herefrom the author in this paper will disclose certain characteristics of words and expressions in english for the law in several aspects : the use of general vocabulary in professional meaning , repetition of words , latin words and loanwords , terms of act and argot , and the application of semantic meaning and expressive manner to fill advantage文章通过对法律文件和法规的阅读与翻译实践,从六个方面展示了法律英语用词的显著特点,即常用词的非常用意义的使用,词语重复的使用,古词、旧词和外来词的使用,法律术语和行话的使用,词语意义的灵活使用以及准确表达手段的使用。 &&
英文解释a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don''t speak our lingo"同义词:, , , , , ,
百科解释An argot (; French, Spanish, and Catalan for &slang&) is a secret language used by various groups?including, but not limited to, thieves and other criminals?to prevent outsiders from understanding their conversations. The term argot is also used to refer to the informal specialized vocabulary from a particular field of study, hobby, job, sport, etc.详细百科解释
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