满地排挡、黄金大排挡 厦门、黄茅园餐馆。这三个地方翻译成英文是?

1.This is nille,she's my twin sister.2.This that your uncle?That is your uncle?3.What's this?This is the photo of my family.4.What did your cousin do?What's the job of your cousin?5.My grandmother is a English teacher.
This is lili, she is my twin sister.Is that your uncle?That is your uncle, isn't he?What is this? It is a photo of my family.What is your cousin's job?What job is your cousin doing?My grandma is a teacher of English.
排挡&:&caja de ve ...
排挡&:&gear (of a ...
排挡&:&変速装置。 ...
相关词典网站:当前位置: &
英文翻译dai pai dongfood stall sidewalk snack booth large stallstreet vendor:&&&& large:&&&& put in order
例句与用法1.Clients in macau include chain hotels , casinos , restaurants , coffee shops as well as local coffee houses and tai pai dong本地市场包括连锁酒店、娱乐场、餐厅、咖啡店、茶餐厅及大排档等。 2.Zhoushan food is featured with the fresh and delicious seafood , prepared by plain steam , flavor sauce , salted , air dried , and the sashimi can aslo be seen in the local dish舟山菜饮食,主要以海鲜为特色,烹饪的主要特点为清蒸酱渍盐渍风干,生吃。主要风味饮食点:沈家门大排档,以鲜活为特色。 3.Dining - room the hotel has one seascape multifunctional restaurant for over 300 people , one named yuehai , three separate rooms and seafood booth . the restaurants feature the cantonese cuisine and huai - yang cuisine餐厅:拥有同时容纳300多人用餐的碧海厅和银滩厅各1个,包厢3个以及海鲜大排档。菜肴主要以粤菜、淮扬菜为主。 4.Those who crave something familiar can find just about any kind of fast food - sandwiches , hamburgers , pizza , fried chicken and fish and chips , as well as ice cream and frozen yoghurt此外,还有许多的三明治专卖店义大利薄饼店,或是中式熟食店茶坊等。在香港电影或港剧中时常出现的路边大排档,更是香港最特别的外带速食文化。 5.There are a lot of hong kong restaurant types , the name is not the same , say on the whole , there are saloon bar , teahouse , restaurant , teahouse , fast food restaurant , cafeteria , the shop , sidewalk snack booth , sweet brilliant shop , cool tea pave etc . icing the room , gruel香港食肆类型很多,名称不尽相同,大体来说,有酒楼、茶楼、餐厅、茶室、快餐店、自助餐厅、冰室、粥面店、大排档、甜晶店、凉茶铺等。 6.To fully appreciate and discover athens ' many charms , do as the greeks d venture out into the neighborhoods , find the packed nightclubs , eat at one of the innumerable restaurants tucked in the most unlikely places , or see hollywood stars under real stars in a romantic outdoor cinema玩转雅典众多魅力风情之地,在邻区跟希腊人一样玩冒险,寻找拥挤的夜市酒吧,吃一次星罗棋布的大排档,或在浪漫的户外影院的星空下看一场好莱坞电影7.Dai pai dongs , traditional chinese food stalls that sell tasty morsels are recreated in a ballroom where your delegates stomachs will be filled with traditional fare such as egg tarts and the famous milk tea . then they can walk down the mock back streets and explore traditional calligraphy stalls or have their palms read您可在宴会厅内摆设大排档,让团队成员尽尝别具风味的道地美食,如香滑蛋挞及驰名奶茶等他们更可在模拟的小巷内逛逛走走,穿梭于不同的摊子之间,甚或研究中国传统书法看看掌相,乐趣无穷。 8.Users may easily take advantage of a variety of discounts and rewards including : 20 exclusive discount opportunities and rewards that cover fashion , dining , living and entertainment , such as biotherm , royal sporting house , pizza hut , dai pai dong , kamboat bakery , hellomoto shop and broadway circuit凭咭尊享二十项衣食住行消费特别优惠,其中包括biotherm royal sporting house pizza hut大排档金船饼店hellomoto shop及百老汇院线等,每天均可独享星级优惠。 9.In spite of the long shift hours , colleagues off duty could go swimming at tung wan beach on the island s east coast . some preferred to go to the cinema or take strolls around the island . there used to be some twenty cooked - food stalls near the ferry pier and many colleagues enjoyed the seafood and other delicious snacks at these stalls但是有苦亦有乐,不少同事在下班后会到东湾畅泳,往戏院观看电影,在山径漫步或到码头吃海鲜,以前码头旁边有十至廿档大排档,不少同事在此品尝香滑的奶茶及美味的鱼皮和鱼旦粉。 10.In spite of the long shift hours , colleagues off duty could go swimming at tung wan beach on the island s east coast . some preferred to go to the cinema or take strolls around the island . there used to be some twenty cooked - food stalls near the ferry pier and many colleagues enjoyed the seafood and other delicious snacks at these stalls但是有苦亦有乐,不少同事在下班后会到东湾畅泳,往戏院观看电影,在山径漫步或到码头吃海鲜,以前码头旁边有十至廿档大排档,不少同事在此品尝香滑的奶茶及美味的鱼皮和鱼旦粉。


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