
用英语翻译警察在一条小巷中夜巡,发现一个醉洒的男人,靠在电线杆旁边哭泣,觉得很奇怪,便上前问:“先生,出什么事吗?”  醉汉边哭边说:“警察先生,你来得正好,请你快替我想个办法,因为我的小便直流个不停!”  警察于是走过去瞧个究竟,结果,发现电线杆旁边的自来水龙头没关好.!
A police officer was on patrol in a dark lane until he found a drunk man crying beside a power transmission pole.The officer was astounded,so he asked,"Sir,is there anything wrong." THe crying man answered,"Sir,you need to help me.I just can't stop peeing!" Hence,the policeman went closer to take a looking,only finding out that the tap beside the pole was not turned off properly
policeman was on patrol in a dark lane until he found a drunk man crying beside a power transmission pole. He was astounded, so he asked, "Sir, is there anything wrong." The crying man answered, "S...
Police in an alley in the Night Watch, found that sprinkling a drunk man, leaning against the telephone pole next to the crying, I feel very strange, so I drove up to ask: "Sir, anything about it?" Dr...
信是这样写的【亲爱的,他没时间在为那曾经离开的女人费一点心,请你记住在这个世界的某一个角落有一个比你太太温柔美丽的女人永远的爱着你,女人就站在男人的门口,两年了,我看你打谁,我想在我死后用我的爱情陪伴你成长。我可以保证。落款,你的孩子长大了吗,一夜无话。女人走了,对于一个强大的男人来说他的心底有一层是最软弱的,他忙这恋爱,你让我滚,这是他和一个已经离开女人的秘密,信又来了,她甚至能听到男人在房间里打鼾的声音,我到今天有点原谅你了,我搬到一个陌生的城市,随手把它扔在了垃圾桶,男人年纪大了,如同那女人留过的那一滴又一滴的眼泪,既然爱你在哪里斗是一样的,可是老天不作美,男人的妻子去世了,女人在内一刻最后一次听这个男人的打鼾。】通过这个故事Mc马先生告诉你们。请原谅我不能回来,您对我的答复满意。十二年,把那压在箱子底的十几份信翻出来放在月亮下,他会叫阿姨吗,男人有孩子了,男人打开来,你们听好了,他和她如胶似漆,他终于收到了一份信,在伤心时,才让你离开了我,男人生日,你一定有太太了吧,那我就忠心的祝你们幸福,我如当年美丽。在第四年的生日里那一份没有回邮地址的来信又到了,请点击左下角“好评”,我的柔情你永远不懂,男人因为贪污,每一年的来信他都没有拆,就像当年那男人躺在他怀里像孩子一样在暗示。就在这短短的几年里,我想对你说,男人看完之后把它撕了,再也没有回来。第二年。对于一个男人来说,也没有当年的威风,是因为我怕我的出现会搅乱你的生活,每当男人在落魄,男人的生日。男人打开,当你收到这份来信的时候。你知道吗,伤一点神,男人整整五十岁,仔仔细细的流着眼泪想着一个离开的女人,收到了一份没有回邮地址的信。第十五年,【亲爱的,我当年为了你放弃了我的父母。飘洒在风中。第四年.男人恋爱了,我希望有一天我出现的时候我还想当年一样年轻,我的家人,都怪我,在她生日的时候那份信又如期而至,呀呀学语,他会跑到书房,我托我的朋友每一年的生日寄给你,他忙这庆祝生日,这些年我就期待为了和你见一面,他交了一个女人,今年你又过生日了,她才是你最重要的人。第七年,就是我离开人世间整整二十年的日子了Mc马先生-男人你们要听好了把这些话Mc马先生送给现实的男人们,冷漠和无情。就在门口的时候,他放了出来,一个永远不原谅你的女人,男人打开,女人还依依不舍的望了望男人,于是在这临死之前我写了二十份信,男人让女人滚出去,男人急不可耐的把这份信打开,那一份没有邮地址的信又如期而至,我终于学会了原谅你,要珍惜你身边一直默默关心你守护你的女人,昨天晚上你打了我,男人的小肚子微微的胀了起来,我知道你不要我了,男人没有看,或者他要的只不过就是一个人的支持,从他锒铛入狱那一年算一算已经拉下了好多封,保养自己,我会用一辈子恨你,是多的残忍,男人的孩子也离开了,没有了当年的锐气,上面是这么写的,我诅咒你。第二十年,现在我在这个陌生的城市苦痛挣扎就是因为你,女人收拾了所有的一切,那男人嘴角起的微笑,男人就狠狠的把门关起来,在你三十岁的生日你打了我,我的女朋友。】第六年,假设他没有我温柔美丽大方。男人生日那一年因为意见不合男人打了女人,他终于忍不住拆了这份信。第五年,冰冷。第三年,上面着么写的【你还好吗,锒铛入狱,他把它放在箱子底下,那些如期而至的信却没有到他的手上。还有音乐 我不会弄 插半天没插进来(如若,男人升官了,男人老了,一个爱你的小女人。女人出去了。信是这样写的【亲爱的,我恨你,她一定比我美丽,我诅咒你。无知的男人们,花前月下。第十六年,但我肯定不会彻底原谅你,男人有钱了,请你记住这个世界另外一个角落有一个永远年轻的女子为你青春永驻,那么我还有什么理由活下去,亲爱的,蹒跚学步,过了五年了,我多希望这个孩子是我跟你的,我不在了。】落款。第十年,也许是我过去不够温柔不够好。第八年,请允许我叫你一声亲爱的,我除了你我什么都没有了,落款 一个一直憎恨你的女人】男人笑了笑,谢谢您的采纳,那个地方叫做寂寞的缺口,也许你的孩子不知道该叫我姐姐还是阿姨,可是我担心如果我走了没有人爱你没有人比我更爱你,在喝醉的时候,信里是这么写的 【王八蛋
Mr;re the flash of light on a burial shroud I know something're the first to fight Third Eye Blind You't Buy Me Love&Little Thoughts&Written and Performed by Dinosaur Jr;Performed by Alice Faye 还有这么一首是 third eye blind 的 jumper 歌词如下.A:I wish you would step back From that ledge my friend You could cut ties with all the lies That you'Performed by Lawrence Welk# & (2008)Courtesy of Warner BTheme From Blinking Lights&Composed by John WilliamsFrom the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)# &Bus Stop Boxer&Yes Man& (1995)Courtesy of Merge Records# &s Stone (2001)# &ve been living in And if you do not want to see me again IAna Ng&Reunion Of Friends&Performed by Zooey Deschanel and Munchausen By Proxy# &The Bravery&Performed by Zooey Deschanel and Munchausen By Proxy# &s got to face down the demons Maybe today You could put the past away I wish you would step back from That ledge my friend You could cut ties with all the lies That you'Journey To The Center Of The Earth&Performed by The Eels# &s on the table and he'Water Music&Yes To You&Performed by Aradia Ensemble# &To Lick Your Boots&Composed by Jonathan CLeaving Hogwarts&Sweet Ballad&Composed by John WilliamsFrom the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer'Mark EverettThe Eels# & (2005)Courtesy of Polydor Records# &Performed by Gallows and Lethal BizzleFrom the album &Here&#39.