surface pension plan歌曲

孙老师有话说 飚记英语今天美文看点:第一篇,节选一篇佳作,读来饶有趣味。第二篇,约翰o克利斯朵夫,这是大部头小说,现在缩写成一篇短文。第三篇,连我们的地球终于找到伴侣了,你还单着吗?老读者新读者,可以先加微信公共号(biaojienglish)关注,点击右上方“历史信息”关注前几期的。或加我的私人微信xuetang100。美文ProseFather and Daughter父与女James Yaffe (1927—?)作者姚弗乃美国作家。本文采自1957年9月份《大西洋月刊》。原题《只有傻瓜才生女儿》(“Only a Crazy Man Has Daughters”),文字轻松幽默,对白尤为传神,为家庭喜剧中之佳作。兹录其开头几段如下:When a father has a complaint to make about his son, all he has to do is take the boy aside and yell at him:&What do you mean by getting home at three o'clock in the morning? Your mother was worried to death!&&Twenty bucks? You want twenty bucks? My God, the way you spend my money, you could be the United States government.&&A car of your own? Listen to him, will you? He's still wet behind the ears, and he wants a car of his own!&● to make a complaint:责备。complaint通常译作“诉苦”,但“诉苦”二字易滋误解;complaint只是使人不满意不愉快的事情,受了委屈固然是complaint,其他如儿子荒唐,天气冷热不调,火车误点,垃圾桶无人清理,日本渔船越界捕鱼等都可成为complaint,其表达方式则喃喃低诉与大声斥责均可。● all he has to do:all之后省去that一字,但是照英文口语的习惯,这个that以不加为妥。the boy:此二字极简单,但是用来很好。这里如用take him aside,则易与主语之he相混;如重复his son,则句法太累赘;如用the latter,则太像官样文章,风味大减;只有the boy二字,才是恰到好处。● 下面三小节都是父亲责备儿子的话:第一节是儿子深夜返家时说的。注意was worried用的是过去式。“你这么晚回来,你妈着急死了!”母亲的着急,是在儿子回来之前,故用过去式(到了家就不着急了)。这种时间先后关系,中文无需表出,学习时应特别注意。● bucks=dollars(美国俚语)。the way:此二字有介词的作用。“照你这样不断地问我要钱,你简直成了美国政府了。”(按:美国政府捐税苛杂之重,时为民众所诟病。)could be是虚拟式,这里不可以用直述式can be,因为一个人是永远不能成为一个政府的。● 第三小节:儿子向老子开口要买汽车了,老子说:“你自己要一辆汽车!请听听他的话看!乳臭未干的小孩子,自己想要一辆汽车了!”will you之you并不指什么人,只是老子生气时所说的话,旁边未必有第三者在听他说话。wet behind the ears,相当于中文的“乳臭未干”,“胎毛未干”,原义是“你还要母亲给你洗脸呢!”This is the sort of thing that goes on every day. Sarcasm, grumbling, out-and-out rage—how else should a father in this modern world express his affection and concern for his own son?● the sort of thing含混得好。如用the sort of conversation反而不确切;thing的范围比较conversation来得广,父亲骂儿子也不好算是conversation。这里要找一个确切的字很难,用了一个含糊的thing,读者也知道是怎么一回事了。● sarcasm:讥刺;反唇相讥。grumbling:叽喔咕噜地骂人;喃喃怨语。out-and-out:完全的,十足的。rage:盛怒;大发雷霆。affection:亲爱。concern:关怀。“这个年头,做老子的还有什么别的法子(how else)可以表示他对于他亲生儿子的慈爱和关切呢?”But between a father and his daughter it isn't so easy. Because a father can't yell at his daughter, or wave his fist at her threateningly, or call her a good-for-nothing. More than one father has, of course. But he usually ends up with a terrible feeling of guilt over it. And then, when she smiles up at him and puts her hands on his shoulders and murmurs that pet name which he's always been a sucker for, the most determined father in the world is as helpless as a baby.● wave his fist at her:拳头在她面前晃。threateningly:威胁状;作势欲打。good-for-nothing:无用之人;没出息的。● 第二句是Because开头的独立附属从句,照文法规定,这样写法是有毛病的。因为because是个subordinate conjunction,应该改用for(它是coordinate conjunction)。但是用because开头的独立句,现在很常见到。