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Yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo……………………………………………………………………2 T8 @7 m5 {3 {
22:33:41 上传
; E+ B* C* m! Y&&i$ j&&{' J* q
! M! B; E7 Y4 E/ [; y# l' h
附赠的曲子:( ~, D( L6 z: U8 l/ |# W
既然标题是”因幡帝的坦克“那么当然要贴首因幡帝的曲子么$ ~' m5 _* S( ~( k4 O5 J+ R
お宇佐さまの素い幡 ——————宇佐大人的白旗' K# k: X' Z2 F' N. M- x
& W1 B7 _3 V6 Y, y
从SS的Blog中看到一篇很有意思的文章…………………………7 E( S/ c& l$ p7 d# K+ r
Hello everyone,
HI,各位Woter们,大家好。& A5 Z3 f4 z&&m" n( ~
on US forums made me realize, how many fake modeller-made or fan-made designs are out there, confusing the hell out of people. Since World of Tanks is a game at least based on real desings , Wargaming won't implement outright fakes - yet people still keep asking for them. Let's have a look at the most blatant ones, that keep popping up over and over again. Please note that since the modellers, artists and other creative people all share some dark fascination with Third Reich, most of the fakes circulating around are German vehicles.
[/url]&&@马丁年科)。WG不会把那些完完全全的YY车弄进来的————不过人们依然坚持要把这些车弄进来。 所以,让我们来看看这些一次又一次被提及的经典YY车吧。 请大家务必要记住,这些仅仅是模型爱好者,艺术家,还有某些狂热德棍的YY产物。
Special thanks go to Kankou, Priory_of_Sion and others from the US forums & A% i/ F&&u+ V% V
首先,特别鸣谢美服的Kankou , Priory_of_Sion 还有其他的朋友8 e4 a0 x4 r5 ~. n3 S! Z- e
Let's get started: $ K& o, f5 O/ b
生存战略,开始吧………………………………E-79 &Schwarzwolf&(这个应该是流毒最广的YY产物了)
5 G& p- b&&]# b7 R4 V. b2 _. |
This image keeps popping over and over again. The tank looks great. However, it's a complete fake. It was made for the computer game &&, but for some reason someone somewhere took it seriously and started spreading it around. It might also appear under the name Panther III . Both are fake.% i, M5 w' x: r5 L$ g
这张图已经被人用了无数次了………………&&这车看上去挺不错的。但是,这确实是一辆如假包换的YY车,这货出自电脑游戏《装甲前线》。但是由于某些原因,有些人把它当真了,而且四处宣传。 ——当然,有时这货也被冠以”黑豹3“的大名——这两个都是YY车
E-100 &Krokodil&
# ]7 z$ Q. X$ X: v
21:35:28 上传
21:35:29 上传
" @9 |8 m0 h0 I0 Z' L% r
Another very popular &design&, that keeps appearing from time to time. This time it doesn't come from a computer game, but probably from some modeller. Even this vehicle has fake history ,that can confuse people. The main reason it is so popular is because it looks great, however, it was never concieved by German engineers. Sorry. The whole &Jagdpanzer E-100& business was a pretty odd affair anyway - basically it was just a thought design - some guy somewhere had an idea that it would be cool to put a huge gun on the E-100 chassis and make it a superheavy tank destroyer. Mr. Hilary Doyle (a German tanks expert) confirmed this is a fake - the only thing that actually WAS real was a part of the weapons mount, but that didn't even fit the E-100 hull. The Jagdpanzer E-100 currently in the game is a result of what Wargaming thinks it might have looked like - the most realistic one at least. As was again confirmed by Mr. Doyle, the Krokodil wouldn't work for various reasons (the weight distribution, suspension strain... ). Either way - sorry, we won't see the Krokodil in the game.
这是另一个人们津津乐道的“设计”——E-100“鳄鱼”(火蜥蜴) 这个设计并非出自游戏,而是出自模型设计师之手(@小号手模型 @Trumpeter @脸盆厂) 这个YY产物居然还有一段编造出来的历史——这忽悠了不少人。 之所以这个玩意会受到大家的追捧,主要原因就是————他看上去太强大了,然而,这些都没有进过德国工程师的证实。 抱歉,恕我直言,整个“E-100坦克歼击车”计划就是一个奇葩——这个设计纯粹是后人脑补出来的————某些德棍觉得把一门巨炮放在E-100地盘上,然后搞一个超重型TD的想法很帅气。 然而,希拉里·道尔先生(德国坦克专家)指出,这货完全就是YY产物,唯一真实的玩意可能就是部分武器了,但是这些和E-100的车体不符。 至于游戏里的白兔么——————毛子觉得这样才是可能的设计——这个至少看上去更真实。正如道尔先生所指出的,由于各种原因(比如悬挂,重量分配问题),E-100坦克歼击车(鳄式/火蜥蜴)根本不可能正常工作。 所以说,想让这辆车出现在游戏里??? ——————你还不如指望王二雷让我们买金币弹!!!!!!
