最近muse酒吧经常放的一首早场待客的歌 歌词一开始就是it's just to lay ~~

谁知道carry on 的歌词?_百度知道
谁知道carry on 的歌词?
歌词:发送歌词到手机Though I've had blessings in my lifeAnd all the love we have to giveUntil you walked into my heartI had no reason left to liveSo let the mountains singLet the heavens cryLet the oceans roarLet the eagle flyCause the love we sharedBefore you said goodbyeIt's the love that helps me carry onWith deeper sorrows yet to faceI cross the oceans just to findThere's something missing in my lifeIt's weighing heavy on my mindSo let the mountains singLet the heavens cryLet the oceans roarLet the eagle flyCause the love we sharedBefore you said goodbyeIt's the love that helps me carry onThanks for helping me to fly so highAnd now I've got to carry onSo let the mountains singLet the heavens cryLet the oceans roarLet the eagle flyCause the love we sharedBefore you said goodbyeIt's the love that helps me carry onSo let the mountains singLet the heavens cryLet the oceans roarLet the eagle flyCause the love we sharedBefore you said goodbyeIt's the love that helps me carry onIt's the love that helps me carry onIt's the love that helps me carry on
歌名:carry on
填词:Fun.,Jeff Bhasker
谱曲:Fun.,Jeff Bhasker
所属专辑:Some Nights
Fun. - Carry On
Well I woke up to the sound of silence
The cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight
And I found you with a bottle of wine
Your head in the curtains
and heart like the fourth of July
You swore and said, we are not
We are not shining stars
This I know, I never said we are
出门在外也不愁  第一个晚上,推荐一首lighthouse family(灯塔家族)的一首歌ocean drive(海洋大道)  这首歌是我大学时候,听雀巢音乐时间(一个电台的 音乐栏目)听到的,当时就喜欢上了这个来自尼日利亚的二人组合,声音中的 空灵和纯净,让我每次听到 这首歌,就能 联想起碧海云天的场景。  歌词如下:  Say it's true  Pink and blue  I can share your situation  Keeping hold our  Emotions yeah  Will only make us cry  And you go  But I know  It ain't so serious, anyway  When the clouds arrive  We'll live on Ocean Drive  Don't know why  So blue  The sun's gonna shine on everything you do  The sky, so blue  The sun's gonna shine on everything you do  He left you  Black and blue  Without a word of explanation  And he took your love for granted and,  He left you high and dry  But you know  Someday  Well you'll wonder what you see in him, anyway  When that day arrives  We'll live on Ocean Drive
楼主发言:48次 发图:0张
  今夜推荐,苏打绿原唱的《小情歌》,初次听到这首歌,是3,4年前,有时候在KTV,会自己点唱或者在别人唱的时候,去合唱一下。最近这首歌的再度热门,是中国好声音里面多亮的翻唱版本,不止一个人对我说,更喜欢多亮的演绎。只是对我来说,其实苏打绿和多亮的演绎属于白玫瑰和红玫瑰而已,苏打绿的清澈嗓音表达不了那种沧桑,而多亮的沙哑里面,也包含不了苏打绿的一种干净。  这是一首简单的小情歌  唱着我们心肠的曲折  我想我很快乐 当有你的温热  脚边的空气转了  这是一首简单的小情歌  唱着我们心头的白鸽  我想我很适合 当一个歌颂者  青春在风中飘着  你知道 就算大雨让这座城市颠倒  我会给你怀抱  受不了 看见你背影来到  写下我 度秒如年难捱的离骚  就算整个世界被寂寞绑票  我也不会奔跑逃不了 最後谁也都苍老  写下我 时间和琴声交错的城堡
  回复 收藏 举报 2楼作者:彳亍复彳亍 时间: 10:46:00   唉,我只听得懂本民族的语言和音乐  ------------------  谢谢版主的回复,说实话,我平时听的歌以英文居多,但是我会尽量在推荐歌曲中,中英文夹杂的。。。只是表达自己每一晚的单身心情而已,无他
  太感谢了,要坚持与我们分享哟, 不许自私哟。
  今天是个好天气,太阳照在人的身上暖洋洋的,呵呵,可惜对羊肉馆来说就不是好现象了。。anyway,一定要淡定。。  今晚推荐的,是意大利盲歌手andrea bocelli(波切利,曾和张靓颖一起在08奥运会上唱歌)的一首Con Te Partiro(今夜无人入睡)  很久以前就听过这首经典的歌,但是对它的印象加深,主要是在09年春节休假的时候,呆在家里看美剧the sopranoes(黑道大佬),里面反复出现这首歌,听得我深深喜欢上了这首歌,尤其是bocelli优雅的嗓音。。甚至可以自己模仿那个意大利语达到8,9成的程度(我一直都想学西班牙语或者意大利语这样的优雅南欧语系)  说个插曲,有一次在南滨路一个酒店,里面正在办婚礼,居然前奏里面就放了这首歌,因为这首歌的英文直译就是time to say goodbye(说再见的时刻),呵呵,希望那对新人是向他们的单身岁月说goodbye。。  歌词如下:  Quando sono solo  sogno all'orizzonte  e mancan le parole  si lo so che non c'è luce  in una stanza quando manca il sole  se non ci sei tu con me, con me  Su le finestre  mostra a tutti il mio cuore  che hai acceso  chiudi dentro me  la luce che  hai incontrato per strada  con te partiro  paesi che non ho mai  veduto e vissuto con te  adesso si li vivrò  con te partirò  su navi per mari  che io lo so  no no non esistono più  con te li vivro  Quando sei lontana  sogna all'orizzonte  e mancan le parole  e io si lo so  che sei con me con me  tu mia luna tu sei qui con me  mio sole tu sei qui con me con me  con me con me con me  con te partiro  paesi che non ho mai  veduto e vissuto con te  adesso sì le vivrò  con te partirò  su navi per mari  che io lo so  no no non esistono più  con te io li rivivrò  Con te partirò  su navi per mari  che io lo so  no no non esistono più  con te io li rivivrò  con te partirò  Io con te
  今晚推荐:离人  初次听这首歌,是在去年的张学友演唱会上,当时觉得歌神用他那经典的男中音娓娓唱来,好听至极。后来在用播放器找歌的时候,无意中发现还有林志炫演唱的另外一个版本。林志炫的声音也是我的大爱,包括他的那些经典老歌,比如蒙娜丽莎的微笑,认错,出嫁。。。最爱他的高音,明亮而有穿透力,但是在这首《离人》的歌声里,分明听到了那种阳光下的淡淡哀愁:  银色小船摇摇晃晃弯弯  悬在绒绒的天上  你的心事三三俩俩蓝蓝  停在我幽幽心上  你说情到深处人怎能不孤独  爱到浓时就牵肠挂肚  我的行李孤孤单单散散  惹惆怅  离人放逐到边界  彷佛走入第五个季节  昼夜乱了和谐  潮泛任性涨退  字典里没春天  离人挥霍着眼泪  回避还在眼前的离别  你不敢想明天  我不肯说再见  有人说一次告别天上  就会有颗星又熄灭  银色小船摇摇晃晃弯弯  悬在绒绒的天上  你的心事三三俩俩蓝蓝  停在我幽幽心上  你说情到深处人怎能不孤独  爱到浓时就牵肠挂肚  我的行李孤孤单单散散  惹惆怅  离人放逐到边界  彷佛走入第五个季节  昼夜乱了和谐  潮泛任性涨退  字典里没春天  离人挥霍着眼泪  回避还在眼前的离别  你不敢想明天  我不肯说再见  有人说一次告别天上  就会有颗星又熄灭  离人放逐到边界  彷佛走入第五个季节  昼夜乱了和谐  潮泛任性涨退  字典里没春天  离人挥霍着眼泪  回避还在眼前的离别  你不敢想明天  我不肯说再见  有人说一次告别天上  就会有颗星又熄灭