● More than one father has后面省去yelled,waved,called等字。这一句的has也有问题。既然是More than one,是不是该用have(动词复数形式)呢?但是这里的has没有错,林语堂的《开明英文法》中[5:42(6)]说:Each, many a and more than one with nouns in the singular almost always take the singular verb.该书又举了两个例子:More than one person was suspected.But there are more than one person involved in the matter.第一例的动词紧跟着one person,故用单数形式was;第二例的动词紧接more,故用复数形式are。这样的用法合理吗?英文用法,本来只是习惯沿袭而已,并没有人来立过什么“法”。要是不合理,也只好由它去了。● ends up with:结局。照中文的想法(也是比较合理的想法),应该是“这件事情是如何如何的结局”,可是英文里面偏偏用人(he)来做主语。父亲骂了女儿,结局总是痛自后悔。feeling of guilt:歉疚之感。over=concerning,about。● smiles up at之up有“抬头”之意。● pet name:表示亲爱的称呼,如“好爹爹”之类。sucker(美国俗语):易受欺之人(上海话里的“瘟生”;北平话里的“二百五”;广东话里的“寿仔”)。这种特别称呼一叫出来,父亲一向就乖乖地甘愿上当吃亏了。● determined:决心(管教儿女)的。helpless:束手无策。Such was the case with Dan Waxman. His daughter Barbara—Bobby he called her, this was his favorite nickname for a girl—was his only daughter. Ever since she was old enough to cry or flutter her eyelashes, she had very little trouble getting her way with him. But she more than paid him back for this. When she was little she paid him back in laughter and high spirits, in showing him how much she enjoyed her life. &Sarah&, he used to say to his wife, &what are we bringing up in this household, a little girl or a wild Indian?& &A wild Indian!& Bobby used to shout out gleefully, and jump around the living room giving war whoops.● Bobby he called her:这样的说法在这里是不是比He called her Bobby更顺口一点呢?favorite nickname for a girl:普通女孩子的各种绰号之中,他就喜欢这一个。a girl=any girl。● old enough:这里的old不是老(three months old,five years old中的old也不是老)。flutter her eyelashes:(眨眼时)眼睫毛上下颤动。getting her way with him:使他听从她。● paid him back:父亲听从女儿(for this),女儿也有报答。more than:女儿的报答是使父亲高兴,假使父亲稍稍地依从了女儿,女儿便可使父亲大大地高兴一下,那么女儿便不止是报答亲恩,更是积极地膝下承欢了。注意more than后面可以跟动词。high spirits:兴高采烈。女儿活泼好弄,父亲看了高兴,那便是女儿的报答。● wild Indian:野蛮的印第安人。父亲故意这么问:“我们家里养了一个小姑娘呢,还是小野人呢?”gleefully:意气扬扬地。war whoops:印第安人作战时的呼哨声。小姑娘欣然以小野人自居,并且在起居室里跳踉奔走,嘴发怪声,好像是印第安人出兵打仗一般。And now that she was almost grown up, she paid him back in quieter, more ladylike ways. She told him her secrets, the ones she wanted him to hear. She asked his opinion of her clothes and her hairdos. She even laughed at his jokes. Not out of diplomacy either, but heartily and spontaneously, because she thought they were funny and she liked to see him in a good mood.● now that(连词):既然。ladylike:合乎小姐身份的。● the ones=the secrets;秘密不能全部公开,有一部分她是愿意父亲知道的,她就拿这个跟他来谈。把父亲引为知己,亦是博老人高兴之一法。● hairdos:头发式样。这里是复数形式。● even:父亲所讲的话,儿女通常并不觉得可笑,可是她听了竟然也笑。● 最后一句并不是完全句子,只是一个副词短语和两个副词,形容上句的laughed。out of diplomacy:顾全面子起见。not…either:此二字连用,有“也不”之意。“她的笑,倒也并不是一种外交手段,而是自发地(spontaneously)真心地大笑。”● they=his jokes。因为她觉得他的笑话真的可笑,再则,她也喜欢看见老人家心里高兴(in a good mood)。