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沙巴自驾旅游 探索马来西亚之美
马来西亚的地理环境多元,有高山、岩壁、山洞、沙滩、森林、瀑布、温泉等。开着车子或骑电单车旅游,就有机会前往这些地区,享受不一样的驾驶乐趣。自驾旅游,驶入乡间小路,看看农村,看看小镇,可以发现连当地报章都未发布过的潜在景点和美食。马来西亚的地理环境多元,有高山、岩壁、山洞、沙滩、森林、瀑布、温泉等。开着车子或骑电单车旅游,就有机会前往这些地区,享受不一样的驾驶乐趣。配合旅游年,政府极力推广新兴区域,确实有好些值得一游的旅游据点。因为刚刚兴起,还未处于公共交通工具服务路线内,因此游客需要自行前往,譬如:马六甲海龟保育中心、雪邦柏雅英达湿地公园(PayaIndah Wetlands Park)、士毛月茅草山(Broga Hill)、适耕庄水稻乡或热浪沙滩(Redang Beach,别混淆为东海岸的热浪岛)等。这些据点平时只有本地游客,客流量低,所以门票收费都十分低廉,有些甚至免费。读者只要多花些时间爬网,在旅游博客内搜寻,就不难发现这些隐蔽的据点。多元化的美食到马来西亚旅游,绝不能忽略其多元化的美食,有许多游客为了寻找美食,不惜开上百里路途,只为了品尝特定地点的美食。就如雪兰莪丹绒士拔(Tanjung Sepat)这老渔村,它并没有震撼人心的景点,却有中马区最新鲜的海产。在这个古旧的渔村里寻找美食,绝对不逊色于市区内的大小餐馆,因为吃海鲜的主要点就是新鲜,而且在这里用餐,还附送浓郁的乡土人情味。()又或直驱槟城浮罗山背(Balik Pulau)榴梿园守夜,体验等榴梿掉的难忘经历。每年榴梿季节是6月至7月间。西马公路完善西海岸的公路系统都十分完善,玩家可以自由选择绕道或直驱,伸缩性大。建议路线:&&南马区:大士关卡-龟咯-笨珍-峇株巴辖-永平-居銮(沿联邦公路5号)对于时间紧凑的游客,可以选择较接近新加坡的南马区,只需数日就可以完成这个路线。途中穿越无数的马来甘榜,若时间配得好,可以在居銮火车站咖啡店小坐。如果还有额外的时间,还可以从峇株巴辖岔道北上麻坡、马六甲、淡边,甚至是芙蓉。&&北马西海岸区:兀兰关卡巴生-瓜拉雪兰莪-适耕庄-安顺-红土坎-太平-乔治市-双溪大年-亚罗士打-加央-巴东勿刹(Padang Besar,马泰关卡)此建议路线主要有北马区的农村和渔村,一路有马六甲海峡的沿岸海边相伴。游客可随兴岔道前往沙滩。这条路线位于大汉山脉以西,因地理气候因素,这带的瀑布也较多,对瀑布有偏好的旅游玩家,也可一路探索。可以在查询,选择合适自己行程的瀑布。可以选择沿路经联邦公路5号慢慢驶到巴生,也可以透过南北大道E2,岔道E6直驱巴生以缩短行驶时间。然后,再沿联邦5号路前往红土坎,岔道联邦60号路北上。东海岸:遇见天然,见证历史遗迹&&兀兰关卡-哥打丁宜-丰盛港-珑宾(Rompin)-北根(Pekan)-直落尖不辣(Teluk Cempedak)-居茶(Kerteh)-龙运铁山(Bukit Besi, Dungun)-巴西富地(Pasir Puteh)-哥打峇鲁-兰斗班让关卡(Rantau Panjang)东海岸与西海岸的发展程度有很大的差别,车流量与西海岸比较少,公路宽度小,限速低而且有些路段路面失修,行驶富有挑战。由于这条路线没有高速公路,因此选择此路线的旅游玩家须要筹备更多时间来完成这个行程。但东海岸的景色之美,绝不逊于西海岸,而且海岛、沙滩、原始森林应有尽有。在东海岸过了关丹以北,就没有直接往西面的大路,直到巴西富地,才有&东西大道&可以回到西海岸。沙巴:最惬意的山区驾驶经验&&亚庇-斗亚兰(Tuaran)-兰瑙(Ranau)-柏鲁兰(Beluran)-山打根-斗湖-根地咬(Kenigau)-亚庇
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by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2013)
Tioman Island's southern mountains
View from Panuba bay
The runway is only accessible from the north, due to the nearby hills at the south end.
