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tropical fish suitar rice打一成语疯狂
陈其畜牧之地;盛产鱼米的富庶地方:yú mǐ zhī xiāng
【解 释】:唐·王晙《清移突厥降人于南中安置疏》.也作“鱼米之地”.”
【示 例】;示以麋鹿之饶:“娘以缯帛之利:指河流湖泊交错;说其鱼米之乡;土地肥沃.
【出 处】:我的家乡苏州就是~成语【鱼米之乡】鱼米之乡_金山词霸【拼 音】
出门在外也不愁Will the Belo Monte Dam project on the Amazon River cause more harm to the environment or will it be a good source of energy for Brazil? | A conversation
Eugene, OR
United States
student of biology, University of Oregon
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Will the Belo Monte Dam project on the Amazon River cause more harm to the environment or will it be a good source of energy for Brazil?
The Amazon rainforest is an internationally recognized epicenter of biodiversity. Countless campaigns to stop the cutting and burning these rainforests have fallen on deaf ears. Now the Brazilian government plans to build what would be the world's 3rd largest dam [1] on the beautiful and ancient Amazon River. The Belo Monte project would span the Xingu River with 3 different dams: 233MW Pimental, 233MW Bela Vista, and 11,000MW Belo Monte. In addition, two artificial canals must be built to divert the river, which together will span more area than the Panama Canal.
These dams will have a myriad of negative impacts on the local environment.
Construction of the dam will cause about 400-640 sq km land upstream to become flooded for a reservoir - an area equal to the size of Chicago. The town of Altamira will be flooded as well as countless acres that house the region's tribal populations. The impact on biodiversity includes 6-8 species of fish endemic to the Amazon River that will likely go extinct as well as a 2% decrease in the total forested area of the Amazon rainforest.
Organisms endangered by the construction of Belo Monte cannot verbalize their traumatic destruction of their ecosystem, but the indigenous people of the A they are currently protesting the construction of the Belo Monte project through an "occupy" movement.
Belo Monte project is the first of many dam projects planned for the Brazilian portion of the Amazon River. Do these indigenous people have a right to decide what happens to their ancestral homeland? Or is the Brazilian government in the right by providing power for the majority of their country? Will the Belo Monte become the Belo "Muerte" dam (aka dam of death)?
Here's a 10 minute video that covers the impact the Belo Monte dam on the Amazon:
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Related Talks:《Tropical Fish 热带鱼》Windows 7幻灯片主题 绿色版
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原作者:Bruce Einhorn
Meet the Chinese tilapia, a bland food product that grows fast and sells cheap. Environmentalists hate it, but Americans keep ordering more
&& 来认识一下中国罗非鱼,一种生长迅速、售价便宜,但没什么味道的食品。环保人士痛恨这种鱼,但美国对它的需求正在日益增加
By Bruce Einhorn 作者:Bruce Einhorn
(Fixes reference to U.S. food-service market in the 27th paragraph.) (此版本对第27段美国餐饮服务市场的相关数据进行了修正。) At the end of a wooden pier, a squat red machine the size of a dishwasher hums along with the din of nearby cicadas. The fish-feeder is tossing grain pellets into one of Chen Haiping's nine fish ponds, each as long as a football field, in the town of Shuixi, in China's Guangdong province. It's breakfast time, and thousands of tilapia are thrashing their tails and sticking their mouths into the air to get some of the soy-and-corn mixture. Chen, a 32-year-old former duck farmer with a wispy mustache, has been running this farm for eight years. 在一个木制码头边上,一部洗碗机大小且敦实的红色机器正在伴着蝉鸣的声音嗡嗡作响。这架鱼食投放器正在给陈海平(音译)拥有的九个鱼塘中的一个投放谷物饲料。鱼塘在广东省遂溪县,每一个有足球场般大小。现在是早饭时间,几千条罗非鱼拍打着鱼尾,鱼嘴伸出水面,想得到这些由黄豆和玉米混合而成的食物。陈海平以前是个养鸭户,现在32岁,经营鱼塘已有8年了。
Before the tilapia, these ponds were filled with shrimp, which the Chinese like. They aren't big fans of tilapia, the name in Chinese, luofeiyu, refers to tilapia's origins in Africa. It doesn't have much flavor, and it doesn't grow big enough to put in the middle of the table at a family meal. Americans, however, can't get enough of Chinese-raised tilapia, so tilapia it is. The fish, Chen notes, are hardier and don't require as much work. "Shrimp can die much more easily," says Chen, who wears a wide-brimmed straw hat to protect himself from the 95-degree heat. 饲养罗非鱼之前,这些水塘里面养的是中国人喜欢的虾。他们不怎么喜欢外来的罗非鱼;罗非鱼这个中文名来自它们的起源地非洲。这种鱼没什么味道,而且个儿也不够大,不适合摆到家里饭桌上中间的位置。但是美国人却吃不够中国养殖的罗非鱼,那我们就养罗非鱼。陈海平说,这种鱼生存能力更强,而且不需要费多大劲儿照顾。“虾子更容易死掉,”陈说到。他戴着一顶宽沿儿草帽,以抵挡(华氏)95度的高温。 