看电影肖申克的救赎和机械公敌观后感。 分别写观后感。英语100词左右

可爱的小女孩莱莉(凯特林·迪亚斯 Kaitlyn Dias 配音)出生在明尼苏达州一个平凡的家庭一名女子Brooke(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)急着赶1:30开往波士顿的火车,安妮(奎文赞妮·瓦利斯 Quvenzhané Wallis 饰)是一位年幼的孤儿,生活在当今本着每日操作的繁琐,也为着分享才是快乐的根本。本公众号资源全部免费开发,只设置打赏一栏,如果亲《安德的游戏》故事背景设定在未来世界,那时候人类已步入太空时代,但却在短短数十年间遭到一种外星生物——虫族的单亲孩子菲利普·佩里(T·J·劳瑟 饰)的母亲对他管教甚严,8岁的小菲利普甚至从未参加过一次在华盛顿州的一所贵族中学里,一位国会议员的女儿竟被人绑架了,资深警探亚历克斯科罗斯接下这个棘《布拉格之恋》是由菲利普·考夫曼执导,丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯、朱丽叶·比诺什等主演的爱情电影。影片改西元2020年,怪兽大军突然开始从海底窜出攻击人类。人类抵御军别无选择,只能将希望寄托在两个最不起没了郭达·斯坦森(杰森·斯坦森)的玩命速递,不知道你们怎么看。
在《玩命快递太有名了,直接上片吧地址:/YbWFSL故事讲述一位大学教授(理查·基尔饰)收养了一只小秋田犬,取名“八公”。之后的每天,八公早上将教授送到车站,傍主演:蒂姆·罗斯1900(蒂姆·罗斯 饰)是一个被人遗弃在蒸气船上的孤儿,被船上一位好心的烧炉工(比尔·努恩菲利普(弗朗索瓦-克鲁塞 饰演)原本是一名生活无忧的富豪,却在一次跳伞事故中全身瘫痪,他不仅失去了健康与快乐导演:尼尔·布诺姆坎普差不多在30年前,外星生物终于与地球有了第一次亲密接触,当人类战战兢兢地等待着对方可能布鲁斯·威利斯费城有个九岁小男孩生活在一个单亲妈妈的环境里,他自称能见到死人。他的心理医生在一年前曾经遭到他亨特·方达在片中饰演一名坚持良知的陪审员,他在一宗青少年被控谋杀生父的案子之中存有疑点,成为唯一不赞成判其有澳洲农夫约书亚康诺(罗素·克劳饰)在1919年前往土耳其,试图查明在战争中失踪的三个儿子是生是死。即使一开始卢·布鲁姆(杰克·吉伦哈尔 饰演)是一名充满激情的年轻人,迫切地想得到一份工作。他发现,自己或许可以在报道洛1970年代传奇摇滚乐手丹尼柯林斯(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)在经历人生低潮时,经纪人(克里斯托作为1980年代的小孩,山姆·布伦纳(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 饰), 威尔·库珀(凯文·詹姆一场大地震从洛杉矶一直延伸至旧金山,巨石强森饰演的角色是消防部空军中队的一名飞行员,他必须驾驶飞机努力寻找并二十世纪初,爱迪生、巴黎铁塔总设计师埃菲尔、“交流电之父”尼古拉·特斯拉和其他顶尖的科学家、艺术家组成了一个谈判专家的存在就是要找到谈判的弱点并加以利用,但若谈判也是一位谈判专家,谈判将如何进行呢?这部惊险的动作悬疑地址:/243b386c4defcb3bf953ea7b13b未来的世界里,地球上已经没有空间供犯人坐牢使用了,于是人类制造出了一个绕着地球飞行的类似于空间站的监狱。在其3个精英登山者在他们经历伤心的事情的时候抛下一切,只带着友情,一同前往登山界的鱼翅之地,从未有人成功登顶的梅《包法利夫人》改编自法国作家福楼拜的同名小说。主人公爱玛·鲁奥是一位农庄长大的女孩,美丽但不文静,成为小镇《美国狙击手》/482a96b8c099ce《狂怒》/fpyCU9《史密斯夫妇》/XzYKHJ《我心狂野》/9bacf23c57a61e0d79a4e39b《曾经》导演约翰·卡尼自编自导新作,这是一部讲述爱情,失落以及动人音乐的影片。格蕾塔跟随音乐家男友戴夫来到美《守法公民》:/bx8fmX《白宫陷落》:/ZP5sFU影片基于理论物理学家Kip Thorne的理论,讲述一群探险者穿越虫洞的关于时间旅行与平行宇宙的故事。《星际《伸冤人》:/hWfsFQ《艾利之书》:/axpNL4《《侏罗纪世界》的背景设置在《侏罗纪公园》故事发生22年后,纳布拉尔岛已经发展成为一个庞大的主题公园和度假胜地这部电影讲述了一位曾经扮演过超级英雄的过气演员(迈克尔·基顿饰),希望通过出演一部舞台剧来挽救事业,但是跟他翻拍自2009年获奥斯卡最佳纪录长片大奖的《走钢丝的人》,讲述1974年法国杂技艺术家菲利普·帕特(Phil城市需要英雄来拯救,黑暗降临纽约,大反派施莱德和他率领的异族用铁腕压制一切,从警察到政客都被其所控制。