
  艺名:曾墨  原名: 曾超  外文名:Chamol  别名:   籍:   民族: 汉族  : 江西宜春  期: 03.06  毕业院校: 鲁东  经纪公司: 崔氏梦工厂  代表作品: 《寻找》  主要: 2006校园星歌手赛三等奖  2007校园舞与伦比街舞赛第四名  2007形象素质赛三等奖  2008雪碧名师高徒进入网络赛区前100强  2009烟台赛区寻找刘德华歌唱比赛进入复赛  2009校内星歌榜郑州赛区前十名全<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af0强  基本信息  身高:172CM  体重:60KG  语言:汉语英语  民族民系:汉族  擅乐器:吉  喜音乐:流行音乐情歌例:《变》《路太弯》  喜颜色:紫色白色蓝  喜季节:秋  喜欢吃水:柠檬  喜欢饮料: 柠檬汁  喜欢吃菜:辣椒炒肉湘菜川菜  喜欢做事:听音乐唱歌网  喜欢运:羽毛球  激候:家面前唱歌  满意部位:手  喜歌手:潘玮柏胡歌TANK  欣赏演员:胡歌周星驰  欣赏电影:《第六百零电》  欣赏电视节目:娱乐性节目比《快乐本营》《向》《娱乐百百》  欣赏自:手指  喜欢卡通物: 旋涡鸣黑崎护等非喜欢种积极向卡通物  喜欢数字:4  喜欢物:马浣熊  喜欢穿着:混搭随所欲  想:希腊琴海沿岸  想歌迷说:用我校电台用句:我用传递自音乐希望家能够直支持我谢谢  业经历:2006校园星歌手赛三等奖  2007校园舞与伦比街舞赛第四名  2007形象素质赛三等奖  2008雪碧名师高徒进入网络赛区前100强  2009烟台赛区寻找刘德华歌唱比赛进入复赛  2009校内星歌榜郑州赛区前十名全<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af0强  轶事:曾超才华男孩音乐着张花男孩英俊脸庞忧郁温柔声线让孩止着迷没接受任何专业训练凭借具赋功杀进《网闪亮星哥榜》全<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af0强郑州赛区10强读文专业文字着强悟力歌声充满着情听歌像听用讲述着段情故事让听着止容  我喜欢唱歌充满灵性男孩加油吧希望能音乐路程找属于自条路  记者手记:每都自梦想少却没实现自梦想……或许每答案都尽相同像曾超所说努力定功努力定功许勇于追逐自梦想男孩能给我点点启发
出门在外也不愁  (24-4-5)
Rocky Mountain High (cont')  (3)
Why they try to tear the mountain down to bring in a couple more, more people more scars upon the land.  But the Colorado Rocky Mountain high, I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky.  I know he'd be a poorer man if he never saw an eagle fly.  Rocky Mountain high, Rocky Mountain high.  It's a Colorado Rocky Mountain high, I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky. Friends around the camp fire and ev'rybody's high.  Rocky Mountain high, Rocky Mountain high.
Rocky Mountain High 也有其他歌手的演唱,各有千秋。丹佛献演的歌曲都不错,如我们常听到的 Leaving On A Jet Plane, Sunshine On My Shoulder, White Christmas 等。这些歌我们以后再介绍。
来说说著名的黑人歌手约翰尼-马蒂斯 Johnny Mathis。他1935年出身在旧金山的贫困黑人家庭,但成名后则为第一位黑人百万富翁。这又是一位所谓的Self-made man,励志。  马蒂斯的嗓音圆润﹑温柔﹑富有浪漫色彩,所以他能在竞争激烈的歌坛上出人头地。下面先介绍他的《当孩子诞生的时候》,这是一部电影的插曲。  
When A Child Is Born  A Ray of hope flickers in the sky, A tiny star lights up way up high, All across the land, Dawns a brand new morn.
(Chorus)  A silent wish sails the seven seas, The wind of change whisper in the trees, And the walls of doubt, Crumble tost and torn.
(Chorus)  (Recite) And all of this happens because the world is waiting, Waiting for one child. Black, white, yellow, no more knows, But child that will grow up and turn tears to laughter, Hates to love, war to peace,   And everyone to everyone's neighbour,  And misery and suffering will be words to be forgotten forever.
When A Child Is Born (cont')  It's all a dream an illusion now, It must come true sometime soon, somehow, All across the land, Dawns a brand new morn.  (Chorus)  This comes to pass, When a child is born.  这歌除Johnny Mathis 外,Bing Crosby 和 Kenny Rogers 的演唱也很好。关于这歌和这些歌唱家以后还要多次提及。
今日有新闻报道称 Andy Williams 安迪-威廉姆斯谢世,乐坛名家虽去,但他的歌声仍在!  安迪擅长演唱乡村歌曲﹑抒情电影歌曲,音色富有魅力,表演纯朴自然,1980年代曾随冰上芭蕾舞团来国内演唱。  我们先介绍他的 Love Story,这是一首广为流传的爱情歌曲。1970年根据同名畅销小说《爱情的故事》改编的电影取得成功。有人将电影主题曲重新填词,就是这首 Love Story,经安迪演唱后迅速走红,在当时摇滚乐占统治地位的音乐界争得年度最畅销流行曲。  
Love Story  Where do I begin to tell the story of how a great love can be? The sweet love story that is older than the sea. The simple truth about the love she bring to me, Where do I start?   With her first hello she gave a meaning to this empty world of mine, There'd never be another love another time. She came into my life and made the living fine.  She fills my heart, She fills my heart with very special things, with angel songs, with wild imagining.  She fills my soul with so much love that anywhere I go I'm never lonely, with her along who could be lonely? I reach for her hand it' always there! (cont')
Love Story (cont')  How long does it last, Can love be measured by the hours in a day?  I have no answers now, but this much I can say,   I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away,  And she'll be there!
