巴基斯坦的歌手arjun kapoor

> 印度人评论巴基斯坦掀起中文热
原文标题:Pakistanis eye China jobs, take Mandarin lessons
ISLAMABAD: When Misbah Rashid taught Chinese 30 years ago, few signed up. Today her department has more than 200 Pakistani students, increasingly attracted by the prospect of an affordable education and a job.
For decades, a foreign education was the preserve of the richest who could afford the stratospheric expense of sending their progeny to Oxford or Harvard to mingle with an international Westernized elite. But Rashid’s pupils are mostly middle class.
Ambitious and academic, they lack the means to afford an American or British education and so they sign up for Mandarin Chinese at the National University of Modern Languages in Islamabad.
Some of them hope to get a job with a Chinese company in Pakistan. Others will go on to further studies in China, which offers around 500 scholarships a year and cheaper fees. A course in China costs a few thousand dollars a year, compared with the tens of thousands of dollars US and British universities charge.
What is more, some Pakistanis say their great northeastern neighbour makes them feel more welcome. “Nowadays as Pakistanis, you may not be as welcome in all other countries,” says 18-year-old Ali Rafi, who applied to study economics at Shangdon University. “But when we went to China. We were always welcomed and honoured.” He studies at City School, one of the private schools in Islamabad that has started to offer Chinese lessons to children as young as 12. If everything goes well, the classes will be rolled out across the school’s other 200 branches in Pakistan. And other private schools are doing the same.
更重要地是,一些巴基斯坦人说,伟大的东北邻国使其觉得自己更受欢迎。“现今作为巴基斯坦人,你或许并非在所有其他国家都受欢迎。”申请去山东大学读经济学的18岁Ali Rafi说,“但我们去中国时总是受欢迎和尊敬。”他在ysl堡一所叫城市学校的私人学校读书,该校已经开始为小至12岁的孩子提供中文课程。如果一切顺利,该课程会推广到该校在巴基斯坦的其他200个分校。其他私人学校也是在这样做。
Appa Durai (Coimbatore)
If China supports the move, it will be an Islamic nation soon!
THIS COULDN’T HAVE GOT ANY BETTER!.30 percent of POK given to China and a port written off to china,Now, the people of Pakistan are learning Chinese too,, Good!!!…..Soon Pakistan will be called CHINKISTAN!!…After all, its good for a change, from all the bumm- bl@sts !!
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rk ny (NY USA)
hahhaaaaa…..whatever the pakis do to suck up to the chinese..the chinese know exactly what kind of jobs to offer to the paki slaves….
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Arjun (India)
Soon Chinese will kick them out as well, pakistanis simply arent civilised enough to live any where, couple of years ago I was on a visit to the US, when a pakistani man was caught tyring to bomb Time Sq in NY, guess what soon after that incident every pakistani started calling themsleves Indian or Hindu when inquired by an American. When the need arise they hide behind the Hindus.
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sushil (Lucknow)
Good to note that someone is really worried to give education to Pakistanis other than what typical Madrasa’s are doing.China has eye on natural sources in Pakistan& Afghanistan.
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saakg4 (Duniyan)
I know it, soon, Pakistan will be a province of China. Pakistanis are being taught Chinese so they can assimilate into Chinese culture easily. Hope Bangladesh will not follow….
sanjeeb (Chennai) replies to saakg4
Bangladesh is already following …. my many Bengali friends studied in Chinese unis…..But problem is west do not recognise it…….now Srilankans are planning so……these r the provinces of China….
Now they can spread more terror in Xinjiang province to their north with their chinese knowledge.
Rangeela Rasool (India)
Now we will have some 26/11 or 9/11 in China too.
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Shiv Kumar (India)
Beggar country is now begging China for jobs. No jobs and prospects in their country. Porkistan should learn lessons from hindustan’s economic miracle/progress instead its begging chinese monkeys.
Frank (UK) replies to Shiv Kumar
Beggars are beggars. They will never learn any thing except begging tricks because they got the taste of free eating and not working hard for it. China is short of women so they can have free ladies too.If don’t work why a lady will stay with you. Am i wrong?Pakistani men are 90% not willing to work at all they just want free money and luxury life and drug.
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sdas (usa)
What happened to their claim that they are descendants of Arabs !! I thought Saudi Arabia was their homeland and it would be fitting for them to work there. Pakistani’s truly lack identity.
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Ismail Khan (Dubai)
Porkis should not get excited with this illusion. Everyone knows Chinese are master traders and they will praise you to the sky when you are their client. I noticed that during our group’s recent visit to Shanghai and Beijing. We were very welcome guests. Why will they not praise you when they can make money out of you.