  才回家洗完澡,今天又去打牌了。。。不但输了几百块,心情还很糟糕。。sigh、  此时此刻,想推荐一首bon jovi的it's my life,初次听这首歌是在读大学的时候,买的那种卡口带,当时觉得bon jovi这样的摇滚,很适合当时精力过剩的自己,若干年以后,在某日本车的电视广告里面,又听到这首让人激情澎湃的歌。。那种天地虽远我独行的感觉,实在是太贴切这首歌了。。  This ain't a song for the broken-hearted  No silent prayer for the faith-departed  I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd  You're gonna hear my voice  When I shout it out loud  It's my life  It's now or never  I ain't gonna live forever  I just want to live while I'm alive  (It's my life)  My heart is like an open highway  Like Frankie said  I did it my way  I just wanna live while I'm alive  It's my life  This is for the ones who stood their ground  It's for Tommy and Gina who never backed down  Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake  Luck ain't even lucky  Got to make your own breaks  It's my life  And it's now or never  I ain't gonna live forever  I just want to live while I'm alive  (It's my life)  My heart is like an open highway  Like Frankie said  I did it my way  I just want to live while I'm alive  (It's my life)  Better stand tall when they're calling you out  Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down  It's my life  For it's now or never  I ain't gonna live forever  I just want to live while I'm alive  (It's my life)  My heart is like an open highway  Like Frankie said  I did it my way  I just want to live while I'm alive  It's my life
  bon jovi我喜欢
  今天的心情很好,原因暂时不说。。。  今晚推荐--《想你的夜》,这首歌是我看中国好声音,看关喆唱的时候,想起确实以前听过,但是关喆边弹奏边婉转曲折地用各种技巧来表达歌里的情绪的时候,我还是深深被他感动了。。  分手那天  我看着你走远  所有承诺化成了句点  独自守在空荡的房间  爱与痛在我心里纠缠  我们的爱走到了今天  是不是我太自私了一点  如果爱可以重来  我会为你放弃一切  想你的夜  多希望你能在我身边  不知道你心里还能否为我改变  哦想你的夜  我求你让我再爱你一遍  让爱再回到原点  想你的夜  多希望你能在我身边  不知道你心里还能否为我改变  哦想你的夜  我求你让我再爱你一遍  让爱再回到原点  想你的夜  多希望你能在我身边  不知道你心里还能否为我改变  哦想你的夜  我求你让我再爱你一遍  让爱再回到原点
  终于到推荐我前几年最粉的一个乐队了,林肯公园(linkin park),09年的时候,我曾经为了听他们的演唱会,专门飞到上海,买了内场的最好票(第4排),虽然没有国外那种没位子,全体观众一起站着high的感觉,但是上万人一起站在座位上,群体跟唱的感觉真的很棒很棒。。。也许一辈子只有一次这样的激动。。  今天推荐的是一首,让我认识,了解并爱上这支乐队的一首歌《numb》(麻木),讲诉的是一个男人对自己身边女人(甚至是身边的世俗)的控诉。。这首歌是CS的主题曲,也作为插曲在迈阿密风云里面出现过。。  歌词如下:  I'm tired of being what you want me to be  Feeling so faithless lost under the surface  Don't know what you're expecting of me  Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes  (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)  Every step I take is another mistake to you  (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)  I've become so numb I can't feel you there  I've become so tired so much more aware  I've becoming this all I want to do  Is be more like me and be less like you  Can't you see that you're smothering me  Holding too tightly afraid to lose control  Cause everything that you thought I would be  Has fallen apart right in front of you  (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)  Every step that I take is another mistake to you  (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)  And every second I waste is more than I can take  I've become so numb I can't feel you there  I've become so tired so much more aware  I've becoming this all I want to do  Is be more like me and be less like you  And I know  I may end up failing too  But I know  You were just like me with someone disappointed in you  I've become so numb I can't feel you there  I've become so tired so much more aware  I've becoming this all I want to do  Is be more like me and be less like you  I've become so numb I can't feel you there  Is everything what you want me to be  I've become so numb I can't feel you there  Is everything what you want me to be
  楼主,加油,偶支持你啊,我和你一样,crazy about music,或者有时间我们也可以分享一下听音乐的感受。
  Christine Welch: 寻寻觅觅
  今天推荐:《下落不明》,是黄耀明和林忆莲合唱的, 我一直是听中文歌很少的,但是张国荣,张学友,黄耀明这些歌手,始终是我的选择。  黄耀明,从他和刘以达组成的那只经典组合--达明一派开始,我就很喜欢他的歌,不管他是不是gay,以及后来出柜了。他飘渺的嗓音,始终能飘进我的内心深处,那些最柔软的地方。。  歌词如下:  图书馆中 那水手服   有否对我笑 不记得了  松板屋中 那东京梦   圣子变作了 旧时路标  电影展中 法斯宾达   我知你看到 一半走了  荷东广东 那些舞伴   现在是否在跳  几多派对 几多个失散伴侣  几多个故事 并无下一句  终于一天 想起要跟你聚   那号码已不对  伦敦街中 晚间有雾   你警告过我 不要走远  联欢会中 两杯之后   那些圣诞节 换来什么  维园之中 那烛光下   那一脸愤慨 风化失去  红馆之中 满天偶像   殒落在生活里  几多信仰 今天已不再绝对  几多个偶像 热潮未减退  好比过客 车厢里的午睡   到站你已几岁  谁 没有找谁 没有等谁  自那天再不可追  又间中有些唏嘘  好比过客 骚扰你的恬睡   你又老了几岁  几多脚印 现在还在这里  转机转车 转工转会转校   你在哪里失去
  今晚推荐:maroon 5(魔力红乐队)的move like jagger(又称MLJ)  这首舞曲曾经风靡全球,maroon 5的主场adam,又被乐迷爱成为骚当(据说是最骚的直男),也担任了the voice(美国好声音)的现场评委,从他在现场受到的欢迎,就知道其人气有多高了。  这首歌是向滚石乐队(rolling stone)主场Mick Jagger致敬的,里面含有一种让我无论何时何地何种心情都有起身跳舞的冲动,里面有段口哨,真是销魂。  Just you shoot for the stars  If it feels like  And in for my heart  If you feel like  Can take me away  And make it okay  I swear i'll behave  You wanted control  Sure we waited  I put on a show  Now I make it  You say i'm a kid  My ego is big  I don't give a sh*t  And it goes like this  Take me by the tongue  And i'll know you  Kiss til you're drunk  And i'll show you  Want the moves like jagger  I got the moves like jagger  I got the mooooooves like jagger  I don't even try to control you  Look into my eyes and i'll own you  With the moves like jagger  I got the moves like jagger  I got the mooooooves like jagger  Baby it's hard  If it feels right  And in for my heart  If you feel like  Can take me away  And make it okay  I swear i'll behave  So get in the car  We can ride it  Wherever you want  Get inside it  And you want to stir  But i'm shifting gears  I'll take it from here  And it goes like this  Take me by the tongue  And i'll know you  Kiss til you're drunk  And i'll show you  Want the moves like jagger  I got the moves like jagger  I got the mooooooves like jagger  I don't even try to control you  Look into my eyes and i'll own you  With the moves like jagger  I got the moves like jagger  I got the mooooooves like jagger
  今晚推荐:中国好声音里面云杰演唱的《鸿雁》  中国好声音一开始的时候,感觉好极了,尤其是在盲选阶段,当然后来追寻源头去看了the voice(美国好声音),感觉两者差距还是挺大的,尤其是在娱乐方面,还有令人厌恶的广告时段。。后来就没怎么看中国好声音了。  但是,航天人云杰在复活赛里面演唱那首《鸿雁》,把那种塞北沧桑的感觉体现无疑,虽然后来也去听了呼斯楞唱的原版,但还是喜欢云杰声音里面那种苍凉感和空旷。  歌词如下:  鸿雁 天空上  对对排成行  江水长 秋草黄  草原上琴声忧伤  鸿雁 向南方  飞过芦苇荡  天苍茫 雁何往  心中是北方家乡  天苍茫 雁何往  心中是北方家乡  鸿雁 北归还  带上我的思念  歌声远 琴声颤  草原上春意暖  鸿雁 向苍天  天空有多遥远  酒喝干 再斟满  今夜不醉不还  酒喝干 再斟满  今夜不醉不还
1:14:00  为啥要顶2楼呢。。。疑问ing   -----------------------------  笨,因为2楼是斑竹我!