Despite environmental warnings about Chinese-raised tilapia from watchdog groups such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch, which publishes an influential best choices/avoid list of seafood and rates Chinese-raised tilapia as "avoid," U.S. consumption keeps rising. In 2009 the U.S. imported 404 million pounds of tilapia, up from 298 million in 2005. Wal-Mart Stores imports nearly 200 shipping containers, or 8.8 million pounds, every month, although they will not say how much comes from China. (The company declined to comment.) Domestic fish farmers can't come close to meeting demand. Although there are tilapia farms in the U.S., the fish does better in tropical climates, so most of it comes from Asia or Latin America. 中国养殖的罗非鱼受到了一些环保组织的警告,比如蒙特雷湾水族馆海鲜观察项目 。该组织出版的最佳/最不推荐海鲜指南很有影响力,其中将中国养殖的罗非鱼评价为“不推荐” 。尽管如此,美国的消费量仍直线上升。2009年美国共进口罗非鱼4.04亿吨,与亿吨的进口量相比有所增加。沃尔玛每月的进口量为200个集装箱,相当于880万磅,但没有透露其中多少来自中国。(该公司拒绝评论。)美国国内的养鱼户根本无法满足需求。美国国内虽然有罗非鱼养殖场,但这种鱼更适合在热带气候中生长,因此多数都进口自亚洲或拉丁美洲。 As overfishing threatens the world's wild fisheries, aquaculture advocates say fish farms will play a far greater role in feeding people around the world. "We are no more going to get our seafood from the wild than we get our beef, nuts, fruit from the wild," predicts Kevin Fitzsimmons, a professor at the University of Arizona and former president of the World Aquaculture Society. He is also on the board of HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries, an NYSE Amex-listed company that sells Chinese-raised tilapia. "It's all going to be farm-raised," he says. And there's no fish better suited to this new world than tilapia, says Fitzsimmons. It's a fast-growing species with mild-tasting flesh that producers can easily adapt to all kinds of uses. "Tilapia," says Fitzsimmons, "is going to be basically where chicken is with poultry." 在过度捕鱼对世界野生渔场造成威胁的情况下,水产养殖的支持者认为养殖场将在全世界的食物供应上发挥越来越重要的作用。“野生海产品占海鲜供应总量的比例将越来越小,就像我们获得的野生牛肉、坚果和水果占总消耗的比例一样。”亚利桑那大学教授、前世界水产养殖协会主席凯文. 菲茨西蒙斯(Kevin Fitzsimmons)这样预测。他也是海南魁北克海洋渔业有限公司(HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries)董事会成员,该公司在纽约证券交易所全美板块上市,并销售中国养殖的罗非鱼。“将来的鱼都会是从养殖场来的,”他说。而且菲茨西蒙斯称,没有比罗非鱼更适合这个新形势的了。罗非鱼生长迅速,味道清淡,用途很广。“罗非鱼,” 菲茨西蒙斯说,“将会和鸡肉在家禽里的位置不相上下。”That means that the creatures thrashing in Chen's ponds are the future of fish. The growing American appetite has led to a boom in Chinese aquaculture: With hundreds of breeding centers, fish farms, feed mills, and processing plants, China is the world's tilapia superpower. That's why I've traveled to the heart of the Chinese aquaculture industry, in southern Guangdong and the nearby island province of Hainan, to see how farmed-in-China fish make their way to the American table. 如此说来,在陈的池塘里拍打着尾巴的那一群就意味着渔业的未来。美国需求的增加让中国的水产养殖业进入了春天:中国是罗非鱼超级大国,拥有几百家育种中心、养殖场、饲料加工厂和鱼肉加工厂。这个原因驱使我来到中国,走访了水产养殖业的中心 - 广东南部和邻近的岛屿省份海南,探寻中国的养殖鱼是如何一路进入美国被摆上餐桌的。
For a tilapia, Chen's farm is a pleasant enough place to grow up. The farm is about an hour and a half's drive on potholed roads from Zhanjiang, the closest big city in this part of Guangdong. The province—home to huge factories owned by companies like Taiwan's Foxconn that employ hundreds of thousands of workers and produce iPhones and other products for export—is one of the most polluted areas in one of the world's most polluted countries. Smog regularly fouls the air and chemicals poison the water in the boomtowns of the Pearl River Delta, near Guangdong's border with Hong Kong. Those factories, however, haven't yet made it to the southwest of Guangdong, an area 200 miles away that is still a green oasis of banana trees, rice paddies, and sugarcane farms.
对一只罗非鱼来说,陈海平鱼塘里的环境挺适合生长。鱼塘距离广东本地最近的大城市湛江需要一个半小时的车程。广东省 - 省内遍布着巨型工厂,东家是诸如台湾富士康一样的公司,雇佣成百上千的工人,生产iPhone及其它出口产品 - 是世界上污染最严重的国家之一里污染最严重的地区之一。在靠近香港边界的长江三角洲的新兴城市里,尘雾和化学物质长年污染着空气和水源。然而,这些工厂尚未触及200英里外的广东省西南地区。那里仍是一片绿洲,随处可见香蕉树、水稻田,和种植甘蔗的农场。 The conditions on the fish farms are surprisingly clean. Because tilapia—unlike farmed salmon—grow quickly, they don't need big supplies of antibiotics to keep them healthy. Western media sometimes report on the filthy, algae-filled ponds of Chinese aquaculture. It's true for many mainland farms, especially those raising eel. Tilapia, though, have meat that easily takes on the flavor of whatever the fish happen to have consumed, and tilapia that swim in muddy, algae-filled waters end up with a musty flesh that American consumers hate. Before accepting tilapia from Chinese farms, buyers will check to make sure the fish don't have that pondy flavor. To avoid rejections, Chen and other farmers say, they keep their ponds clear of material that could ruin the tilapia's taste. 