Sing the song greeting song 儿歌.是什么意思

小学五年级英语 |
  U2 课题 What did Lingling go yesterday? 课型 New lesson
  目标 知识与能力 能口头运用What did Lingling go yesterday?这类语句询问过去发生的事情,并能口头运用Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy&s school.这类语句回答。
  过程与方法 运用所学语言描述过去所发生的事情。
  情感与态度 通过对比中国和英国学生的不同生活,增强学生的跨文化交际的意识。
  重点 区分一般现在时态和一般过去时态的运用。
  难点 熟练准确的用所学知识描述自己或者他人的学校生活。
  教法 使用情景交际法和任务型教学法,使学生能够熟练掌握本课的单词和句型。
  学法 小组合作竞赛。
  准备 课件、录音机、单词卡片等等
  预习设计 复述Amy的学校生活,预习本节课的单词和课文。
  教学过程 施教者调整
  Step Ⅰ: Greetings
  T: Hello! How are you?
  Ss: I&m fine, thank you.
  T: What time did you get up?
  Ss: At seven o&clock.
  T: What time did you go to school?
  Ss: At half past seven.
  T: Do you like skip rope?
  Ss: Yes, I do.\ No, I don&t.
  Step Ⅱ:Warming up
  1. Last class we have known something about Amy&s school life. You must find differences between China&s school life and England&s school life. Now please tell me your answer.
  T: They start school at 8 o&clock.
  Ss: China.
  T: They play in the playground before 9 o&clock.
  Ss: England.
  2 Review Unit 1 simply.
  Step Ⅲ:New teaching
  1 Lingling went to Amy&s school, and then she wrote a letter to Daming. Do you want to know what did Lingling tell Daming? Let&s learn Unit 2 today.
  2 (1)Listen to the tape and underline the new words
  (2)Teach and practice the new words in different ways.
  3 Listen to the tape again and answer these questions.
  Q1: Where did Lingling go yesterday?
  Q2: What time do they start school in England? & & Q3: What do they do in the playground?
  Q4: What did Lingling do with the girls?
  Q5: What time did the bell ring?
  Q6: What did they do then?
  4 Learn the A3, let the students read the words, and then teach these pronunciations.
  5 Study the song of A4, then divide the class into two groups to sing the song.
  Step Ⅴ: Practice
  Work in groups to Practice A5,like this:
  A: look! What time is it now?
  B: It&s 3 o&clock.
  A: What do you do at 3 o&clock?
  B: I have Music at 3 o&clock.
  Step Ⅵ :Homework
  Read and repeat the text, tell your friends Amy&s school life.
  【板书设计】 & & & & & Module8 School
  Unit 1 What time does school start?
  New words: &bell & ring&rang
  New sentence: What time do they start school in England?
  They start school at 9 o&clock.
  What did Amy and Lingling do yesterday?
  They skipped rope in the playground.
  单元 M 9 &U1 课题 & &Are you feeling sad 课型 新授
  目标 知识与能力 使学生能听说、认读单词;能了解母及字母组合ts, ds, tr, dr, ch, j, dg &在单词中常见的读音;能准确理解并熟练地运用 &Are you feeling sad/ bored/ angry? Feel happy/ sad/ tired/ bored/ hungry&
  过程与方法 通过活动体验,在交流中学会询问和表达情绪和感受,发展综合语言运用能力。
  情感与态度 在小组交流与合作中培养孩子的互助意识
  重点 能准确理解并熟练地运用 &Are you feeling sad/bored/angry?feelhappy/sad/tired/bored/hungry
  难点 在真实情景中灵活运用新知识询问和表达情绪和感受
  教法 情景教学法
  学法 合作交流法
  准备 课件
  预习设计 预习课文和单词
  教学过程 施教者调整
  Ⅰ. Warm-up
  2、sing a song, &I get up in the morning.&
  3、Free talk&&谈论周末活动。
  师:Tell me, please! What do you usually do at the weekend?
  (用简笔画:Do you feel happy/bored/sad/tired?)
  1、导入:Talk about the feeling now
  Q1: How are you feeling now?
  Q2: Are you feeling sad/ happy/ bored/ tired/ hungry/ angry?
  Q3: What&s the matter?
  Q4: Do you want to&?教学&What&s the matter?&
  Feelings Things
  hot ice-cream, fan&
  hungry Sweater, gloves&
  happy Egg, hot dog&
  Tired Chair, bed&
  如:A: What&s the matter, Mary? Are you feeling&?
  B: Yes. /No. /Nothing.
  A: Do you want&?
  ①师:&Lingling is feeling sad today. What&s the matter with her? Let&s listen and answer my questions&教师播放课文录音,并进行听法指导,同时完成课堂活动用书活动1&&圈出正确或错误。
  Q1: Is Lingling feeling sad?
  A: No.
  Q2: Does she miss China?
  A: No.
  Q3: Is she feeling bored?
  A: No.
  Q4: Is she feeling angry?