Love Story 是1980年代初传入国内的,当时刚从事闭关锁国的状况中走出来,这歌真可谓风行一时。我第一次听到这歌就赶忙去找歌词,歌词也确实不错。十多年后我们自己的歌「小芳」,我感到其歌词与 Love Story 甚至有三分神似。其中"谢谢你给我的温柔,伴我走过那个年代...",我印象深刻。的确,"八亿人民八个戏"的年头是怎样过来的,天知道!像我们现在这样在「老歌会」里畅论中外歌曲、音乐,换到"那个年代"非倒大霉不可。  Love Story 除安迪的演唱外,Placido Domingo 和 Nana Mouskouri都有经典献演,有一首器乐曲是用西班牙吉他弹奏的,别有风味。
后天就是中秋节,中秋月明夜的晚会上,月亮总是"贵宾",也常会演唱或演奏一首乐曲「月亮河」Moon River。这是一部电影的主题曲,安迪演唱,获1962年奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖。影片女主角是奥黛丽.赫本,拿着吉他弹唱此曲,诉说梦想。悠扬徐缓的旋律道出几许回忆,或甘美或无奈......  如今电影的故事或许都忘了,但这首歌和赫本弹唱的场景却不会遗忘。
Moon River  Moon river, Wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style some day. Oh, dream maker, You heart breaker. Wherever you're going, I'm going your way.  Two drifters, Off to see the world, There's such a lot of world to see. We're after the same rainbow's end, Waiting round the bend. My huckleberry friend,   Moon river and me.  We're after the same rainbow's end, Waiting round the bend. My huckleberry friend, Moon river and me.
「月亮河」这歌 Andy Williams 的演唱当然经典,但其他人的演唱也有不凡之处。如女歌唱家 Shirley Bassey 唱得也好。这位女士的作品不少,有些太摩登的我就不懂了。有一首歌叫做 Diamonds Are Forever,可以拿来做广告词了,"钻石恒久远,一颗永流传",一笑。
  Moon River & Other Great Movie Themes
  Andy Williams
  Mancini, Mercer
  (假期中惯常的生活节奏改变了,未及时更新,向网友们致歉!)  (27-5-3)下面是约翰尼.马蒂斯的另一首名曲「一生中最美好的日子」,  The Best Days Of My Life  Here we're, Once again, Just the same we were then. In those carefree days, We were never apart.  What a shame, It's so sad, That our tidings was so bad, What I played the love, You offered your heart.  Looking back, I can see, Just now wise you were to me. I was a fool, I was to let you go!
The Best Daus Of My Life
(Cont')  Here we are, Since then, Could you try here once again, Cause now at last,
I come to your eyes.   (1)
That's from the day you walk in, To the day you walk out, Those were the best days of my life.  (2)
That's from the day you walk in, To the day you walk out, Those were the best days, The very best days of my life.
  (27-7)谈谈我很喜欢的演唱家亨浦廷克 Engelbert Humperdinck。他1936年出生在印度,是英国人。虽天生一付好嗓子但初登歌坛时并未被重视,直到1967年演唱的 Release Me 问世才吸引了公众的注意。这歌原是乡村歌手普赖斯唱的,但没有成功。经 Humperdinck 演唱当年就成为畅销曲,而此歌也是 Humperdinck 登上歌星宝座的奠基石。  Release Me 出名后许多名家都演唱过,其中有些是我们熟知的。
Release Me  Please release me, let me go, For I don't love you anymore. To me, To waste our life would be a sin, Release me, and let me love again.  I have found a new loved, And I will always want her near. Her lips are warm while you are cold, Release me, and darling , let me go.  Please release me, Can't you see, You'll be a fool to play to me. To live a life will bring a spring, So release me, and let me love again.
演唱过 Release Me 的人中有些还是很有名气的。Elvis Presley 的现场录音有点吸引力。还有两位女士唱得各有特色。一位是 Peggy Lee,唱得不错,合口味。另一位是很有名气的 Dolly Parton(多莉.派顿),她演唱的风格年轻人会喜欢。
  (27-7-3) Humperdinck 有许多好听的歌,我收集过一些,但现今只找到 Release Me 的歌词。有不少东西“束之高阁”已多时,找出来可是个“系统工程”。所以也要谢谢《老歌会》,让我重新拾起这些宝贝。这里我想请网友们注意他的 Your Love Stay With Me,Jerusalem, Strangers In The Night。后一首歌有许多人唱过,各有各的风味。Humperdinck演唱的 As Time Goes By 也好听,不妨拿来与其他各位比较一下。  Humperdinck 还有些歌曲以前我只有器乐曲,如 Harbor Light, The Last Waltz,他让我听到了歌声。后一首有 Captain Cook 乐队的器乐曲 Der Letzte Walzer,不错。上海老百乐门爵士乐队也演奏过此曲,爵士乐风味的。  
  (28-2)老百乐门乐队的曲子,许多都是我们熟悉的。「怀念旧金山」就是 I Left My Heart In San Fracisco。这歌很有名,Andy Williams 的现场演唱很值得一听。「风流寡妇」就是电影「快乐的寡妇」插曲 Waltz Song。原作是雷哈尔 Franz Lehar 的轻歌剧,Waltz Song 这歌以后还要谈到。  其它如「啄木鸟之歌」、「莫忘今宵」等,我们听到就知道。「静静的湖泊」又名「沉睡的珊瑚礁」是一首非常好听的英国歌曲,我常想再听一遍。「烟雾蒙住了你的眼睛」Smoke Gets In Your Eyes,我们以后再谈,有 Nat King Cole 和 Nana Mouskouri 的演唱。
用我杜撰的说法,老百乐门乐队的爵士乐比较“轻”,真正“正宗”的 Jazz 我不懂。学校里有老外说爵士乐是 Music of mind,但在下可体会不了,我只能挑些感到好听曲子,如下:《静静的深夜》,《快乐舞曲》,《秋的怀念》,《日日夜夜》,《高贵的绅士》,《夏威夷日出》,《银色月光下的孤帆》等。当然,我想多听听,再看点书,总能稍微懂一些的。  
  (28-4)有一些我们非常熟悉的歌曲如果用爵士乐演绎出来将别有风味。「何日君再来」与「夜来香」都听过不知多少遍了,有邓丽君演唱的,也有其他歌唱家演唱的。我们自己也常会哼唱。那么听听老百乐门乐队是怎样演奏的。前面曾谈及 Home On The Range,这里就有爵士乐风格的「牧场上的家园」,有味道!  这个乐队既然在上海,那老上海味道的乐曲呢?有的,请听「苏州河畔」,「五月的风」,「夜上海」。「五月的风」曾经是不好唱的,也不知为何。「夜上海」以前听的是声乐磁带,爵士风格的器乐似乎别有一功。
这个帖子开始时有些歌曲没给出歌词,现补上,抱歉!先说 We Will Rock You  Buddy, you're a boy make a big noise, Playing in the street, Gonna be a big man someday.  You've got mud on your face, Your big disgrace, Kicking your can all over the place.  Singing, We will, we will rock you, We will, we will rock you.  Buddy, you're a young man, hard man, Shouting in the street, Gonna take on the world someday.  You've got blood on your face, Your big disgrace, Waving your banner all over the place.  We will, we will rock you, Singing, We will, we will rock you.   Buddy, you're an old man, poor man, Pleading with your eyes, Gonna take you some peace someday.  You've got mud on your face, Your big disgrace, Somebody better put your back into your place.  We will, we will rock you, Singing, We will, we will rock you.  Everybody, We will, we will rock you, We will, we will rock you,  Alright!  