这里鱼类养殖场的条件出乎意料地干净。因为和人工养殖的三文鱼不一样,罗非鱼生长得很快,它们不需要大量抗生素来保持健康。西方媒体有时会报道中国肮脏、水藻遍布的水产养殖区。内地有些养殖场的确是这样,尤其是那些养鳗鱼的地方。但是,罗非鱼的鱼肉会很容易带上任何它们吸入体内的物质所含有的味道,而在浑浊、水藻遍布的地方长大的罗非鱼最后会有股霉味,美国消费者是讨厌这种味道的。在接受中国养殖场出产的罗非鱼之前,采购方会确保鱼身上没有这种味道。陈和其他养鱼户说,为了避免拒收,他们是不会让破坏罗非鱼味道的物质进入水塘的。 Doing so requires a lot of water, but Chen doesn't have to worry about paying for it. He takes his water from a nearby canal maintained by the local government, part of a policy to promote the growth of aquaculture through tax breaks and other subsidies. For farmers like Chen, it's a good deal. "The water," he says, "is free." 保持水质需要很多水,但陈并不担心付水费的问题。他从附近一个由当地政府管理的水渠里引水,这也是政府通过减税和其它补助以鼓励水产养殖业发展的政策之一。对于像陈一样的农民来说,这样的待遇不错。“水渠的水,”他说,“不要钱。”
With the hot weather, frequent feedings, and fresh water, fish destined for dinner in the U.S. need just a few months to grow to a harvestable size of 1 to 2 pounds. Soon a handful of Chen's workers will be standing up to their armpits in the water, dragging nets across the ponds and forcing the tilapia all into one end. They'll grab the fish by hand and throw them into buckets onshore. Other workers will dump the containers into a large truck that can carry as many as 10,000 live fish. Then the truck will head off to a processing plant, where the fish will become food. &在炎热的气候、频繁喂食和新鲜水质的条件下,出口美国的养殖鱼仅需要几个月的时间就可长到1至2磅可捕捞的重量。过不了多久,陈雇用的一群工人就会站在没至腋下的水中,拖动渔网,将罗非鱼都赶到鱼塘的一角。然后他们会用手把鱼兜起来,扔到岸上的桶里面。其他工人会将桶里的鱼倒进一辆可装载一万条活鱼的大卡车里。然后卡车将驶向加工厂,在那里鱼将被加工成食品。 There's no shortage of facilities nearby to do the killing. In one sign of how quickly the industry has taken off, there are 268 factories in the Zhanjiang area that can kill, skin, and freeze tilapia, according to the local aquatic products import and export association. That's a 33 percent increase in just three years. 附近并不缺少杀鱼的设备。这个行业正在飞速发展,其中一个标志是:据当地海产品进出口协会统计,镇江地区有268家可以杀鱼、去鳞,及冷冻罗非鱼的工厂。这一数字比三年前增加了33%。A decade ago, few Americans ate tilapia. The fish didn't even make the top 10 list of consumed seafood in the U.S. until 2002, when it squeaked by with average consumption of just 0.3 lb. a year. Then demand surged in the wake of the Atlantic cod fishery collapse. By 2009, according to data released on Sept. 7 by the National Marine Fisheries Service, Americans ate 1.2 pounds of tilapia. That put the fish well ahead of cod and catfish and just behind pollock as the most popular white fish in the U.S. (Shrimp is the top seafood, at 4.1 pounds consumed per American, and canned tuna the top fish, at 2.5 pounds.) 十年以前,美国人很少吃罗非鱼。直到2002年,罗非鱼才勉强进入美国海鲜消费排名的前十,当时年人均消费量仅0.3磅。但在大西洋鳕鱼过度捕捞危机之后,罗非鱼的需求量直线上升。据国家海上渔业局9月7日发布的数据显示,2009年美国人均消耗罗非鱼1.2磅。这一数字远远超过真鳕和鲇鱼,仅次于最受欢迎的白鱼“狭鳕”。(虾是排名最高的海鲜,美国人均年消耗4.1磅;灌装金枪鱼是排名最高的鱼类,人均年消耗2.5磅。) It's not that tilapia i it simply takes on the flavor of other ingredients. "It has got nothing going for it," says Colin Freeman, a consultant for Pristine Oyster Farm in South Australia. A few weeks before I travel to Chen's farm in Hainan, I'm visiting relatives in Brookline, Mass., near Boston, and stop by Wulf's Fish Market, a shop on Harvard Street not far from JFK's birthplace. The store doesn't carry tilapia, an annoyed employee tells me, even though people often ask for it. "Tilapia," he snarls, "is the tofu of fish." 这并不是因为罗非鱼有多好吃;只是因为它很容易融合其它配料的味道。“它没什么特别的地方,”南澳大利亚州“纯净牡蛎养殖场”的顾问柯林.弗里曼(Colin Freeman)说。在出发去陈的养殖场几周前,我去马萨诸塞州离波士顿不远的布鲁克赖恩看亲戚时,在离肯尼迪总统的出生地不远的哈弗街沃尔夫鱼市(Wulf's Fish Market)停了一下。一个不耐烦的店员告诉我店里没有罗非鱼,虽然时不时就有人会问。“罗非鱼,”他嚷嚷着说,“就跟鱼里面的豆腐一样。” Unlike salmon, tuna, and other big ocean fish, tilapia's flesh doesn't contain omega-3 oils, one of the main health benefits of seafood. But because it is cheap and easily raised on farms, it has created an opening for China. Just as Chinese factories are the go-to source for inexpensive toys, electronics, and clothes, the country's aquaculture industry has quickly come to dominate production of cheap, mass-produced fish. According to the U.S. Commerce Dept., about 80 percent of the frozen tilapia in the U.S. is now imported from China, with restaurants and supermarkets the biggest buyers. Tilapia demand "has grown at a phenomenal rate," says Keith Decker, president and chief operating officer of High Liner Foods USA, the Danvers (Mass.) subsidiary of the Nova Scotia-based producer of fresh and frozen seafood. The company is a big importer of cod and haddock, and is now a major buyer of tilapia, which it sells wholesale as well as under its Sea Cuisine brand. The company's products include over 50 types of tilapia meals such as Lemon Pepper Tilapia and Coconut Crusted Tilapia.