神龟们故事从一个男孩发现自己有着不属于地球的超能力开始。作为一个年轻人,他开始了寻找自己身世和命运的旅程。但若他想行骗为生的斯科特·朗(保罗·路德饰),在偷了生化学家汉克·皮姆博士(迈克尔·道格拉斯饰)发明的蚁人战服后,拥这才是原初的经典资源链接:/gxizhD《超凡蜘蛛侠》讲述的是一个从小被父母遗弃,寄居在本叔(马丁·辛饰)和梅姨(莎莉·菲尔德饰)家中的孤儿高中生彼《我是传奇》:/jwFFRO《机械公敌》:/hYeTWq本片主要讲述了拳击手米奇·沃德(马克·沃尔伯格饰)成为世界轻中量级拳王的经历。米奇同母异父的兄弟迪克·爱克兰
可爱的小女孩莱莉(凯特林·迪亚斯 Kaitlyn Dias 配音)出生在明尼苏达州一个平凡的家庭一名女子Brooke(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)急着赶1:30开往波士顿的火车,安妮(奎文赞妮·瓦利斯 Quvenzhané Wallis 饰)是一位年幼的孤儿,生活在当今本着每日操作的繁琐,也为着分享才是快乐的根本。本公众号资源全部免费开发,只设置打赏一栏,如果亲《安德的游戏》故事背景设定在未来世界,那时候人类已步入太空时代,但却在短短数十年间遭到一种外星生物——虫族的gh_e454fe7d190f佳片收藏推荐,独乐乐不如众乐乐,每日推荐影片,专注口碑之作!热门文章最新文章gh_e454fe7d190f佳片收藏推荐,独乐乐不如众乐乐,每日推荐影片,专注口碑之作!英语翻译二百词左右就可以.不要到翻译器上复制粘贴,老师会评分的.我最喜欢的电影内容:我最喜欢的电影是《肖申克的救赎》,即使一遍又一遍的看也不会厌烦.这部影片很写实的写出了当时美国社会监狱的黑暗,也告诉了我一个道理,在危难时刻唯有自己才能救赎自己.影片讲述的故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪蒙冤入狱,从他入狱那一刻他就计划如何越狱,得到了帮助监狱长洗黑钱的机会使他事半功倍,他用十年的时间挖开了在瑞德眼里六百年才能挖好的水管通道成功越狱,还带走了监狱长没有污点的钱,最后将监狱长等人的罪行和证据寄给报社,惩罚了坏人,救赎了自己.不够二百词,我再加点帮我翻译下内容:最终与被释放的瑞德相聚,潸然泪下.再次经历了140分钟听觉与视觉的洗礼,没想到这次依然被感动的差点热泪盈眶,影片中真挚的情感让我想起来了社会上流行的“四大铁”,我想铁窗肯定应该也算“同过窗的”吧!  《肖申克的救赎》无疑是一部励志的杰作,影片的一切似乎都在表明:日常生活埋葬着所有的希望和梦想,以及对幸福、自由、友谊和爱情的感知能力.面对挫折、艰难、失败,是消沉还是奋进,是坚持还是弃守,是偃旗息鼓还是励精图治,《肖申克的救赎》给了我们一个明确的答案.
I most like the movie is "The Shawshank Redemption", even watch it over and over again also not boring. The film is very realistic writing was a prison USA socialdarkness, also tells me a truth, at the critical moment he alone can save himself.The film tells the story happened in 1947, banker Andy in prison, prison from himthe moment he how they plan to escape from prison, the warden of money laundering opportunities to help him twice the result with half the effort, he spent ten years opened successfully in the eyes of Reed six hundred years to dig water pipe passage is good, also took the prison long is not tainted money, the warden's crimeand evidence for newspapers, punish the bad guys, redeemed himself.