Londonderry Air  Would God I were the tender apple blossom, That floats and falls from off the twisted bough, To lie and faint within your silken bosom, within your silken bosom, As that does now!  Or would I were a little burnish'd apple, For you to plunck me, gliding by so cold, While sun and shade your robe of lawn will dapple, Your robe of lawn and your hair's spun gold.  Yea, would to God I were among the roses, That lean to kiss you as you float between, While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses, a bud uncloses, To touch you queen.  Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing, A happy daisy, That so your silver foot might press me going, Might press me going even unto death.  
  (29-2)The Last Rose Of Summer 的词作者是十九世纪著名的爱尔兰诗人 Thomas Moore ,曲调来自其它歌曲但由 Moore 修改,因为诗人也有很好的音乐才能,还擅长演唱。Moore 有「爱尔兰歌曲集」,其中每一首歌都是他根据某一民间曲调写成,然后再根据歌调的节奏来写诗,所以词和曲结合紧密,歌曲集也就是诗集。  贝多芬曾校订过这首歌曲,门德尔松用它写过一首钢琴幻想曲,弗洛托的歌剧「玛尔塔」中也用到它。这是一首在全世界广泛流传的抒情歌曲,许多女高音歌唱家乐于唱它。
The Last Rose Of Summer  'Tis the last rose of summer, L All her lovely companions, A No flower of her kindred, No rose bud is nigh, To reflect back her blushes, Or give sign for sigh.  I'll not leave thee, thou lone one, T Since the lovely are sleeping, Go,
Thus kindly I scatter, Thy leaves o'er the bed, Where thy maters of the garden, Lie scentless and dead.  So soon may I follow, Wh And from love's shining circle, T When true hearts lie withered, And fond one have flown, Oh, who would inhabit, This bleak world alone!   
Home On The Range  Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam, Where the deer and the antelope play, Where never is heard a discouraging word, And the skies are not cloudy all day. (Refrain)  How often at night, when the heavens are bright, With the light from the glittering stars, Have I stood there amazed and asked as I gazed, If their glory exceeds that of ours. (Refrain)  Where the air is so pure and the sephyrs so free,
And the breezes so balmy and light, That I Would not exchange my home on the range for all of the cities so bright. (Refrain)  (Refrain) Home, home on the range, Where the deer and the antelope play, Wnere never is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day.  
  (30) 再来谈论民歌。民歌是真正的音乐宝库,民众在其中吐露出他们真实的思想和愿望。民歌,有愉快而热情的,有忧愁而悲伤的,有撞丽而严肃的,表达了人们丰富的内心世界和他们的生活现实。下面介绍的一些歌曲,有些是真正的民歌,词曲作者或改编者均已不可考。也有些歌曲用了民间流传的曲调,但填词者确有其人。一般认为这些都算民歌。  
  用手机可随时随地发帖,方便,但键盘小,会按错键。上文把“壮”搞成“撞”,在贴 Home On The Range 时又把 Where 中的 h 搞成 u,真不好意思,请谅为祈!  
Long, Long Ago  Tell me the tales that to me was so dear, Long, long ago, Long, Sing me the songs I delighted to hear, Long, long ago, long ago.  Now you come, all my grief is removed, Let me forget that so long you have roved, Let me believe that you love as you loved, Long, long ago, long ago.  Do you remember the path where we met, Long, long ago, Long, long ago? Ah, yes, you told me you ne'er would forget, Long, long ago, long ago.  Then, to all others my smile you preferred, Love, when you speak, gave a charm to each word, Still my heart treasures the praises I heard, Long, long ago, long ago.  Though by your kindness my fond hopes were raised, Long, long ago, Long, You by more eloquent lips have been praised, Long, long ago, long ago.  But by long abscence your truth has been tried, Still to your accents I listen with pride, Bless as I was when I sat by your side, Long, long ago, long ago.  
这首《多年以前》有说是 Bayly 作曲,但词作者不知。所以也有说就是英国民歌,姑且从此说吧。  这歌好听好唱好记,演唱演奏者不少,就不多介绍了。国内有一个演唱组合“金色时光”唱得也好。  
来谈谈苏格兰民歌。虽然都用英语,但苏格兰与英格兰有差别,近日的苏格兰独立公投就很有意思,不过不太可能分裂。我对苏格兰有好感。抗战时中国远征军首次入缅,本为盟友但英军却在补给上刁难。一次第五军的军需官兴匆匆地告诉杜聿明说汽油有了,是苏格兰籍的军官给的,要多少给多少。扯远了,打住。先来谈谈罗伯特.彭斯给民歌配词的歌曲。Robert Burns 是世界文化名人,他的 Auld Lang Syne 和 My Heart's In The Hignlands 刚开始时就说过了,现在说他的另两首歌曲。
Ye Banks And Braes Of Bonnie Doon
在美丽的杜河堤岸边  (1) Ye banks and braes of bonnie Doon, How can ye bloo How can ye chant, ye little birds, And I sae weary, fu' of care! Thou'll break my heart, thou warbling bird, That wantons through the flow' Thou mind's me of departed joys, Departed never to return!