与三文鱼、金枪鱼和其它大型海鱼不同,罗非鱼不含omega-3鱼油,而这种鱼油是海鲜主要的健康成分之一。但是由于价格低并易于养殖,它为中国提供了一个机会。就像中国工厂是价格低廉的玩具、电子产品和服装的来源一样,中国的水产养殖业已经迅速占领了低价和批量生产鱼肉的市场。据来自美国商务部的消息,大约80%的进口冷冻罗非鱼来自中国,餐馆和超市是最大的买家。罗非鱼的需求量“已呈惊人增长,”High Liner(美国)食品公司总裁兼首席运营官基思.德克(Keith Decker)说。High Liner(美国)是新斯科舍省(译者注:Nova Scotia,在加拿大东南部)活海鲜及冷冻海鲜生产商在丹弗斯的子公司。该公司进口大批真鳕和黑线鳕,现在也是罗非鱼的主要买家,用于批发及旗下Sea Cuisine品牌海鲜的销售。公司生产50多种罗非鱼肉产品,例如柠檬胡椒罗非鱼和椰子罗非鱼。 Tilapia is especially well-suited to American tastes. "Tilapia fulfills a need for a large portion of the population that doesn't like their fish tasting 'fishy,' " says chef Rick Moonen, owner of Rick Moonen's RM seafood restaurant at the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas and author of the 2008 cookbook Fish Without a Doubt. Pollock remains slightly more popular, as measured by per-capita consumption. That's misleading, though, since pollock caught off the coast of Alaska is ground up by McDonald's& and other fast-food chains and turned into fish sa few people go to their local supermarket or Ruby Tuesday (RT) looking to have pollock for dinner. Tilapia has gained in popularity because one fillet by itself can be a main course. It's what Decker and others in the fish business call a "center-of-the-plate" fish. "Tilapia," Decker says, "has a huge future." 罗非鱼特别适合美国人的胃口。“罗非鱼满足了相当一部分人对鱼肉别太有“鱼味”的要求,”拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾RM海鲜餐厅的老板、2008年出版的烹饪图书《鱼,无需怀疑》(Fish Without a Doubt)的作者 - 厨师里克.穆南说。如果按人均消耗量来算,狭鳕仍然稍比罗非鱼更受欢迎。但这个统计并不准确,因为从阿拉斯加捕捞的狭鳕被麦当劳和其它快餐连锁店绞碎后做成三明治和炸鱼块;很少有人会去当地超市买狭鳕肉或露比星期二(Ruby Tuesday)餐厅点狭鳕肉当正餐。罗非鱼受欢迎则是因为一块鱼肉就可以做成一道主菜。它属于被德克和做鱼肉生意的其他人称为“餐盘中心”的鱼。“罗非鱼”,德克说,“未来会有很大发展。”Given the record of products made in China—milk tainted with melamine, toys with lead, toothpaste with the poisonous chemical diethylene glycol—many Americans may not welcome that future. The U.S. imported $5.2 billion worth of food from China in 2008, with aquaculture products accounting for 41 percent. A report last year from the U.S. Agriculture Dept.'s Economic Research Service called into question Chinese safety standards for farm-raised fish and seafood. "Fish are often raised in ponds where they feed on waste from poultry and livestock," the report said. Meanwhile, environmentalists are concerned about the impact of China's fish farms, as water filled with tilapia feces is flushed from the ponds. They also worry about the invasive nature of the species in the U.S. (Last year in Louisiana's Plaquemines Parish, for example, officials used poison to kill off tilapia in the area's canals and ditches.) "In theory there is quite a lot of regulation in place," says Pete Bridson, aquaculture research manager at the Seafood Watch program in Monterey, who traveled to China last year to visit tilapia farms. "But the environmental side of the regulation is not enforced very well."
鉴于中国制造产品的种种记录 - 含三聚氰胺的牛奶,含铅玩具,以及含有毒化学物质二甘醇的牙膏 - 很多美国人不一定会接受这样的发展趋势。2008年美国从中国进口了价值52亿美元的食品,其中农产品占41%。美国农业部经济研究处去年的一份报告中曾对在中国养殖的鱼和海鲜产品的安全标准提出过质疑。“养鱼的池塘里投放的经常是家禽和家畜的粪便,”报告说。同时,环保人士对中国的罗非鱼养殖场对环境造成的影响也甚为担忧,因为从鱼塘排出的水里净是鱼的粪便。他们还担心这种鱼的侵略本性(比如,去年在路易斯安娜州的普拉克明,官员使用了毒药将当地水渠和水沟里的罗非鱼除掉。)“理论上说相关的规定是比较到位的,”蒙特雷湾海鲜观察项目的水产养殖研究管理员皮特.布赖森(Pete Bridson)说。他曾于去年去中国走访了罗非鱼养殖场。“但是这些规定在环保领域的执行却不尽人意。” A global aquaculture industry dominated by China worries Mike Picchietti, president of Regal Springs Tilapia, a company based in Bradenton, Fla., that operates tilapia farms in Indonesia, Honduras, and Mexico, and is a supplier to Costco. For instance, he says Chinese farmers save money using fish feed only when the tilapia are bigger. When they're still young, he says, farmers toss animal waste in the ponds and allow the tilapia to feed on the algae bloom that follows. "They're able to cut their feed costs because they're able to use manure," he fumes. Raised-in-China tilapia are therefore much cheaper, according to Picchietti. "The Chinese are able to use cowshit," he says, "and I can't." Chinese tilapia growers deny Picchietti's claim. 全球水产养殖业由中国主导,这种可能让弗洛里达州布雷登顿的Regal Springs罗非鱼养殖公司总裁迈克.皮基耶蒂(Mike Picchietti)颇为担心。他的公司在印尼、洪都拉斯和墨西哥经营罗非鱼养殖场,并且是Costco的供应商。举个例子,他说中国农户为了省钱,只在罗非鱼长大些之后才开始用鱼饲料。它们还是鱼苗的时候,他说,农户会往鱼塘里扔动物粪便,并让罗非鱼以由此催生出的大片水藻为食。“他们能省饲料钱,都是因为使用粪肥,”他愤怒地说。因此,皮基耶蒂说,中国养殖的罗非鱼要便宜很多。“中国人能用牛粪喂鱼,”他说,“可我不行。”中国的罗非鱼养殖户否认了皮基耶蒂的说法。& As the sun sets and people elsewhere in the city are heading home for dinner, at Guangdong Evergreen's processing plant near Zhanjiang, employees are gathered near the loading dock, preparing to start their shifts. Trucks are arriving with thousands of freshly harvested tilapia, and the fish need to be killed and processed quickly to ensure they are as fresh as possible before going into the deep freezer. Guangdong Evergreen has made agreements with farmers to buy their harvest-ready tilapia for processing. This factory is where fish from farmer Chen Haiping's ponds will meet their maker. && 日落时分,城里的其他人已经准备回家吃饭了,而在湛江附近广东恒兴集团的加工厂房里,工人们聚集在卸载平台边,准备换岗。一辆辆卡车将几千条刚刚捕捞上来的罗非鱼运到这里,随后鱼需要被尽快宰杀并加工,以保证在进入冷冻室时尽量新鲜。广东恒兴已和农户达成协议,购买他们手中可以捕捞的罗非鱼并进行加工。陈海平鱼塘里的鱼就是在这家厂里进行加工的。For workers and visitors alike, entering the plant is no simple procedure. They must first change into a head-to-toe white suit, making sure to take off all watches, rings, and jewelry, and put on a face mask. After washing their hands thoroughly, visitors walk through a pool of disinfectant and then into the plant itself.
