you got wringyou got me什么意思思

1.VERB强行取得;逼取If you wring something out of someone, you manage to make them give it to you even though they do not want to.&Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers...买主们千方百计想从供货商那儿无息赊购。In this way, he hoped to put pressure on the British and thus to wring concessions from them.他希望通过这种方式向英国人施压,从而迫使他们让步。2.PHRASE(通常因忧愁、焦虑而)绞扭双手(干叹息)If someone wrings their hands, they hold them together and twist and turn them, usually because they are very worried or upset about something. You can also say that someone is wringing their hands when they are expressing sorrow that a situation is so bad but are saying that they are unable to change it.&The Government has got to get a grip. Wringing its hands and saying it is a world problem just isn't good enough.政府必须采取切实行动,一味搓着手感叹说这是个全球性问题是远远不够的。3.PHRASE扭断…的脖子(表示非常生某人的气)If you say that you will wring someone's neck or that you would like to wring their neck, you mean that you are very angry or irritated with them.&That crazy Debbie! He could wring her neck for this!...黛比那个疯子!他会为这把她的脖子拧断的!I still love you even though I'd like to wring your neck.虽然我想掐死你,但我还是爱你的。相关词组:当前位置: &
you got it中文是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释没问题你得到它了你明啦你说对啦我马上照办:&&&&pron. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.〔人称代词第二 ...:&&&&get 的过去式及过去分词。 :&&&& it2 pron. (sing. Nom. ...:&&&&爱你不论代价; 放手一搏; 痞子把辣妹; 求爱行动:&&&&该怎么形容; 骗到你了吧; 这感觉该怎麽形容:&&&&是你:&&&&所求即所得:&&&&所求即所得:&&&&因为我已经拥有你:&&&&抓住你拉!难住你拉!详细百科解释
例句与用法But i couldn't buy it unless you tell me how you got it .不过你得告诉我它的来历,否则我不能买下它。Can ' t you get it by now after looking at it for a year你都看一年了都还记不住And you get it , but you don ' t really get none of it你捉住了,但是你没真的捉到What do you got it up on the iift over there mom什么,你是不是在左上方拿的,妈- it ' s swollen . did you get it checked ? - no-这么肿,你去医院检查过了吗? -没有What is taken from you before you get it什么东西在你得到之前先从你这儿取走? - ' gordon , prepare for docking . ' - ' you got it , dad . '-戈登,准备连接-明白,爸爸You ' re so siiiy . i don ' t know where you get it from真笨,也不知道你是怎么搞的' gordon , prepare for docking . ' - ' you got it , dad . '戈登,准备连接-明白,爸爸It ' s swollen . did you get it checked ? - no这么肿,你去医院检查过了吗? -没有更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
you got it的中文翻译,you got it是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译you got it,you got it的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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