Ye Banks And Braes Of Bonnie
Doon (Cont')  (2) Oft' have I roamed by bonnie Doon, To see the ros And ilka bird sang o' it's love, And fondly sae did I o' mine! Wi' lightsome heart, I pu'd a rose, Fu' sweet upon it' And my fause lover staw the rose, But ah! He left the thorn wi' me!
上面的歌词中有些苏格兰古语,在大一些的词典中可查到。Ye 就是 the, bonnie 的意思是“美好的”﹑“强壮的”,brae 指“斜堤”﹑“沿河的小山坡”,sae 是so ,ilk 或 ilka 义“同一的”﹑“相同的”。Thou 这词是古语,但现在歌曲中也能见到。它指第二人称单数,所有格是thy 或 thine,宾格是 thee,物主代词是 thine。另,Bonnie也用作女性的姓名。  这歌也常被称作 Ye Banks And Braes。我们可以听 The Best Of Scotland 充满感情的演唱,我感到好象在听我们自己的古曲《关山月》﹑《阳关三叠》似的。  
Comin' Thro' The Rye 穿过麦田 Scotch Folk Song
Words by R.Burns  If a body meet a body, Comin' thro' the rye, If a body kiss a body, Need a body cry? Ev'ry lassie has her laddle, Nane, they say, ha'e I; Yet a' the lads they smile on me, when comin' thro' the rye.
Comin' Thro' The Rye (Cont')  If a body meet a body, Comin' frae the town, If a body greet a body, Need a body frown? (Refrain)  Among the train there is a swain, I dearly love my-sel'; But what's his name, or where's his name, I din-na choose to tell. (Refrain)  (Refrain)
Ev'ry lassie has her laddle, Nane, they say, ha'e I; Yet a' the lads they smile on me, when comin' thro' the rye
Comin' Thro' The Rye 可听 Deborah Henson Conant 的器乐曲,没找到声乐有些遗憾。下面介绍另一首荡气回肠的苏格兰歌曲 My Bonnie,我们听的是 John Mcdermott 的演唱,这又是一位唱了许多好听歌曲的音乐家,以后还要说到他。  My Bonnie  My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me. (Refrain)
(cont')  Oh, blow your winds over the ocean, Oh, blow ye winds over the sea. Oh, blow ye winds over the ocean, And bring back my Bonnie to me.  Last night as I lay on my pillow, Last night as I lay on my bed, Last night as I lay on my pillow, I dreamed that my Bonnie was dead.  The winds have blown over the ocean, the winds have blown over the sea, The winds have blown over the ocean, And brought back my Bonnie to me.  (Refrain)
Bring back, bring back, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me, Bring back, Bring back, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.
  (30-3)转而谈谈爱尔兰民歌。"爱尔兰民歌一部分产生于古代,另一部分产生于近三四百年间,其中有许多是上一世纪才产生的......这些歌曲大部分充满桌深沉的忧郁......" (恩格斯)下面先谈「绿色的佩戴」The Wearing Of The Green。1798年爱尔兰人民起义反抗英国,要求建立独立的爱尔兰共和国,但失败了。此前一年即产生了这首爱国歌曲。歌词中提到的酢浆草 shamrock 是爱尔兰的国花 national emblem,其叶子是三片一丛,传说爱尔兰的守护圣徒 St.Patrick 曾用酢浆草来形象地说明"三位一体"the Trinity,每年的"圣派区克日"爱尔兰人都要佩戴酢浆草,而绿色也成为爱尔兰色。
The Wearing Of The Green  Oh, Paddy dear, and did you hear the news that's going 'round? The shamrock is forbid by law, to grow on Irish ground!   St.Patrick's Day no more we'll keep, his colour can't be seen, For there's a bloody law agin' the wearing of the green.  I met with Naper Tandy, and he took me by the hand, And he said " How's poor old Ireland, and how does she stand?" " She's the most distressful country th They're hanging men and women ther for wearing of the green."   
The Wearing Of The Green
(cont')  Then since the colour we must wear is England's cruel red, Sure Ireland's sons will ne'er forget the blood that they have to shed.  You may take the shamrock from your hat now, cast it on the sod, But 'twill take root and flourish still, tho' under foot it's trod.  When the law can stop the blades of green from growing as they grow, And when the leaves in summertime their verdure dare not show, Then I will change the colour that I But 'till that day, please God I'll stick to wearing of the green.
前面讲过《伦敦德里小调》Londeonderry Air,这首著名的爱尔兰有三种不同的歌词,下面讲的 O Denny Boy 情深质朴,易记易唱。  O Denny Boy  O Denny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling you, from glen to glen and down the mountain side. The summer's gone and all the leaves are falling, 'Tis you must go and darling I must 'bide.  But call me back when summer's in the meadow, and all the valley's hush'd and white with snow. For I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow, O Denny Boy, O Denny Boy, I love you so!  
上面说过 John Mcdermott 演唱的 My Bonnie,现再介绍两首他唱的非常悠扬动听的爱尔兰歌曲。  Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms
即使你美青春已消逝  Believe me, if all those endearing young charms, Which I gaze on so fondly today, Were to change by tomorrow, and fleet in my arms, Like fairy gifts fading away.  Thou wouldst still be adored as this moment thou art, Let thy lovelinessfade as it will, And around the dear ruin, each wish of my heart, Would entwine itself verdantly still!  
Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms (cont')  It is not while beauty and youth are thine own, And thy cheeks unprofaned by a tear, That the fervor and faith of a soul can be known, To which time will but make thee more dear!  Oh, the heart that has truly lov'd never forgets, But as truly loves on to the close, As the sunflower turns on her god when he sets, The same look, That she gave when he rose!
John Mcdermott 演唱的 My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose 好听极了。这首《一支红红的玫瑰》本来就好听,经 Mcdermott 唱出来别有味道。遗憾的是歌词也没找到,只能说对不起了。Mcdemott 演唱的歌还会多次谈及。  
The Minstrel Boy 也由 John Mcdermott 演唱,但这歌却有为国奋战的慷慨。  The minstrel boy to the war is gone, In the ranks of death you' His father's sword he has girded on, And his wild harp slung behind him.  "Land of song," said the wariror bard, "Tho' all the world betrays thee, One sword at least thy rights shall guard, One faithful harp shall praise thee!"  