对于工人和访客来说,进入厂区的程序都一样复杂。所有人必须先换上一件从头到脚的白色清洁衣,确保将手表、戒指和其它首饰都摘掉,然后带上面罩。接下来,把手仔细洗过一遍之后,访客要穿过一个消毒池,最后进入厂房。Inside, hundreds work in silence as fish come off the loading dock. First, workers kill each fish by jabbing it in the head with a knife. Then they leave the dead tilapia to sit so the blood drains out of its body. Next the fish go onto a conveyor belt and the process speeds up as workers swiftly fillet the fish. With their pay partially determined by the number of fish they can process in an hour, the best workers can do this with just four cuts of the knife. After dropping the head, tail, and other remains on the floor to be picked up later, the men (women work elsewhere on the line, but the cutters are almost always men) put the six- to eight-ounce fillet back on the conveyor belt. Soon, different workers skin the fillet, followed by others who trim off any leftovers. Within a few minutes, workers are readying the fish for the freezer. 里面,几百名工人安静地在卸载平台周围工作着。首先,工人用刀捅入每条鱼的脑部将它们杀死。然后他们让刚死的鱼放一会,让体内的血流干。下面步骤的速度将被加快,鱼被放到传送带上,工人们快速地将鱼肉切片。工资的一部分取决于工人在一小时内加工鱼的数量,最快的工人用四刀就能解决一条鱼。男工们(女工做流水线上的其它工作,而切工一般都是男的)把鱼头、鱼尾和其它不要的部分扔到地上,稍后再做清理,再把6到8磅的鱼片放回传送带上。紧接着,其他工人刮掉鱼皮,后面的人对没刮干净的地方进行清理。鱼进冷冻室之前的准备工作在几分钟内就完成了。Other plants follow similar procedures. At the one operated by HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries, an Evergreen rival with offices in Seattle and Hainan, the clean suits are color-coded: V assembly-line workers, managers, quality-control supervisors, yellow. On a recent visit to the factory, plant manager Wang Fusheng points to a yellow-suited officer roaming the fluorescent-lit room. "That guy is powerful," he explains. "He can stop anything right away." Before HQ's fillets go into cold storage, the fish pass through a metal detector, just in case any stray flecks of a filleting knife have made their way into the product. "Every day we account for how many knives we've given to workers," he says. "If one knife is missing, you check everything." 其它工厂的加工程序也差不多。在恒兴的竞争对手,海南魁北克海洋渔业有限公司(在西雅图和海南设有办公室)经营的加工里厂里,清洁服用不同的颜色加以区分:访客穿白色;流水线工人穿蓝色;管理人员穿红色;质监人员穿黄色。我最近去这家厂参观的时候,王福生(音译)经理向我指着一个穿黄色清洁服、正在荧光灯的照射下巡视厂房的人。“这家伙权利很大,”他解释到。“只要他发话,任何工作都必须马上停下来。”在进入冷冻室之前,海洋魁北克的鱼片都要通过一个金属探测器,以防止杀鱼时有刀的碎片留在鱼肉里。“每天我们都要对给工人的刀过数,”他说。“如果丢失了一把刀,那就得检查所有环节。”Executives with tilapia processors in China point to such requirements as examples of their determination to maintain product safety. Chinese government labs regularly inspect for melamine and ot some Western buyers have their own quality inspectors or rely on third-party auditors to test the fish. Given the frequent inspections by Chinese officials and Western nongovernmental organizations, HQ Sustainable Chief Executive Officer Norbert Sporns rejects accusations that Chinese tilapia is substandard. "China is the most scrutinized export market in the world," says Sporns. He's a six-foot-seven former immigration lawyer from Montreal who got involved in Chinese aquaculture in the late 1990s; his wife, HQ Chairman Wang Li, is the daughter of a former chamber of commerce chairman in Hainan. Sporns compares Chinese tilapia farms favorably to catfish farms in Louisiana, where he calls conditions "despicable." "Our standards," he says, "are way, way better." 中国罗非鱼加工厂的老板们用这样的例子来说明他们保证食品安全的决心。中国政府的实验室也经常检测产品是否含有三聚氰胺和其它违禁的食品添加剂;一些西方的买家有自己的检测人员,或委托第三方机构来检测鱼的质量。正因为中国政府机构和西方非政府组织的频繁检查,海洋魁北克的首席执行官诺伯特.斯波恩(Norbert Sporns)拒绝接受中国罗非鱼是次品的指责。“中国是世界上接受检查最多的出口市场,”斯波恩说。他有6英尺7英寸高,以前在蒙特利尔做过的移民律师,从上世纪90年代开始接触中国水产养殖业;他的妻子王丽(音译)是海洋魁北克的董事长,其父曾是海南省商会会长。 斯波恩把路易斯安娜鲶鱼养殖场的条件形容为“令人鄙夷”,相比之下,中国的罗非鱼养殖场要强得多。“我们的标准,”他说,“要高太多太多了。”
