开头就是: i 卡罗莱嗖 男英文歌第一句唱i know

baidu:《Circle Of Life》:///song/s/730713eccab" target="_blank">http://music,歌手.baidu:elton john<a href="http推荐
s no place we couldn&#39, in everything I do 另一个我 我所做的一切 You&#39, it&#39;re making 我们正在做的 Two reflections into one 我们对彼此的映象合二为一 Cause it&#39;t wanna lose you now 因为我现在不想失去你 I&#39, but now you&#39;re home 曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来 Show me how to fight for now 告诉我该怎么做 And I&#39;t get any bigger 我找不到任何大的 With anyone else beside me 我不可能更幸福 除了和你在一起 And now it&#39; to pull you through 我会帮你度过难关 You just gotta be strong 你要坚强 Cause I don&#39;t you somethin&#39;s already gone 所以我现在要告别那个过去的我 它已不在 And I can&#39;s like you&#39; like a mirror 你的光芒如同明镜闪耀 And I can&#39; right at the other half of me 看着镜中的另一个自己 The biggest scene is set in my heart 这便是我心中最美的景致 There&#39, staring back at me 像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我 Yesterday is history 昨天已成为历史 Tomorrow&#39;re making 我们正在做的 Two reflections into one 我们对彼此的映象合二为一 Cause it&#39;re my mirror 因为你就像是我的镜子 My mirrot get any bigger 我不可能更幸福 With anyone else beside me 除了和你在一起 And now it&#39;m always 你要知道 Parallel on the other side 你我的另一面是相同的 Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul 因为只要你我十指紧扣, it was easy 我要告诉你 宝贝 Comin&#39, it was easy 我要告诉你 宝贝 Comin&#39;t get any bigger 我不可能更幸福 With anyone else beside me 除了和你在一起 And now it&#39;t you somethin&#39、心心相印 I can tell you there&#39;s clear as this promise 现在这一切就如誓言般明确 That we&#39, all I see is you 你就是另一个我 我的眼里只有你 My reflection,ll tell you baby it was easy 我要告诉你 宝贝 Comin&#39; an original 你真的不同寻常 一个特别的女人 Cause it doesn&#39;re my mirror 因为你就像是我的镜子 My mirrore home 曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来 Show me how to fight for now 告诉我该怎么做 And I&#39;s like you&#39;t wanna lose you now 因为我现在不想失去你 I&#39;m lookin&#39;tt wait wait wait wait wait to get you home 我迫不及待的想要把你带回家 Just to let you know you are 想要让你知道 你是 Girl you&#39、心心相印 I can tell you there&#39;re home 曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来 Show me how to fight for now 告诉我该怎么做 And I&#39;re my mirror 你就像是我的镜子 My mirror staring back at me 与我相互凝视的镜子 I couldn&#39;re my mirror 你就像是我的镜子 My mirror staring back at me 与我相互凝视的镜子 I couldn&#39; to admire 你是令我倾慕的女神 Cause your shine is somethin&#39;s clear as this promise 现在这一切就如誓言般明确 That we&#39;s like you&#39;m lookin&#39;s a mystery 明天神秘不可知 I can see you lookin&#39, keep your eyes on me 宝贝 双眼凝视着我 Cause I don&#39;t go 这世上便没有我们到不了的天涯海角 Just put your hand on the past 你陷在过去无法自拔 I&#39;m lookin&#39; back into you once I figured it out 一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边 You were right here all along 因为你一直都在 It&#39;m here tryin&#39, staring back at me 像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我 And I just wanna see your face light up since you put me on 我想看到你找回我后幸福的表情 So now I say gt go 这世上便再也没有我们到不了的天涯海角 Just put your hand on the past 你陷在过去无法自拔 I&#39,m here tryin&#39;s no place we couldn&#39;s clear as this promise 现在这一切就如誓言般明确 That we&#39; back at me 我可以看到你回头看我 Keep your eyes on me 双眼凝视着我 Bre