The Minstrel Boy (cont')  The minstrel fell but the foeman's chain could not bring t The harp he loved never spoke again, For he tore it's chords asunder.  And said no chains shall surely thee,
Thou soul of love and bravery! The tones were made for the pure and free, They shall never sound in slavery!
  (30-4)再谈谈美国民歌。以前已说过 Home On The Range,Clementine 等,但似乎不像英格兰、爱尔兰民歌那样有那么多话题。可能是其历史不太长,也可能在南北战争之前国家不安定,所以其民歌多与独立和战争有关。这里有一个明显定例子,一首爱情歌曲「德克萨斯的黄玫瑰」The Yellow Rose Of Texas 在那战乱的年代居然像一首进行曲,甚至还有点战争歌曲的味道。这歌我们可以听 Mitch Miller的演唱,就当它是进行曲倒也可一听。下面讲一首大家都熟悉的歌曲 You Are My Sunshine,它出现在1940年,曲调是民歌,由 Davis Mitchel 填词。我们仍听 Mitch Miller 的演唱。
You Are My Sunshine  You are my sunshine, You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know, dear, How much I please don't take my sunshine away.  The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamt I held you in my arms.   When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, So I hung my head and I cried.   
  (30-4-2) 在南北战争前,南方富裕家庭大多有黑人褓姆,孩子的第二个母亲--"黑妈妈"。她既抚慰、爱护白人孩子,也挂念住在黑人居住区的自己的孩子,她的"小羔羊"。我们现在听的就是「黑妈妈摇篮曲」All The Pretty Little Horses,黑妈妈唱出了她对白孩子的母爱,又流露出自己深切的悲哀。这首歌被美国南方的黑人母亲和黑人的同情者已唱了一个多世纪。我们可听女中音 Marilyn Horne的演唱。HORNE 和著名男高音同台演出过歌剧,她唱的「美梦人」以前说过。
  (30-4-2)All The Pretty Little Horses  Hushabye, don't you cry, Go to sleep, little baby. When you wake, you shall have all the pretty little horses. Blacks and bays, dapples and grays, Coach-and-six a little horses.  Hushabye, don't you cry, Go to sleep, little baby.  Hushabye, don't you cry, Go to sleep, little baby. Way down yonder in the meadow, Lies a poor little lambie. The bees and the butterflies, Peckin' out it' The poor little thing cried, "Mammy!" Hushabye, don't you cry, Go to sleep, little baby.
美国民歌的可说话题不多,现在谈一个船工号子 What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor?然后就转向其它有趣味的歌曲。  船工号子在十九世纪时流行,他们的号子与中国的川江号子不一样,有点戏谑的味道。这首歌的号子属于 Stamp-and-go "跺脚--起步"一类。唱到 Hooray an' up she rise "加油,张起凤帆"时,水手们重重地在甲板上跺脚。歌的其它部分是扯风帆时定节奏用的。
  (30-4-3) What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor  What shall we do with a drunken sailor, What shall we do with a drunken sailor, What shall we do with a drunken sailor, Early in the mornin'? (Refrain)  (Refrain) Hooray an' up she rises, Hooray up she rises, Hooray up she rises, Early in the mornin'.  Put him in
a long-boat 'til he's sober, Put him in a long-boat 'til he's sober, Put him in a long-boat 'til he's sober, Early in the mornin'. (Refrain)  Put out the plug an' wet him all over, Put out the plug an' wet him all over, Put out the plug an' wet him all over, Early in the mornin'. (Refrain)  
我感到遗憾的是当初没有把德法语坚持下去,所以面对丰富的德法歌曲只能望“洋”兴叹了。下过力气的俄语现在倒没什么用处,昔日的 Super power 现今成了小语种,学俄语专业可以降分录取。关于俄语歌曲我会谈谈自己的看法并就教方家。关于德法的歌曲我采取“实用主义”,好听就行,歌词听不懂且不管。歌词也不发上来,依样画葫芦冒充懂行要丢人的。另外,还想谈两首 Schubert 舒伯特给莎士比亚的英文诗配曲的名歌,其中的故事也有趣。  
法国歌曲「玫瑰花般的生活」La Vie En Rose 就像其名字一样,是一首很好听的歌曲,在法国人的场合常可听到,上海世博会的法国馆也常用它做背景音乐。法国有名的歌唱家大都有过献演。但我们听的是 Dean Martin 的演唱,还有 Helmut Zacharias 的器乐曲。顺便一提,Dean Martin 也有名气,我们还会介绍他唱的歌曲。
  (31-2)圣洁女神 Casta Diva。其实这类歌曲音乐不一定就与宗教有关,也可能起先有宗教意味,后来就世俗化了。我不信教,也不会对宗教说些什么。对这类乐曲,只要好听就行。Casta Diva 可听 Sir James Galway Flute+London Symphony Orchestra 的演奏。
  (31-3)小夜曲 Serenade 大家都知道,现在我们来听舒伯特小夜曲 Standchen 的德语演唱。这小夜曲是听熟了的,但 Anna Malikova 的演奏和 Thomas Quasthoff Bass+Baritone+Chamber Orchestra Of Europe 的演唱或许能给我们带来新的感觉。
上面说的 Casta Diva 有碟片,是Nana Mouskouri 演唱的,不错。但梦网中没有,只有器乐曲,遗憾。  现在来听 Auf Flugeln Des Gesanges 《乘着歌声的翅膀》。门德尔松的这首名曲大家都知道,英文叫On The Wings Of Song,我们听 Lott+Murray 德文演唱,很好。  
  (31-5) 已是深秋时分,我们听浓郁醇厚的「重归苏莲托」,应景。以前说过英文的 Come Back To Sorrento,也好听。但若键入意大利语 Torna A Surriento,我们可以听到更多绝妙的声音,建议几个如下:  ?
