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Can you really love what you do?
Oh my gosh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. I watched my father be a successful engineer and salesman at an intractable cost to his happiness and our family peace. For this reason, I understand the trap that loveless work can be. But I also know that it doesn't have to be that way.
Some of us simply may have never figured out something we' others are limited by our s and there are those of us who may feel betrayed by something we thought would be an income-producing passion project, which didn't turn out that way.
What matters in the ever-changing domain of work that creates sustainable happiness is pursuing something that brings you joy and that creates good for others. No matter what your circumstances, having these two criteria at work will go a long way to having work that you love.
I can hear your "BUT'S" echoing in my head: "But, I don't know what brings me joy!" "But what brings me joy won't bring me money!" And yes, I've heard thoughts like these before, and neither of them are reasons to stay miserable. ADVERTISEMENT I can promise you, as someone who does both, that there is no guarantee that every day will begin with excitement. The truth is that any work, even work you love, runs the risk of becoming a "job" if great care isn't taken to tend to it like it was a prize-winning rose bush.
So start by asking yourself these two questions. Your answers will provide you with the two most essential ingredients to figure out what it is that you will actually want to do, and how to make it happen:
1. What brings me joy?
, you're desensitized to your own body's signals and you probably don't have access to your intuition. It could also be that you don't allow yourself the gift of fun, creativity or exploration. If you don't know what brings you joy, watch for people who do something that brings them joy and ask if you can join them. This doesn't mean you'll choose their joy as your destination, but it will start to train you to recognize what doing something joyful looks like and feels like.
Once you recognize it, you might remember things you used to do that brought you joy. Re-engage with those. Not because they'll become your career, but because it will open you up to the sensitivity required to feel your own body's wisdom and impulses towards the .
2. What can I do that improves other people's lives?
That, to me, is the next logical question in trying to figure out the "doing what you love" question. Joy often comes with the second criteria I've recommended. Doing something that improves life for people, animals or the planet, or something that brings more awareness to people so they can make better choices falls under this category. The work itself may be hard but a successful outcome will be satisfying enough to bring joy to your life.
When I have occasional hiccups in consistently loving what I do, or even have a life hiccup, I remember the best way out of my own funk is to do something for somebody else. One of my favorite ways to do this is to work with kids. I've used my background in theater as a tool for bringing out the best in others.
Working with a local church, I've helped kids spruce of their dance numbers for their upcoming musical or I've done presentation skill training at the elementary school or I choreographed the musical at the middle school. Seeing the kids succeed and enjoy the process brought me joy and made life a little better for somebody else. I come back to my desk inspired and ready to get the love back in my work because ultimately, I do something that fits both criteria.
Things that bring you joy or uplift the "condition" for all aren't always paying gigs. If that's describes you, don't think it has to stay that way. I'm writing this on a plane coming back from the Sundance Film Festival where I met many people who started in something they could not make a living at but they persevered. They had day jobs and applied for grants and many of them were there to celebrate the film they delivered despite the odds. Some will be leaving to start the next project under the same circumstances and some just had the career breakthrough they were hoping for. One independently produced film sold for $12.5 million.
No matter your level of success, doing work without joy or impact is keeping your soul in a box. . Give it that privilege and your happiness will come along for the ride. Photo Credit:
The #1 Way To Ruin A Perfectly Good Relationship
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With Kathryn Budig
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Laura Berman Fortgang is a nationally renowned speaker, life coach, and career strategist, helping individuals, small businesses, and corporations forge new directions and weather change. Laura is a recent Huffington Post blogger, and a media perennial appearing on Oprah, various morning shows, CNN, MSNBC, and many print publications. She lives…
Laura Berman Fortgang is a nationally renowned speaker, life coach, and career strategist, helping individuals, small businesses, and corporations forge new directions and weather change. Laura is a recent Huffington Post blogger, and a media perennial appearing on Oprah, various morning shows, CNN, MSNBC, and many print publications. She lives…
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Separate email addresses by commasSir Lovealot: &While I am not an expert I am very knowledgeable concerning computer and Internet Security.
While it is rare for a Mac to have security issues it is a possibility.
Find yourself a reputable malware, scumware, spyware scanner and do a scan of your system.
It wouldn't hurt to get a reputable AntiVirus scanner and scan with that as well, but I doubt that is the problem.