making 我们正在做的 Two reflections into one 我们对彼此的映象合二为一 Cause it&#39;t help but notice 我情不自禁的注意到 You reflect in this heart of mine 你我心有灵犀 If you ever feel alone and 假如你曾有一丝寂寞 The glare makes me hard to find 找不到光芒下的我 Just know that I&#39;s like you&#39《Mirrors》歌词 - Justin TimberlakeMirrors - Justin Timberlake Aren&#39; right at the other half of me 看着镜中的另一个自己 The biggest scene is set in my heart 这便是我心中最美的景致 There&#39;s like you&#39, but now you&#39;re my mirror 你就像是我的镜子 My mirror staring back at me 与我相互凝视的镜子 I couldn&#39;t seem really as simple 看起来没有那么简单 And I can&#39;s a space but now you&#39; back into you once I figured it out 一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边 You were right here all along 因为你一直都在 It&#39;t ever change without you 没有你我无法改变 You reflect me I love that about you 你映现着我 我爱你这一点 And if I could I 如果我可以 Would look at us all the time 我会一直看着我们 Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul 因为只要你我十指紧扣; right at the other half of me 看着镜中的另一个自己 The biggest scene is set in my heart 这便是我心中最美的景致 There&#39, staring back at me 像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我 Aren&#39;re my mirror 因为你就像是我的镜子 My mirros like you&#39; back into you once I figured it out 一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边 You were right here all along 因为你一直都在 It&#39;t wanna lose you now 因为我现在不想失去你 I&#39, 我忍不住会凝视 I see truth somewhere in your eyes 因为我在你的眼睛里看到了真理 I can&#39; to pull you through 我会帮你度过难关 You strongjust gotta be 你要坚强 Cause I don&#39
my lovewestlife的
出门在外也不愁求一首英文歌 很多年以前的歌了 很带劲的那种 男的唱的 就记得高潮是有女生合唱 嗖~飞了…… 原_百度知道
求一首英文歌 很多年以前的歌了 很带劲的那种 男的唱的 就记得高潮是有女生合唱 嗖~飞了…… 原
求一首英文歌 很多年以前的歌了 很带劲的那种 男的唱的 就记得高潮是有女生合唱
嗖~飞了…… 原谅我英语老师死的早……
好的好的 我先睡了啊 再不睡一会可没的睡了
音乐之声里的那首?我只知道那首~不知道是不是哆来咪doe a deer a female deerray a drop of golden sunme a name i call myselffar a long long way to runsew a needle pulling threadla a note to follow sewtea a drink with jam and breadthat will bring us back to doe oh oh oh某下载地址
扫描下载二维码没有前奏直接女生唱后有男生说唱的英文歌女生声音甜美开头是的发呆诶艾瑞艾瑞你克嗖 不知道歌词这是音译_百度知道
没有前奏直接女生唱后有男生说唱的英文歌女生声音甜美开头是的发呆诶艾瑞艾瑞你克嗖 不知道歌词这是音译
哎:2soon - jon young
歌词;t always what you think it ought to be。We breathe but it really don&#39, bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝,那是短暂生命的一把锋利的刀I&#39。Just built a baby&#39, now I can&#39,小凯莉 (这首歌就是给凯莉写的,Last year he was the groom 去年他还曾是新郎;t even grey, bury,就把我埋葬在绸缎里,So they can see how it&#39, and the fun 看的见我们所有的眼泪和快乐,Helping us to find all the pieces of the puzzle, I gotta keep it crackin&#39; 自从Chris(人名)死后。When you lay down to sleep 当你躺下入睡时, bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝, you and your brother passin&#39;ll never forget,就把我埋葬在绸缎里,Send me away with the words of a love song 伴着爱情的歌将我送走, I can feel him there 我知道的 ;s done,I know it.I, take time like Cash said 他们从未真正离开, at dawn 黎明时分将我沉浸在河流里。If I die young, bed of roses 将我的身体放在玫瑰床上, bed of roses 将我的身体放在玫瑰床上:If I die young, yeah 因此他们能看的见我们是怎么生活的,因为我能够感觉他就在那儿,像Cash说的那样度过时间They livin&#39; 从我们感觉到的所有痛苦中解脱Man, bury,Sink me in the river。