Giuseppe Di Stefano+Orchestra
1988 Digital Remaster。能够听到斯台芳诺的声音真好!  ?
Josac Carreras 的男高音  ?
Mario Lanza Ray Sinatra 的演唱  ?
Nepolitan Mandolins
  (31-5) 已是深秋时分,我们听浓郁醇厚的「重归苏莲托」,应景。以前说过英文的 Come Back To Sorrento,也好听。但若键入意大利语 Torna A Surriento,我们可以听到更多绝妙的声音,建议几个如下:  ?
Giuseppe Di Stefano+Orchestra
1988 Digital Remaster。能够听到斯台芳诺的声音真好!  ?
Josac Carreras 的男高音  ?
Mario Lanza Ray Sinatra 的演唱  ?
Nepolitan Mandolins
  (31-6) 有一类歌曲叫“船歌”Barcarolle,都很好听。其实 Santa Lucia 也是船歌。有不同作曲家的船歌,但在梦网中只有奥芬巴赫《霍夫曼的故事》中的船歌,有多种演唱和演奏。我们可以听 Captain Cook 乐队的器乐曲(不过他们在 Barcarolle 中少写了一个 "l")和波切利 Andrea Bocelli 天籁般的声音。  
有一首歌常听常想听,就是格里格为易卜生戏剧《培尔-金特》所写的歌曲《苏尔维格之歌》Solvejgs Lied。  培尔-金特怀着幻想四处飘泊,以寻求幸福和财富,但许多年后仍一贫如洗。回到故乡后才知道什么是幸福,而以往的一切追求终究虚枉。他最感动的是他当年的未婚妻苏尔维格仍在等待着他。  Solvejgs Lied 是一首美妙的舒情歌曲,表现了女主人公真挚的爱。曲调优美,无论人声演唱,用小提琴或用管弦乐队演奏都动人心弦。我收藏的卡带和碟片中有多种不同的演绎,在梦网中有 Andrac Rieu 的声乐,很好听。  
  回复第170楼(作者:@南方东方长江 于
12:14)  (31-8)
舒伯特(Franz Schubert )
浪漫主义音乐的奠基人,在短促和贫困的一生中,他写了大量的器乐和声乐作品,其中影响最大的是歌曲。他把歌曲的创作提高到新的高度,称他为“歌曲之王”,名至实归。  舒伯特喜爱歌德的诗篇,他有七十多首歌曲用歌德的诗作歌词。但他也为莎士比亚的诗谱了两首歌。有一年夏天他和友人在维也纳一乡村饭店用餐,随手拿起一本《莎士比亚诗选》翻看。看到 Hark, Hark! the Lark 时突然乐思涌动,兴奋地问有谱纸吗。灵感是稍纵即逝的,友人立刻在菜谱反面划上五条线,一﹑二十分钟后这首歌颂大自然和春天的名作就问世了。舒伯特后来又为这本诗集中的 Who Is Sylvia 谱了曲。  下面先说 Hark, Hark! the Lark ,《听,听!云雀》。  
  灵感这名堂听起来玄乎,但艺术家都讲究。Inspiration 这词在上世纪一、二十年代传入,舶来品不好译,被弄作「因思彼里纯」。约翰-斯特劳斯的「蓝色的多瑙河」也与因思彼里纯有关。一日,他徜徉在河边时突然灵感发作,有笔没纸,那位仁兄只得把旋律写在衬衫上。回家后他要把旋律整理一下,发觉衬衫被夫人拿去洗了。他赶快找过去,还好,衣尚未洗。要不然现在就会少一支名曲了。
  灵感这名堂听起来玄乎,但艺术家都讲究。Inspiration 这词在上世纪一、二十年代传入,舶来品不好译,被弄作「因思彼里纯」。约翰-斯特劳斯的「蓝色的多瑙河」也与因思彼里纯有关。一日,他徜徉在河边时突然灵感发作,有笔没纸,那位仁兄只得把旋律写在衬衫上。回家后他要把旋律整理一下,发觉衬衫被夫人拿去洗了。他赶快找过去,还好,衣尚未洗。要不然现在就会少一支名曲了。
  The Heifetz Collection, Volume 40 - GERSHWIN & ENCORES by Debussy, Khachaturian, Mendelssohn, Prokof
  Jascha Heifetz
Hark, Hark! The Lark  Hark, hark! The lark at Heav'n's gate sings, And Phoebus ' His steed to water at those springs, On chalic'd flow'rs that lies, On chalic'd flow'rs
that lies!  And winking Marybuds begin, To o With ev'ry thing that pretty is, My Lady sweet, arise, With ev'ry thing that pretty is, My Lady sweet, arise, arise, arise, My Lady sweet, arise, arise, arise, My Lady sweet, arise!
Who Is Sylvia?  Who is Sylvia, What is she, That all our swains commend her? Holy,
The heav'ns such grace did lend her, That adored she might be, That adored she might be.  Is she kind, as she is fair? For beauty lives with kindness: To her eyes love doth repair, To help
And, being help'd, inhabits there, And being help'd, inhabits there.  Then to Sylvia let us sing, That Sylvia is excelling, She excels each mortal thing, Upon the To her garlands let us bring, To her garlands let us bring.  
说一些时间近些的歌。我对太现代化的歌基本无知(不好意思!),所谓“时间近一些”差不多都是八十年代收集的歌曲,碟片倒是后来买的。  我们来听 J.D.Kern 的名曲《烟雾迷朦了你的眼睛》 Smoke Gets In Your Eyes。这歌我们可听 Nana Mouskouri 和 Nat King Cole 的演唱。Nana 唱的歌已说过几次,Nat King Cole 也有名气,以后另作介绍。以前提到的“上海老百乐门爵士乐队”也演奏过此曲,当然是另一种味道。   
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes  They asked me how I knew my true love was true, I of course replied something here inside cannot be denied.  They said someday you'll find all who love are blind, When your heart's on fire you must realize smoke gets in your eyes.  So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed to think they could doubt my love.  Yet today my love has flown away, I am without my love.  Now laughing friends deride tears I cannot hide, So I smile and say, when a lovely flame died, Smoke gets in your eyes.
