unity里怎么添加skinned clothcloth

3dmax cloth修改器模拟结果转化为帧/Unity里是否可以使用3dMax里的Cloth_百度知道当前位置:正文
High-performance physics in unity 5Unity 5中的高物理性能(上)来自官方的博客
We’d like to highlight some of the 3d physics changes you can look forward to in Unity 5.0.
我们将着重强调一下我们期待已久的Unity 5.0中的3D物理改变。
We’ve been using PhysX 2.8.3 for a while now. We’ve not just
used the plain stock PhysX, but extended it with numerous patches made
by Unity engineers over the years. It’s been so long, and we say thanks
to PhysX 2 for all the fish. As announced at GDC’14, Unity 5.0 features
an upgrade to PhysX 3.3. Let’s give it a closer look.
我们已使用PhysX 2.8.3软件好长一段时间了。并且我们除使用普通版本的PhysX以外,还用着由Unity工程师开发的涵盖各种补丁的PhysX(物理运算引擎 )。这么长一段时间,感谢PhysX 2提供给我们各种便利。在最近的游戏者开发大会上,Unity 5.0宣布将把PhysX 2.8.3升级到PhysX 3.3.,将让我们拭目以待吧!
PhysX SDK 3 is a radical redesign of the good old PhysX SDK 2.x.
Basically, the PhysX team have taken the best ideas and best approaches
from 2.x and rewritten the whole SDK from scratch. That means the
entire codebase is different, all the interfaces are different and most
of the functionality is different.
PhysX SDK 3是在很棒的PhysX SDK 2.x.的基础上重新设计,这次设计是脱胎换骨的。我们可以说,PhysX团队从2.x中取其精华,从头到尾重写了SDK(软件开发工具包)。这意味着全部的数据库是与众不同的,所有的界面是与众不同的,而且大多数功能也是全新的。
Now let’s give you a taste of how it feels to use Unity 5.0 physics.
那么现在,让我们亲身体验下Unity 5.0的物理功能吧!
To start with something simple, we’ve made the adaptive force
switchable and off by default. Adaptive force is a special technique in
PhysX to compensate for numerical errors when simulating stacks.
However, feedback from Unity developers tells us that adaptive force
contributes a lot to overall instability in game content. Expect your
stack-like things to behave better in future.
时,弥补数值误差。然而,来自Unity开发人员的反馈,告诉我们自适应设置对整体性能不太稳定的游戏有很大帮助。我们期待它之后有更好表现。Moving Static Colliders移动时的静态碰撞器
Moving Static Colliders will be a lot less expensive. A Static
Collider is just a gameobject with a collider component on it, but
without a Rigidbody component. Previously, since the SDK assumed that
Static Colliders aren’t moved, moving a Static Collider would trigger an
expensive AABB tree rebuild that affected overall performance badly.
In Unity 5, we’ll use the same data structure to handle the
movement of both dynamic and static colliders. Unfortunately, we’ll lose
the benefit of Static Colliders consuming less memory than dynamic
ones. However, right now, the cost associated with moving Static
Colliders is one of the top 3 causes of performance issues in Unity
games. We wanted to change that.
Unity游戏中,因为移动时的静态碰撞器的花销是影响性能的三大原因之一。我们想对此改进。Collision detection碰撞检测
Continuous collision detection has been improved by an order of
magnitude. Continuous collision detection is used to prevent fast-moving
bodies from going through other bodies without any collisions detected.
Imagine a bullet shot at a piece of paper, or a game of pool where some
balls will move faster than others.
In Unity 5.0, the SDK generates all the data required to handle
fast movement. You just enable continuous collision detection and it
works. PhysX3 features an algorithm used to detect whether the expensive
CCD simulation is actually needed given the current body velocity or a
default discreet would do just fine. It’s activated once you enable the
在Unity 5.0中,SDK处理了快速运动时,生成的所有数据。这个过程,你只是在应用连续式碰撞检测。PhysX3运用了特殊的算法,——一旦激活就可应用CCD(连续式碰撞检测)——用来检测开销大的CCD模拟,是需要涉及到实际的当前物体速率,还是仅是默认的就可以了。Rigidbodies on the broadphaseBroadphase上的Rigidbodies(刚体)
PhysX3 supports more Rigidbodies on the broadphase. In fact,
you’ll be able to have several hundred thousand bodies on a single frame
on desktop and desktop-like platforms. Previously, there was a fixed
64k limit on bodies. That wasn’t a constant that we could easily
increase – it was a consequence of saving a lot on bits all over the
SDK. Some console targets, such as PlayStation 3 will still have this
limitation. There’s also a limit on physics materials: at the time of
writing, you can’t have more than 64k of materials on any platform.