In addition to operating processing plants, both HQ Sustainable and Guangdong Evergreen produce fish feed for farmers—and executives reject the assertion that local farmers reduce costs by feeding the fish animal waste. In the past, some Chinese may have cut corners that way, but inspectors—from the government and from independent certification bodies like the Aquaculture Certification Council, based in Crystal River, Fla.—have put an end to the practice, they say. "No one dares do that now," says Lee Shuguang, an Evergreen manager. 除了经营加工厂,海南魁北克和广东恒兴也为养鱼户提供饲料 ,并且公司高层们否认了当地农户用动物粪便当鱼饲料以节省开支的指责。他们说,过去有些中国人可能会用这种方法省钱,但是政府和独立认证机构(例如弗洛里达水晶河的水产养殖认证协会)派来的检查人员已经杜绝了这种做法。“现在没人敢那么干了,”恒兴公司的李曙光(音译)经理说。Critics have plenty of other concerns. Costco, for instance, won't purchase tilapia raised on Chinese farms because of concerns about mainland production standards. Its tilapia comes from Regal Springs Tilapia. (Prices vary locally, but at the Costco in Yonkers, N.Y., fillets are $5.49 the nearby Sam's Club sells its tilapia for $4.77 a pound.) "China's track record in certain areas isn't perfect," says Bill Mardon, a seafood buyer for Costco. He singles out Chinese processors' use of a glaze on frozen fillets. It contains carbon monoxide, which preserves the color of the fish and can make a fillet look fresher than it is. "Even if the fish starts to go bad, the fish will look good," says Mardon. For the consumer looking at a frozen tilapia fillet, "the first line of defense is visibility," he says. "If the carbon monoxide takes this away, it's kind of dangerous."
批评人士的担心还有很多。比如,Costco不引进中国养殖的罗非鱼,是因为觉得内地的生产标准有问题。他们的罗非鱼是从Regal Springs罗非鱼公司进的。(每个地方的售价都不一样,但是在纽约州扬克的Costco,罗非鱼块售价为5.49美元一磅;旁边的Sam's Club罗非鱼售价则为4.77美元一磅。)“中国过去在某些方面的记录不太理想,”Costco采购员比尔.马尔东说(Bill Mardon)。他用中国加工商给冷冻鱼片表面上亮面涂层这件事来举例。涂层里含有一氧化碳,能让鱼保持本来的颜色,并比实际看起来更新鲜。“即使鱼肉已经开始变质,它看起来还是好的,”马尔东说。消费者选罗非鱼片的时候,“首先是用眼看,”他说。“如果一氧化碳将真实情况掩盖住,那是件挺危险的事情。”
Evergreen manager Liu Xie calls this unfair, and says the company is only responding to its customers. "Supermarkets want us to do this," he says. "It doesn't have
it's just to preserve the color." Regulators in the U.S. and the European Union allow carbon monoxide, he adds. Liu says some fish get coated and some don't, depending on the customer's specifications. Either way, the fish then go into the freezer, set to -36C. That's cold. "If you freeze a man at minus 40 degrees," HQ plant manager Wang explains helpfully, "he will keep forever." 恒兴的刘谢(音译)经理称这样说是不公平的,并且公司这么做是应客户的要求。“是超市想让我们这么做的,”他说。“它对人体没有任何作用,只是为了保持颜色。”美国和欧盟的监管机构允许添加一氧化碳,他补充道。刘说,有些鱼会上涂层,有些不会,要看客户的要求。不管上不上涂层,之后鱼肉会进入摄氏零下36度的冷冻室。“如果你把一个人冻在零下40度的地方,”海南魁北克加工厂王经理的解释很容易理解,“那他是永远不会变质的。”
Chinese aquaculture officials object strongly to Seafood Watch's "avoid" recommendation. "They don't believe in aquaculture," Sporns says. "The Monterey Bay Aquarium makes money off of ocean fish." Tilapia, a small and visually nondescript omnivore, is not a fish that captures the imagination of aquarium goers. "How many tilapia do you see there?" asks Sporns. "None." 中国水产养殖业的官员们非常反对海鲜观察项目的“不推荐”建议。“他们不相信水产养殖,”斯波恩说。“蒙特雷湾水族馆是从海鱼身上赚钱的。”罗非鱼,这种看上去没什么明显特征的杂食性鱼,不是那种能激发起水族馆游客想象力的鱼种。“你能在那儿看见多少条罗非鱼?”斯波恩问。“零。”
For $23.95, diners at La Hacienda de San Angel, a new restaurant at Walt Disney World, can have grilled tilapia with roasted corn, cactus leaves, and mango chutney. The entrées at Daddy Jack's New England Lobster & Chowder House in Dallas include sautéed tilapia with lemon scallion butter and stuffed tilapia with Ritz cracker crabmeat stuffing. The Olive Garden in Rockaway, N.J., offers parmesan-crusted tilapia with vegetables and angel hair pasta for $14.95. 花上23.95美元,食客们就可以在迪斯尼乐园的一家新餐厅"La Hacienda de San Angel"里点一份铁扒罗非鱼配烤玉米、仙人掌叶和印度醋腌芒果。在Daddy Jack旗下的达拉斯"新英格兰龙虾和烩浓汤餐厅"里,主菜选择包括柠檬葱酱炒罗非鱼和由乐芝饼干及蟹肉做馅的罗非鱼全餐。新泽西州洛克维的Olive Garden餐厅提供帕尔玛干酪罗非鱼配蔬菜及意大利细面,价格14.95美元。As tilapia becomes more common on menus across the U.S., many eateries are turning to Sysco, America's largest distributor of food to restaurants, hospitals, and schools. With 400,000 customers, Houston-based Sysco has 17 percent of the $200 billion total U.S. food-service market, and those customers want more tilapia. "In the last six years, it's been growing about 20 percent a year," says Butch Vidrine, director of seafood purchasing for Sysco. He likes the fish's versatility: "You can fry it, grill it, you can do everything to it." 