文学作品LiteratueJEAN-CHRISTOPHE1Romain Rolland约翰o克利斯朵夫〔法〕罗曼o罗兰Jean-Christophe is a two-thousand-page novel originally published in ten volumes, the painstaking record of the artistic development of a musical genius. Romain Rolland set out to portray the adventures of the soul of his hero and suc in addition he broke down the artistic barrier between France and Germany. The experiences of Jean-Christophe are those of every genius who turns from the past to serve the future. In 1915 Rolland was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, in great part for Jean-Christophe.《约翰o克利斯朵夫》原著是一部10卷2000页的小说,它是一个音乐天才的艺术发展过程的精雕细琢的记录。罗曼o罗兰描绘书中主人公的心灵活动,取得了巨大的成功。此外,他还消除了法国与德国之间的艺术隔阂。约翰o克利斯朵夫的经历也就是每一个丢掉过去、开拓将来的天才人物的经历。1915年罗兰获得诺贝尔文学奖,主要是由于《约翰o克利斯朵夫》这部巨著。[1] Melchior Krafft was a virtuoso, his father Jean Michel a famous conductor. It was no wonder that Melchior's son, Christophe, should be a musician.曼希沃是一位演奏家,他的父亲约翰o米希尔是著名的乐队指挥。毫不足怪,曼希沃的儿子克利斯朵夫也应该是个音乐家。[2] Louisa, Melchior's wife, was a stolid woman of the lower class. Her father-in-law had been furious at his son for marrying beneath him, but he was soon won over by the patient goodness of Louisa. It was fortunate that there was a strong tie between them, for Melchoir drank and wasted his money. Often the grandfather gave his little pension to Louisa because there was no money for the family.〔2〕曼希沃的妻子鲁意莎,是下等阶级的一个呆头呆脑的女人。她的公公非常生儿子的气,因为他娶了比他低微的人,但是鲁意莎的坚忍品德很快就博得了公公的欢心。他们之间有一条牢固的感情纽带,这是一件幸运的事,因为曼希沃又酗酒,又乱花,常常由于家里一点钱也没有,爷爷只好把他微薄的养老金用来接济鲁意莎。[3] Melchior by chance one day heard his three-year-old Christophe playing at the piano. In his drunken enthusiasm, Melchior conceived the idea of creating a musical prodigy. So began Christophe's lessons. Over and over
over and over he practiced until he was * letter perfect.2 Often he rebelled. Whipping only made him more rebellious, but in the end the piano always pulled him back.〔3〕有一天,曼希沃无意中听到他那三岁的克利斯朵夫在弹钢琴。在酒后的狂热中,他动了要创造一个音乐神童的念头。克利斯朵夫从此开始了他的音乐训练。他无休无止地练习指法直到完全弹准为止。为此他常常起来反抗,而鞭打只有使他更为倔强,但到头来还是钢琴把他吸引回来。[4] His grandfather noticed that he would often improvise melodies as he played with his toys. Sitting in a different room, he would transcribe those airs and arrange them. Christophe showed real genius in composition.〔4〕他的祖父注意到他在玩玩具时常常即兴哼出旋律来。祖父坐在另外一间屋子里,把这些曲调记录下来,加以整理。克利斯朵夫表现出真正的作曲天才。[5] At the age of seven and a half Christophe was ready for his first concert. Dressed in a ridiculous costume, he was presented at court as a child prodigy of six. He played works of some of the German masters and then performed with great success his own compositions gathered into an expensive privately printed volume, The Pleasures of Childhood: Aria, Minuetto, Valse, and Marcia, Opus I, by Jean-Christophe Krafft. The grand duke was delighted and bestowed the favor of the court on the prodigy.