有一上瘾里面有2首英文歌歌 里面是科比什么什么的叫啥啊

《Higher》--Taio Cruz 唱的
Erik GronWall
出门在外也不愁科比同名歌曲kobe bryant中,插的那几句科比说的话是什么?英语,谢谢_百度知道
科比同名歌曲kobe bryant中,插的那几句科比说的话是什么?英语,谢谢
我是说唱之王,我还会在别的队头上得81,这不仅仅是一场球赛而已,he cant guard me,he will do whatever it takes,那节奏正如这首歌的旋律。底线一对一,四次冠军,just give him the ball and he’ll take it all,科比一个人就绰绰有余。(Lebron Skit)Uh。当我攻击,do it for Kareem,or turn around jumper,dont worry Lebron,Kobe Bryant aka Envy Me,I I just break records,practice in my sleep.ok,never take a day off catch u at the top of the key and get a J off,and I prefer da ball with 3 seconds,或是给埋伏在外线的老鱼,he is the most complete basketball player in the game today!,科比创造传奇.,and dunk on dunkers,its more then a game,More than Kobe Bryant。科比让其他人望尘莫及。罚球线,当某天有人问起,”What separates Kobe from the pack,yeaa,even two three gotta love how I do me,只为在关键时刻挺身而出让世界屏息。我永远不会被你们逆鳞,I drops 40 on ur double team.Ko Ko Kobe Bryant Nikes。这是一种激情,I see nothing wrong with doing it four times baby,我根本无人能敌,没人能力压科比,its goin down yo,purple gold strings。戒指将会属于他,我只会让记录停息,我可以低位背打任何人,no such thing as exhaustion no time for resting cause I dont take breaks。Ok,能比肩科比,ur defenders sick of me?攻击篮筐.”So,ball or not,Im goin for the ring.Clutch or Mr,he has an assassin mentality!让我们向魔术师致敬。篮球大师,ra rap monster,no Robert Horry,Yea,then I drop 81 on another team? Yea,Yup,but。你要怎么做,he da greatest on da court,他是篮球之神,or just drive da lane,this guy is HOLLYWOOD?他需要战利品,who dey want,我才不需要挡拆,远远超出我的旋律,crossover good,一人挑战一个Team,and when dey ask u whos da best then the answer should be me,it’s just that simple,hold it for ransom,he cant guard me,I call him King Bryant,he will get all in your mug,完美的突破,and I’ll repeat it again。(skit)pass me da dam ball I dont need a pick at all,two four on my shirt,this is a passion,水来土掩,成为一个全明星,Yeaa,and I bet we gon win it all in 3 seconds,所以我的球队也是第一,yeaa…你防我的时候最好全心全力,抢断球权,当我刚从高中毕业,请为他正名,要么转身跳投,I put the master in the peace,只要他愿意没有什么不可以,I said this weeks,我从来不会停息,That is a guarantee apparently and please tell ur defense dont ever man to man with me。没错,他是一个聪明绝顶的杀手, for an NBA World Championship,MVP。yeaa…双人包夹得40分。哈哈,dey want Kobe,Ha ha,你猜他会从哪里出手,Ha Ha。我现在这样说,two four on my shirt,do it for Magic,还可以给阿里扎让他搞定,KOBE BRYANT。说实话,basketball beast,我去北京带回了奥运冠军!(Skit)Call me Mr,没人愿意相信。我在为冠军戒指努力.从不停歇,been an All-Star,and da glory。他身着耐克,free throw line,闪耀紫金色的霸气,一切搞定,get em next year! 科比-布莱恩特的外号就是“惹人妒忌”,or just let Ariza do his thing。他就是能定义最伟大球员的含义,now let da crown show,说唱大师,不需要担心我的投射,He da best,我不会浪费时间休息,no Shaq,and I am starving for victory and dat means imma eat,这正是我出现在场边的原因,he will defend your best player。现在,but dont drown tho,there is no one,谁是篮球上第一,there is no one,and what he want,pra practice while u sleep?没有什么不可以.”,Kobe doin work,I never let them get to me,who starvin more,and dont worry bout my shot,baseline facetime tongue out like two three,whoever he is,你们的防守在我面前不堪一击,there you have it!无可置疑,stright out !我永远不会精疲力尽,gotta get da bling,你还有下个赛季,im da greatest on da verse,more than Kobe Bryant,谁都只能叹气而已,Ha,双人包夹三人包夹都不行,Yea,Ya digg,LeBron,been a Champion,或是溜底线突破?把球给他,他能让你输到一无所有,看吧,或者和奥多姆来玩个空接.你他妈的把球给我,我会搞定一切.u better guard me wit caution,Ha Ha!这是LAKERSHOW。我最喜欢在最后三秒绝杀你,its showtime baby?他们需要科比,然后眼睁睁看我轻松搞定你,他会为此不惜代价,甚至23号也为我的伟大叹息,告诉你,答案必须是科比,U better be ,突舌头的样子恰如MJ!我和詹姆斯都站在世界之巅,now wuts defense to an assassin。科比要什么,goin for the 4th ring like it was his first.Automatic,my flow so mean,无须霍里,any D smash and D,他是当今球场上最完美的篮球手,the over whelming answer was。他为第四枚戒指拼劲全力,Im goin for the ring,u kno where is goin,step back and give dem a three ain ain’t no defending me,Kobe break em off,n watch how I’ll work em like auction,Ba Black Mamba,or give it to D Fish on the wing,我在梦中也不曾歇息,我会平步青云超越所有劲敌。终于禅师要你们都把球教到我手里,三分球,literally。嘿。胜利,我是第一。不论球在手与否,he will shoot from the perimeter,要想防我千万不要用一对一,Ko Ko Kobe in da game dunkin on “The Whole Team”,正如贾巴尔那样、荣誉。24实在太优异。他能在外线飚射,不管谁来防守我,成为一个总冠军,绝没有人比科比布莱恩特更渴望一个NBA总冠军、无须鲨鱼,没有他们一样可以,未来也会这么说,Yea。看吧 科比创造传奇。他们要谁。我永远渴望胜利,绝对没有人!,then steal da ball back,he want the trophy!,Yea,two four so nice。他可能会喂球给枷锁?就在你的头上,MVP,now break em off?,Im da best,catch me at da game sitting next to ,事实就是,yeaa,黑曼巴让人臣服的攻击如此犀利,cause imma get that off,I said this when the trade went down,我会一直不停地说——没有人,SHOWTIME正在上演baby,the victory,kobe doin work,永远出其不意,the brackets ain’t for me I will be jumping over u like I got a mattress at my feet n all Phil Jackson say is u better be passing it to me,attack it like the beats。兵来将挡。我Tee上的24如此清晰,Yes。哈哈,cause im great and so is my team,简直像第一次冲击总冠军。我将篮球技术练到炉火纯青,I went to Beijing and came back with da bling。科比上场扣篮,or he’ll probably be dishing it to Gasol,现在,后撤步!MVP。在你们酣睡的时候我在练习.球场上最牛的球员是科比,killa instinct,我叫他王者科比,你永远都只能叹气,你要怎么防守一个天生冷血的杀人机器,double team triple team,我Tee上的24如此清晰,theirs nothing that Kobe can’t do,out of the High School,MURDER THE BASKET,不必难过伤心,attack conquer,Yea!请叫我为“关键先生”要么就叫“不加思索先生”,u hear em chantin,听他们呐喊MVP,我保证我只要最后三秒就能搞定你。他就是一个好莱坞式传奇,在弹簧人面前灌篮,this da Lake ShowHe’s the best player in the game,I can post em up or Lamar will get da alley
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