It is incorrect impression the Porkis carry that getting visa for China is easy. I remember when I went to apply for a visa at Chinese consulate in Dubai, while being Indian I had no problem but I saw Porkis were turned away with a frown on the Consular staff face and aggressive response that they do not give visas to Porkis. I dont understand how Porkis claim that they are welcome in China. I think if Porkis believe that being literate in Chinese language will bring them jobs in China, they should re-think and stop wasting their money and time. It may be different thing with proficiency in Chinese language will bring them jobs in their own country with Chinese companies.
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Murali (Bangalore)
What else can the poor children do when all you can get inside Pakistan is Madrassa education?
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Genghis Khan (HINDU Republic Of INDIA)
China should be beware of Bombers. Right Now China is a Peaceful Country except that bloody musallas majority province called XINXIANG.
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MP Abraham (Chennai)
Pak students agree that they are not welcome in the West like before. Anyway students opting to study in China are a lot more safer than in their own country were street violence is a daily affair.
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thakur (earth)
Very good. Now Talibanis will make a base in China & eat pork which they really miss in Paki land. Its good move to counter China’s influence over Asia. Now these Pakis will first build mosks in China where they can easily make bombs-knives-RDX inside them. Let China suffer, poor chinese.
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JayG (delhi)
Pakistan has a middle class? Really?
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babafateh (Mumbai)
The day is not far when we’ll find Pakistanis with small eyes and pale skin…
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Sagar (Pune)
China will realize it hard way. China has not yet witnessed human bombs in its country. Now since they have welcomed Pakis, its only a matter of time few of the brainwashed Pakies will blow themselves up in China. A pest is a pest. There is nothing like a good pest.
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Rajguru (delhi)
Birds of a feather flock together !!! These countries together with North Korea are Axis of evil. If third world war ever starts (Very much likely ) these countries will be the culprits.
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JCMI (Hindustan)
China will definitely realize one day in the near future that Pakistan is nothing but trouble for them!
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Goldman (Goa)
For survival of Pak for Forex they are planning the only one commodity for Export, Paki Girls to Chinkies which are short of one child policy in China!
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There are many jihadi elements in middle class,of Pakistan,they should be encouraged to learn Mandarin in China,so that there will be pause in terror activities.A rogue contry attracts another rogue country,so,there is no surprising.
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ert12Sr (India)
CHINA must remain very careful… these Paki will call Chinese first to Pak.. will take money and help from China.. then they will start infiltrating in China and after some time the world will have to tackle a new Organization CHINESE TALIBAN
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Whats in a name (Krypton)
Porkis you don’t have to move to China for a job or learn Chinese. In few years time China will take over your country then you can continue living in your country and work for the Chinese. Maybe chances are that Chinese people are going turn your country into worlds biggest toilet, thereby setting a Guinness record. ? Cheers to you morons.
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巴基佬没必要非得去中国找工作或者学习中文。几年后,中国会接管你们国家,你们可以继续在自己国家为中国人工作。中国人有可能会把你们国家变成世界最大的厕所,从而创造一个吉尼斯纪录 ?
Record keeper (Guinness Record) replies to Whats in a name
Pakistan becoming world’s biggest toilet? That will never happen. Currently, India tops the world with 58% of its 1.2 billion population defecate in the open ( that is a whopping 700 million people!), and in comparison, only 4.5% of Pakistan’s 180 million population do likewise (that’s only 8 million people). Even if every Pakistani stop using the cubicle and sh!ts in the open, that dubuous Guineness Record will forever be yours. Congratulations, sh!thole!
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Whats in a name replies to Record keeper
Point is not us. Chinese are going to take over Porkistan very soon, and they will defecate on your country making it the biggest sh it iest (which already is) country in the world. F** k you c u n t h oles which needs to beg to survive.
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Whats in a name replies to Record keeper
Porkis, don’t waste time commenting here. Isn’t it about time to beg from the Chinese? or else how will you people eat? Hahaha beggars.
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Peace hope (India)
China is a place for hardworking. They will not allow Pakistani people to visit mosques between working hours. I have seen Muslims in my office visit Mosque in every friday and every day during Ramazan. And they wash their legs in office basin (YUUK!). The chinese will not allow that.
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ashis (kolkata)
This is the Pakistani side of the story. As Pakistan is a free country when compared to China, I do not doubt its authenticity. What about the Chinese view of Pakistan? No Chinese can frankly speak his mind. Still I guess, the Chinese people serving in Pakistan are happier than their Pakistani counterpart serving in China. If at gun point, I am given two options – Islam and communism, I would opt for the former (but desert at the first opportunity).
