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Patrick Mohr
patrick mohrs creations are usually plain, casual and play with different silhouettes. Pure materials such as cotton, wool and leather accentuate the purist impression. Developing from unisex to a new look - sophisticated streetwear with subtile sportiness
and modern avant-garde.
His look may be described as urban and clean, because classical elements are combined with new forms. patrick mohr is progressive fashion with timeless wearability. The label was founded in 2008, after patrick mohr had completed his fashion studies at the international fashion school ESMOD. In the same year he won the “Prix Createur” for the best collection. Afterwards he worked for Henrik Vibskov in Copenhagen. Since 2008, he is developing and designing his own label patrick mohr. He impresses with artistical activism by trying to escape from boundaries existing in the world of fashion. His outspoken design creates something new, something independent.来自德国的设计师 Patrick Mohr 以其前卫的三角设计元素和解构主义创作而闻名,继去年的联名企划之后,此番他便再次与街头品牌
携手,为今年秋冬带来全新联名鞋率系列。该系列以 K1X 招牌的 DCAC MK4 为蓝本出发,并延续了上一季的设计,采用优质麂皮物料构成鞋身,并于鞋面上布满了设计师签名式的三角元素,而鞋舌上也有镂空的三角形图案,带来强烈的视觉冲击力。目前,该系列已可经由


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