我们以前说过好莱坞电影《翠堤春晓》 The Great Waltz 的插曲 When We Were young,现在介绍一首与之相似的歌曲 When You And I Were Young,Maggie。这也是一首很好听的歌曲,可能因年龄的原因吧,我对这类徐缓怀旧的歌曲有一点偏好。我们听 Mitch Miller 的演唱,大家也都记得他唱过的 The Yellow Rose Of Texas 和 You Are My Sunshine。  
When You And I Were Young, Maggie  I wander today to the hill, Maggie, to w The creek and the creaking old mill, Maggie, As we used to long ago.  The green grove is gone from the hill, Maggie, Where firs The creaking old mill is still, Maggie, Since you and I were young.(Chorus)  (Chorus) And now we are aged and gray, Maggie, And the trials Let us sing of the days that are gone, Maggie, When you and I were young.
When You And I Were Young (cont')  A city so silent and lone, Maggie, where the young and the gray and the best, In polished white mansions of stone, Maggie, Have each found a place of rest?   Is built where the birds used to play, Maggie, And join in the
For we sung as gay as they, Maggie, When you and I were young.(Chorus)
  (34)我们对男高音了解得多些,如三大男高音等等,但对男低音就不一定。我自己正是这样,只知道上海音乐学院温可铮教授等。1979年上音请世界著名男低音斯义桂教授来讲学,他推荐将 Profundo's Delight 作为声学教材之一,要求表现出男低音歌者悠然自得的轻松愉快心情,不必如某些高音歌唱家费力地追求高音。我有这首「男低音歌者的乐趣」的卡带,但在梦网中却没找到这歌,遗憾。歌词中的 low C 和 C in the bass 指"低音C"。
Profundo's Delight  I wander if anyone knows what it means, To sing down to C in the bass. They say that profundos are nearly extinct, But it seems that I'm still in the race. There are many profundos who seem rather shy, who can sing a song better than me. But somehow or other, they
In singing way down to low C.  Sopranos and tenors all singing up high, On ledger lines over the staff. I pity them all when they try to reach C. And I smile as I smother a laugh. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! The altos and baritones have a good time, On the staff they are safe as can be. But when I'm at leisure, For me it's a pleasure, In singing way down to low C.
  (35)有些很好听的歌,也有点名气,但歌词的本子和书刊一下子找不到,我想还是先介绍了,等找到歌词再补上,请谅!  Katherine Jenkins 唱的歌都蛮好听的,我有碟片,一、二十年前的老片子。其中有 Time To Say Goodbye,这歌许多人都唱过,似乎 Jenkins 的好些。这歌梦网中有。还有 Jenkins 唱的 Barcarolle 「船歌」和 O Sole Mio 「我的太阳」都不错。当然后者与 Domingo 与 Carreras 有不同的味道。
  (36) 说一些英语的儿歌。有些歌大家都知道的,如 Happy New Year, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 等就不多说了。英文儿歌有一些是孩子们唱着玩的,如下面的 Row, Row, Row Your Boat,由童声唱来大概大人们也要听的。还有一类儿歌兼有学语言的用处,如 Head And Shoulders, Knees And Toes 可学词汇;Now The Day Is Over 可帮助掌握动词现在时态;Once I Saw A Little Bird 中有几个不规则动词,歌会唱了,这几个动词的变化也学会了。我们以前说过的 El Condor Pasa 也被用来学习一些虚拟语气的用法。  学些英文歌曲对孩子学语言是有益的。但有些歌曲如 Do-Re-Mi 在他们那里可叫儿歌,因那是他们的母语。不过对我们的儿童来说,其中有些词是陌生的,作儿歌,难了些。  我们仍介绍梦网中能找到的儿歌  
  只给老人、病人、小孩、孕妇提供农副产品!  品种包括:蜂蜜、土鸡、土鸭、野山茶油、野葛粉、红薯粉、金银花、银杏叶(千年以上古树叶)、中草药等。  品质保证:可经权威机构检测,不含任何农药、化肥及色素、食品添加剂。如有失信,受罚10000元!  联系电话:
Row, Row, Row Your Boat  Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is interesting.  Chew, chew, chew your bread, Gently thru your meal, The more you laugh , The less you eat, The better you will feel.  介绍一个童声乐队 Kidzup Children's Music,他们唱了这歌,还有不少其它儿歌如 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star , London Bridge (" London Bridge's falling down......")等。
  (36-2) 《当她来的时候》这首儿歌通过三个复合句让学生懂得现在时态在时间状语从句中表示将来时态的动作或状态。  Coming Round The Mountain  She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes, She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes, She'll be coming round the mountain, coming round the mountain, She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes.
(Refrain)  Oh, she'll be driving six white horses when she comes, She'll be driving six white horses when she comes, She'll be driving six white horses, driving six white horses, She'll be driving six white horses when she comes.  (Refrain)  Oh, we'll all go out to meet her when she comes, Oh, we'll all go out to meet her when she comes, Oh, we'll all go out to meet her, all go out to meet her, Oh, we'll all go out to meet her when she comes. (Refrain)  (Refrain) Singing Ai-yai yi-pee yi-pi Ai, Singing Ai-yai yi-pee yi-pee Ai, Singing Ai-yai yi-pee, Ai-yai yi-pee, Singing Ai-yai yi-pee yi-pee Ai.  
One Man Went To Mow 《割草歌》可用来练习“去”的过去时态和“人”的单复数用法。梦网上有这歌。  One Man Went To Mow  One man went to mow, went to mow a meadow, One man and his dog went to mow a meadow.  Two men went to mow, went to mow a meadow, Two men, one man and his dog, went to mow a meadow.  Three men went to mow, went to mow a meadow, Three men, two men, one man and his dog, went to mow a meadow.  
