
浓浓中秋情,创意DIY ——英语主题日之月饼日
发布时间: 10:01:19责任编辑:管理员点击次数:9
“哈哈,我的月饼是个愤怒的小鸟。”“我的月饼是紫色的。”“我的月饼又苦又酸。”晨读时间不时能听到孩子们用英语介绍着自己的月饼。今天是502、503班同学们组织策划的英语月饼主题日,第一个项目就是“Talk About Your DIY Moon Cake”介绍自己的DIY月饼。
The English&Theme Day-Moon Cake Day
September 15th,2016 is the annual Mid-Autumn Festival. As this traditional holiday approaches, students in Wuhan Maple Leaf Elementary School had a delightful and meaningful English Theme Day - The Moon Cake Day, which was organized by class 502 and 503.
“My moon cake is an angry bird.”“My moon cake is purple.” “My moon cake tastes bitter and sour.” That’s how kids were talking about their moon cakes in the morning reading time,which is the first part of today’s activity. In order to let students experience the pleasure of making their own moon cake, they were required to make a creative, colorful and beautiful moon cake with colorful play dough. Look at these lovely, moon cakes in strange shapes! The five students who got the thumbs up stickers for “The Most Beautiful Hand-made Moon Cake” are qualified to join “The Mid-Autumn Festival Quiz with Awards”, which is the second part of the “Moon Cake Day” activity.
After lunch, all the participants with stickers rushed to the halls of teaching buildings where a surprise was waiting for them- the huge Mid- Autumn Festival cultural feast. And only those kids who are already familiar with the Chinese traditional culture knowledge can win this quiz and get the small gift. Under&the reminder from the order officers from 502 and 503, little contestants&stood in a line in front of the judges. First, they picked up a ball with a number from a box. And then, answered the corresponding question and got an award if the answer was correct. Those questions are really interesting, such as “On&Mid-Autumn Festival, what else can we eat or drink except moon cakes?” The answer is of course osmanthus-flavored wine. “What’s the name of the Chinese first moon probe? Answer Chang’e No.1”&and etc. “The Most Beautiful Hand-made Moon Cake” Exhibition was also in the halls where many other students were appreciating these work of art&and sighed “How beautiful this moon cake is!” from time to time.Students were immersed in the charm of this traditional culture and the half an hour activity ended up with laughter and happiness.
“Moon Cake Day” was an English Theme Day activity and the organizers used English in the whole process to allow students to experience the beauty of this traditional Chinese culture by making moon cakes and joining the quiz with awards,which fully embodied the education concept of our school- blending the best of East and West and educating students through activities.
编辑:管理员He is an early bird in our family是什么意思_百度知道}


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