you23 and mee reap 淡淡哼唱

Being engaged in the eyewear designing and manufacturingfor many years,With proud and devotion......You and Me all believe"You reap what you sow"
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tuk tuk / car taxi & mini van to angkor wat
&Welcome! The
ancient Kingdom of Cambodia is famous for the warm hospitality it
extends to visitors from around the world.
&Welcome to Cambodia ! My name is Same& Sa Vat , but all the close friends call me Same ) . I am& a for the Angkor Wat temples tours , I am driving tuk tuk and Car by my self in
province Cambodia . If you would like my car taxi service for your
adventure tours in cambodia i am happy to be your driver all the time ,
Now i am offerring the and the transport around Cambodia , I can& provide full day trips as well as transportation for individual trips .
I have got friends at the
province they are all the tuk tuk
Car driver , they can help you all
the time . If you would like my friends
at there i can recommend you
and we can pick you up anywhere We take you on the trips
as you wish , If you need accommodation here
we can arrange for you at
very reasonable price. We will be take care of
your needs and make sure
your stay in Cambodia .
&Out of my driving skill i am& a& volunteer teacher working for
. i have got a excellent information to
tell everyone& to join my taxi
service , I have got a project
to find some donations to support to
the coso orphanage in Siem Reap province , I hope all the friends can&
support me and trust my taxi service , I am currently
working to find
donations to help the poor children in the countryside ,
as well as
supporting organizations who help poor children
I just Confirmed to Dear Tourist Get to know !!!!
- free pick up from the Airport / Bus / Boat station to the hotel .
- free cold small water / Cold small towel and free Hand phone in the trip
- free some history of the temple from driver .
Booking now Available & Get some discount
wechatID : angkorbestdriver168
phone number +(855)
, +(855) 093 454183
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Guest Review
rated "excellent" by travelers求助一首英文歌 女的唱的音调很高 很抒情 最后一句好像是true love for.._百度知道
求助一首英文歌 女的唱的音调很高 很抒情 最后一句好像是true love for..
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Scarborough Fair 斯卡布罗集市演唱: Sarah Brightman(莎拉.布莱曼)— — — — — — — — — —Are you going to Scarborough Fair(你们正要去斯卡博洛市集吗?)Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香)Remember me to one who lives there(记得代我问候在那的一个朋友)he once was a true love of mine(他曾经是我的挚爱!)Tell him to make me a cambric shirt(请跟他说为我缝一件白亚麻衬衫吧)Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香)Without no seams nor needl订储斥肥俪堵筹瑟船鸡ess work(不要用针穿和线缝)Then he'll be a true love of mine(那他将会是我的真情挚爱)Tell him to find me on acre of land(跟他说为我找一亩地吧)Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香)Between the salt water and the sea strand(在海水与浅滩之间)Then he'll be a true love of mine(那他将会是我的真情挚爱)在那个湿漉漉的,有寒意的清晨,山坡上伫立著一位穿著灰色裙子的少女,她的裙裾在山风中猎猎舞动,她的金色的长发在风中飞扬,她的苍白的双颊被风吹红;她满怀著失去爱人的痛苦,寻找著去斯卡保罗集市的人们----在那里,有她曾经的爱.我们不知道歌里的少女,究竟经历了怎样曲折的悲欢离合.在她胸中撕心裂肺和痛不欲生曾怎样让她的心沸腾不息可是,一切到了后来,只化成了她一句淡淡的询问:&你们是要去斯卡保罗集市吗......?&Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather(跟他说要用皮制的镰刀收割)Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香)And gather it all in a bunch of heather(将收割的石楠扎成一束)Then he'll be a true love of mine(那么他将会是我的真情挚爱)Are you going to Scarborough Fair(你们正要去斯卡博洛市集吗?)Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme(荷兰芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香)Remember me to one who lives there(记得代我问候在那的一个朋友)he once was a true love of mine(他曾经是我的挚爱!)


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