
求4首英文歌名这些都是翻译来的歌名,求英文歌名&歌词:<没有你我 - 爱问知识人
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大家还关注  Demi最新MV《Heart Attack》!黑暗摇滚风和明亮清新风相互交错,黑漆造型更添几分质感,Demi在MV中也霸气外露,唱得歌迷都激动得要heart attack了!
&&&&&&& 《Heart Attack》中英歌词如下:
  Putting my defenses up 竖起防护墙
  Cause I don't wanna fall in love 因为我不想坠入爱河
  If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack 倘若我再次心动,脆弱的心将不堪一击
  Never put my love out on the line 从来不会用爱情来冒险
  Never said yes to the right guy 也不会对他承诺
  Never had trouble getting what I want 心仪之物,我可以轻易获取
  But when it comes to you I'm never good enough 但是对于你,我永远都不够好
  When I don't care 随意的感情,我不在乎
  I can play 'em like a Ken doll 玩弄他们,就像他们是玩偶
  Won't wash my hair 才不会为他们而打扮妆束
  Then make 'em bounce like a basketball 我会让他们像弹起落下的篮球
  But you make me wanna act like a girl 但是你让我改变,做一个真正的女孩儿
  Paint my nails and wear high heels 涂上鲜艳的指甲油,穿上高挑的高跟鞋
  Yes you make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand 是的,就是因为你,我紧张地颤抖着,握不住你的手
  You make me glow 你让我光彩夺目
  But I cover up, won't let it show 但是我却遮住了那光亮,不让它显露
  So I'm putting my defenses up 是你的存在,让我竖起了防护墙
  Cause I don't wanna fall in love 因为我不想坠入爱河
  If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack 倘若我再次心动,脆弱的心将不堪一击
  I think I'd have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击
  I think I'd have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击
  Never break a sweat for the other guys 从不在其他人身上浪费心思
  When you come around I get paralyzed 当你在我身边,我没有勇气
  And every time I try to be myself 每一次我努力做回我自己
  It comes wrong like a cry for help 就像无助的哭泣
  It's just not fair 这根本就是不公平的游戏
  Pain's more trouble than love is worth 疼痛的麻烦远超过爱情所值
  I gasp for air 我大口呼吸着新鲜空气
  It feels so good, but you know it hurts 用撕心裂肺的痛换来了自由的快乐
  But you make me wanna act like a girl 但是你让我改变,做一个真正的女孩儿
  Paint my nails and wear perfume 涂上鲜艳的指甲油,施以淡雅的香水
  For you, make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand 因为你,我紧张地颤抖着,握不住你的手
  You make me glow 你让我光彩夺目
  But I cover up, won't let it show 但是我却遮住了那光亮,不让它显露
  So I'm putting my defenses up 是你的存在,让我竖起了防护墙
  Cause I don't wanna fall in love 因为我不想坠入爱河
  If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack 倘若我再次心动,脆弱的心将不堪一击
  I think I'd have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击
  I think I'd have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击
  The feelings got lost in my lungs 那快乐的感受荡然无存
  They're burning, I'd rather be numb 剩下只有火烧般的痛楚,我多么想自己麻木不仁
  And there's no one else to blame 分手,我们都没有责任
  So scared I'll take off and run 恐惧侵占心头,只好逃离躲避
  I'm flying too close to the sun 我一直飞到天际
  And I'll burst into flames 阳光炽热,我将化作一团烈焰
  You make me glow 你让我光彩夺目
  But I cover up, won't let it show 但是我却遮住了那光亮,不让它显露
  So I'm putting my defenses up 是你的存在,让我竖起了防护墙
  Cause I don't wanna fall in love 因为我不想坠入爱河
  If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack 倘若我再次心动,脆弱的心将不堪一击
  I think I'd have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击
  I think I'd have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击
  I think I'd have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击
  I think I'd have a heart attack 脆弱的心将不堪一击
之Only Love(中英歌词)
:I Knew I Loved You
《I Surrender 没离开过》中英文双语歌词
《I Surrender 没离开过》中英文双语歌词是席琳&迪翁(Celine Dion)的一首成名歌曲之一,并且有很多歌手翻唱过这首歌曲,国内最知名的就是台湾歌手林志炫翻唱的中文歌曲。
There's so much life I&ve left to live
And this fire's burning still
When I watch you look at me
I think I could find a way
To stand for every dream
And forsake this solid ground
And give up this fear within
也找到了勇敢的心 不再畏惧
Of what would happen if they ever knew
I'm in love with you,'Cause I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance, to live again
I reach to you,I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
我紧紧拥你入怀 永不分离
I surrender,I know
I can't survive another night away from you
失去你 我便见不到明天的曙光
You're the reason I go on
And now I need to live the truth
Right now, there's no better time
现在 这珍贵的时刻
From this fear, I will break free
And I'll live again with love
And know they can't take that away from me
And they will see... yeah
I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance, to live again
I reach to you,I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through,A thousand dreams I still believe
I'll make you give them all to me
I'll hold you in my arms and never let go
我紧紧拥你入怀 永不分离
I surrender.....,Every night's getting longer
我投降,每一夜 在思念中延长
And this fire's getting stronger baby
这爱火 把我心灼烫..宝贝
I'll swallow my pride And I'll be alive
Can't you hear my call?
