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this.p={ dwrMethod:'querySharePosts', fpost:'',userId:,blogListLength:17};Sherlock Holmes and Child Psychopathology Assessment Approaches: The Case of the False-Positive
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, February 1999, Pages 138-146
Sherlock Holmes and Child Psychopathology Assessment Approaches: The Case of the False-Positive
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Dr. Jensen if Associate Director, Child and Adolescent Research, National Institute of Mental Health, Rockville, MD; Dr. Watanabe is Professor of Psychiatry, University of Nevada at Reno, and Guest Scientist, Department of Military Psychiatry, Division of Neuropsychiatry, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, DC
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To explore the relative value of various methods of assessing childhood psychopathology, the authors compared 4 groups of children: those who met criteria for one or more DSM diagnoses and scored high on parent symptom checklists, those who met psychopathology criteria on either one of these two assessment approaches alone, and those who met no psychopathology assessment criterion.Parents of 201 children completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), after which children and parents were administered the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (version 2.1). Children and parents also completed other survey measures and symptom report inventories. The 4 groups of children were compared against “external validators” to examine the merits of “false-positive” and “false-negative” cases.True-positive cases (those that met DSM criteria and scored high on the CBCL) differed significantly from the true-negative cases on most external validators. “False-positive” and “false-negative” cases had intermediate levels of most risk factors and external validators. “False-positive” cases were not normal per se because they scored significantly above the true-negative group on a number of risk factors and external validators. A similar but less marked pattern was noted for “false-negatives.”Findings call into question whether cases with high symptom checklist scores despite no formal diagnoses should be considered “false-positive.” Pending the availability of robust markers for mental illness, researchers and clinicians must resist the tendency to reify diagnostic categories or to engage in arcane debates about the superiority of one assessment approach over another.
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for C
Child Behavior Checklist
Remember me114网址导航Discovery of a New Horned Dinosaur, Medusaceratops Lokii from Montana | Animals-Pets
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Michael J. Ryan, Ph.D., a scientist at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, has announced the discovery of a new horned dinosaur, Medusaceratops lokii. Approximately 20 feet long and weighing more than 2 tons, the newly identified plant-eating dinosaur lived nearly 78 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous period in what is now Montana. Its identification marks the discovery of a new genus of horned dinosaur.
Ryan, curator and head of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Museum, published his findings on the new genus in the book, &New Perspectives on Horned Dinosaurs: The Royal Tyrrell Museum Ceratopsian Symposium,& available from Indiana University Press. Ryan was the book&s lead editor.
Medusaceratops lokii
&Image credit: & Luis Rey
Medusaceratops belongs to the Chasmosaurinae subfamily of the horned dinosaur family Ceratopsidae. The other subfamily is Centrosaurinae. The specimen is the first Campanian-aged chasmosaurine ceratopsid found in Montana. It is also the oldest known Chasmosaurine ceratopsid.
The new dinosaur was discovered in a bonebed on private land located along the Milk River in North Central Montana. Fossilized bones from the site were acquired by Canada Fossil, Inc., of Calgary, Alberta, in the mid-1990s. The company consulted with Ryan and his colleagues to identify material from the site. At first, the scientists could not make a positive identification.
Medusaceratops had giant brow bones more than 3 feet long over each eye, and a large, shield-like frill off the back of its skull adorned with large curling hooks. Medusaceratops lokii means &Loki&s horned-faced Medusa,& referring to the thickened, fossilized, snake-like hooks on the side of the frill. It was named after Loki, the Norse god of mischief, because the new dinosaur initially caused scientists some confusion.
&Image credit: &&Donna Sloan
&At first we couldn&t figure out what we had,& said Ryan. &Some of the material looked as if it came from a form related to Centrosaurus, a centrosaurine noted for having short brow horns. The rest of the pieces had giant brow horns similar to Triceratops, a chasmosaurine. That&s one of the problems with bonebeds&even though you can collect a large amount of material, much of it is broken and all of it is disarticulated, so the story is rarely clear cut.&
Eventually Ryan found a complete articulated skull of a centrosaur with long brow horns in southern Alberta of what appeared to be the new animal from Montana, and named it Albertaceratops in 2007. At that time, he assumed he was looking at a stray that had literally crossed the international border millions of years ago.
After reexamining the Montanan material more recently, Ryan realized that at least some of the material in the Montana bonebed was not Albertaceratops. Some of the elements were much larger than any other horned dinosaur from the same time period, including Albertaceratops. And even though Albertaceratops and Medusaceratops are superficially very similar, the shape and number of the hooks and ornaments along the edge of the frill actually puts them in separate horned dinosaur groups, with Medusaceratops being a chasmosaur.
&Although the ornamentation on the frill is pretty spectacular, it probably was not used for defen rather it was more likely prehistoric &bling& used to attract a mate,& said co-author Anthony Russell, Ph.D., professor of biological sciences at the University of Calgary in Alberta.
&Medusaceratops is the oldest member of the Chasmosaurinae in North America and shows that the group, like its most famous member, Triceratops, had long brow horns and were fairly large when they first evolved,& said Ryan. &But later chasmosaurs that are just a bit younger than Medusaceratops tend to have much shorter horns and have much smaller, lighter bodies.
&Here we have something almost the size of Triceratops, but 10 million years before it lived,& Ryan said. &T. rex was not around yet, so what was Medusaceratops squaring off against? That&s one of the things we&re now looking for in Alberta.&
The research was originally conducted when Ryan was a Ph.D. candidate working with Dr. Russell at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. Much of the material, including the holotype, is now in the collection of the Wyoming Dinosaur Center in Thermopolis, Wyoming, with other material curated at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta.
About the Museum:
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, incorporated in 1920, is one of the finest institutions of its kind in North America. It is noted for its collections, research, educational programs and exhibits. The collections encompass more than 5 million artifacts and specimens, and research of global significance focuses on 12 natural science disciplines. The Museum actively conserves biological diversity through the protection of more than 5,000 acres of natural areas. It promotes health education with local programs and distance learning that extends across the globe. And, through its GreenCityBlueLake Institute, the Museum is a center of thought and practice for the design of green and sustainable cities. The Museum is located at 1 Wade Oval Drive, University Circle, Cleveland, OH 44106.
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