
. or: The neglected time.
你说的那个肯定错的indulge in the the night with warm breezes 80%
大家还关注慵懒的时光英文怎么说_百度知道当前位置: &
英文翻译 the time zips by:&&&&cos as the tome turns the pa ...:&&&&the quick passing of time:&&&&[书面语] (of time) elapse quick ...:&&&&1.(时间,光阴)time
虚度时光pass ...:&&&&time passes very quickly.; d ...:&&&&time:&&&& sweet summer day ...:&&&&any old time
例句与用法Time passes , we all change . - uh - huh , do we ever时光荏苒,我们都变了有吗This card is to let you know that i still love you after all of these years这张卡片是要让你知道,纵使时光荏苒,我却爱你如初。 More than two years have clocked since i was accorded the privilege of captaining the icac时光荏苒,转瞬间在廉政公署工作已有两年多的光景。 More than two years have clocked since i was accorded the privilege of captaining the icac时光荏苒,转瞬间在廉政公署工作已有两年多的光景。 With minimum technology and maximum ingenuity , their performance can well be mistaken for six bobby mcferrins or a full salsa band on stage他们曾凭大碟《时光荏苒》获格林美奖三项提名,大师如彼得Years passed , and i slithered from sea to river to lake , till at last i came here , following the drifts and tumblings of the grail时光荏苒,和圣杯一起,随着水流从海洋漂到河流,又从河流漂到湖泊,一直到这里。 The economy has shown signs of improvement and the political atmosphere has become more peaceful , but we still have a long way to go时光荏苒,转眼又是一年,香港已展露一些新气象:局部经济有好转,政治上也渐现祥和。 As long as the market getting matured and the " safety power " concept enhanced , now the final low voltage products , which may be ignored in the past , now have drawn more and more attention from the end - users时光荏苒,今天我们又将推出了新一代的“相线中性线” dpn断路器,来满足飞速发展的中国电气的各行各业。 &&
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we will be separated until the end of time


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