E-90 and various E-100 and Maus based fakes
* z& z( _* l( r5 h
1 T5 w9 V) b8 Q% b$ a5 \. Y
More than any other German vehicle have the superheavy E-100 and Maus hulls inspired a huge number of fake tanks. Notably the E-90 keeps appearing over and over again. Directly behind it are the E-100 hulls with various fake turrets&&Maus suffers from the same syndrom - for example the Jagdmaus never existed. The Flakpanzer Maus (a Maus hull with a twin-88 turret) is also a complete fake and so is the Alligator (E-100 hull with the same setup).
由E-100和老鼠衍生出来的YY车比其他德国车都多。尤其是E-90这个玩意,一次又一次出现在人们面前。说白了,这货就是E-100车体装一个虚构的炮塔。 老鼠也深受其害————比如只存在于紫妈隙间中的“猎鼠”,还有“防空鼠”(装了双联装88炮的老鼠),这些都是YY产物——对了,还有“短吻鳄”(装了双联装88炮的E-100)* Z" ^. s$ m3 h" q/ Y
E-50 Ausf. M# G* a, H5 ?3 o/ G# p* d/ M! R; ~
# C$ t% C% l# C6 K
: R&&^6 j: f) w9 K
Here it gets more complicated really. E-50 existed, at least as a concept . E-50 Ausf. M however is a Wargaming fabrication. For all intents and purposes it's a fake, but a &realistic& one. At the end of the war, the (civillian) designers started coming up with all sorts of stuff. One of the things they came up with was the powerpack engine concept ). This would require the turret to be moved to the front and various other modifications. The Germans never did such a thing, this was done by Wargaming with the help of Yuri Pasholok and Hilary Doyle. So, it's a sort of half-fake. It never existed, but it's realistic.
这辆车应该算是争议最大的了。E-50确实存在。 E-50M却是WG公司荣誉出品。 虽说他的说明什么的都是YY的,不过这确实是一个“相对真实”的玩意。在战争末期,部分工程师利用手头的资源提出了很多概念,“动力舱后置”便是其中之一。在后置传动的同时,需要将炮塔前置以及其他一些改进。 但是德国并没有这方面的设计,这些设计是WG公司在Yuri·Pasholok和希拉里·道尔的协助下完工的。所以说,E-50M最多只能算一辆“半YY车”——虽然没有史实记录,但却是真的。
Jagdpanzer E-50
) U) V1 o0 V: X
Unlike the last design, this is a complete fake.. Not even Spielberger mentions it as far as I know &&Someone somewhere thought it would be cool to make a design that would look like the Jagdpanther II and that's how it probably started. As for the StuG E-75, I am not sure, I thought it was a fake, but some people say Spielberger mentions it and I don't have that Panzer Tract book to verify it myself. Jagdpanther III (sometimes designated Jagdpanzer E-79) is also a complete fake.
和之前提到的E-50M不同,这个就是完完全全的YY货。据我所知,连 Spielberger 都没有提到过这货的存在。某些人觉得这种类似于猎豹2的设计很帅,于是这个玩意就这么传开了。至于E-75突击炮?? 我不确定这玩意是否存在,不过我觉得这是一个YY产物。不过有些人说Spielberger 提到过这个玩意而且我也没有《Panzer Tract》这本书来证实这一点。 还有猎豹3这个玩意也是YY产物&&s; u* V/ j( e
# l% N$ `# l& V$ O' `
This is a complete fake, but an interesting one. It started as a
by a modeller, who had too many spare parts of the KV-1, KV-2, BT-5 and BM-13 &Katyusha& plastic models. He did put them together and posted it online along with a fictional history. At that point, a great number of websites started taking this info as real, people started to even make
of it (nevermind that the tank on the photo is a photoshopped T-35) and after that, even some popular magazines took the info for granted and wrote articles about it. KV-VI never existed, but it didn·t work. This is probably how most German fakes started too./ I$ d&&~" q/ P0 H6 w
这个就是地地道道的YY产物。&&这是一个模型爱好者用KV-1,KV-2,BT-5,还有BM-13“喀秋莎”的模型拼接而成的,他还把这个玩意放在了网上,再配上一段虚构的历史故事。 在当时,有无数的网站把这货当成真的了,还有人用T-35的照片PS出了一张假照片。后来,即使很多知名杂志认定它是虚构的,并撰写文章来证明KV-6并不存在,但是收效甚微。可能其他德国YY的风传和这个事情类似。8 _! f+ A' L8 y2 ?3 {- Y! t
PS:2 这才是真的KV-6
22:49:00 上传
22:48:59 上传
KV-6(226工程)——采用KV-1 Mod 1940底盘的喷火坦克,喷火器替换原车体机枪,保留了原有的76mm火炮并为喷火器安装了防盾,其它同KV-1;原型车参加过战斗。但战斗表明这种坦克燃料携带量不足,喷火持续时间太短。很快更完善的KV-8喷火坦克代替了它
Panzer IX/X8 \+ c. Z- [4 u3 q+ F# b
⑨号⑩号坦克, U4 `7 J8 r- r, e* t
5 \, S1 g" B- n2 |( R2 B: I# S
9 w- L) ^% J( [# k0 P
9 p. k" m3 h+ \
Also a fake, but an &official one&. In 1945, the Germans printed out a magazine called Signal, containing the silhouettes of completely made-up tanks, designated Panzer IX and Panzer X to mislead the allied intelligence. These tanks never existed, they were never even considered, it was pure propaganda. Nevertheless, after the war a lot of fairytales started springing up about mythical German equipment and the tales of Panzer IX/X were amongst them. Usually most people know it's a fake, but from time to time, someone gets mislead by some of the internet articles and considers it real.