  今晚推荐:seal演唱的《kiss from a rose》  这首歌是我大学时候挺喜欢听的一首歌,seal这个黑人歌手,用他那略带嘶哑的低沉嗓音,吟诵了男女之间那种爱恨纠缠的关系  歌词如下:  There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea  You became the light on the dark side of me  Love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill  But did you know  That when it snows  My eyes become large and  The light that you shine can be seen  Baby  I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey  Ooh  The more I get of you  Stranger it feels, yeah  And now that your rose is is in bloom  A light hits the gloom on the grey  There is so much a man can tell you  So much he can say  You remain  My power, my pleasure, my pain  Baby  To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny  Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby?  But did you know  That when it snows  My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen  Baby  I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey  The more I get of you  Stranger it feels, yeah  And now that your rose is is in bloom  A light hits the gloom on the grey  I've been kissed by a rose on the grey  I've been kissed by a rose on the grey  If I should fall  I've been kissed by a rose on the grey  There is so much a man can tell you  So much he can say  You remain  My power, my pleasure, my pain  To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny  Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby?  But did you know  That when it snows  My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen  Baby  I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey  Ooh  The more I get of you  The stranger it feels, yeah  And now that your rose is is in bloom  A light hits the gloom on the grey  The more I get of you  Stranger it feels, yeah  And now that your rose is is in bloom  A light hits the gloom on the grey  Now that your rose is is in bloom  A light hits the gloom on the grey
  听着A Fine Frenzy 的Almost lover   手岛葵的The rose  催眠,睡觉!晚安!
  今晚推荐一首法语歌,是alizee唱的A Contre Courant(魔法电波)  alizee是几年以前,有个朋友推荐给我听的一个著名法国流行女歌手,说实话,我对法语就懂那么1,2句,歌词也听不懂,但是感觉节奏这些确实好听。。  歌词如下:  A contre-courant  Tout à l\'envers...  Pas pour longtemps!  Quand tu es sur terre  Mets-moi au courant  Que j\'imagine...  Nos fusions.  On se désire  Sous haute-tension  Mais pas de prises...  De nerfs, je con...  ...cilie tes rires  Et mes électrons  Un bal de vie  Bal de ballons  Rien d\'ordinaire  Rien que du bon temps  Tête à l\'envers...  Pas trop longtemps.  Quand tu es sur terre  Mets-moi au courant  Que je devine...  Les intentions.  On s\'électrise:  Tension maximale  Les corps-circuits...  De deux amants  On s\'illumine  Lumière animale  L\'école de l\'é...  ...lectro-aimant.  Retrouver le sens  De la vie, je pense  Passe par l\'ennui  Quand toi, tu es parti,  Retrouver les sens  Moments qui s\'insolencent  Des défiles de doigts,  De mon envie de toi.  Quand le courant passe, aussi la menace  Du temps qui se barre, du temps qui nous sépare  Et le courant passe, j\'ai en moi l\'audace  Du champs magnétique, et ?a c\'est magnifique!  Nos univers  A contre-courant  Reviens sur terre  Et pour de bon  Quand tu m\'espères  Mets-moi au courant  Que j\'envisage...  Une rébellion  On se statique  Quand je lui dis non,  Pas plus de six...  Allocutions  Il me panique  D\'électrocution  Mon isolant  C\'est la passion  Retrouver le sens  De la vie, je pense  Passe par l\'ennui  Quand toi, tu es parti,  Retrouver les sens  Moments qui s\'insolencent  Des défiles de doigts,  De mon envie de toi.  Quand le courant passe, aussi la menace  Du temps qui se barre, du temps qui nous sépare  Et le courant passe, j\'ai en moi l\'audace  Du champs magnétique, et ?a c\'est magnifique!  /~~~music~~~/  A contre-courant
  为响应明天的双11光棍节,今晚推荐:齐秦的《夜夜夜夜》  最近一次听这首歌,是在中国好声音听金池唱的那个版本,最爱里面的“你已不必牵强再说爱我。。”那一段,真的唱出了某个阶段我的心声。。  歌词如下:  想问天你在那里  我想问问我自己  一开始我聪明 结束我聪明  聪明的几乎的毁掉了我自己  想问天问大地  或著是迷信问问宿命  放弃所有 抛下所有  让我飘流在安静的夜夜空里  你也不必牵强再说爱我  反正我的灵魂已片片凋落  慢慢的拼凑 慢慢的拼凑  拼凑成一个完全不属於真正的我  你也不必牵强再说爱我  反正我的灵魂已片片凋落  慢慢的拼凑 慢慢的拼凑  拼凑成一个完全不属於真正的我  我不愿再放纵  也不愿每天每夜每秒飘流  也不愿再多问再多说再多求我的梦  我的梦
  今晚推荐,adele的《rolling in the deep》  adele现在的影响力有多大,看看TV(the voice)里面有多少人翻唱她的歌就知道了,相对于她的另一首《someone like you》,我更喜欢《rolling in the deep》  歌词如下:  There's a fire starting in my heart  Reaching a fever pitch  it's bringing me out the dark  Finally I can see you crystal clear  Go head and sell me out  and I'll lay your shit bare  See how I leave with every piece of you  Don't underestimate the things that I will do  There's a fire starting in my heart  Reaching a fever pitch  and it's bring me out the dark  The scars of your love remind me of us  They keep me thinking that we almost had it all  The scars of your love they leave me breathless  I can't help feeling  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  And you played it  To the beat  Baby I have no story to be told  But I've heard one of you,  and I'm gonna make your head burn  Think of me in the depths of your despair  Making a home down there,  reminds you of the home we shared  The scars of your love remind me of us  They keep me thinking that we almost had it all  The scars of your love they leave me breathless  I can't help feeling  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  And you played it  To the beat  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  But you played it  With the beat  Throw your soul through every open door  Count your blessings to find what you look for  Turned my sorrow into treasured gold  You pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow  We could have had it all  We could have had it all  It all, it all it all,  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  And you played it  To the beat  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  But you played it,played it, played it,played it  To the beat
  今晚推荐:陶喆的《流沙》  陶喆的歌,曾经一度让我很喜欢听,比如《黑色柳丁》、《飞机场的10:30》等,但是我最喜欢的还是他这首《流沙》,唱出了一个男人对于爱情已逝的无奈  歌词如下:  并不是真的路过而已  也不是真的不会想你  全都不是真的是骗自己  其实还爱你 爱着你  我以为我早想清楚  不由自主恍恍惚惚  又走回头路  再看一眼有过的幸福  ---  爱情好像流沙 我不挣扎  随它去吧 我不害怕  爱情好像流沙 心里的牵挂  不愿放下 ON BABY  让我这样吧  -----  爱情好像流沙 我不说话  等待黑暗 让泪能流下  爱情好像流沙 明知该躲它  无法自拔 OH BABY  是我太傻  --  是一再的做 一再的错不由我  我一步一步一步一步  慢慢走向流沙
  今晚推荐Enrique Iglesias的《tonight》(今夜)  最早知道enrique,是以他老爹的名声(世界三大男高音之一,Julio Iglesias),但是后来逐渐听他唱的歌,确实有他独到的风格。  这首tonight就是我喜欢的舞曲风格,轻松明快  歌词如下:  I know you want me  I made it obvious that I want you too  So put it on me  Let’s remove the space between me and you  Now rock your body  Damn I like the way that you move  So give it to me  Cause I already know what you wanna do  Here’s the situation  Been to every nation  Nobody’s ever made me feel the way that you do  You know my motivation  Give in my reputation  Please excuse I don’t mean to be rude  But tonight I’m loving you  Oh you know  That tonight I’m loving you  Oh you know  That tonight I’m loving you  You’re so damn pretty  If I had a type than baby it’d be you  I know your ready  If I never lied, than baby you’d be the truth  Here’s the situation  Been to every nation  Nobody’s ever made me feel the way that you do  You know my motivation  Given my reputation  Please excuse I don’t mean to be rude  But tonight I’m loving you  Oh you know  That tonight I’m loving you  Oh you know  That tonight I’m loving you  LUDA..  Tonight I’m gonna do  Everything that I want with you  Everythin that u need  Everything that u want I wanna honey  I wanna stunt with you  From the window  To the wall  Gonna give u, my all  Winter n summertime  When I get you on the springs  Imma make you fall  You got that body  That make me wanna get on the boat  Just to see you dance  And I love the way you shake that ass  Turn around and let me see them pants  You stuck with me  I’m stuck with you  Lets find something to do  (Please) excuse me  I dont mean to be rude  But tonight I’m loving you  Oh you know  That tonight I’m loving you  Oh you know  That tonight I’m loving you