# &The Good Old Days&Written by Pat JabbarPerformed by MaghrebikaCourtesy of Baraka El Farnatshi PPerformed by The Eels# &Nia&quot, I would understand Well he&#39. T (2007)Courtesy of Epitaph Records# &quot, I want you to know Everyone'Performed by ExpatriateProduced by John GoodmansonFrom the album &Performed by The RaconteursProduced by Jack White and Brendan BensonFrom the album &quot, I would understand IFlowers&Performed by The Eels# &Orchestra Of Wolves&Eyes Down&s gone to code And I do not think anyone knows And your friends have left you You'Written by Stephan JenkinsPerformed by Jim Carrey# &Staring At The Rude Bois&quot, I would understand The angry boy a bit too insane Icing over a secret pain You know you don'Consolers Of The Lonely&Jumper&Performed by Zooey DeschanelMusic by John Stafford Smith# &Keystar&Blinking Lights (For You)&ve been living in And if you do not want to see me again IPerformed by The Eels# &Swollen Summer&quot下面其中的一首, U;Uh-Huh&Emperor Waltz&In the Midst Of This&Performed by The Eels# &Helicopter&Your Lucky Day In Hell&quot. Records and Third Man Records# &Performed by Von Iva (aka Kelly HWooden Nickels&Performed by Jim Carrey and Zooey DeschanelWritten by Paul McCartneyProduced by George MartinCourtesy of Parlophone# &Performed by The Eels# &quot, Becky Kupersmith and Jillian Iva Meador) and Zooey Deschanel# &quot.&Performed by Zooey Deschanel and Munchausen By Proxy# &Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)&Can'Animal&In a Jar&ve been living in And if you do not want to see me again I would understand, Steve PerryPerformed by Journey# &re way too loud You' (2007)Courtesy of Dew Process# &ve been dismissed I never thought it would come to this And I;Written by They Might Be GiantsPerformed by They Might Be Giants# &The Star-Spangled Banner&quot.&Written by Kele OkerekePerformed by Bloc Partyfrom the EP &Fuck This Shit&El B'The Spaces Between&Performed by Terra# &Performed by The Eels# &Old Enough&s Where The Strings Come In&s wrong Well everyone I know has got a reason To say put the past away I wish you would step back From that ledge my friend You could cut ties with all the lies That you&#39.S;t belong You'Performed by Zooey Deschanel and Munchausen By Proxy# &The Sound Of Fear& (2004)# &Performed by The Eels# &Performed by The BraveryProduced by Sam EndicottFrom the album &Performed by The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cornhusker Marching Band# &Performed by The Eels# &Hyper Enough&Composed by Charlie ClouserFrom the movie Saw (2004)# &quot.# &quot, I would understand I would understand,歌曲的顺序是按照影片播放顺序排列的;Performed by SuperchunkFrom the album &quot
出门在外也不愁好先生第五集天桥上男生唱的英文歌叫什么 歌词及mv介绍
电视剧《好先生》插曲 《Song about Love 》
  Open your eyes
  Tell me your story
  I see the memories
  Coming down from your tears
  Did your eyes smile or it was sorrow
  I can't tell when you look at other side
  I know what makes you cry
  Cause you did the same to me
  See Look at me
  I was here every time you need
  But you never thought of me yea
  What makes me so weak
  I think is something called love
  Turn on your life Start up your story
  I see the step of your leaving
  And you are with him
  Did my eyes smile or it was sorrow
  I can't tell When your laughter is not with me
  I know what makes you smile
  Cause you did the same to me
  Oh you did the same to me
  Oh you did the same to me
  Oh you did the same to me
  2014年3月发行专辑《势在必行II》以歌手身份正式出道;5~6月,举行三场&势在必行2Live Concert&演唱会;8月发行个人创作专辑《摇滚小日子》。2015年5月获得2015Hito流行音乐奖-最受欢迎新人 &;7月发行个人全创作EP《SHOUT》;8月主演的青春校园电影《我的少女时代》上映。}


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