〔5〕七岁半时,克利斯朵夫已经准备好举行他的首次音乐会了。穿了一套可笑的服装,他被人以六岁神童的称号带到宫廷里去。他首先演奏了一些德国大师的作品,然后极其成功地演奏了他自己的作品,这些作品都收集在一本精装的私人刊印的卷册里,名为——约翰o克利斯朵夫o克拉夫脱作品第一号;童年遣兴:咏叹调、小步舞曲、圆舞曲和进行曲。大公爵高兴极了,把宫廷的恩宠赐给这位神童。[6] Before reaching his teens,3 Christophe was firmly installed as official second violinist in the court orchestra, where his father was * concert master.4 Rehearsals, concerts, composition, lessons to give and take — that was his life. He became the mainstay of the family financially, * even collecting his father's wages before Melchior could get his hands on them.5 All the other phases of his no one even bothered to teach him table manners.〔6〕还不到13岁,克利斯朵夫在宫廷管弦乐队里就已经稳稳地当上了正式的第二小提琴手,他的父亲就是该乐队的首席小提琴手。排练、演出、作曲、教课、学习——这就是克利斯朵夫的生活。他成了家庭经济的主要支柱,甚至他父亲的工资也由他去领取而不让他父亲沾手。生活的其他方面全被忽视了;甚至没有人想到要教给他吃饭时应有的规矩。[7] When Melchior finally * drowned himself,6 his death was a financial benefit to the Kraffts. But when Jean Michel died, it was a different matter. Christophe's two brothers were seldom home, and only Louisa and her musician son were left. To save money, they moved into a smaller, more wretched flat.〔7〕曼希沃后来淹死了,他的死倒给克拉夫脱家庭的经济带来了好处。但是约翰o米希尔之死却是另一回事了。克利斯朵夫的两个弟弟很少在家,家中只剩下鲁意莎和她这个音乐家儿子。为了节省开支,他们搬到一个更小、更简陋的住所去。[8] Meanwhile Christophe was going through a series of love affairs which always terminated unhappily because of his unswerving honesty and lack of social graces. In his early twenties he took Ada, a vulgar shop girl, for his mistress. Because of gossip, he found it much harder to get and keep pupils. When he dared to publish a criticism of the older masters, he lost his standing at court. He had almost decided to leave Germany.〔8〕与此同时,克利斯朵夫经历了一系列的恋爱事件,由于他的憨直老实和缺乏交际手腕,这些恋爱总是以不幸而告终。他20岁出头就勾搭上粗俗的女店员阿达做他的情妇。由于流言蜚语,他发现越来越难找到学生,也难留住学生了。当他敢于对老一辈的大师发表评论意见时,他也就失去了宫廷的位置。他几乎下决心要离开德国。[9] At a peasant dance one night he protected Lorchen, a farm girl, from a group of drunken soldiers. In the ensuing brawl, one soldier was killed and two were seriously injured. With a warrant out for his arrest, Christophe escaped to Paris.〔9〕有一天晚上在一个乡村的舞会上,他为了保护一个叫洛金的农村姑娘,与一群喝醉了的士兵大打出手,当场一个士兵被打死了,两个受了重伤。由于已经发出了逮捕状,克利斯朵夫只好逃往巴黎。[10] Once in France, a country he greatly admired, Christophe found it difficult to acclimate himself. He met a group of wealthy and cynical Jews, Americans, Belgians, and Germans, but he judged their sophistication painful and their affectations boring. His compositions, although appreciated by a few, were not generally well received at first.〔10〕法国是克利斯朵夫一向极为向往的国家,但一旦到了那儿,他发现很难于适应。他遇到了一群又有钱又玩世不恭的犹太人、美国人、比利时人和德国人,不过他认为他们那种世故是令人痛苦的,他们那些虚伪做作很讨厌。他所作的曲子虽然能得到一些人的欣赏,但起初并不普遍受到欢迎。