英语军港之夜第一句是silent night 吉他谱is the night of the naval port

&&180. coil n.(一)卷,(一)圈;【电】线圈
v. 卷,盘绕
& A coil of thick blue smoke rose up from his
& She coiled her hair at the back of her
&181. adult n. 成年人;adj.①成年的 ②成熟的,老练的
&【搭配】young adults 青壮年; assume adult responsibility
承担成人的职责; act like an adult 按成人的样子行事 ; in sb.’s adult life
&【例】I will try to be adult about the
Betsy is a rather adult child.
Are you adult enough to know that there are two side to every
&182. advertise v. ①(在报刊,电视等)公告,宣传 ②为…做广告,宣传
&【例】We decided to advertise our car in the local
They advertised their goods for sale extensively and heavily.
Please advertise him of my intention to compromise.
&183. advertisement n. 广告,公告,启事
&【搭配】place (或put) an advertisement on the
television 在电视上播放一则广告
answer and advertisement in a newspaper&
&【例】Today’s newspaper carries (或runs, has) an
advertisement for a computer program.
The trial was meant as an advertisement for British justice.
&184. agency n. ①代理行,经销处;②专业行政部门;③公众服务机构
【搭配】an advertising agency 广告代理公司; an employment agency 职业介绍所;
government agency 各政府部门; Economic Planning Agency (日)经济企划厅; a news
agency 通讯社; a travel agency 旅行社;the Central Intelligence Agency
【例】This firm has agencies all over the world.
&He used to be a general manager of an advertising
【扩展】 agent n. 代理人,代理商
185. focus n. ①(注意,活动,兴趣等)集中点,重点 ②【物】焦点 v. 聚焦,集中(on)
【搭配】focus one’s attention on a question 把注意力集中在某一问题上; focus one’s
anger on sb.把怒火集中在某人身上 ; bring …into focus 调准焦距; in focus
焦距对准的,清晰的; out of focus 焦距没对准的,模糊的
【例】I think Dave likes to be the focus of the attention.
&Lately the main focus of monetary policy has
shifted to interest rates.
186. forbid v. ①不许,禁止 ②阻止,制止
【搭配】forbid sb. to smoke 不许某人抽烟;forbid sb. from doing sth.
阻止某人做某事;forbid the use of offensive language 禁止使用淫亵语言
【例】The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to people under the age
&She forbade children to watch television because
she thought it was a corrupting influence.
187. debate vt. 辩论,争论,讨论 n. 辩论,争论,讨论
【搭配】debate a question with sb. 同某人辩论问题 ; a Parliamentary debate
议会辩论; the question under debate was …争论的问题是…
【例】We were debating whether to go by bus or by train.
&They had been debating for several hours without
reaching a conclusion.
【扩展】debater n. 辩论家;好辩论者
188. debt n. ①欠债,债务;②义务,恩义
【搭配】pay one’s debt 还债; pay off one’s debt 还清债务; pay a soldier’s
debt 履行军人的义务; run(或get) into debt 欠债; stay out of debt 不欠债; in
sb.’s debt 受某人恩惠,欠某人的人情债; be in debt to sb. 欠某人的债
【例】You are doing it in the interest of national unity and the whole
country will be in your debt.
&He was six thousand dollars in debt.
189. decade n. 十年
&The custom has prevailed for decades.
&190. enclose vt. ①(从四面八方)围住,圈住 ②把…装入信封;附入
&【搭配】the enclosed 函内附件;Enclosed, please find
&【例】In that village, most of families enclosed
their yards with fence.
A check is enclosed herewith. 随信附上支票一张
&【扩展】enclosure n. 附件
&191. encounter vt. ①意外地遇到;②遭遇 n. ①意外地遇到;②遭遇
&【搭配】encounter difficulties (danger, trouble,
opposition) 遭到困难(危险,麻烦,反对)
&【例】One rainy night the policeman had the chance
encounter with a gang of smugglers.
He once had a very frightening encounter with a wild pig.
&192. globe n. 地球,世界;地球仪
&【搭配】the globe 地球,世界; come from every corner of
the globe 来自世界各地; every habitable part of the globe
&【例】My father wanted an antique globe for his
She spun the globe, and pointed to the English Channel.
&193. global adj. 全球的,全世界的
&【搭配】global strategy 全球战略; global economy
&【例】The oil-well fires are a regional but not a
global catastrophe.
The minister blamed the rise in unemployment on the global economic
&【扩展】 globalization 全球化; globalism 全球主义
&194. scan vt./n.
&【例】He scans the headlines of newspapers every
The patient scanned the doctor’s face for a sign of hope.
The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.
&【扩展】skim v.略读
&195. scandal n. 丑行,丑事,丑闻
&【搭配】a financial / political / sex scandal
&uncover / expose scandal 爆光丑闻;spread scandal
about sb. 传播有关某人的丑闻;
&cover up / hush up the scandal 掩盖丑闻事件
【例】The minister was forced to resign after a scandal involving him
and another minister’s wife.
&It is a scandal that in such a rich country there
are so many beggars on the streets.
