
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  Phil Collins ........... In The Air Tonight
  Everything I Do, I Do It For You?  
  是不是everything i do, i do it for you?
    Phil Collins ........... In The Air Tonight 不是,不过也很好听,谢谢。   Everything I Do, I Do It For You?白兰地版本的有点类似,风格应该是这类型的了。但还不是!谁再帮我掏  
  Long Road Out Of Eden,老鹰乐队的经典,大家喜欢的听听
  唐亨利与格林佛莱齐力打造的10分钟摇滚史诗大作 'Long Road Out Of Eden' 则是从战争时局反讽人类文明的堕落,同时也感慨现代社会充满对立,譁众取宠的现象。
  美国乐队EAGLES2007年十月三十日推出全新专辑《Long Road Out of Eden 》,这是他们自1979年的《The Long Run》大碟后,相隔二十八年才再出新专辑。这支殿堂级乐队已於1981年解散,其新碟将收录20首新歌,公司会用过百万广告费为他们宣传。EAGLES在1971年成立,共推出过六张专辑,唱片销量已超过一亿二千万张,名曲《Hotel California 》更是街知巷闻,至今仍不时有人翻唱,魅力惊人。   
  Everytime I Close My Eyes
  Girl, it's been a long, long time comin'   But I, I know that it's been worth the wait   It feels like springtime in winter   It feels like Christmas in June   It feels like heaven has opened up   its gates for me and you   And every time I close my eyes   I thank the lord that I've got you   And you've got me too   And every time I think of it   I pinch myself 'cause I don't believe it's true   That someone like you loves me too, yeah   Girl, I think that you're truly somethin'   Yes, you are, and you're every bit of a dream come true   With you baby, it never rains and it's no wonder   The sun always shines when I'm near you   It's just a blessing that I have found somebody like you   And every time I close my eyes   I thank the lord that I've got you   And you've got me too   And every time I think of it   I pinch myself 'cause I don't believe it's true   That someone like you loves me too, yeah   To think of all the nights I've cried myself to sleep   You really oughta know how much you mean to me   It's only right that you be in my life   And every time I close my eyes   I thank the lord that I've got you   And you've got me too   And every time I think of it   I pinch myself 'cause I don't believe it's true   That someone like you loves me too, yeah   Babyface这首也不错,我是外行,就喜欢听,推荐给大家听  什么英文歌节奏很嗨又流行(男声)_百度知道最近有一首很火的男声DJ英文歌高潮部分是【提爸K】的是什么歌曲?
社交帐号登录求一首英文歌的歌名 是个男的唱的 挺嗨的在酒吧听到的 只记得高潮的时候是 拉 拉扣拉扣 拉口拉口#%#%¥_百度知道}


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