同样也是YY货。但也算得上是”官方的“。1945年,德国出版了一份叫做《信号》的杂志,里面包括了一大堆YY坦克的剪影,⑨号坦克还有⑩号坦克就是用来忽悠萌军的情报机构的。这些坦克根本就不存在,德军也没考虑过它们。它们只是宣传品而已。 即使这样,在战后还是涌出了一大堆有关”德国神秘坦克“ 的传说,”⑨号,⑩号“就是其中之一。虽说大部分人知道它们并不存在,但还是有些人被网上的文章误导了,认为它们是真实存在的&&q6 r& C! g, N- G. i
T-34-88(安装88炮的T-34), j7 M* D2 ?7 }1 B2 L
This is a photoshopped image, such a vehicle never existed
Sorry, people, this one's a bust. The whole thing is fuelled by a Japanese modelling company even making a model of this vehicle.
这是一张PS过的图片(很遗憾,原图挂了),历史上并没有这个车。 很遗憾,朋友们,这个玩意甚至忽悠到了日本模型厂(田宫还是长谷川??),它们做出了这个车的模型( s$ i$ m$ L, D' D- _
# [& u" x: y&&A) P: p: N
There is another version of the &88mm T-34& circulating around the internet:&&There is no reliable info on this vehicle and a lot of people consider it a fake too. There is some vague account on its use by the Germans, but without any proper sources, so yea.
这是在网上流传的所谓”T-34-88“的另一个版本。&&没有任何可靠的信息来证明这辆车的存在, 所以很多人认为这是YY的车子。虽然有一些模糊的说明表示德军曾今使用过,弹没有任何纸面数据来证实这一点。,所以………………………………
Anyway, I hope you find this useful and don't get misled by fakes! :)
好了,就说到这里,不管怎么说,我希望各位能从里面获得一些有意义的东西,不要再被这些东西骗到了$ n, Q0 F$ [9 z% [; X, \
: ^6 M' @, D2 L
7 g6 R& F8 A1 H$ f( z
本帖最后由 大和抚子看板娘 于
01:21 编辑 4 \- y+ f2 I! A3 c9 g0 w
&E-79我玩过, PS游戏钢铁前线. &
放点幽闭的新PV嘛 =w=&
YY无止境 =。=
总评分:&金钱 + 66&
   「 ありがとう、爱してる。」
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Rainbow Spark
Lv.9, 积分 20961, 距离下一级还需 14039 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草413 草
有些图 挂了?……
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限90积分20961精华0UID帖子金钱24060 威望0
Rainbow Spark
Lv.9, 积分 20961, 距离下一级还需 14039 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草413 草
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冰镜小乌 发表于
貌似没完工……( T9 x5 b2 @6 p$ X. n3 J
   「 ありがとう、爱してる。」
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噗。文文前辈点保存草稿点成发表了吗。。。5 P9 q( ~2 N1 Z: f9 P; k/ ?$ F: W
Twin Cannon
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We work in the dark to serve the light.
We are assassins.
Nothing is true,everything is permitted.
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Lv.6, 积分 3255, 距离下一级还需 1745 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草40 草
得说,这些车看起来还真像那么回事,骗NC足矣……实际想想,德国二战末期了连汽油都供不上了,谁还想着做这些油耗子呢?0 q. l* h- \* \! X# W
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