  今晚推荐:陈奕迅的浮夸  陈奕迅是我少有的喜欢的香港艺人之一,我曾经说过,eason来重庆开演唱会,我会要去看,结果今年他来的时候,我正好有点事,没去成,真是遗憾。  浮夸的歌词如下:  有人问我我就会讲 但是无人来  我期待 到无奈 有话要讲  得不到装载  我的心情犹豫像樽盖 等被揭开  咀巴却在养青苔  人潮内愈文静 愈变得不受理睬  自己要搞出意外  像突然 地高歌 任何地方也像开四面台  着最闪的衫 扮十分感慨  有人来拍照要记住插袋  你当我是浮夸吧 夸张只因我很怕  似木头 似石头的话 得到注意吗  其实怕被忘记 至放大来演吧  很不安 怎去优雅  世上还赞颂沉默吗  不够爆炸 怎麽有话题  让我夸做大娱乐家  那年十八 母校舞会 站着如喽罗  那时候 我含泪发誓各位 必须看到我  在世间 平凡又普通的路太多  屋村你住哪一座  情爱中 工作中 受过的忽视太多  自尊已饱经跌堕 重视能治肚饿  末曾获得过便知我为何 大动作很多  犯下这些错 搏人们看看我 算病态麽  你当我是浮夸吧 夸张只因我很怕  似木头 似石头的话 得到注意吗  其实怕被忘记 至放大来演吧  很不安 怎去优雅  世上还赞颂沉默吗  不够爆炸 怎麽有话题  让我夸做大娱乐家  幸运儿并不多 若然未当过就知我为何  用十倍苦心 做突出一个  正常人够我富议论性么  你 叫我做浮夸吧 加几声嘘声也不怕  我在场 有闷场的话  表演你看吗 够歇斯底里 吗  以眼泪淋花吧 一心只想你惊讶  我旧时似未存在吗  加重注码 青筋 也现形  话我知 现在存在吗  凝视我 别再只看天花  我非你杯茶 也可尽情地喝吧  别遗忘有人在 为你 声沙
  @草本堂羊肉 31楼   今晚推荐,adele的《rolling in the deep》  adele现在的影响力有多大,看看TV(the voice)里面有多少人翻唱她的歌就知道了,相对于她的另一首《someone like you》,我更喜欢《rolling in the deep》  歌词如下:  There's a fire starting in my heart  Reaching a fever pitch  it's bringing me out the dark  Finally I can see you crystal clear  Go head and sell me out  and I'll lay ......  -----------------------------  我也更喜欢这首。
  今晚推荐:coldplay(酷玩乐队)的经典名曲 yellow  说实话,摇滚乐队中,本来我对英伦的摇滚兴趣一般,但是coldplay属于我喜欢的那一类,他们没有heavy metal那种歇斯底里,也不像一些摇滚乐团一样给你很大的力量感,但是他们那种英伦式的柔情摇滚风格,能让你在不那么剧烈的音乐氛围中,感受到一种信仰的力量。  歌词如下:  L look how they shine for you  And everything you do  Yeah, they were all yellow  I I wrote a song for you  And all the things you do  And it was called yellow  So then I took my turn  Oh what a thing to have done  And it was all yellow  Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones  Turn into something beautiful  D'you know?  You know I love you so  You know I love you so  I I jumped across for you  Oh what a thing to do  Cos you were all yellow  I I drew a line for you  Oh what a thing to do  And it was all yellow  And your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones  Turn into something beautiful  D'you know?  For you I bleed myself dry  For you I bleed myself dry  It's true  Look how they shine for you  Look how they shine for you  Look how they shine for?  Look how they shine for you  Look how they shine for you  Look how they shine  Look at the starsLook how they shine for you  And all the things that you do
  今晚推荐:蔡琴的《被遗忘的时光》  第一次听蔡琴的这首歌,已经记不清是何时了,但是说到加深 印象,一定是在电影《无间道》里面,这首歌让人有那种时空的恍惚感,不知今夕是何年。。  最近一次听到这首歌,是在中国好声音里面,王韵壹唱的,说实话,她也唱得很棒,体现了一个爵士歌手对这首歌的诠释,而且无可挑剔。但是对我来说,我还是更喜欢蔡琴的版本,她的声音和费玉清的声音一样,属于那些黄金岁月。  歌词如下:  是谁在敲打我窗  是谁在撩动琴弦  那一段被遗忘的时光  渐渐地回升出我心坎  是谁在敲打我窗  是谁在撩动琴弦  记忆中那欢乐的情景  慢慢地浮现在我的脑海  那缓缓飘落的小雨  不停地打在我窗  只有那沉默无语的我  不时地回想过去  是谁在敲打我窗  是谁在撩动琴弦  记忆中那欢乐的情景  慢慢地浮现在我的脑海
  今晚推荐:Laura Fygi的《abrazame》  作为一个爵士歌手,可能Laura Fygi在中国没有Faith Hill出名,但是她对拉丁歌曲的演绎,特别适合在深夜里静静倾听。。  歌词如下:  Abrázame  y no me digas nada sólo abrázame,  me basta tu mirada para comprender  que tú te iras  Abrázame  como si fuera ahora la primera vez  como si me quisieras hoy igual que ayer  abrázame  Si tú te vas te olvidarás que un día,  hace tiempo ya cuando éramos aún ni?os  me empezaste a amar y yo te di mi vida.  Si te vas...  Si tú te vas,  ya nada será nuestro  tu te llevarás en un sólo momento una eternidad  me quedaré sin nada.  Si tú te vas...  Abrázame  y no me digas nada sólo abrázame  no quiero que te vayas pero se muy bien  que tú te iras  Abrázame  como si fuera ahora la primera vez  como si me quisieras hoy igual que ayer  abrázame  Si tú te vas,  me quedará el silencio para conversar  la sombra de tu cuerpo  y la soledad serán mis compa?eras  si te vas  Si tú te vas,  se irá contigo el tiempo y mi mejor edad  te seguiré queriendo cada día más  te esperaré a que vuelvas.  Si tú te vas...
  今晚推荐:周启生的《天长地久》  这首歌是我还在读高中的时候,很喜欢的一首歌,那时候没有CD,只有磁带,港台音乐占据着我们全部的空间。。  这首歌,是难得的除了谭、张、陈百强、小虎队,四大天王这些在当时如雷贯耳的名字以外,能反复被传唱的一首歌,直到2,3年以前,我去一个那种自弹自唱的老酒吧,还听到有人上台去唱这首歌。。很伤感,很唯美。。  歌词如下:  孤单的手紧抱着你的腰  像昨日正相爱的时候  你说今天以后  不必再见她不必问候  曾经拥有不要泪流  温馨的手终放下我的手  默默合上双眼难忍受  你已轻轻吻别  心中只想这一刻停留  曾经拥有不管多久  如果真心不可接受  或者不方便拥有  为何又等今天最后  趁早一点分手  如果是你真的贪新厌旧  伪装悲哭梦湿透  为何你想讲的情话  藏于落寞眼光背后  依依不舍的看着你的走  木立在这失意的时候  一生今天最后  不讲再见也不肯回头  曾经拥有不要泪流  如果真心不可接受  或者不方便拥有  为何又等今天最后  趁早一点分手  如果是你真的贪新厌旧  伪装悲哭梦湿透  为何你想讲的情话  藏于落寞眼光背后  道尽你苦与忧  落寞眼光背后  道尽你苦与忧  落寞眼光背后  道尽你苦与忧  落寞眼光背后
  今晚推荐:U2乐队的Beautiful Day  几年以前,我曾经以为我对LP(林肯公园)的热爱会一直大于对U2的,可是到了如今,我发现,还是U2这样的老牌乐队,一些经典曲目会在人心中一直反复吟唱  歌词如下:  The heart is a bloom  Shoots up through the stony ground  There’s no room  No space to rent in this town  You’re out of luck  And the reason that you had to care  The traffic is stuck  And you’re not moving anywhere  You thought you’d found a friend  To take you out of this place  Someone you could lend a hand  In return for grace  It’s a beautiful day  Sky falls, you feel like  It’s a beautiful day  Don’t let it get away  You’re on the road  But you’ve got no destination  You’re in the mud  In the maze of her imagination  You love this town  Even if that doesn’t ring true  You’ve been all over  And it’s been all over you  It’s a beautiful day  Don’t let it get away  It’s a beautiful day  Touch me  Take me to that other place  Teach me  I know I’m not a hopeless case  See the world in green and blue  See China right in front of you  See the canyons broken by cloud  See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out  See the Bedouin fires at night  See the oil fields at first light  And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth  After the flood all the colors came out  It was a beautiful day  Don’t let it get away  Beautiful day  Touch me  Take me to that other place  Reach me  I know I’m not a hopeless case  What you don’t have you don’t need it now  What you don’t know you can feel it somehow  What you don’t have you don’t need it now  Don’t need it now  Was a beautiful day
  婚恋交友微博,,请积极浏览关注带联系方式的交友信息(注册后),让你的生活不再孤  单。
  今晚推荐:陈楚生的《有没有人告诉你》  我是不看什么快男和超女的,之所以会熟悉这首歌,是几年前坐一个朋友的车,去北碚的时候,他的CD里反复播放着这首歌,当时还以为是齐秦唱的,结果后来才知道了陈楚生这个原创者,当时觉得一下子就把这首歌映入了脑海。。  歌词如下:  当火车开入这座陌生的城市  那是从来就没有见过的霓虹  我打开离别时你送我的信件  忽然感到无比的思念  看不见雪的冬天不夜的城市  我听见有人欢呼有人在哭泣  早习惯穿梭冲满诱惑的黑夜  但却无法忘记你的脸  有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你  有没有曾在你日记里哭泣  有没有人曾告诉你我很在意  在意这座城市的距离  当火车开入这座陌生的城市  那是从来就没有见过的霓虹  我打开离别时你送我的信件  忽然感到无比的思念  看不见雪的冬天不夜的城市  我听见有人欢呼有人在哭泣  早习惯穿梭冲满诱惑的黑夜  但却无法忘记你的脸  有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你  有没有曾在你日记里哭泣  有没有人曾告诉你我很在意  在意这座城市的距离  有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你  有没有曾在你日记里哭泣  有没有人曾告诉你我很在意  在意这座城市的距离  嗬....嗬........
