ghost town adam 歌词歌词讲得是什么哦

There's a ghost down in the hall/大厅里有幽灵 There's a ghoul under the bed/床下面有盗墓者 There's something in the walls/四周的墙壁上似乎有什么 There's blood up on the stairs/沿着楼梯的台阶有血 And it's floating through the room/并且流如了房间 And there's nothing I can see/我什么也看不见 And I know that that's the truth/我知道这是真实的 Because now it's onto me./因为它正发生在我的身上 I don't understand it/难以置信 Hey!/嘿! I don't understand it!真的难以置信 Aaow! There's a tappin' in the floor/地板上有轻敲的声音 There's a creak behind the door/门后吱吱作响 There's a rocking in the chair/椅子在摇摆 But there's no-one sitting there/但里面却没有坐人 There's a ghostly smell around/周围的气息恐怖 But nobody to be found/但却没有发现任何人 And a coughin' and a yawnin'/咳嗽声打哈泣声 Where a restless soul is going不安宁的灵魂在游走 And who gave you the right to shake my family?/是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shake my baby,/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的身体, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back/你用一把到刺如了我的后背 Shot an arrow in me!/把一支箭射入了我! Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy/告诉我你嫉妒的灵魂 The ghost of jealousy/嫉妒的灵魂 Don't understand it!/难以置信 Yeah Yeah!/耶耶! Don't understand it!/难以置信 And who gave you the right to scare my family?/是谁给你的权利来恐吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to scare my baby,是谁给你的权利来威吓我的宝贝, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back,你用一把刀刺入我的背部 Shot an arrow in me!/把一支箭射向我 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy/告诉我你的嫉妒之魂吗? A suckin' ghost of jealousy/一个乳臭未干的嫉妒之魂 Aaow! And who gave you the right to shake my family?/是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shake my baby,/是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的宝贝, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? And who gave you the right to take,/是谁给你的权利抢走我的物品, Intrusion ?/侵如我的领地? to see me?/质问我? And who gave you the right to hurt my family?./是谁给你的权利来伤害我的家人? And who gave you the right to hurt my baby,/是谁给你的权利来伤害我的宝贝, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back/你用一把刀刺入了我的后背 Shot an arrow in me!/用一把箭射向我 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy/告诉我你是嫉妒之魂
出门在外也不愁07-GHOST 20话里的插曲歌名是什么?“在星星上,在雪花中,在记忆里,找寻你的脚印。 在这永恒的宁静中,这里是梦境之地。”
以上是一部分歌词。 请问歌名叫什么?_百度作业帮
07-GHOST 20话里的插曲歌名是什么?“在星星上,在雪花中,在记忆里,找寻你的脚印。 在这永恒的宁静中,这里是梦境之地。”
以上是一部分歌词。 请问歌名叫什么?
07-GHOST 20话里的插曲歌名是什么?“在星星上,在雪花中,在记忆里,找寻你的脚印。 在这永恒的宁静中,这里是梦境之地。”
以上是一部分歌词。 请问歌名叫什么?
07-GHOST ED 瞳のこたえ这张单曲里的副歌,ラグスの鎮魂歌。 你去下整张单曲就可以了。 没事就去日饭逛逛吧,我发的。/read.php?tid=38265 或者直接找我要这一首,我传给你。
Noria - 瞳のこたえ[発売](TVアニメ「07-GHOST」ED)
商品番号: AVCA-29259
メディア: マキシシングルCD
価格: 1260円(税込) アーティスト/ キャスト
Noria (アーティスト) 五十嵐"IGAO"淳一 (作曲者) 大場敏朗 (編曲者) 中川幸太郎 (編曲者) 内容 コミックZERO-SUMで大好評連載中の人気コミック『07-GHOST』がアニメ化! ED曲を歌うのはNoria!DVDにはPVを収録予定!! 収録曲
1. 瞳のこたえ
2. ラグスの鎮魂歌
3. 瞳のこたえ instrumental 4. ラグスの鎮魂歌 instrumental


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