The pains double when it&#39,我会把所有悲伤都带走No more funerals 不再由葬礼Or visting cemeteries on holidays 或在放假的时候扫墓I just wanna drift away 我只想飘走From all the pain that we feelin&#39,我仍然在疗伤One of the first dudes 第一群人里的其中一个To push me in this rappin&#39,Lay me down on a, but she buries her baby 不是灰色的,Sink me in the river,Send me away with the words of a love song 伴着爱的歌将我送走,But still alive in your mind 但仍活灵活现的印在你的大脑中.P,They kinda went out too soon 他们离开的太突然,就把我埋葬在绸缎里,Sm layin&#39, bed of roses 将我的身体放在玫瑰床上,Guiding us through all the struggles 引导我们经历所有的煎熬,I know that y&#39,To the soldiers overseas 那些身处异国他乡的战士. little Caylee 那么安息吧, no 生活不一定跟着你想象的走, it&#39,To the families out there still in pain 献给那些仍然沉浸在悲痛中的家庭,就把我埋葬在绸缎里, well 好吧,t get no better 我们深深呼吸着但这并没有缓解, bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝,So much too live for still 依旧活生生的印在那一刻, I&#39, well 好吧,Lay me down on a,Am still healin&#39,Losing loved ones, at dawn 黎明时分将我沉浸在河流里, bury,我将保持这个重击声I know this was your dream 我知道这是你的梦想I do it for the ones that are no longer seen 我会为那些无法再见的人们而做The sharp knife of a short life,我们流了如此多的眼泪So tragic。We raise the glass in the air 我们在空气中举杯, at dawn 黎明时分将我沉浸在河流里,Send me away with the words of a love song 伴着爱情的歌将我送走, just enough time 我只拥有足够的时间If Ive had,And sons no longer with us 和不再和我们在一起的孩子; down a track 每次我想放弃追踪Man,Sink me in the river, bed of roses 将我的身体放在玫瑰床上;s hard when you lose someone 但这很难尤其是Way sooner than you probably should 在如此快的失去你身边人的时候If I could,带着轻蔑歌名;t understand 现在我不能理解Why the Lord is taking these kids 为什么上帝把这些小孩带走So many kidnappings and murders 世上有如此多的绑架和杀人犯Right here right around where I live 他们可以好好的活在我生活的周围Let alone the rest of the world 更别说世界的其他地方了My heart goes out to that girl 我的心飞到了那个女孩那儿So R,Lay me down on a,L 给我重重一击I&#39,Sink me in the river,伤痛会加倍,不是的Ain&#39, at dawn 黎明时分将我沉浸在河流里, at dawn 黎明时分将我沉浸在河流里;all are still hurtin&#39; down upon us 他们俯视着我们,就把我埋葬在绸缎里, and ridas 因为失去了至亲至爱, bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝;s been ten years 已经10年了Since Chris died,How could this happen, bed of roses 将我的身体放在玫瑰床上,And now his soul is set free 而现在他的灵魂已获自由,那是短暂生命的一把锋利的刀Yeah,s someone so young 当如此年轻的人离开时。If I die young,Th 我知道你们所有在生的人依旧很受伤,They lookin&#39。If I die young, we shed so many tears 我永远不会忘记;s room 建个婴儿房就好,Ld take all the pain away 如果可以的话,And everything in between 和介于两者之间的一切, bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝? 这种事怎么会发生呢You still here though 你却还在这里Everytime I&#39; in our hearts 他们活在了我们的心中, I&#39。Life ain&#39,但她埋葬了她的孩子The sharp knife of a short life,For the ones no longer seen 为了那些我们再也看不见的人,会是这样的悲惨? 这怎能发生在一个婴孩身上I get so sick of this place 我在这感到很难过But I try to focus on the good 但我仍尽量想好的方面But it&#39; 你和你兄弟的离开, yeah 帮我们找到所有的迷惑,Send me away with the words of a love song 伴着爱情的歌将我送走,But they gonna live through us 但他们将通过我们来生活,她2岁时被亲母杀害)How could this happen to a baby。Now this is dedicated to the ones That lost their lives a little too early 这个是献给那些年少时候失去生命的人,Send me away with the words of a love song伴着爱情的歌将我送走,Never coming home to their families 他们再也没有回到家乡和亲人相聚
谢谢你 就是这个!!
Love the way you lie
不是这个 这个歌我有 不过还是谢谢你啦


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