  今晚推荐:computer love(舞曲remix版本)  这首舞曲,我曾经非常、非常、非常的喜欢听,喜欢到什么程度呢。。。可以一连开着听几天,反复放这首舞曲。。我觉得听了让我有振奋的感觉。。  歌词我百度不到了,不过可以去在QQ音乐里面搜索这首歌:computer love 舞间道remix
  今晚推荐:苏芮的《亲爱的小孩》  记得初中第一次买了walkman(随身听),兴奋得不得了,当时买的第一盘磁带,就是苏芮的《跟着感觉走》,那时属于绝对的热卖。。。当时就很喜欢里面的这首歌--《亲爱的小孩》,最近一次听到这首歌,是在中国好声音里面的权振东唱,可惜,我觉得和苏芮的演绎还是有所差距。  歌词如下:  小小的小孩 今天有没有哭  是否朋友都已经离去  留下了带不走的孤独  漂亮的小孩 今天有没有哭  是否弄脏了美丽的衣服  却找不到别人倾诉  聪明的小孩 今天有没有哭  是否遗失了心爱的礼物  在风中寻找从清晨到日暮  我亲爱的小孩  为什么你不让我看清楚  是否让风吹熄了蜡烛  在黑暗中独自漫步  亲爱的小孩 快快擦干你的泪珠  我愿意陪伴你走上回家的路  亲爱的小孩 今天有没有哭  是否朋友都已经离去  留下了带不走的孤独  亲爱的小孩 今天有没有哭  是否遗失了心爱的礼物  在风中寻找从清晨到日暮  我亲爱的小孩  为什么你不让我看清楚  是否让风吹熄了蜡烛  在黑暗中独自漫步  亲爱的小孩 快快擦干你的泪珠  我愿意陪伴你走上回家的路
  今晚推荐:陈百强的《念亲恩》  今天是我老爸的生日,推荐一首这个歌祝他生日快乐。听这首歌,是在高中时候,也喜欢在当时简易的卡拉OK里面去唱这首歌,十数年过去了,它的旋律我还是那么的熟悉。。  歌词如下:  长夜空虚使我怀旧事  明月朗相对念母亲  父母亲爱心柔善像碧月  怀念怎不悲莫禁  长夜空虚枕冷夜半泣  遥路远碧海示我心  父母亲爱心柔善像碧月  常在心里问何日报  亲恩应该报应该惜取孝道  惟独我离别无法慰亲旁  轻弹曲韵梦中送  长夜空虚枕冷夜半泣  遥路远碧海示我心  父母亲爱心柔善像碧月  常在心里问何日报  长夜空虚使我怀旧事  明月朗相对念母亲  父母亲爱心柔善像碧月  怀念怎不悲莫禁  长夜空虚枕冷夜半泣  遥路远碧海示我心  父母亲爱心柔善像碧月  常在心里问何日报  亲恩应该报应该惜取孝道  惟独我离别无法慰亲旁  轻弹曲韵梦中送  长夜空虚枕冷夜半泣  遥路远碧海示我心  父母亲爱心柔善像碧月  常在心里问何日报
  题材不错,很多也都是我喜欢且经常听的。  看来LZ已经过了愤青年代了。
上述没什么重口味的。  加嘞个油哇,持续更新,坚持坚持!
  今晚推荐:rihanna的热门歌曲《love the way you lie》  第一次听rihanna的歌,其实并不是这一首,而是那首让人热血澎湃的《shut up and drive》,有人形容听这首歌,最适合在广阔的沙漠上,开着大大的SUV,然后肆无忌惮地横冲直撞。。  但是听了rihanna的这么多首歌,还是最喜欢她和eminem合唱的这首《love the way you lie》,把在不平等爱情中那个苦苦等待,犹如飞蛾扑火的人描述得淋漓尽致。  歌词如下:  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  But that's alright because I like the way it hurts  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  I can't tell you what it really is  I can only tell you what it feels like  And right now it's a still night in my wind pipe  I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight  As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight  High off the law, drunk from my hate,  It's like I'm huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate  And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me  She fucking hates me and I love it.  Wait! Where you going? I'm leaving you  No you ain't. Come back we're running right back.  Here we go again  It's so insane cus when its going good its going great.  I'm superman with the wind at his back  Shes Louis Lane but when its bad its awful, I feel so ashamed I snap  Whos that dude? I don't even know his name  I laid hands on him, I'll never stoop so low again  I guess I don't know my own strength  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  But that's alright because I like the way it hurts  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe  When you're with 'em  You meet and neither one of you even know what hit 'em  Got that warm fuzzy feeling  Yeah, them those chills you used to get 'em  Now you're getting fucking sick of looking at him  You swore you' never do nothing to hurt him  Now you're in each other's face spewing venom in your words when you spit them  You push pull each other's hair, scratch claw hit him  Throw him down pin him  So lost in the moments when you're in them  It's a race that's the culprit controls your boat  So they say you're best to go your separate ways  Guess if they don't know you cus today that was yesterday  Yesterday is over it's a different day  Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her  Next time you show restraint  You don't get another chance  Life is no Nintendo game  But you ?? the game  Now you get to watch her leave out the window  I guess that's why they call it window pain  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  But that's alright because I like the way it hurts  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  Now I know he said things hit things that we didn't mean  And we fall back into the same patterns same routine  But your temper's just as bad as mine is  You're the same as me  But when it comes to love you're just as blinded  Baby, please come back  It wasn't you, baby it was me  Maybe our relationship wasn't as crazy as it seemed  Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano  All I know is I love you too much to walk away though  Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk  Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk  I told you this is my fault  Look me in the eye ball  Next time I'm pissed, I lay my fist at the drywall  Next time. There won't be no next time  I apologize even though I know its lies  I'm tired of the games I just want her back  I know I'm a liar  If she ever tries to fucking leave again  Im'a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  But that's alright because I like the way it hurts  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  I love the way you lie
  @草本堂羊肉 50楼   今晚推荐:rihanna的热门歌曲《love the way you lie》  第一次听rihanna的歌,其实并不是这一首,而是那首让人热血澎湃的《shut up and drive》,有人形容听这首歌,最适合在广阔的沙漠上,开着大大的SUV,然后肆无忌惮地横冲直撞。。  但是听了rihanna的这么多首歌,还是最喜欢她和eminem合唱的这首《love the way you lie》,把在不平等爱情中那个苦苦等待,犹如飞蛾扑火的人描述得淋漓尽致。  歌词如下:  ......  -----------------------------  超爱啊,这首,而且还是我的拿手曲目,呵呵。
  今晚推荐:郑钧的《灰姑娘》  郑钧是中国少有的好摇滚歌手之一,《赤裸裸》在当年也是大街小巷的愤青们耳熟能详的流行曲目了,但是在我看来,真正能打动我内心的,还是这首《灰姑娘》。。  听到这首歌,就会想起在读大学的时候,每年的12月31号晚上,众多学生自发在操场搞的那个迎新年晚会,大家一起听着大喇叭,一起群体卡拉OK的情景,  歌词如下:  怎么会迷上你  我在问自己  我什么都能放弃  居然今天难离去  你并不美丽  但是你可爱至极  哎呀灰姑娘  我的灰姑娘  我总在伤你的心  我总是很残忍  我让你别当真  因为我不敢相信  你如此美丽  而且你可爱至极  也许你不曾想到我的心会疼  如果这是梦  我愿长醉不愿醒  我曾经忍耐  我如此等待  也许在等你到来
  听着手岛葵的THE ROSE
beauty and beast  A FINE FRENZY 的Almost lover  晚安!