Boat on clear water at salang
Tioman Island (: Pulau Tioman) is a small island located 32 km off the east coast of
in the state of , and is some 20 km long and 12 km wide. It has eight main villages, the largest and most populous being Kampung Tekek in the north. The densely forested island is sparsely inhabited, and is surrounded by numerous , making it a popular
spot. There are also a lot of resorts and chalets around the island which has duty-free status.
Its beaches were depicted in the 1958 movie,
as . In the 1970s,
selected Tioman as one of the world's most beautiful islands.
The island is served by ferries from the Malaysian mainland, and a propeller plane service by
Pulau Tioman is a part of
district of , although it is geographically closer to , and is accessed via ferry service from the Johorean coastal town of . Within Tioman Island there are four : , , Juara and . The telephone numbers in Tioman start with 09-413, 09-419, 09-582, 09-583 and 09-584.
The marine area around Tioman Island and eight other nearby islands have been declared as .
Apart from its diverse , the inland
area was protected in 1972 as the Pulau Tioman Wildlife Reserve. However, a large part of the original reserve was sacrificed for agricultural and touristic development in 1984; the remaining area is approximately 8,296 ha (20,500 acres). There are several protected species of
on the island, including the , , , , , , , and , from a total of 45 species of mammals and 138 species of birds, including the majestic . Moreover, Tioman has species that are endemic to its shores. The Tioman walking catfish
can be seen on rainforest walks.
is only known from Mount Kajang.
Tioman has been used for thousands of years by fishermen as an important navigation point and a source of fresh water and wood. During the past thousand years, it has played host to , , and
trading ships, and often
shards can be found on beaches around the island.
In more recent history, Tioman played host to both the
during the , and the waters around the island are littered with war remains (including
Tioman island does not allow buildings to have more than 3 stories.
- The only cove of Tioman Island
- The most Eco-Friendly area on Tioman Island
- volunteer Sea Turtle and Environmental Conservation
Golden City - part of
also known as ABC
According to legend, Tioman Island is the resting place of a beautiful dragon princess. Whilst flying to visit her prince in , this beautiful maiden stopped to seek solace in the crystal-clear waters of the . Enraptured by the charms of the place, she decided to discontinue her journey. By taking the form of an island, she pledged to offer shelter and comfort to passing travelers.
Tioman Island lends its name to the state constituency of Tioman, comprising the island and part of the Rompin district including the town of . Its representative to the State Legislative Assembly is YB Mohd. Johari from . Its representative to the Malaysian Parliament is former MOSTI Minister Dr , also from .
- volunteer sea turtle and environmental conservation
project aware (beach cleaning) : Tioman Mydive Centre
Community radio within Tioman:
FM 103.2 (Airport radio)
FM 104.0 (Tioman community radio)
From Malaysian mainland:
FM 90.7 () - owned by
FM 91.9 () - owned by
FM 100.5 (News Network)
- Channel 50 (Temporarily unavailable)
- Channel 53 (Temporarily unavailable) - Currently broadcasting on Channel 11
- Channel 32
- Channel 7
- Channel 9
- Channel 40
- Channel 5
travel guide from Wikivoyage
(Supplement 6 of the )
Abdul, Jasmi (1999). . The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (National University of Singapore). Supplement No. 6: 3–4.
. Tioman Ferry Tickets, Singapore 2013.
Stuart, S.N. (2006). .
Version 2013.1.
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Sijangkang is a place in the
district in the state of , . It is about 12 km from
along the Klang–Banting road to the south heading toward Banting town.
Sijangkang is essentially a Javanese-Malay village and it is believed to have been founded about 1900. The name Sijangkang comes from a plant that similar to a rubber tree plant. It is a forest tree whose seeds are spread by explosion. Name of the tree is . This tree may found in some parts of Indonesia.
Still related to the first opinion. The Jangkang trees die in a tributary river that was later given the name of Jangkang river. In Chinese, death is referred to as 'SI'. Thus arose the name Si Jangkang which eventually turned into Sijangkang.
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