I surrender all...(I'll surrender everything)
(To feel the chance, to live again)
I reach to you,I know you can feel it too
We'll make it through,A thousand dreams I still believe
I'll make you give them all to me
I'll hold you in my arms and never let go
我紧紧拥你入怀 永不分离
I surrender,Right here, right now
我投降,此时 此刻
I'd give my life to live again,I'll break free
我要放弃一切 涅槃重生,我将打破禁锢 赢得自由
Take me, my everything,I surrender all to you
把我与我的所有带走吧,为了你 我放弃一切
(Right now),Right now,(I'd give my life to live again)
此时,此时,(我要放弃一切 涅槃重生)
I'd give my life,(I'll break free, take me)
我要放弃一切 涅槃重生,(我将打破禁锢 赢得自由 带走我吧)
Take me, take me,(My everything)
带走我吧 带走我,(我的一切)
My everything...,(I surrender all to you, right now)
我的所有....,(为了你 此刻我放弃一切)
Right now,(I'd give my life to live again)
此刻,(我要放弃一切 涅槃重生)
I'd give my life to you baby,I'll break free, yeah free
为了你 宝贝 我放弃一切,我将打破禁锢 赢得自由,是的自由。
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听英文歌学英语009:Before I Fall In Love(双语歌词)
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听歌学英语节目,今天学习:李玟(Coco lee)的Before I Fall In Love,每日一首英语歌曲,让你在音乐中学习英语,每首英文歌mp3后含有有英文歌词阅读,包含了歌曲背景介绍,歌手简
听英文歌学英语009:Before I Fall In Love(双语歌词)
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听歌学英语 Before I Fall In Love 在我堕入爱河之前
Coco lee 李玟
亚洲天后李玟(coco)的一首《在我爱上你之前》,进军美国流行乐市场的情歌主打,《落跑新娘》(Runaway Bride)的电影原声,来自一位竞学网友的推荐&&一颗曾经为情受伤的心再难轻信。当面对着可能成真的第二次恋情,在无法回头地坠入爱河之前,总有份既渴望又畏缩的矛盾与徘徊:我在自欺欺人么?这爱是真的么?我能相信自己的感觉么?在我爱上你之前你能告诉我、允诺我一生的陪伴么?
李玟(CoCo Lee),美籍华裔,华语流行乐坛女歌手。首位进军美国乐坛、全球发行英文专辑的华人歌手,迄今唯一登上奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼献唱的亚洲歌手,被《时代周刊》评为&华人之光&的美誉;其影响力触及海内外及全亚洲,更是极少数能以英文专辑登上世界乐坛的华人歌手。1993年获香港TVB新人歌唱大赛亚军而出道。1996年加入Sony唱片并发行「每一次想你 」「DiDaDi暗示」「SunnyDay 好心情」「Exposed」等多张音乐专辑。1999年转签美国Sony Music而晋升国际乐坛;日,李玟与利丰集团执行总裁Bruce Rockowitz在香港完婚。日,CoCo暌违四年天后再临,强势回归签约环球唱片首次挑战灵魂乐、摇滚曲风,突破自我展现惊人唱功发行全新作品「盛开」。
Before I Fall In Love 在我堕入爱河之前
Coco lee 李玟
My heart says we've got something real. Can I trust the way I feel?
'Cause my heart's been fooled before
Am I just seeing what I want to see? Or, is it true? Could you really be?
心告诉我,我们之间有真爱& 被欺骗愚弄后
(Chorus) (合唱)
Something to have and hold with all my heart and soul
I need to know before I fall in love:
Someone who'll stay around through all my ups and downs
Please tell me now before I fall in love
I'm at the point of no return, so afraid of getting burned
But I want to take a chance. Please give me a reason to believe
Say you're the one that you'll always be
我已义无返顾& 尽管害怕失落& 但仍想再冒一次险(或者赌一把)
It's been so hard for me to give my heart away
But I would give my everything just to hear you say:
my heart, says we've got something real
can i trust the way i feel
cause my heart's been fooled before
am i just seeing what I want to see
or, is it true, could you really be
something to have and hold
with all my heart and soul
i need to know, before i fall in love
someone who'll stay around
through all my ups and downs
please tell me now, before i fall in love
i'm at, the point of no return
so afraid of getting bumed
but i want to take a chance
please, give me a reason to believe
say, you're the one, that you'll always be
something to have and hold
with all my heart and soul
i need to know, before i fall in love
someone who'll stay around
through all my ups and downs
please tell me now, before i fall in love
it's been so hard for me to give my heart away
but i would give my everything ,
just to here you say(you're)
before i fall in love
something to have and hold
with all my heart and soul
i need to know, before i fall in love
someone who'll stay around
through all my ups and downs
please tell me now, before i fall in love
1 ups and downs:n. 盛衰
eg:Like many, my daughter has traversed her own ups and downs as she moved into her adult years
2 fall in love 坠入爱河;爱上某人
Fall Deeply In Love才下眉头
fall madly in love坠入爱河
Fall down in love我们掉在爱里面
eg:Some fall in love with the West and decide to stay, if they can wangle a visa.
3 with all my heart and soul& 所有我的心和灵魂
eg:Forgive me for loving you with all my heart and soul.


更多关于 我的世界已坠入爱河 的文章