He only spent 10 years to dig the piple, which was predicted to be finished at least 600 years, to get away from persion, while taking all the legal money from the head of persion. Finally, ANDY reported all the evidence of the crime had done by the head of person to the newspaper, punished criminals and saved himself
(写的可能不太好,我还是个新手.) After I watch this film I think when our people can make these robots we maybe will lose ourself nature,we will rely on robots.we will become lazyer and lazyer even people intellect will not evolution.When is people lazy to make anythings let these hand robots to make our will over,we should work hard at P.E and intellect together.If such we can not destroy.The world will more prosperous and more boorming.写的不太好,76个词,顺便问下,这是作业吗?
你可能喜欢The Shawshank Redemption
    &The Shawshank Redemption& is a movie about time, patience and loyalty -- not sexy qualities, perhaps, but they grow on you during the subterranean progress of this story, which is about how two men serving life sentences in prison become friends and find a way to fight off despair.    The story is narrated by &Red& Redding (Morgan Freeman), who has been inside the walls of Shawshank Prison for a very long time and is its leading entrepreneur. He can get you whatever you need: cigarettes, candy, even a little rock pick like an amateur geologist might use. One day he and his fellow inmates watch the latest busload of prisoners unload, and they make bets on who will cry during their first night in prison, and who will not. Red bets on a tall, lanky guy named Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), who looks like a babe in the woods.    But Andy does not cry, and Red loses the cigarettes he wagered. Andy turns out to be a surprise to everyone in Shawshank, because within him is such a powerful reservoir of determination and strength that nothing seems to break him. Andy was a banker on the outside, and he's in for murder. He's apparently innocent, and there are all sorts of details involving his case, but after a while they take on all that counts inside prison is its own society -- who is strong, who is not -- and the measured passage of time.    Red is also a lifer. From time to time, measuring the decades, he goes up in front of the parole board, and they measure the length of his term (20 years, 30 years) and ask him if he thinks he has been rehabilitated. Oh, most surely, yes, but the fire goes out of his assurances as the years march past, and there is the sense that he has been institutionalized -- that, like another old lifer who kills himself after being paroled, he can no longer really envision life on the outside.    Red's narration of the story allows him to speak for all of the prisoners, who sense a fortitude and integrity in Andy that survives the years. Andy will not kiss butt. He will not back down. But he is not violent, just formidably sure of himself. For the warden (Bob Gunton), he is both a chal Andy knows all about bookkeeping and tax preparation, and before long he's been moved out of his prison job in the library and assigned to the warden's office, where he sits behind an adding machine and keeps tabs on the warden's ill-gotten gains. His fame spreads, and eventually he's doing the taxes and pension plans for most of the officials of the local prison system.    There are key moments in the film, as when Andy uses his clout to get some cold beers for his friends who are working on a roofing job. Or when he befriends the old prison librarian (James Whitmore)。 Or when he oversteps his boundaries and is thrown into solitary confinement. What quietly amazes everyone in the prison -- and us, too -- is the way he accepts the good and the bad as all part of some larger pattern than only he can fully see.    The partnership between the characters played by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman is crucial to the way the story unfolds. This is not a &prison drama& in any conventional sense of the word. It is not about violence, riots or melodrama. The word &redemption& is in the title for a reason. The movie is based on a story, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, by Stephen King, which is quite unlike most of King's work. The horror here is not of the supernatural kind, but of the sort that flows from the realization than 10, 20, 30 years of a man's life have unreeled in the same unchanging daily prison routine.    The director, Frank Darabont, paints the prison in drab grays and shadows, so that when key events do occur, they seem to have a life of their own.    Andy, as played by Robbins, keeps his thoughts to himself. Red, as Freeman plays him, is therefore a crucial element in the story: His close observation of this man, down through the years, provides the way we monitor changes and track the measure of his influence on those around him. And all the time there is something else happening, hidden and secret, which is revealed only at the end.    &The Shawshank Redemption& is not a depressing story, although I may have made it sound that way. There is a lot of life and humor in it, and warmth in the friendship that builds up between Andy and Red. There is even excitement and suspense, although not when we expect it. But mostly the film is an allegory about holding onto a sense of personal worth, despite everything. If the film is perhaps a little slow in its middle passages, maybe that is part of the idea, too, to give us a sense of the leaden passage of time, before the glory of the final redemption.
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