随着罗非鱼在美国餐厅的菜单上越来越常见,很多餐厅都转而投向Sysco, 美国最大的食品批发商-他们为餐馆、医院和学校供应食品。总部在休斯敦的Sysco有40万客户,占美国两千亿美元餐饮服务市场的17%,而客户们想要更多的罗非鱼。“在过去六年中,需求量年增长率大约为20%,”Sysco的海鲜采购总监布奇.韦德林(Butch Vidrine)说。他喜欢罗非鱼的多用途特点。“你可以炸、铁扒、烧烤;你怎么做都行。” Responding to that demand, Sysco has become a big buyer of frozen tilapia. About 95 percent of the company's tilapia sales are frozen, says Vidrine. For years, Sysco bought frozen fish from Regal Springs farms in Indonesia and wouldn't consider buying tilapia from China. Recently, Sysco changed its policy, approving a Chinese processor this summer. Given the 30 to 50 percent lower prices of Chinese tilapia and the growing demand for the fish, Vidrine says, it's time to give China a try. "China is like the Wild West," he says. "Some will meet [standards]. Some won't." Sysco已成为冷冻罗非鱼的大买家,以应对市场需求。韦德林说,公司大约95%的罗非鱼销售额都来自冷冻鱼肉。多年来,Sysco从Regal Spring在印度尼西亚的养殖场购买冷冻鱼肉,且从未考虑从中国进货。最近,Sysco改变了策略,从今年夏天开始接受中国加工厂的产品。韦德林说,鉴于中国罗非鱼比其它地方的价格低30%到50%,加上需求量的增加,是时候给中国一次机会了。“中国就像当年拓荒时的美国西部一样,”他说。“有些会达到[标准]。有些不会。” Tilapia from China is making inroads&elsewhere. In September, Whole Foods Market locations in California started carrying the Lillian's Healthy Gourmet line of prepared frozen tilapia meals made by HQ Sustainable. At the other end of the shopping spectrum, tilapia fillets from China are in the freezer sections of Wal-Mart superstores around the country, selling under the Sea Best name. The two ingredients are: "Tilapia" and "Carbon Monoxide (To Retain Natural Color)." 中国产的罗非鱼在向其它市场进军。九月,位于加州的所有Whole Foods食品超市(译者注:Whole Foods以供应健康食品为主)开始供应“Lilian's 健康美食”品牌的冷冻罗非鱼,该产品由海南魁北克公司加工。在零售业的另一终端,全美沃尔玛超级商场系列商店的冷冻区现在可以买到中国生产的罗非鱼片,品牌为“Sea Best”。标示的两种成分为:“罗非鱼”和“一氧化碳(用以保持自然色)。”Although Las Vegas chef Rick Moonen is a tilapia convert, he won't sell Chinese-raised tilapia at his 17,000-square-foot restaurant—complete with raw bar, sushi bar, and three private dining rooms—at the Mandalay Bay because Seafood Watch tells him not to. "I pretty much follow their guidelines when making choices at my restaurant," says Moonen, 54. 虽然拉斯维加斯的厨师里克.穆南是个罗非鱼拥护者,但他在自己曼德勒湾1万7千平方英尺的餐厅 - 由生食区,寿司区,和三个单间组成-不卖中国养殖的罗非鱼,因为海鲜观察项目告诉他不要买。“我给我的餐厅选食料的时候基本都按他们的指南来,”54岁的穆南说。
A graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and co-founder of the three-star restaurant Molyvos in New York, Moonen used to dismiss tilapia. That's changed. Fish Without a Doubt includes 13 tilapia recipes. In early September, Moonen was one of five of Bravo's "Top Chef Masters" participating in a competition to create the best new dish for spectators at the U.S. Op Moonen's entry was a burger-like combination of shrimp and tilapia. "I love the fish," he says. "I think it's very versatile." He serves non-Chinese tilapia at his restaurant in dishes like fish tacos.
穆南毕业于美国厨艺学院,是纽约三星餐厅Molyvos的创办人之一,而他以前从不使用罗非鱼。现在他变了。《鱼,无需怀疑》一书介绍了13种罗非鱼菜谱。九月初,穆南在Bravo电视台作为五个“顶级大厨”之一(译者注:《顶级大厨》是Bravo电视台一档比拼厨艺的真人秀节目)参加了一场比赛,为美国网球公开赛的观众们创作一款新食品;穆南做的主菜是用虾和罗非鱼为馅料的汉堡。“我特别喜欢这鱼,”他说。“我觉得它的用途很广。”他在他的餐厅里提供以非中国产的罗非鱼为原料的菜品,比如鱼肉玉米饼卷。 If it is going to win over Seafood Watch and Moonen, China's aquaculture industry needs to address concerns about tilapia and the environment. The World Wildlife Fund is one of several green groups introducing new standards for tilapia farming. "You don't want to tarnish the biggest sector just because there are some bad actors," says Aaron&McNevin, an aquaculture specialist at the WWF who has worked with industry executives in China and the U.S. to identify farms that try to improve their sustainability records. "Of course there are some bad actors, because China has the most producers," he says. "But there are some groups in China that have raised the bar." 如果中国的水产养殖业想把海鲜观察和穆南争取过来,那就需要对罗非鱼以及环境的种种质疑做出回应。世界自然基金会(WWF)是提出罗非鱼养殖新标准的绿色组织之一。“你不能因为一些不守规矩的人就否定这个行业最大的市场,”WWF水产养殖专家艾伦.麦克内文(Aaron McNevin)说。麦克内文同中美的业内高层人士合作,以找出那些努力提高自身可持续发展能力的养殖场。“不守规矩的人肯定是有的,因为中国的生产商数量最多,”他说。“但是在中国,有些生产商已经将标准提高上去了。”