  (37) 再来说几首很好听很有名的法国歌曲。时值深秋,听法国诗人普列弗特作词﹑科斯玛作曲的《秋叶》Les Feuilles Mortes,正合心境。此歌俊逸典雅,自1947年发表以来,一直受到人们的喜爱。我不懂法语,照抄没意思,还是将译文贴出来吧。  《秋叶》:“火一般红,金一般耀眼,片片落叶,洒在窗前。逝去的夏天,热烈爱情永留心间。从你离去,时日漫漫,冬日寒风,又将凛冽,在这黄叶纷纷飘落的时分,我将你深深思念。”  我们先听法语的演唱。波切利 Andrea Bocelli 天籁般的声音将这首歌唱得荡气回肠,我常听了一遍又一遍。男高音卡雷拉斯 Jos Carreras 的唱功当然非同一般,我们来听听他是怎样演绎此歌的。  
「秋叶」这歌好听,就有了英文的 Autumn Leaves,许多名家都唱过。我们可以找到 Frank Sinatra 和 Nat King Cole 的男声演唱,Nat King Cole 很有些名气,以后要专门谈论一下。我们已接触过多次的 Nana Mouskouri 也唱过此曲的英文版。有趣的还是 Nat King Cole,他还唱了这歌的法文版,可以对比一下。
有时听到一个歌曲或一段乐曲,觉得旋律听到过,但一时想不起那是什么曲子。如果后来找到出处了,买来碟片卡带或录到这段音乐,那时的心情会非常愉快。法国歌曲「红磨坊」 Moulin Rouge 就是这样的。这歌的旋律大家想必熟悉,我们可以听 Charles Benvenuto的法语演唱和 Franck Poucel 的器乐曲。我不懂法语,但听听这歌倒真的好听。
  (38) 有时听到一首歌曲或一段乐曲,觉得选律听到过,但一时想不起那是什么曲子。如果后来找到出处了,买来碟片卡带或录到这段音乐,那时的心情总是愉快的。法国歌曲《红磨坊》Moulin Rouge 就是这样的。这歌的旋律想必大家都熟悉,我们可以听 Charles Benvenuto 的法语演唱和 Franck Poucel 或 Ranieri Alberto Semprini 的器乐曲。我不懂法语,但这歌倒真的好听。   
  (39) " When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." 这是美国吉他大师 Jimi Hendrix 说过的一段话,很有意思,但要把 Power of love 和 Love of power 译出原文的韵味来却不太容易,至少我想不出来。  吉米有一首这样的歌 Power to love 或许值得一听。喜欢吉他的朋友想必也会喜欢吉米,遗憾的是他只在世界上过了28年,。  
苏格兰民歌「罗梦湖」的歌词找到了,以前怕有误记所以不敢贴出来。  Loch Lomond  By yon bonnie banks, and by yon bonnie braes, Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond, Where me and my true love were ever want to gae, On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. (Refrain)  (Refrain) Oh! Ye'll take the highroad and I'll take the low road , And I'll be in Scotland afore ye, But me and my true love will never meet again, On the bonnie, bonnie banks of loch Lomond.
Loch Lomond (cont')  'TWas then that we parted in yon shady glen, On the steep, steep side o' Ben Lomond, Where in purple hue , The Highland hills we view, and the moon coming out in the gloaming! (Refrain)  The wee birdies sang and the wild flowers spring, And in sunshine the waters are sleeping, But the broken heart it kens, Nae second spring again, Tho' the waefu may cease frae their greetings! (Refrain)
  (41)现在来谈谈俄语歌曲。当年我学习第二外语俄语时中苏分歧尚未公开,学校里的苏联专家虽已撤走,但教学用书除部分本校的,大多仍是苏联教材,特别是本校苏联专家的著作,而俄语仍是 Super Power。学俄语就唱俄语歌曲,那时国内流行过的苏联歌曲差不多都会,如「祖国进行曲」、「快乐的人们」、「忠实的朋友」、「青年近卫军」等等。也学了不少俄罗斯民歌,如「三套车」、「纺织姑娘」、「草原」、「伏尔加船夫曲」、「在外贝加尔湖草原」等等。后来"反修"了,但俄语及苏版教材仍在使用,所以那些歌有时尚哼哼。改革开放后,随着对苏俄的一些事情了解深入,对有些苏联时代的歌曲就不再喜欢。例如对「红莓花儿开」就有些厌恶。三十年代初期,斯大林搞强迫集体化,造成粮仓乌克兰大饥荒并绵延多地。为了掩饰拍出电影「幸福的生活」,那歌就是片中插曲,多"幸福"。仅从音乐看,那些电影插曲还是不错的,但一边是饥荒,另一边却唱"啊,我们的丰收,我们的丰收,我们富饶的丰收!"(另一首插曲),这是不可接受的。
  (41-1)有些多产的苏联作曲家创作了不少歌曲,给人们印象深刻的有杜那也夫斯基、索洛维约夫-谢多依、查哈罗夫、勃兰切尔、诺维科夫、亚历山大罗夫等等。他们确实有好作品,但在那个时代也难免有些应景的甚至不好的东西。  我还想谈谈在我们这里仍不时能听到的「莫斯科郊外的晚上」。这是为某年"世界青年联欢节"专创的歌曲,但他们为什么非要强调"莫斯科"呢?原因简单,歌曲「列宁山」有词"...啊世界的希望,俄罗斯的心脏...",有点沙文主义吧。我们为联欢节创作的歌曲要好得多:"蓝色的天空像大海一样,宽广的道路上尘土飞扬;穿森林过海洋来自各方,千万个青年人欢聚一堂。拉起手、唱起歌、跳起舞来,让我们唱一支友谊之歌。......"
  (41-1)有些多产的苏联作曲家创作了不少歌曲,给人们印象深刻的有杜那也夫斯基、索洛维约夫-谢多依、查哈罗夫、勃兰切尔、诺维科夫、亚历山大罗夫等等。他们确实有好作品,但在那个时代也难免有些应景的甚至不好的东西。  我还想谈谈在我们这里仍不时能听到的「莫斯科郊外的晚上」。这是为某年"世界青年联欢节"专创的歌曲,但他们为什么非要强调"莫斯科"呢?原因简单,歌曲「列宁山」有词"...啊世界的希望,俄罗斯的心脏...",有点沙文主义吧。我们为联欢节创作的歌曲要好得多:"蓝色的天空像大海一样,宽广的道路上尘土飞扬;穿森林过海洋来自各方,千万个青年人欢聚一堂。拉起手、唱起歌、跳起舞来,让我们唱一支友谊之歌。......"


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