3(游戏软件开发工具)也将有此种限制。此外,在物理材料上也有限制:比如在我写这篇文章时,不能在任何平台上有超过64k的材料。Scaling Mesh Colliders is free (more or less)可免费使用扩展网络碰撞器(差不多是这样的)
In Unity 5.0 we’ve reduced the cost of scaling Mesh Colliders.
Previously, when scaling a Mesh Collider, you would have to create a new
mesh with scale baked into the vertices, and that required valuable
time and memory. With PhysX3 we are able to support non-negative scaling
without any baking. It’s basically free.
Next, let’s take a look at two subsystems that differ so much
from the Unity 4.x version that you can think of them as new: the cloth
and vehicles modules.
下一步,让我们看看两种来自Unity 4.x,但有很大差别的子系统。你可以把这两个子系统,从新的角度看待:布料和车辆模块。Cloth component布料组件
Let’s start with cloth. In Unity 4 cloth simulation is supported
via InteractiveCloth and SkinnedCloth components. InteractiveCloth has a
cloth-like mesh behaviour i.e. “physical cloth” that interacts with
other physics bodies, can apply forces and so on. InteractiveCloth is
computationally expensive, so Unity 4 has another one, SkinnedCloth, for
character clothing.
我们从布料开始。在Unity 4中,布料的计算机模拟是通过InteractiveCloth和SkinnedCloth 组件支持的。InteractiveCloth组件有种像布的网络行为,例如“物理布料”,它可与其他物体刚体交互,也能应用到动力空间扭曲等等上。InteractiveCloth计算起来花销很大。所以,Unity 4有另外一个部件,即SkinnedCloth。
Since SkinnedCloth is decoupled from the main simulation
pipeline, it is able to perform better than InteractiveCloth. The main
problem with cloth is that both components were quite unstable and cost a
lot. With PhysX3 integration coming, we have decided to drop support
for InteractiveCloth and only have one cloth component, called simply
Cloth, designed with character clothing in mind.
simply Cloth。我们在设计它时,考虑到角色的布料。
In Unity 5.0, Cloth no longer reacts to all colliders in a
scene, nor does it apply forces back to the world. Instead, we have a
faster, multithreaded, more stable character clothing solution. When you
add it the new Cloth component no longer reacts to any bodies at all.
在Unity 5.0中,布料不再对屏幕上的所有碰撞器做出反应,返回游戏中世界时,也不运用到动力空间扭曲。相反,我们有一个更快、多线程、更稳定的角色布料的解决方法。当你在添加新布料元件时,不再对任何刚体做出反应。
Thus, Cloth and the world do not recognise or see each other
until you manually add colliders from the world to the Cloth component.
Even after that, the simulation is still one-way: cloth reacts to those
bodies but doesn’t apply forces back. Additionally, you can only use
three types of colliders with cloth: a sphere, a capsule, and conical
capsule colliders, constructed using two sphere colliders. These changes
have all verticbeen introduced to boost performance.
The authoring interface in Unity 5.0 is similar to the
SkinnedCloth one, and we are working hard on improving that in 5.x.
Expect to see things like integration with Mecanim avatars added during
the 5.x cycle.
Unity 5.0中的编程接口和SkinnedCloth组件类似。我们目前正致力于在5.x中提升它。我们希望看到,在5.x cycle中加入诸如有Mecanim头像的集成。
The new Cloth component supports the GPU via CUDA internally,
but we’ve decided to release this later in the 5.x cycle for several
reasons. Firstly, CUDA only works on Windows on NVIDIA hardware, and we
have a big presence on Mac & Linux. Secondly, we really want to
focus our bug fixing efforts on core stuff first and move on to
integrate fancy things after that.
全新布料元件通过内部的CUDA(统一计算设备架构),来支持GPU(图形处理器)。但我们出于几点原因,决定在之后的5.x cycle中发行。首先,CUDA只在NVIDIA公司的硬件的窗体上运行,并大量存在于Mac和Linux上。其二,我们确实很想首先在核心东西上,聚精会神地修改bug,然后再把做好的工作整合。我是游戏蛮牛的蛮牛译馆(一个专门翻译国外资料的组织)的一员,从今天开始,我会陆续整理,翻译国外Unity相关的新闻资讯与技术文章,以及各种视频等内容。我们也欢迎热爱游戏翻译的好友加群,一起体验翻译并分享乐趣,QQ群号:。关于此篇文章翻译有错误的地方,欢迎大家指正。
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