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  9月26日,耿爽亮相记者会。  26日下午3时,一位戴着半框眼镜、着深色西装、打着湖蓝色领带的外交官在外交部新闻司司长陆慷的带领下出现在外交部蓝厅。  “这是外交部新任发言人耿爽。”陆慷微笑着向在场的近百位中外记者介绍说。  第30任发言人“很高兴在这里和各位记者朋友见面,我愿与我的各位同事一道,同在座的各位共同努力,帮助国内外各界更加及时准确、全面客观地了解中国外交的政策和立场,增进中国与世界的相互理解与相互信任。”首次站在发布台前的耿爽说话简洁明了、直奔主题。  现年43岁的耿爽是1983年外交部发言人制度创立以来的第30任发言人。他出生于,硕士研究生毕业,曾在中国驻联合国代表团工作,并担任过中国驻使馆新闻参赞兼使馆发言人。  当天的记者会上,短短20分钟内面对12个问题,耿爽的回答言简意赅、逻辑清晰,顺利完成了作为外交部发言人的首次亮相。  这也是耿爽今年9月正式出任外交部新闻司副司长以来第一次进入的视线。  从中国驻美国使馆发言人到外交部发言人,耿爽坦言过去与媒体打交道的经验对现在的工作“有所帮助”,但又谦虚地表示“一切归零、从头开始。”耿爽还说,他期待与中外记者朋友加强沟通与合作。  资深外交官  作为一名有着20多年工作经验的资深外交官,耿爽曾从事多边外交和经济外交工作,曾长期主管中国参与联合国及其安理会的相关工作,负责中国参与二十国集团、金砖国家、亚太经合组织等多边机制事务。  “使命光荣,责任重大。”耿爽在例行记者会后接受采访时表示,作为新任发言人,要继承外交部发言人制度的优良传统,在发言人的讲台上积极宣介中国外交的立场、主张,坚定捍卫国家的利益和尊严。  目前,外交部共有陆慷、、耿爽3位发言人。中国外交部和美国国务院是世界上仅有的两家每个工作日都举行例行记者会的外交部门。  (新华社)  外交部30任29位发言人  外交部发言人制度开始于1983年。33年来,外交部发言人共有29人。其中男性有24位:钱其琛、齐怀远、俞志忠、王振宇、马毓真、李肇星、金桂华、段津、、英、、、崔天凯、唐国强、朱邦造、孙玉玺、、刘建超、(两任)、、、、陆慷、耿爽。  女性有5位:、范慧娟、章启月、、华春莹。  据了解,外交部发言人最短在任时间不足2年,最长超过9年,平均任期约为4年。已卸任的26名发言人中,多人曾在或正在中国驻外使馆担任大使职务。  现任外交部发言人3名  陆慷:男,1968年5月生,省人。  华春莹:女,1970年4月生,江苏省人。  耿爽:从事外交工作20多年。
(责任编辑: HN666)
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Q: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced in a statement
that the Paris Agreement will come into force on November 4. US
President Barack Obama hailed the entry into force of the Agreement
as a historic moment as the global campaign against climate change
reaches a turning point. What is China's comment on that?
A: It takes less than one year for the Paris Agreement to be put
into force, making it one of the most quickly ratified
international treaties. The entry into force of the Agreement marks
a new starting point for the multilateral process of global climate
governance, from where the world will embark on a path of green and
low-carbon growth. The conclusion and entry into force of the
Agreement is a successful practice of international cooperation
against global challenges, setting a good example for global
governance in other aspects.
As a responsible and major developing country, China contributes
its share to the conclusion and entry into force of the Agreement
by taking concrete actions against climate change, and playing an
active part in international climate governance. President Xi
Jinping and President Obama have recently deposited the instruments
of ratification with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, laying a
solid foundation for the early entry into force of the
The Chinese side is ready to work with other parties to enhance
cooperation on climate change, ensure the effective implementation
of the Agreement, forge ahead with follow-up negotiation on the
Agreement and push for green, low-carbon and sustainable growth of
the world.
