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Adventures of &three Chinese versions, to explore the translation of children's literature to complete functional equivalence. The actual differences and translation of traditional, Nida's functional equivalence from another angle to provide a translation criticism criterion. To reach the illusion of translation, it is necessary to find and the original the most natural and the closest equivalence, rather than stick peer to peer Yu Chunzhen the situation of. In other words, the readers of the translation and the response of original text readers response equivalence. As a part of the inorganic literature, the common characteristics of children's literature is literature, literature of the common discipline to comply with. But it is also an independent category of literature, they have differences in common literature of its own characteristics, namely children literature characteristic. It requests from the situation to the content should be simple, lively, not conducive to children's mental age differences, interests and preferences. Mark? Twain &Haq Berry? Adventures of &enjoy high honor in children's literature, love for the world's children, and adults. In this paper, the equivalence of the actual effect, answer the following two research achievement 1) from the three aspects of meaning, style, cultural analysis, &Haq Berry? Whether the adventures of &three Chinese versions have completed the functional equivalence? If not, what is the reason? 2) how the translator should based on the characteristics of children's literature to complete the translation of children's literature of functional equivalence? Through the process of translation and the original text, the version and the target of the comparative analysis, this research has the following important invention 1, three Chinese versions in the differences in the level of functional equivalence, but differences in the level of match significantly, national literature publishing agency when translation of peer to peer at the highest level, Yilin out publishing house Xu Ruzhi translation peer-to-peer level minimum. The comparative analysis method, translation functional equivalence level is too low the reason, in addition to the original know not lucid, merely content in the situation of equivalence translation is the translator also failed to grasp the child's mind, in the use of words are too adult, did not pay attention to the preservation of &children's touch&, lead to care about the meaning, the style of the two aspects of &static off balance. 2 of children's literature, the translator should be aware of the particular genre of children's literature, has recognized the sensitive genre, with a keen perception of children to speak. 3, children's literature, the translator should have rich imagination and civilization with the view of knowledge and ability in the cross-cultural exchanges in the completion of the translation from the original functional equivalence. It is worth noting that, in the translation of children's literature, the translator although should pay attention to the above request, but &the talk of the retroflex suffixation& and not the more the better, higher literary juvenile novels especially such. The study found that on the whole, the higher level of equivalence translation to natural and fresh, more consistent with the standards of literary translation. As a branch of literature, children's literature to comply with the literature of the general rules of is attention to children's literature translation was still a chapeau should meet the general literary translation discipline in the disposal of the language written language, civilization information literature. The other, many of the readers of children's literature is not confined to children. &Haq Berry? &Adventures of Mark the author of a book? Twain in the book media wrote &although this book is one of the important aspects of the boys and girls entertainment books, but I hope it does not is to suffer depression of adult men and women.& In children's literature translation not because the purpose of young readers of literary translation and decline the request. The study in two aspects of theory and practice have significance must. Practically speaking, the study on the system application effect of equality and the principle of analogy analysis of the three versions, and test the functional equivalence principle in the children's literature pointing action information release force. In theory, through the process analysis of special about children's literature, contribute to a better effect to complete the translation of children's literature and children's literature for equivalence, the translator's supply reference and suggestions.目录:Acknowledgements4-7Abstract7-8摘要9-10Introduction10-13&&&&Motivation of This Thesis10-11&&&&Data Collection11&&&&Thesis Structure11-13Chapter 1 Children’s Literature and Its Translation13-19&&&&1.1 Definition of Children’s Literature13-14&&&&1.2 Characteristics of Children’s Literature14-16&&&&1.3 Children’s Literature Translation in China16-19&&&&&&&&1.3.1 Children’s Literature Translation in Qing Dynasty16&&&&&&&&1.3.2 Children’s Literature Translation during May Fourth Movement16-17&&&&&&&&1.3.3 Children’s Literature Translation in the Contemporary Time17-19Chapter 2 Functional Equivalence and Its Role in Translation19-25&&&&2.1 Functional Equivalence Theory Overview19-20&&&&2.2 Functional Equivalence’s Role in Translation20-23&&&&&&&&2.2.1 Formal Equivalence20-21&&&&&&&&2.2.2 Varying Degrees of Functional Equivalence21-22&&&&&&&&2.2.3 The Importance of Reader’s Response22-23&&&&2.3 Principles for Producing Functional Equivalence23-25Chapter 3 Literature Review25-31&&&&3.1 About the Author25-26&&&&3.2 About the Novel26-28&&&&3.3 The Style of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn28-29&&&&3.4 The Three Chinese Versions29-31Chapter 4 A Comparative Study on Chinese Versions of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn31-47&&&&4.1 Meaning Equivalence31-36&&&&4.2 Stylistic Equivalence36-40&&&&4.3 Cultural Equivalence40-43&&&&4.4 Summary43-47&&&&&&&&4.4.1 Requirements for Translators of Children’s Literature43-45&&&&&&&&4.4.2 Childish Language versus Childlike Language45-47Conclusion47-49&&&&Major Findings47-48&&&&Limitations of the Stud48&&&&Suggestions for Future Study48-49Bibliography49-52分享到:相关文献| 上传我的文档
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