[11] After a time, with increasing recognition, he found himself alternately praised and blamed by the critics. But he was noticed, and that was the important thing. Although he was received in wealthy homes and given complimentary tickets for theaters and concerts, he was still desperately poor.〔11〕过了一些日子,由于受到越来越多的赏识,他发现自己被评论界忽而赞扬忽而指责。不过他因此引起了注意,这是很重要的事。虽然他受到有钱人家的接待并收到戏院和音乐会的招待票,他还是一贫如洗。[12] At the home of the Stevens family, where he was kindly received, he instructed Colette, the coquettish daughter, and the younger, gentler Grazia, her cousin. Without falling in love with Colette, he was for a time her teacher and good friend. Grazia, who adored him, was only another pupil.〔12〕他在史丹芬家受到了很好的接待,他们那个卖弄风情的女儿高兰德和比她年轻、比她温柔的表妹葛拉齐亚是他的学生。他并没跟高兰德谈恋爱,因此他们维持了一阵师生和好友的关系。葛拉齐亚很崇拜他,而在他呢,她只不过是另一个学生而已。[13] One night a blushing, stammering young man of letters was introduced to him. It was Olivier, who had long been a faithful admirer of Christophe's music. Christophe was immediately attracted to Olivier, although at first he was not quite sure why. Olivier's face was only hauntingly familiar.〔13〕有一天晚上,人们介绍给他一个腼腆的、口吃的年轻文学家。他就是奥里维,他长久以来一直是克利斯朵夫音乐的忠诚崇拜者。克利斯朵夫立即被奥里维吸引住了,起初他也说不清为什么,他只是感到奥里维异常面熟。[14] It turned out that Olivier was the younger brother of Antoinette, a girl whose image Christophe cherished. Before he left Germany, a Jewish friend had given Christophe tickets for a box at the theater. Knowing no one to ask to accompany him, he went alone and in the lobby saw a French governess who was being turned away from the box office. Impulsively, Christophe took her in with him. The Grunebaums, the girl's employers, had expected to be invited also, and they were angry at the fancied slight. Antoinette was dismissed from their employ.〔14〕后来才知道奥里维就是安多纳德的弟弟,安多纳德这位姑娘的形象是克利斯朵夫所极为珍爱的。在他离开德国之前,一个犹太朋友曾经给了克利斯朵夫几张戏院的包厢票子。他不认识什么人可以陪他去,就一个人去了,在门厅里他看到一个法国家庭女教师正在售票处前要买票买不到,克利斯朵夫一时冲动就把她带了进去。这姑娘的主人葛罗纳篷一家以为他们也会被邀请的,结果他们自认为受到了怠慢,为此十分恼怒,就把她——安多纳德辞退了。[15] As she was returning to France, Christophe caught a glimpse of her on the train. That was all the contact he ever had with Antoinette. Now he learned that she had worn herself out by supporting Olivier until he could enter the * ?cole Normale.7 When he finally passed the entrance examinations, she had already contracted consumption, and she died before Christophe came to Paris.〔15〕在她回法国时,克利斯朵夫曾在火车上看到她一眼。这就是他和安多纳德全部的接触经过。现在他才知道她为了供应奥里维考取高等师范学校已耗尽了精力。在他终于被录取的时候,她已经得了肺结核症,在克利斯朵夫来到巴黎之前就死去了。[16] Finding a real friend in Olivier, Christophe took an apartment with him. The house was only middle- but in that house and its inhabitants, and with Olivier's guidance, Christophe began to find the real soul of France. Away from the sophisticated glitter of Paris, the ordinary people lived calm and purposeful lives filled with the ideal of personal liberty.