  今晚推荐:Brian Mcknight的《last dance》  听Brian Mcknight,是在读大学的时候,某个寒假坐火车回家的路上,买了那盒他成名的磁带《back at one》,从此就迷上了他的声音,最开始特别喜欢那首back at one(当然后来也在大街上传唱过相当长的时间),不过听到后来,还是喜欢他的这首《last dance》,听着这首歌,能出现一个画面:  一对曾经的恋人在缓慢的优雅音乐中,缓缓起舞,一直到他们恋情的终结。。而时光,也仿佛停留在了这一刻  歌词如下:  Do we know more than we knew then  Or do we know less and we just pretend  Should I ignore my heart and walk away  Your eyes tell me more than words will ever say  Should we take a chance and dance the last dance  Should we spend the night one more time  Caught up in this romance  Or maybe wait and see  Let it be, the way that it will be  Should we take a chance and dance the last dance  How can I be wrong when I feel the way I feel  How can I deny emotion that's so real  In the middle of the night I call out your name  Do I ever cross you mind do, do you feel the same  Like we should take a chance and dance the last dance  Should we spend the night one more time  Caught up in this romance  Or maybe wait and see  Let it be, the way that it will be  Should we take a chance and dance the last dance  Let me go  Come to me  Which way is the way that it should be  This is so bitter sweet  There's no that way we will ever know for sure  Unless we take a chance and dance the last dance  We should spend the night one more time  Caught up in this romance  Or maybe wait and see  Let it be, the way that it will be  Should we take a chance and dance the last dance
  今晚推荐:梁静茹的《原来你也唱过我的歌》  一直觉得,梁静茹是一个那种适合静静一个人听着的歌者,她的声音沉静而让你有欲罢不能地听下去的感觉,不管是在恋爱中还是单身的人们。。很喜欢这首歌的旋律,歌词。。。  歌词如下:  听说过 这边失恋的人  也会点唱分手快乐  旁人话过 这里有个大男孩  欠缺勇气想示爱 唱勇气来当替代  分开两地都不紧要 即使距离也会再变小  从旋律中的感觉再把我们连系了  如乐章的变调  连过客也变得亲切了  原来你也唱过我的歌  陪同见证年月的经过  感激有你 肯相信我  我们随旋律的高低挽手走过  原来我唱你也在拍和  亲昵犹如我是情人吗  即使从未认真拖手过 却也彷佛爱过  听说过 这边厢的恋人  唱我喜欢都很快乐  宁静夏季 分享多一首亲亲 全无条件为你  我也觉无穷快乐  分开两地都不紧要 今天我陪你唱到破晓  如像熟悉的歌曲已把友谊维系了  唯望好好答谢  能碰上原是有多奇妙  原来你也唱过我的歌  陪同见证年月的经过  感激有你 肯相信我  我们随旋律的高低挽手走过  原来我唱你也在拍和  亲昵犹如我是情人吗  即使从未认真拖手过 却也不愿离座  原来你也唱过我的歌  陪同见证年月的经过  悲喜对错 一起去过  我们还未共分享的尚有很多  原来再见仍然未生疏  心底埋藏我每段情歌  感激从未认真相识过 却这么宠爱我
  今晚推荐:Brian adams的《everything I do》  本来在今晚推荐歌曲之前,我想推荐同为adams演唱的另几首歌,比如run to you,再比如summer of 69,但是看到这首everything I do的时候,我知道,我必须推荐这首,曾经和我的过往息息相关的好歌。  记得读大学的时候,经常在一周的固定某个时间, 去一个叫做英语角的地方,找找陌生人用英语聊天,某次我认识了一个女生,聊得相当投机,在连续3周这样见面以后,我还记得对着她,深情款款的唱出了这首歌,说实话,我唱英文歌的水平还算高的,可惜,她还是选择了只是朋友。。  歌词如下:  Look into my eyes-you will see  What you mean to me  Search your heart-search your soul  And when you find me there  You'll search no more  Don't tell me it's not worth trying for  You can't tell me It's not worth dying for  You know it's true  Everything I do I do it for you  Look into my heart-you will find  There's nothing there to hide  Take me as I am-take my life  I would give it all I would sacrifice  Don't tell me  It's not worth fighting for I can't help it  It is nothing I want more  You know it's true  Everything I do I do it for you  Oh yeah There's no love-like your love  And no other-could give more love  There's nowhere-unless you're there  All the time-all the way yeah...  Look into your heart baby  Oh You can't tell me  It's not worth trying for I can't help it  There's nothing I want more  I would fight for you I'd lie for you  Walk the wire for you-I'd die for you  You know it's true  Everything I do I do it for you
  今晚推荐:崔健的《花房姑娘》  在很多人的眼中,崔健就是中国摇滚的一个甚至是唯一的一个现象级歌手,我对国内的摇滚歌手和乐队本身并不是太感兴趣,但确实挺喜欢崔健的几首歌。。  歌词如下:  我独自走过你身边  并没有话要对你说  我不敢抬头看着你的  喔......脸庞  你问我要去向何方  我指着大海的方向  你的惊奇像是给我  喔......赞扬  你问我要去向何方  我指着大海的方向  你要我留在这地方  你要我和它们一样  我看着你默默地说  喔......姑娘  我想要留在这地方  我想要走在老路上  这时我才知离不开你  喔......姑娘  我想要回到老地方  我就要走在老路上  我想要回到老地方  我就要走在老路上  我明知我已离不开你  喔......姑娘  我就要回到老地方  我就要走在老路上  我明知我已离不开你  喔......姑娘  我想要回到老地方  我就要走在老路上  我明知我已离不开你  喔......我的姑娘
  今晚推荐:sarah conor的《just one last dance》  其实,sarah conor这个歌手,还有另外风格的歌,比如《cold as ice》这样的快歌,但是这首歌 听了以后,你会发现你真的会沉醉其中。。犹如浙江那边的黄酒一样,味道不如白酒一样浓烈,但是很醇厚,喝起来很舒服。。  歌词如下:  ust One Last Dance  oh baby  just one last dance oh...  We meet in the night in the Spanish café  I look in your eyes  just don't know what to say  It feels like I'm drowning in salty water  A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise  tomorrow will come an it's time to realize  our love has finished forever  how I wish to come with you  (wish to come with you)  how I wish we make it through  Just one last dance  before we say goodbye  when we sway and turn round  and round and round  it's like the first time  Just one more chance  hold me tight and keep me warm  cause the night is getting cold  and I don't know where I belong  Just one last dance  The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar  I'll never forget how romantic they are  but I know,  tomorrow I'll lose the one I love  There's no way to come with you  it's the only thing to do  Just one last dance  before we say goodbye  when we sway and turn round  and round and round  it's like the first time  Just one more chance  hold me tight and keep me warm  cause the night is getting cold  and I don't know where I belong  Just one last dance  Just one last dance  before we say goodbye  when we sway and turn round  and round and round  it's like the first time  Just one more chance  hold me tight and keep me warm  cause the night is getting cold  and I don't know where I belong  Just one last dance  before we say goodbye  when we sway and turn round  and round and round  it's like the first time  Just one more chance  hold me tight and keep me warm  cause the night is getting cold  and I don't know where I belong...  Just one last dance  Just one last dance  Just one more chance  Just one more chance  Just one last dance
  喜欢sarah conor的《just one last dance》这首歌。让人想起离别的画面。心情低低的,但是还是忍不住想听完。
21:56:00  今晚推荐:coldplay(酷玩乐队)的经典名曲 yellow  说实话,摇滚乐队中,本来我对英伦的摇滚兴趣一般,但是coldplay属于我喜欢的那一类,他们没有heavy metal那种歇斯底里,也不像一些摇滚乐团一样给你很大的力量感,但是他们那种英伦式的柔情摇滚风格,能让你在不那么剧烈的音乐氛围中,感受到一种信仰的力量。  歌词如下:  L look how t...........  -----------------------------  最爱酷玩。