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Kartikeya Singh (Gurgaon)
If it weren’t for the Pakis, China would have an even greater trading surplus. Now at least China imports terrorists!
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Gautam (Patna)
No wonder Buddhism is on rise in Pakistan
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confess (slimy mosque)
I want to sht in a chinese persons rice basket
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A K Gupta (Bangalore) replies to confess
Yukkk!! Now I cant eat Rice for one week.
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Hotel Arjun offers accommodation in Allahābād.The rooms are fitted with a TV with satellite channels. Some rooms have a seating area for your convenience. Rooms come with a private bathroom equipped with a shower. Private parking is also available at this hotel.There is dry cleaning services at the property.
Hotel Arjun
arjun 感觉他超级有才 不知道吧里有多少人认识他~
Arjun 原名arjun kumaraswarmy 斯里兰卡人,泰米尔族,在科伦坡出生 在英国学习音乐,是歌手,也会作曲,以及多种乐器,2011年youtobe上传了南印度神曲why this kolaveri di的英文remix版而出名,之后出过很多改编的印度电影歌曲,而被t-series关注,2014年和T-series签约
我刚开始看印度电影的时候就知道他了,起因是看了小萨版本的保镖,很喜欢插曲teri meri 当时刚接触印影,还没掌握上外网下歌的技能,只是在国内的音乐播放器搜索了一下,结果在qq音乐中找到了一个remix版的 听了之后觉得非常不错~(强烈推荐,大家可以去听听)
但是qq音乐只有他的两首歌,teri meri remix和take it back,后者是一首纯英文歌,也还可以 2014年时,他和T-series签约,发行的第一首是Ill be waiting,和另一个我非常喜爱的歌手Arijit singh合作,有人在贴吧里推荐,我就去听了,非常好听(在次安利,超级好听!
又过了很久,到了2015年,他发行了第一张专辑,best of arjun,又是有人在贴吧里推荐我才得知orz 里面有四首歌,是他在2014年发过的单曲集合,我感觉每一首都是辣么好听,虽然都是改编的歌曲,但是能把歌改好不毁歌也是一种技能…这时我才知道他不是印度人而是英籍斯里兰卡裔
音乐类型:R&B POP乐器:吉他,键盘,鼓,笛子学校:英国Point black music college对他影响最深的艺术家:Ryan lesley(没搜到这个人额…爱好:音乐,艺术,板球(他给予最大热情的事是板球最喜欢的食物:泰国/马来西亚菜理想的度假圣地:斯里兰卡和马尔代夫最喜欢的乐器:吉他,鼓最喜欢的印度明星:Priyanka Chopra(我和PC要成为情敌了吗…我绝对没有胜算吧…(想多了择偶标准:“有幽默感,喜欢我只是因为我是我而不是因为我是歌手,顾家”
remember tonight
stargazer(feat.raxstar)6.4 vampire(feat.staz)9.20 kabhi kabhi(feat.shivali&natasha)12.10 why this kolaveri di(how could you do this to me)(english r&b remix)
with us or against(feat.jay mo).1.24 chammak challo r&b remix4.13 zara zara6.5 teri meri remix(feat.priti menon)9.18 run away(thuli thuli rude boy remix)12.5 same girl(feat.guru randhawa)
chaiyya chaiyya(super bass remix)6.28 tum hi ho(you got it bad remix)(feat.rekha sawhney)9.16 take it back10.16hold on we re going home(tujhe dekha to)oh penne(南印度电影vanakkam chenaai插曲)biriyani(bay of bengal插曲)
i know you want it(sheila ki jawani)(之前说错了,签约之后的第一首歌是这个…)4.3 i ll be waiting(kabhi jo baadal)(feat.arijit singh)9.18 excuse me girl(ambarsariyya)(feat.reality raj&rekha sawhney)mohabbat barsa de(碧帕莎主演的恐怖片creature3D插曲 arjun的第一首宝莱坞音乐 feat.arijit&simira koppikar)ice cream penni(南印度电影vaaliba raja插曲)
all of me(baarish)(feat.tulsi kumar)9.11cant forget you(tujhe bhula diya)(feat.jonita ghandi)
今年出的歌好少TAT好像是因为在忙全球巡演 官网上的信息只更新到今年年初,似乎已经荒废了TAT
明天元旦联欢我要唱baarish,最后用我同样很喜欢的歌手Tulsi kumar的美图结束我的贴~大家晚安
再插一句 我最喜欢的四个歌手是 arjun,shreya ghoshal,tulsi kumar,arijit singh
@老戴死去哦 @xi98619 @zj


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