lost you,my heart was broken–broken查中文

CRAPPYPASTA – For those pastas that are smelling less than fresh…Broken wings,____heart.A.jumping B.broken C.beating D.flying谢谢了,参考句子:Though I lost my hands,I still have my legs.Though my wings are broken,my heart still can fly.
扫描下载二维码Her boyfriend died in her arms, but that’s just the beginning of the story…
Updated 06/13/2014 | 12:40 PM EDT
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“In January of 2013 my boyfriend died in my arms. I woke up early to write a paper and he was going into cardiac arrest. He stopped breathing right as I called 911. I got him off the bed and did CPR until the paramedics came bursting into our room and shocked him back to life. A week, two hospitals, and more procedures than I can count later he was finally awake, alert, and recovering from getting a defibrillator implanted in his chest. It was the first time he really was himself and I was the happiest girlfriend in the world. The picture is of our first dance at our wedding just over a year later. That day was the best day I could ever hope to imagine. He is mine, he is healthy and he is not stuck in a bed anymore!”
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