Q: It is reported that a Chinese fishing boat illegally
fishing in the ROK waters on October 7 rammed and sank a ROK coast
guard speedboat. The ROK government has summoned the Chinese
consul-general for strong protest, and is searching for the fishing
boat involved. What is the Chinese government's position on
A: We have noted the report and contacted the Chinese Embassy in
the ROK for information. We are also checking with relevant
departments for more information. We hope that the ROK side will
handle the issue in a reasonable and cool-headed way with the
overall interests of bilateral relations and regional stability in
Q: The Workers' Party of Korea celebrates its founding
anniversary today. Has the Chinese side sent a message of
congratulations? Separately, reports say that it is becoming
increasingly likely that the DPRK will conduct the 6th nuclear
test. What is China's comment on that?
A: On your first question, China and the DPRK are friendly
neighbors. The two parties and countries have the tradition of
friendly exchanges. October 10 marks the 71st anniversary of the
founding of the Workers' Party of Korea. The Chinese side has sent
its congratulations to the DPRK.
Regarding your second question, we have seen the report. Under
the current circumstances, we strongly urge relevant parties not to
take actions that will heighten tensions on the Korean
Q: The US Senate and House of Representatives overturned
President Obama's veto and passed the Justice Against Sponsors of
Terrorism Act (JASTA) which allows US citizens to file lawsuits
against foreign governments with US courts about terrorist attacks
that kill US citizens on the US territory. Some countries have
expressed strong concerns with the US about the Act. What is
China's comment on that?
A: The Chinese side firmly opposes all forms of terrorism and
supports the international community in conducting
counter-terrorism cooperation. The Chinese side believes that the
international endeavour against terrorism should bring into full
play the leading role of the UN, conform to purposes and principles
of the UN Charter, and follow international law and norms governing
international relations, including sovereign equality and other
international law principles. Countries must not put their domestic
laws above international law, nor link terrorism with specific
countries, nations or religions.
Q: Can you confirm that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte
will visit China in the coming week?
A: The Chinese side has expressed on multiple occasions that it
welcomes President Duterte's willingness to visit China. We hope
that he can make the trip at an early date. The two sides are
communicating on that. We appreciate the importance attached by
President Duterte to China-Philippines relations and believe that
high-level exchanges between the two sides will help promote
bilateral cooperation as well as peace, stability, development and
prosperity of the region.
Q: First, I am wondering if the president of Sao Tome and
Principe is going to attend the Forum for Economic and Trade
Cooperation Between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries in
Macao? If the president is not attending, who from the country is?
Second, a video of the weekend showed the US Republican Candidate
Donald Trump making discriminative comments about women. Do you
think it is inappropriate for a presidential candidate to make such
comments? Will it affect cooperation between China and the
A: On your first question, the Fifth Ministerial Conference of
the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation Between China and
Portuguese-speaking Countries will be held in Macao on October 11
and 12. The permanent secretariat of the forum has issued
information concerning the conference. You can check on line for
As for your second question, we do not comment on remarks made
by relevant candidates in the US presidential election.
Q: The situation in Syria has attracted full attention. What
is China's take and position on the issue of Syria?
A: The situation in Syria is going from bad to worse, and we are
concerned about that. All parties should stay on the path of
political settlement, let the Syrian people make independent
decision about the future of their country, uphold the role of the
UN and the Security Council as the major vehicles for mediation and
advance the process of resolving the Syrian issue in four parallel
tracks, namely, the realization of a ceasefire, political
negotiation, humanitarian relief and cooperation against terrorism.
Parties in Syria should meet at the negotiation table rather than
the battlefield so as to realize a ceasefire and cessation of
violence, restart Geneva peace talks and arrive at arrangements
that accommodate all parties' interests through the Syrian-owned
and Syrian-led political process.
As the situation is rather complex, it is imperative for the
international community to stay united. We hope that relevant
parties, especially those that have leverage on the Syrian issue,
can give priority to international peace and safety of the Syrian
people, drop geopolitical calculations, act as one, build up
consensus, stay committed to resolving the Syrian issue through
political means and play a constructive role for peace and
stability of Syria and the region.
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。拉普耶鲁 / Sep 27, 2016 / 次关注 /
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