  终于在2天登录不了之后,今天可以登录天涯了。。  今晚推荐:万芳的《孩子气》  一直觉得,有些歌属于热闹一时的,而有些声音和有些歌是可以让你一直,一直听下去的,也许你不会天天听,但是当你听到那首歌的时候,会静静的,带着喜悦的听着。。  歌词如下:  西伯利亚铁路在哪里  喜玛拉雅山有什么传说  地球的尽头的南北极  这些地方你都想去  我不能改变你  令人啼笑皆非的孩子气  想把世界放进口袋里  心是一座城堡  国王是你  高举着宝剑放出鳄鱼  城门深锁着解不开的谜  我不能改变你  只好柔情对你说  you're my childish king  坐在游乐场中的咖啡杯里  我们紧紧拥抱转来转去  在风里 你迷人的孩子气  坐在游乐场中的咖啡杯里  我们紧紧拥抱转来转去  在风里 如此爱到底  分享疲惫灵魂中高贵的梦想  you're my childish king  西伯利亚铁路在哪里  喜玛拉雅山有什么传说  地球的尽头的南北极  这些地方你都想去  我不能改变你  令人啼笑皆非的孩子气  想把世界放进口袋里  心是一座城堡  国王是你  高举着宝剑放出鳄鱼  城门深锁着解不开的谜  我不能改变你  只好柔情对你说  you're my childish king  坐在游乐场中的咖啡杯里  我们紧紧拥抱转来转去  在风里 你迷人的孩子气  坐在游乐场中的咖啡杯里  我们紧紧拥抱转来转去  在风里 如此爱到底  分享疲惫灵魂中高贵的梦想  you're my childish king  坐在游乐场中的咖啡杯里  我们紧紧拥抱转来转去  在风里 你迷人的孩子气  坐在游乐场中的咖啡杯里  我们紧紧拥抱转来转去  在风里 如此爱到底  分享疲惫灵魂中高贵的梦想  you're my you're my childish king
  今晚推荐:the beatles的《hey jude!》  这首歌,有N个版本,可能大家除了披头士这个版本以外,对孙燕姿的那个版本也比较熟悉,但对我来说,the beatles的演绎才是最经典的。。现在都还记得前年的时候,在棉花的那个披头士纪念之夜,和某人一起倾听这首歌的时候,差点热泪盈眶的场景  歌词如下:  Hey Jude, don't make it bad.  Take a sad song and make it better.  Remember to let her into your heart,  Then you can start to make it better.  Hey Jude, don't be afraid.  You were made to go out and get her.  The minute you let her under your skin,  Then you begin to make it better.  And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain,  Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.  For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool  By making his world a little colder.  Hey Jude, don't let me down.  You have found her, now go and get her.  Remember to let her into your heart,  Then you can start to make it better.  better.better.better....  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude
  今晚推荐:张宇的《曲终人散》  张宇这个歌手,真的很特别,甚至很多人都不会记得他长什么摸样,但是他和他老婆十一郎,算是歌坛上的黄金搭档,一个写,一个唱,而且很多首歌都是卡厅的热门曲目。  而《曲终人散》应该算是张宇代表性的苦情歌招牌了。。  歌词如下:  你让他用戒指把你套上的时候  我察觉到你脸上复杂的笑容  那原本该是我 付予你的承诺  现在我只能隐身热闹中  我跟着所有人向你祝贺的时候  只有你知道我多喝了几杯酒  我不能再看你 多一眼都是痛  即使知道暗地里你又回头  我终于知道曲终人散的寂寞 只有伤心人才有  你最后一身红残留在我眼中 我没有再依恋的借口  原来这就是曲终人散的寂寞 我还想等你什么  你紧紧拉住我衣袖 又放开让我走  这一次跟我彻底分手
  这首张宇的《曲终人散》有点say you say me 的感觉。
  今晚推荐:katy perry的《I kissed a girl》  我应该怎么说呢,在新一代的英文女歌手中,rihanna和katy perry是我最喜欢的2个吧,katy perry的很多歌算是都脍炙人口了,比如fireworks,teenage dreams,california curls...但是我还是最喜欢她在这首《I kissed a girl》里面表现出来的力量感。。。  歌词如下:  This was never the way I planned  Not my intention  I got so brave, drink in hand  Lost my discretion  It's not what, I'm used to  Just wanna try you on  I'm curious for you  Caught my attention  I kissed a girl and I liked it  The taste of her cherry chapstick  I kissed a girl just to try it  I hope my boyfriend don't mind it  It felt so wrong  It felt so right  Don't mean I'm in love tonight  I kissed a girl and I liked it  I liked it  No, I don't even know your name  It doesn't matter  Your my experimental game  Just human nature  It's not what, good girls do  Not how they should behave  My head gets so confused  Hard to obey  I kissed a girl and I liked it  The taste of her cherry chapstick  I kissed a girl just to try it  I hope my boyfriend don't mind it  It felt so wrong  It felt so right  Don't mean I'm in love tonight  I kissed a girl and I liked it  I liked it  Us girls we are so magical  Soft skin, red lips, so kissable  Hard to resist so touchable  Too good to deny it  Ain't no big deal, it's innocent  I kissed a girl and I liked it  The taste of her cherry chapstick  I kissed a girl just to try it  I hope my boyfriend don't mind it  It felt so wrong  It felt so right  Don't mean I'm in love tonight  I kissed a girl and I liked it  I liked it
  今晚推荐:游鸿明的《孟婆汤》  曾几何时,从《至理名言》开始,喜欢听游鸿明一系列的苦情歌系列,比如《下沙》,《地下铁》,但我觉得这首《孟婆汤》,唱得尤其煽情,也许对于在苦恋中的人们来说,一碗孟婆汤真的会是一碗解药。。  歌词如下:  如果真的有一种水  可以让你让我喝了不会醉  那么也许有一种泪  可以让你让我流了不伤悲  总是把爱看得太完美  那种豪赌一场的感觉  今生输了前世的诺言  才发现水已悄悄泛成了泪  虽然看不到听不到  可是逃不掉忘不了  就连枕边的你的发梢  都变成了煎熬  虽然你知道我知道  可是泪在飘心在掏  过了这一秒这一个笑  喝下这碗解药  忘了所有的好所有的寂寥  如果真的有一种水  可以让你让我喝了不会醉  那么也许有一种泪  可以让你让我流了不伤悲  总是把爱看得太完美  那种豪赌一场的感觉  今生输了前世的诺言  才发现水已悄悄泛成了泪  虽然看不到听不到  可是逃不掉忘不了  就连枕边的你的发梢  都变成了煎熬  虽然你知道我知道  可是泪在飘心在掏  过了这一秒这一个笑  喝下这碗解药  忘了所有的好  虽然看不到听不到  可是逃不掉忘不了  就连枕边的你的发梢  都变成了煎熬  虽然你知道我知道  可是泪在飘心在掏  过了这一秒这一个笑  喝下这碗解药  忘了所有的好所有的寂寥
  新人报道   今天的歌就由我来推荐一首老歌吧 大家应该都听过  老鹰乐队:Hotel California (加州旅馆)  如果早已踏入这个残酷社会的我们 为了可以生活得更好 大多数的人已经被所谓的纸醉金迷般的生活遮蔽了双眼
职场的斗争 生活的压力 让我们都麻木的过着日子 有谁在雨夜中看着灯火阑珊的城市 回想儿时我们梦中的乐园 那么简单 那么安稳 那么清静 却带给我们无尽的欢乐  歌词:  On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hairWarm smell of colitas, rising up through the airUp ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering lightMy head grew heavy and my sight grew dimI had to stop for the nightThere she I heard the mission bellAnd I was thinking to myself,’this could be heaven or this could be hell’Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the wayThere were voices down the corridor,I thought I heard them say...Welcome to the hotel californiaSuch a lovely placeSuch a lovely facePlenty of room at the hotel californiaAny time of year, you can find it hereHer mind is tiffany-twisted, she got the mercedes bendsShe got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friendsHow they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.Some dance to remember, some dance to forgetSo I called up the captain,’please bring me my wine’He said, ’we haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine’And still those voices are calling from far away,Wake you up in the middle of the nightJust to hear them say...Welcome to the hotel californiaSuch a lovely placeSuch a lovely faceThey livin’ it up at the hotel californiaWhat a nice surprise, bring your alibisMirrors on the ceiling,The pink champagne on iceAnd she said ’we are all just prisoners here, of our own device’And in the master’s chambers,They gathered for the feastThe stab it with their steely knives,But they just can’t kill the beastLast thing I remember, I wasRunning for the doorI had to find the passage backTo the place I was before’relax,’ said the night man,We are programmed to receive.You can checkout any time you like,But you can never leave!