〔16〕克利斯朵夫发现奥里维是个真正的朋友,就与他共住在一所公寓里。房子只是中等阶级水平的或者更低些;但是在这所房子里,通过各种各样的住户和依靠奥里维的指引,克利斯朵夫才开始发现法国真正的灵魂。远离巴黎的花花世界,普普通通的人过着平静而有意义的生活,这种生活充满了个人自由的理想。[17] Olivier became a champion of Christophe and helped establish his reputation in the reviews. Then some one, an important person, worked anonymously on Christophe's behalf. In a few years he found himself famous in France and abroad as the foremost composer of the new music.〔17〕奥里维变成了克利斯朵夫的拥护者,写评论文章帮他树立声望。与此同时,还有一个重要的匿名人物在暗中支持他。不出几年,他发现自己已是法国国内外在新音乐方面最重要的作曲家。[18] Olivier's marriage to the shallow Jacqueline separated the two friends. In his eventful life Christophe made many more friends, but none so dear as Olivier. He did, however, discover his anonymous benefactor. It was Grazia, no longer in love with him and married to a secretary of the Austrian legation.〔18〕奥里维与肤浅的雅葛丽纳的婚姻把这两个朋友拆散了。在他经历丰富的一生中,克利斯朵夫又交了很多朋友,但是再没有一个能比得上奥里维这样亲密的了。不过,他终于找到了那个匿名的恩人,那就是葛拉齐亚。这时她已经不再热恋他而嫁给了奥地利公使馆的一位秘书。[19] Jacqueline left Olivier, and he and Christophe became interested in the syndicalist movement. They attended a May Day celebration which turned into a riot. Olivier was fatally stabbed. After killing a soldier, Christophe fled the country.〔19〕雅葛丽纳离开奥里维出走了,他与克利斯朵夫开始对工团主义运动感兴趣。他们参加了一个五一节的庆祝会,结果庆祝会变成一场暴动。奥里维被刺伤致死。克利斯朵夫在杀死一个士兵后逃离了这个国家。[20] During his exile in Switzerland, Christophe went through an unhappy love affair with Anna, the wife of a friend, and the consequent sense of guilt temporarily stilled his genius. But with the help of the now widowed Grazia, Christophe spent ten fruitful years in Switzerland.〔20〕克利斯朵夫在瑞士流亡期间与阿娜发生了一次不愉快的恋爱事件。阿娜是他一个朋友的妻子,随之而来的内疚暂时压抑了他的天才。但是在当时已经孀居的葛拉齐亚的帮助下,克利斯朵夫在瑞士度过了十年硕果累累的生活。[21] When he returned to France, he was sought after and acclaimed. He was vastly amused to find himself an established master, and even considered out of date by younger artists.〔21〕在他返回法国时,他成了追求和欢呼的对象。他觉得非常好笑:自己已经成为公认的大师,而甚至被年轻一辈的艺术家认为已经有些过时了。[22] Although Grazia and Christophe never married, they remained steadfast and consoling friends. Grazia died in Egypt, far from her beloved Christophe. He died in Paris. To the end, Christophe was uncompromising, for he was a true artist.〔22〕虽然葛拉齐亚和克利斯朵夫两人从未结婚,但是他们彼此保持着坚定不移的、互相安慰的友情。葛拉齐亚死在埃及,远离她所爱的克利斯朵夫。克利斯朵夫死在巴黎,至死都坚定不妥协,因为他是真正的艺术家。From Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form译自《世界文学名著书摘》Notes1.本文内所提到的人物均采用傅雷所译的《约翰o克利斯朵夫》一书里的译名。《约翰o克里斯朵夫》是罗兰()的代表作之一,他写的是关于一个作曲家一生的故事。克里斯朵夫是个有才能的钢琴家和作曲家,但他不愿以此迎逢讨好,猎取功名利禄。他富于正义感,对生活充满着美好的理想。这是一部现实主义与理想主义相结合的艺术作品。2.字字正确的;完全正确的。3.十几岁;以teen为词尾的年龄,一般指13岁到19岁的青少年。4.乐队首席;交响乐队之第一小提琴手,其地位仅次于乐队指挥,故一曲终了,在观众鼓掌欢呼时,乐队指挥必与第一小提琴手握手同向观众致意,然后才全体起立致意。5.