  A: No.
  Q5: Does she want to play chess?
  A: No.
  Q8: What&s the matter with her?
  A: She is going to make a surprise cake for Amy&s birthday?
  Name Feeling What&s the matter?
  V. Homework
  选做:1、用所学的词汇来向朋友或者家人描述你的心情。2、 仿照课文编写三组关于心情的对话,用英语写出。 9
  Unit 1 & Are you feeling sad ?
  Feel sad bored angry & & & & &Are you feeling & ?
  Miss nothing secret & & & & & what&s the matter ?
  Tell &surprise & & & & & & & & nothing
  单元 M 9 & U2 课题 & &I feel happy. 课型 新授
  目标 知识与能力 能听懂会说本课语言happy,sad,bored, tired,hungry,grandfather,farm,chess,lost,smell和句型Are you feel happy ?的问答。
  过程与方法 培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力,以及能积极参加语言交际,并会用英语思维的能力。
  情感与态度 培养学生关心他人的品质,并勇于表达自己的内心感受,培养学生的自信心和合作精神,以及用英语交流沟通的能力。
  重点 能听懂会说本课语言: happy,sad,bored, tired,hungry,grandfather,farm,chess,lost,smell和句型Are you feel happy ?I feel &&的问答。
  难点 能够灵活运用本课的交际用语进行拓展交际。
  教法 情景教学法
  学法 合作交流法
  准备 课件
  预习设计 预习课文和单词
  教学过程 施教者调整
  1、Warming up & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &(1)教师与学生打招呼,做好课前准备。 & & & & & & & & Class begins! & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & T:Hello ,boys and girls! & &S:Hello ,Miss Guo & & & &T:How are &you ? & & & & S:I&m fine .Thank you! & &2、Revision & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & T:Are you feeling thirsty? &S:&(根据实际情况回答) T:Are you feeling angry? & &S:&(根据实际情况回答) 3、New Teaching & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & (1)Let&s listen to a poem, ok? & & & & & & & & & &(让学生听读part4,引学生进入英语环境中。) & & & & ※ &学生先听一遍 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &※ &然后让学生打开书,边指边听 & & & & & & & & & & ※ &再跟着老师读一遍 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &(2)Well,Are you bored now?I think you should be now let&s do something very happy and exciting. (3)出示多媒体图画(If you are happy)让学生看起来就很兴奋,很高兴!然后问:How do you feel?are you feeling happy now? & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & (4)引出新单词,学习新单词 & & & & & & & & & & & & &happy & sad & & tired & & bored & & hungry & & & & & & & &(边读边做相应动作及表情,开火车表演、个人上讲台表演等) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &(5)Now please look at the screen and guess how do they feel ? & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &※ &出示多媒体插图1(今天我帮爷爷在农场干了一整天的活,现在感觉很累的情景图) & & & & & & & & & & & 让学生说:& I feel && & & & & & & & & & & & & & &※ &出示多媒体插图2(今天我下国际象棋赢了,现在感觉很高兴的情景图)让学生说:&feel && & & & & & & & &※ &出示多媒体插图3(外面下雨不能出去玩,感觉很无聊)让学生说:& I feel && & & & & & & & & & & & & & &※ &出示多媒体插图4(昨天我丢了书包,现在还没找着!我觉得很伤心!)让学生说:& I feel && & & & & & & &※ &出示多媒体插图5(我可以闻到很香的粉条汤,我觉得很饿!)让学生说:&I feel && & & & & & & & & & & &(6)I want to know your feeling now. & & & & & & &学习Part2(now point and talk ) & & & & & & & & & & A:Today I helped my grandfather on the farm . & & & B:Do you feel tired ? & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & A:Yes ,I do . & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &※ &拿出卡片问学生:Do you feel&?Yes,I do.No,I don&t.或者学生问学生(同桌问、或走访问等) & & & & & & ※出示表格 CD-ROM & & & & & & & & & & & & & &※ &教师带读两遍 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &※ &学生齐读一遍 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &4、Practice & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &※Now .games time .act and say(播放兔子舞舞曲,学生随着音乐传球,音乐一停,谁拿到球谁表演,表演好的给予奖励) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 5、Summary and homework & & & & & & & & & & & & ※再把单词过一遍,happy sad tired bored hungry(齐读)请用有关心情的词汇来造句,或者编一段对话,并用英语写下。 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 6、Say &goodbye Class is over ! goodbye boys and girls!
  【板书设计】 & & & & & & &Unit 2 &I feel happy
  tied grandfather & & & & & & & & &How dothey feel?
  Today I helped my grandfather on the farm.
  farm game &lost & & & & & & & & Do you feel tired ?
  sell & & & & & & & & & & & & & Yes ,I do.