The new standards might help with environmentalists, but a bigger concern for Chinese fish farmers is facing the relentless pressure for lower prices from foreign buyers. For all the popularity of Chinese-raised tilapia, a common complaint among people in the industry is the difficulty of making money selling the fish for export. This is another area where Chinese aquaculture is like Chinese manufacturing: Both are at the mercy of buyers like Wal-Mart, which demands ever-lower prices even as costs rise along the production chain. "Land costs, labor costs, raw material costs, they've all gone up 20 to 30 percent in the last three years," says Chen Dan, chairman of Guangdong Evergreen. Brokers buying fish for the U.S. market don't care, says Shen Jian, secretary general of the local aquaculture association. "The price is too low," he gripes. "It's unfair." 这些新标准也许能帮助说服环保人士,但中国养鱼户更大的担心在于外国买家一再降低价格的压力。虽然中国养殖的罗非鱼如此受欢迎,但业内最普遍的不满是很难从出口鱼的生意中赚钱。这是中国水产养殖业和中国制造业的另一个相似之处:两个行业都是靠着沃尔玛这样的买家,即使生产加工成本上升,他们也要求更低的价格。“土地、劳动力和原材料成本在过去三年里都上涨了20%到30%,”广东恒兴公司董事长陈丹说。为美国市场采购鱼肉的中间商们不会在乎,当地水产养殖行业协会秘书长沈坚(音译)说。“价格太低了,”他抱怨道。“这不公平。”
Chinese producers are focusing on ways to eke out more profits. Evergreen hopes to figure out how to air-freight containers of fresh tilapia to the U.S., since fresh prices are about 50 percent higher than frozen. HQ Sustainable is focusing on value-added products such as facial creams made with collagen from tilapia scales, and it may spin off on the Shanghai stock exchange the subsidiary that makes these supplements. 中国生产商正在努力想办法挤出更多的利润。恒兴希望找出如何将新鲜的罗非鱼空运到美国的方法,因为鲜鱼的价格比冷冻鱼要高出50%。海南魁北克正在努力研制附加值产品,比如用罗非鱼鱼鳞的胶原蛋白制造出来的面霜,而且他们可能会让制造这些附属产品的子公司在上海证券交易所上市。 HQ Sustainable CEO Sporns also dreams of working with a partner to create a fish feed that contains omega-3, the healthy fish oil that tilapia lacks. "If you have tilapia meal enriched with omega-3, that makes for a healthier tilapia," he says. "Then we've got checkmate." 海南魁北克CEO斯波恩还梦想和合作伙伴一起制造一种含有罗非鱼缺少的omega-3鱼油的饲料。“如果我们给罗非鱼喂富含omega-3的饲料,养出的罗非鱼也就更健康,”他说。“那么这就会成为是我们的杀手锏。” Back in southwestern Guangdong, farmer Chen is focusing on more short-term solutions. Taking shelter under a tree from a midday cloudburst, he puffs on his bamboo water pipe and explains how the economics of tilapia have suddenly turned against him. With China's economy booming, costs are up sharply. His rent—which was just 500 yuan ($75) per mu (equal to about 79 square yards)—has more than doubled. Pay for his dozen full-time workers and 15 part-timers has jumped 40 percent, to 1,500 yuan a month. Feed and electricity costs are up, too. Meanwhile, the price he can get for his fish hasn't kept pace. Last year, 10 percent of the Zhanjiang region's tilapia farmers gave up on farming the fish. 回到广东省西南部,农户陈海平更加关心的是短期的解决办法。他正在树下躲避午后的一场短时暴雨,一边吸着竹质水烟袋,一边向我解释罗非鱼生意为什么一下子就开始难做了。随着中国经济的繁荣,成本也在飞速增加。他的租金 - 以前每亩(相当于79平方码)只要500元(75美金)- 已经涨了一倍多。他的12名全职工人和15名小时工的工资上涨了40%,现在每月1500元。饲料和电费也涨价了。与此相比,卖鱼的收入却没什么增加。去年,湛江地区有10%的罗非鱼农户都放弃了养鱼的生意。 Chen has thought about giving up, too, but for now he's sticking with tilapia. He can't do anything about the increase in his fixed costs, so he is trying to make up for smaller margins with greater volume. To do that, Chen has made his ponds deeper, making room for 20 percent more fish. "We can grow bigger fish," he says hopefully. "And more fish."
陈也想过放弃,但目前来讲他还是想坚持一阵子。他没办法控制那些固定成本,所以他在尝试走薄利多销这条路。为此,他已将所有鱼塘挖得更深,可以比以前多养20%的鱼。“我们能养更大的鱼,”他满怀希望地说。“还有更多的鱼。” Einhorn is Asia regional editor in Bloomberg Businessweek's Hong Kong bureau. Einhorn是《商业周刊》香港分社的亚洲区编辑。
no comment 对应的中文是无可奉告
广东省 - 省内遍布着巨型工厂,东家是诸如台湾富士康一样的公司,雇佣成百上千的工人,生产iPhone及其它出口产品 - 是世界上污染最严重的国家之一里污染最严重的地区之
恩同意,改成这样“广东省是世界上污染最严重的国家之一里污染最严重的地区之一,省内遍布着巨型工厂,东家是诸如台湾富士康一样的公司,雇佣成百上千的工人,生产iPhone及其它出口产品。” 应该好些
&no comment&是无可奉告,但原文是&declined to comment&,所以觉得“拒绝评论”合适些。
译都对广东地理的风土人情并不熟悉,在这里献丑了。把上海那边的“长江三角洲”搬到广东这边来了。正确地说是“珠江三角洲”。 我地广东人称此种鱼叫“非洲鲗”,贱鱼一条,并不好味但不得不吃.....................
感觉这个文章还算中肯。不过,作者参观的都是大型的养殖场吧~ 小养殖场哪有那么正经。
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