由于曼希沃一拿到自己的工资就去喝酒花掉,置一家生活于不顾,所以小小年纪的克利斯朵夫就在其父沾手之前先把工资领回交给其母鲁意莎。6.曼希沃并非自杀,而是由于酒醉跌入水沟溺死。7.法语,即The Normal School,巴黎高等师范学校,法国最著名的学校之一,作者罗兰本人也毕业于该校。时文NewsCNN – 地球不再如此孤单!CNN - Earth is no longer so lonely.CNN - NASA said Thursday that its Kepler spacecraft has spotted &Earth's bigger, older cousin& – planet Kepler-452b: the first nearly Earth-size planet to be found in the habitable zone of a star similar to our own.Though NASA can't say for sure whether the planet is rocky like ours or has oceans, continents and air like Earth, it's the closest match yet found. &Today, Earth is a little less lonely,& a Kepler researcher Jenkins said.Kepler-452b is about 1,400 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. It's about 60% bigger than Earth, NASA says, and is located in its star's habitable zone -- the region where life-sustaining liquid water is possible on the surface of a planet.Its gravity is about twice that of Earth's, and planetary scientists say the odds of it having a rocky surface are &better than even.&While it's a bit farther from its star than Earth is from the sun, its star is brighter, so the planet gets about the same amount of energy from its star as Earth does from the sun. And that sunlight would be very similar to Earth's, Jenkins said.The planet &almost certainly has an atmosphere,& although scientists can't say what it's made of. Planetary geologists predict its atmosphere would probably be thicker than Earth's, and it would have active volcanoes.It takes 385 days for the planet to orbit its star, similar to Earth's 365-day year. And because it's spent so long orbiting in this zone -- 6 billion years – it’s had plenty of time to brew life.The $600 million Kepler mission launched in 2009 with a goal to survey a portion of the Milky Way for habitable planets. From a vantage point of 64 million miles from Earth, it scans the light from distant stars, looking for almost imperceptible drops in a star's brightness, suggesting a planet has passed in front of it.It has discovered more than 1,000 planets twelve of whom less than twice the size of Earth and in the habitable zones of the stars they orbit. NASA is planning to look deeper into details on the size, mass, atmospheres, color, seasonal differences, weather and even the potential presence of vegetation of planets circling distant stars.美国宇航局周四表示,开普勒宇宙飞船已经发现“个头略大的地球堂兄”- 行星开普勒452B。这是在类似于地球的太阳宜居带发现的第一颗几乎与地球同样大小的行星。虽然美国宇航局没有把握说,这颗星球是否和我们的星球一样为石头结构,是否和地球一样有海洋、大陆、空气,但它是迄今为止发现的与地球差别最小的行星。“今天,地球就不再这么孤独了,”一位开普勒的研究人员简金斯说。开普勒452B距离地球大约1400光年,位于天鹅座星群。美国宇航局说,它大约比地球大60%,处在其恒星的宜居带上 – 即行星表面可能存在支持生命的液态水。其引力大约是地球的2倍,行星科学家认为,其表面为石头结构的概率“大于持平”。虽然它距离其恒星比地球距离太阳稍远,但其恒星比太阳更亮,因此从恒星得到的能量比地球从太阳得到的为多。其“太阳光”也和地球的相似,简金斯说。这颗行星“几乎肯定有大气层,”但科学家尚不肯定其构成。行星地质学家预测,它的大气层会比地球的厚,还可能有活火山。它绕其恒星一圈是385天,和地球的365天一年类似。因为它在这一带环绕飞行已经这么长时间 – 60亿年了 - 它有足够的时间孕育生命。这艘耗资6亿美元的开普勒飞船于2009年发射,目的是勘察银河的部分空间,寻找宜居行星。在距离地球6400万英里的有利位置上,它通过扫描遥远的恒星发出的光,寻找恒星几乎觉察不到的“量度下降”- 这就提示有行星从其面前飞过。开普勒已经发现了1000多颗行星,其中12颗的大小,不到地球的两倍,并且位于它们围绕的恒星的宜居带内。美国宇航局正计划加深对细节的研究,如这些围绕遥远的恒星公转的行星的大小、质量、大气层、颜色、季节差别、天气、甚至是否有植被等。(原文选自CNN新闻)飚记英语(biaojienglish) 