But malware, if present can slow things down significantly.
I'm not a big fan of Chrome, but others here seem to be using it without problem, however . . . . . .
You might try using different browsers, like Safari (a Mac product), or Firefox or a host of others just to see if those browsers do any better than what you're using.
And along the line of security I how many toolbars do you have installed on your browser?
And if you do have toolbars what type of toolbars.
While some may disagree with me my experience is that toolbars can sometimes make a huge difference in browser performance.
I personally only allow very few and very select toolbars in my browser.
I use Firefox and have a separate profile for each individual game and my game profiles have no toolbars installed, it works rather well for me.
And I have a separate profile I use for general Internet stuff and all the toolbars I have installed are security related.
This is mostly informational, but this configuration works rather well for me.
And like some others have stated when you are playing Glitch and roaming around in Ur you shouldn't have any other sites open or programs running.
When I first started playing Glitch opening another site had very negative devastating effects on G these problems have all been ironed out, but having certain site open while playing Glitch could dramatically impact performance.
O I agree with most everyone about cache.
But every cache has it's limits and when those limits are close to being reached it tends to impact performance.
But if you don't clear anything else you should delete cookies, if not all of them, at least certain ones.
There are cookies that will constantly access your browser to see what you are doing.
Get enough of these type cookies stored and they can impact bandwidth and performance.
The things I've mentioned come from years of experience.
I think the best thing you can do other than making sure there is no malware on your system is to use a separate browser for playing Glitch and only playing Glitch with no browser helpers or toolbars installed.
But, that's my opinion.
Anyone is welcome to disagree with me as long as in the end you get the help you need.
Please let us all know if things get better for you or if you need any further help.
Cheers!& | GlitchHow to Get a Girl to Like You - Make Her Interested in You
&How do you get a girl to like you?That girl you just met. Or that girl who you’ve been gawking at for quite some time now. How do get her interested enough that she’ll go out with you before you even ask.There are several things you can do to raise her interest in you. But are you sure she doesn’t like you already? With that out of the way…Clear These FirstObviously, you should look pleasant. , stay in shape, and have a life.In short… be likeable.Be someone interesting enough to talk to.Get Her Interested in YouNow. Making a girl to like you can take some time. So, take it easy, relax, and be yourself. Pay attention to every detail which you can use later.Stand outIf you stand out enough in her eyes, she won’t be able to help but notice how strong, cool, and great of a guy you are.Make her want to ask about you. If you stand out, she’ll automatically want this.Be mysterious. Intrigue her.Get her friends to talk about you in a good way.Impress herNot with something shallow like how rich you are or how big your biceps are. But with what you’re doing with your life.With what you’re passionate about. Your plans for the future. And what you believe in. Or with any of your skills or something you’re good at.But don’t go overboard. Don’t be too cocky and you’ll lose her in a flash. Don’t blurt it out of nowhere, instead . Let it come up naturally.Make a great first impressionFirst impressions are critical.Women measure you up on the
and decide if you’re relationship material.So… don’t waste it.Show that you’re a good catch. Think about your posture, smile, and tone of voice.Be seen with other girlsIt’s what’s called social proof or . It shows that you have options. She’ll think you have something that can make her happy.She’ll automatically be interested. This is one of those shortcuts that people don’t think about.Don’t be afraid to get to the next levelTake the Lead. Flirt. Play grade school games with her.Which should lead you to…Have fun, be happy, and stay positiveNobody likes a negative person. Make every moment that you’re with her fun and enjoyable.That way, she’ll remember you in a positive way and wants to be with you more. You’ll also make her feel more comfortable. Comfortable enough to like you.The Most Important ThingRemember, before others can like you, you must like yourself first. And that’s the most important thing.Why?Because no matter what you do if you don’t like yourself, why would other people do, Right?To help you more, you should know
and make use of it.
and make any girl including her be magnetized.You know, be confident, funny, and approachable. And surely you’ll get girls to like you.Don’t know where to start? Or… having a hard time with women? Then learn to .. You’ll get more tips on
and more. It’s easy and takes only a second.You Might Also Like...Download This Free Report!"How To Kiss A Girl In 40 Seconds or Less!"Click here to get your copy now!Click to Share:Top Posts
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