  呵呵,好吧,既然楼上的朋友愿意代劳。。我也笑纳了哦。。  感谢感谢。。  再说说这首《hotel california》,这个算是hi-fi行业试机的经典碟子了吧。。。如果你去买音箱,可能会听这个听到想吐,但是真的很动听,耐听。。。
  今晚推荐:张清芳的《花雨夜》  张清芳的声音,就是我一直钟爱那种,干净纯粹的,喜欢她和林志炫合唱的那首《出嫁》,当然,她的代表作还有这首《花雨夜》  歌词如下:  在梦里有个地方  红叶森林的牧场  我没听见有人吹着  一首歌叫雨夜花  已经忘了这首歌  它到底在说些什么  雨很美夜很凉花很香  那时树林里花儿纷飞  那时树林里花儿纷飞  山风溪水篝篝  炊饮热汤木桌缺了谁  鸟叫虫鸣鸣声言语  何苦惹是是非非  山风溪水篝篝  炊饮热汤木桌别喝醉  就算醉有了我你更陶醉  你说我太傻人生本匆忙  花儿是裳嫦挥挥衣袖吧  我不想要历经沧桑  陶醉梦里紧抓不放给我好吗  山风溪水篝篝  炊饮热汤木桌缺了谁  不要笑我梦的太美  梦里等着你来陪  山风溪水篝篝  炊饮热汤木桌别喝醉  就算醉有了我你更陶醉  昨夜梦里有个地方  红叶森林的牧场  隐约听见有人吹着  一首歌叫雨夜花  雨夜花花雨夜夜里花儿明白谁  多么靓多么香多么美  你说我太傻人生本匆忙  花儿是裳嫦挥挥衣袖吧  我不想要历经沧桑  陶醉梦里紧抓不放给我好吗  山风溪水篝篝  炊饮热汤木桌缺了谁  不要笑我梦的太美  梦里等着你来陪  山风溪水篝篝  炊饮热汤木桌别喝醉  就算醉有了我你更陶醉  昨夜梦里有个地方  红叶森林的牧场  隐约听见有人  吹着一首歌叫雨夜花  雨夜花花雨夜夜里花儿明白谁  多么靓多么香多么 美
  今晚心情比较郁闷。。所以推荐一首舞曲,ace of base的《all that she wants》  歌词如下:  She leeds a lonely life  she leeds a lonely life  When she woke up late in the morning light  and the day has just begun  she opened her eyes and thought  o' what a morning  it's not a day for work  it's a day for catching tan  just laying on the beach and having fun  she's going to get you  all that she wants is another baby  she's gone tomorrow boy  all that she wants is another baby  all that she wants is another baby  she's gone tomorrow boy  all that she wants is another baby  all that she wants  all that she wants  so if you are in sight and the day is right  she's the hunter you're the fox  the gentle voice that talks to you  won't talk forever  it's a night for passion  but the morning means goodbye  beware of that is flashing in her eyes  she's going to get you  all that she wants is another baby  she's gone tomorrow boy  all that she wants is another baby  all that she wants is another baby  she's gone tomorrow boy  all that she wants is another baby  all that she wants is another baby  she's gone tomorrow boy  all that she wants is another baby  all that she wants is another baby  she's gone tomorrow boy  all that she wants is another baby  all that she wants  all that she wants
  好久登录不了天涯。。。今天继续,推荐一首谭咏麟的《水中花》  永远25岁的谭校长,已经成为一个传奇了,他经历了很多人,比如和他同时代,但已经仙逝的张国荣,梅艳芳,比如比他后出道的四大天王。。。但是他还是坚持在唱  歌词如下(粤语版):  这个深夜里 没法可以安睡  卧看天空洒泪 任寒风吹  冰冷的梦里 没法跟你相聚  也许心里的泪 未能抹去  缘份让我去握碎  彼此相爱太苦累  不想跌进这火堆  但愿忘怀甜梦里  还是让我去面对  尽管加上我的罪  丝丝温馨的发堆  我愿来占据  如倒影水中的鲜花  只可看看未能摘去  如飘于风中的花香  虚虚渺渺淡然逝去  然而让我见着你  不想多次去躲避  风风雨雨我都不畏惧  但求共醉
  今日推荐,Jessie J的《domino》  很多人知道Jessie J的歌,估计都是从中国好声音里面吴莫愁亮相的第一首歌《price  tag》开始的,这个英国小天后,长相其实不是那种甜妞类型的,但是她创作的那些歌确实可以让人听了动感十足,比如这首《domino》(多米诺)  歌词如下:  I'm feeling sexy and free  Like glitter's raining on me  You're like a shot of pure gold  You spin me out of control  I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air  Now I'm breathing like I'm running cause you're taking me there  Don't you know? You spin me out of control  We can do this all night  Damn this love is skin tight  Baby, come on  Boom me like a bass drum  Sparkin' up a rhythm  Baby, come on!  Rock my world into the sunlight  Make this dream the best I've ever known  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I'm a domino  Every second is a highlight  When we touch don't ever let me go  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I'm a domino  You got me losing my mind  My heart beats out of time  I'm seeing Hollywood stars  You strum me like a guitar  I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air  Now I'm breathing like I'm running cause you're taking me there  Don't you know? You spin me out of control  We can do this all night  Damn this love is skin tight  Baby, come on  Boom me like a bass drum  Sparkin' up a rhythm  Baby, come on!  Rock my world into the sunlight  Make this dream the best I've ever known  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I'm a domino  Every second is a highlight  When we touch don't ever let me go  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I'm a domino  Rock my world into the sunlight  Make this dream the best I've ever known  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I'm a domino  Every second is a highlight  When we touch don't ever let me go  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I'm a domino
  还没等到楼主,自告奋勇来推荐一首歌,katy perry的《firework》,是电影《马达加斯加3》里面的插曲,也被《职来职往》节目作为其嘉宾的出场曲。  歌词如下:  Do you ever feel like a plastic bag  Drifting throught the wind  Wanting to start again  Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin  Like a house of cards  One blow from caving in  Do you ever feel already buried deep  Six feet under scream  But no one seems to hear a thing  Do you know that tehre’s still a chance for you  Cause there’s a spark in you  You just gotta ignite the light  And let it shine  Just own the night  Like the Fourth of July  Cause baby you’re a firework  Come on show ’em what your worth  Make ’em go "Oh, oh, oh!"  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  Baby you’re a firework  Come on let your colors burst  You’re gunna leave ’em fallin’ down-own-own  You don’t have to feel like a waste of space  You’re original, cannot be replaced  If you only knew what the future holds  After a hurricane comes a rainbow  Maybe you’re reason why all the doors are closed  So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road  Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow  And when it’s time, you’ll know  Come on slet your colors burst  Boom, boom, boom  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  It’s always been inside of you, you, you  And now it’s time to let it through  You’re gunna leave ’em goin "Oh, oh, oh!"
  我靠这么好的帖子沉了  可惜


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