每周一次的直播课。本次直播课程选自新概念英语4的经典文章。(今年我一定会讲完新概念3,4精选文章)由于新概念4的文章很难,我这次采用:语篇理解,快速把握大意;逐句分析。大概每课45分钟讲完。(事先也没准备,直接开讲了,做好准备)我的写作“太极思维”法[第1版]-以南通一模作文为例这套试卷难度颇大,尤其是阅读C篇,来源于老牌外刊《经济学人》中一篇很新很难的报道。我今天要给大家讲讲这篇,庖丁解牛式。最后我想回答最近两位读者给我的问题,非常典型。笔者在整理高三冲刺100天的精品讲义时,顺便将阅读中的佳词佳句摘录分类,同时包括了部分寒假破釜沉舟讲义的笔记,在这里以飨读者。特色:长难句分析;高大上词汇的品析; 如何从课文中提炼精华用在写作中。
链接: /s/1ntVloyl 密码沙龙第一时间提供国外42种权威杂志日报,前提是,会员需要每天都要阅读至少一篇文章,并做好笔记。方式:加我的私人微信号:xuetang100,留言:一起孤读。实在有困难的,可以两天一篇笔记。沙龙第一时间提供国外42种权威杂志日报,前提是,会员需要每天都要阅读至少一篇文章,并做好笔记。方式:加我的私人微信号:xuetang100,留言:一起孤读。实在有困难的,可以两天一篇笔记。沙龙第一时间提供国外42种权威杂志日报,前提是,会员需要每天都要阅读至少一篇文章,并做好笔记。方式:加我的私人微信号:xuetang100,留言:一起孤读。实在有困难的,可以两天一篇笔记。沙龙第一时间提供国外42种权威杂志日报,前提是,会员需要每天都要阅读至少一篇文章,并做好笔记。方式:加我的私人微信号:xuetang100,留言:一起孤读。实在有困难的,可以两天一篇笔记。沙龙第一时间提供国外42种权威杂志日报,前提是,会员需要每天都要阅读至少一篇文章,并做好笔记。方式:加我的私人微信号:xuetang100,留言:一起孤读。实在有困难的,可以两天一篇笔记。孤读沙龙笔记2-2(和12.14)成员1:程璇读者文摘-2014年12月-2015年01月Memories set in Stone【Voca110篇高级阅读直播——Lesson 11 和 Lesson 12录播视频“一起の孤读”读书沙龙笔记()笔记选“一起の孤读”读书沙龙笔记()笔记选绝对干货:年高三上学期江苏大市十二套期中试卷单选分类讲评3-1来吧,融入“一起の孤读”读书沙龙[附我的昨日读书笔记]干货:我来说说高三后期作业的编制和学生的薄弱点分析这是干货:高三英语复习的种种迷思和我的另一种探索[也适合高一、二]考试是残酷的但也是公平的,我无意在此用一些虚无的好话来安慰考得不好的同学。我们要做的就是正视现实,做好计划,勇往直前。同时我相信本文也会对高一和高二学生有很多启发。今天讲的是Lesson 9。你还可以前往爱心授课群(,教师免进)。本期针对徐、宿、连、淮高三四市联考卷的最难的一篇阅读C篇进行剖析。顺序如下。本文是对讲解阅读一个全新的模式,当然这个方法是比较繁琐的,但实践证明是非常有效的。我的想法是,在一轮复习中,要对高三各大市三套卷(期中、一模、二模)的单选全方位理解透彻,事无巨细,无论是否真的熟悉,都要研读一下,以避免有理解不到位的地方。另外,要避免钻语法牛角尖。对于写作,我的经验告诉我,不能仅仅给学生鱼,最重要的是授之以渔。我们从来不缺关于各种好句子的荟萃,更不缺各种好作文来背诵。我们学生的问题是:我们背了很多,却不知道如何去用?这是篇实实在在干货,无论你是教师还是学生。笔者无意将它写成学术论文,但作为教师,最好知道一些基本的写作中的汉语对英语的一些负迁移常识,详见Krashen和王立非等人的著作,如果了解一些关于体裁——过程写作法以及写长法的知识就更好了。关于高三如何复习Module 9-11,我的想法是:
3.以有效输出为目的今天讲的是Lesson 8。这次课我不再逐句分析,而是通过问题来解决文章重难点句子,然后融会贯通在写作中。
你还可以前往爱心授课群(,教师免进)参与每周日中午12:40开始的一个小时公益直播课程。今天讲的是Lesson 6, Lesson 7。这两课分别讲的是如何做一个好领导,和如何看待人生的机遇。在上课前,我请同学们先想两个问题。我的宗旨是:每日一句,关注热点,提炼精华,共同提高。我的宗旨是:每日一句,关注热点,提炼精华,共同提高。我的宗旨是:每日一句,关注热点,提炼精华,共同提高。我的宗旨是:每日一句,关注热点,提炼精华,共同提高。我的宗旨是:每日一句,关注热点,提炼精华,共同提高。我的宗旨是:每日一句,关注热点,提炼精华,共同提高。我的宗旨是:每日一句,关注热点,提炼精华,共同提高。我的宗旨是:每日一句,关注热点,提炼精华,共同提高。人们常说:人生如戏,也有人唱到:一场游戏一场梦。有时我们被生活的车轮赶着往前飞奔,有时我们真想说:同学,听放慢你的脚步。。。请看本文
2.拓展造句本次讲解的文章为赫赫有名的赫胥黎写给朋友儿子的信,关于如何选择职业。虽然一百多年了,然教育意义非常深刻。让我们来一起欣赏这位科学家和文豪的文笔。孙老师说:高考英语一张卷中应该就数听力最简单了,一般来说最多只能错五分,实际上只要每次学校听力都认真听基本不南京市2016届高三年级学情调研卷 英语试卷biaojienglish用极其简洁的方法来学习英语,在遵循英语学习规律的基础上,用微课视频来辅助学生突破英语听说读写,以及语法和词汇。


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