  单元 Modole 10 课题 Unit1 You should look,then cross the road. 课型 新授
  知识与能力 学会新单词,掌握新句型
  过程与方法 情境教学法,游戏教学法
  情感与态度 帮助学生学习英语的自信心2.培养在实际情境中运用知识的能力
  重点 会听,读,写新的句子;了解新句型
  难点 会使用should,shouldn't
  教法 游戏教学法,情境教学法,合作学习法
  学法 习得学习,任务型学习,小组学习
  准备 单词卡片,录音机以及多媒体课件
  预习设计 让学生试着用英语写简单的明信片。
  教学过程 施教者调整
  Step 1: Warming up.
  1. Talking. 每节课前都有一个学生,根据前几课的内容准备一些问题提问学生进行交谈。
  2.Sing a song.
  3. Chant.
  Step 2: 任务呈现与课文导入。
  A.先呈现单词卡片should,shouldn't学生用英语说。 & & &B.教学生说句型:I should 或 shouldn't
  C. 师:What should you do when you cross the road? & & 生:I should &
  Step 3: Text learning.
  Firstly,the students should follow the tape&recorder,then circle the new words in the text.
  Secondly,some boys and girls can read some questions,the questions are on the board: X Kb1. C o m
  What shouldn't you do when you cross the road ?
  What does Tom do when he cross the road?
  What do you do when you meet your mother'friend?
  Thirdly,the students should follow the tape-recorder again ,sentence by sentence ,then the teacher and the students read together.
  Last,Then the students should answer the questions:
  You shouldn&t play football.
  He should look,then cross the road.
  I should say hello.
  Show some pictures on the board(should,shouldn't,in the road,dangerous)use these words to make some sentences.
  Step5 Homework:
  1.Recite the words and lessons.
  2.Make a dialogue with should or shouldn't.
  【板书设计】 &Module10 Unit 1 You should look,then cross the road.
  A: You should look,then cross the road. & B: Yes ,Mum.
  A: You should hold my hand,too. & & & &B: Yes ,Mum.
  单元 Module10 课题 Unit2 You should eat fruit. 课型 新授
  目标 知识与能力 句型:You oshould &eat &fruit.
  单词: should , shouldn't
  过程与方法 情境教学法,游戏教学法
  情感与态度 帮助学生学习英语的自信心,培养在实际情境中运用知识的能力
  重点 会听,读,写新的句子;了解新句型
  难点 会使用should,shouldn't。
  教法 游戏教学法,情境教学法,合作学习法
  学法 习得学习,任务型学习,小组学习
  准备 单词卡片,录音机以及多媒体课件
  预习设计 让学生练习用英语向对方打招呼。
  教学过程 施教者调整
  Step 1.Warmer
  1. Say hello to Ss and review the text of U1.
  2. Ask Ss some questions about &Do you have any friends? What do you say when you meet them?What should &you do when you cross the road? Show should ,shouldn't, and let Ss ask and answer.
  Step 2 Presentation
  1 Tell the students that you are going to mime three things you should do. They have to guess what the three things are.
  2. Now mime three things you shouldn't do and once again, get the students to guess what you&re doing. Make sure they say complete sentences, e.g. &You should/shoudn't&. &
  3. Now let the students continue the activity in pairs. They should take turns to do the mimes.
  Step 3. Practice and learn the Practice 1.
  1. Get four students to come to the front of the class.
  2. &Have each student make up a statement using &should&, &shouldn't&.
  3. Make sentences with &he, she, his, and her&.
  Examples: T &(points to &Daming)
  Ss: he should clean his room.
  T(points to &Lingling)
  Ss: she shouldn't play with dolls.
  4.Acording to the Picture 1 ,make some sentences with should ,shouldn't
  Step 4. Listen and say, then chant.
  1. Get the students to look at the pictures and describe them . Ask the students if they like doing these activities.
  2. Play the tape and let the students listen to the chant, play it again and have the students say the chant at the same time.
  Step 5. Homework:
  1.Read &the chant.
  2.Make some sentences with should or shoudn't.
  【板书设计】 &Module 10 & Unit 2 &You should eat fruit.
  You should eat fruit.
  You shoun't walk in the road.
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正在加载中,请稍后...Hello Song
学生们席地而坐,老师首先带领他们唱问候歌(Hello song),学生相互熟悉同伴名字与周边事物,接下来就是老师依次与学生进行主题对话,主题各不相同,有关于家庭的、关于农作物的等等,目...
急,请帮忙把这些英语翻译成中文。100分。一天之内有追加 ...
honey I want more and more我要很多很多的蜂蜜
hello song你好歌??
hellohello你好你好 ...
活动介绍 ...
Hello song 欢迎大家
Introduction 认识朋友
Warm up 一起做热身运动 ...
同时,hello song(欢迎歌)不同年龄阶段的运动方法不同,比如有的是培养交叉运动,有的是培养跨越中线,还有的是培养手眼协调。
Sing Hello again song.
Sing Hello again song.
Thursday was spent in reviewing some topics I have discussed like the "Hello, Hello" song, number and their spelling, the alphabet.
- 来自原声例句


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