【扩展】scandalous adj. 丑恶可耻的,丢脸的,使人反感的
196. significance n. ①重要性,重大 ②意义,含义
【搭配】be of great significance 意义重大的 ; give a new significance to
赋予…以新的含义;attach great significance to 对…高度重视
&【例】It is a mistake to attach too much
significance to these fluctuations. 过分重视这些涨落变动是错误的。
Nuclear developments have given a new significance to minerals
which were but poorly regarded. 原子能的发给予过去不大受重视的矿物以新的含义。
&【扩展】significant adj. ①有含义的,意味深长的
e.g: a significant wink 意味深长的一眨眼
&& a historically significant
meeting 一交具有历史意义的会议
②表示…的(of )e.g: Smiles are significant of pleasure.
微笑是表示愉快的&& His actions were more
significant of his real purpose than were his words.
③重要的,重大意义的 e.g : a significant piece of legislation 一项重要立法A little
man may be a very significant.
④ 相当数量的;不可忽略的,值得注意的
e.g: a significant increase in crime 不可忽略的犯罪活动的增加
197. subsequent adj. 随后的,后来的;接下去的,连续的 【同】subsequential
【例】The story will be continued in subsequent issues of the
&This incident was not without importance in the
subsequent development of events. 这一事件对以后的事态发展不无影响。
【扩展】subsequence n. 随后;随后发生的事
198. virtue n. ①正直的品行,品德,美德 ②优点,长处
&【搭配】by (或in ) virtue of 借助,凭借;因为,由于 ; make a
virtue of necessity 不得已而为之; a man of high virtue 品德高尚的人
&【例】The school had its drawbacks and it had its
Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.
Virtue is its own reward. 《谚》有德就有报
&【扩展】virtueless adj. 缺乏道德的;没有长处的
&199. virtual adj. 实际上起作用的;事实上生效的;实质上的
&【搭配】a virtual promise (非明确表示的)事实上的允诺; a virtual
impossibility 实质上不可能的事
【例】He was the virtual manager of the business. 他是这家公司的实际当家人。
&The officials hear this kind of talk in virtual
silence. 官方人员几乎一言不发地听着这种言论。
&The once elegant temple lay in virtual ruins.
200. orient vt. ①使适应,使熟悉情况 ②使朝向;以…为方向;以…为目的,重视(to, towards)
n. 〔the Orient〕东方,亚洲;(总称)东方国家&
&【例】In the markets, I breathed the smells of the
Orient. 在这些市场上,我闻到了东方国家的气味。
The majority of commodities should be oriented to people’s needs.
Education was oriented to theory and distant facts.
&【扩展】oriental adj. 东方的;东方文化或国家的 e.g: the orient
way of life 东方生活方式
201. portion n. 一部分
(例) She only eats a small portion of food.她只吃分得的一小部分食物。202. target
n. 目标,靶子 vt. 瞄准
(例)The hunter's target was a wild animal.
(例)The enemy’s missiles are targeted on our city.敌人的导弹对准我们这个城市。203.
portable a. 手提式的
(例)a portable book-computer便携式笔记本电脑204. decline v. 拒绝,谢绝 ,下降
(例)Decline with thanks.婉言谢绝;
(例)Market expect to decline.市场行情下跌。205. illusion n. 错觉,幻想
(例)I have no illusion about the future.我对未来不存幻想。
206. likelihood n. 可能,可能性
There's no likelihood of that happening.那事不可能发生。207. stripe n.
条纹& (例)A tiger has stripes.老虎(身上)有条纹。208.
emphasize vt. 强调,着重&
(例)He emphasized the need for hard work.他强调了苦干的必要。209. emotion n.
(例)His voice shook with emotion.他的声音因激动而颤抖。
210. emotional a.
Cry is a strong emotional reaction.哭是一种强烈的情绪反应。
211. awful a. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的&
That's an awful book.那是一本很糟糕的书。
212. awkward a. 笨拙的,棘手的&
He's very awkward, he keeps dropping things.他很笨,总是丢东西。
213. clue n. 线索,提示&
The police found a clue which will help them catch the
214. collision n. 碰撞,冲突&
a collision between two trains一次两列火车相撞事件 in collision with和...
215. device n. 装置,设备&
(例)These newly-designed devices will appear on the exhibition next
month.这些新设计的器件将在下月的展览会上展出。216. devise vt.
(例)The Inquisition of the Medieval Ages devised many demoniac means
of torture.中世纪的宗教法庭创造了许多骇人听闻的酷刑。217. inevitable a.
(例)Such a difficult operation may not succeed, it's an inevitable
gamble.这样难度很大的手术可能不成功,但这是一次非做不可的冒险。218. naval a.
(例)The naval port is silent and beautiful at night.军港之夜寂静而美丽。
219. navigation n. 航行&
(例)Navigation Acts航海条例220. necessity n.
(例)Food and clothing are necessities of life.食物和衣服都是生活的必需品。
221. previous a. 先,前,以前的& (例)He has had no
previous experience of this kind of job.他从前没有做这种工作的经验。
222. provision n. [pl.]给养,口粮&
(例)Provisions are plentiful.粮食充足;设备,装置;准备& (例)They
make provision against possible disasters.他们采取措施防备可能发生的灾难。223.
pursue vt. 追逐 ,追求,从事,进行
(例)The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.警方正在追捕一个在逃的犯人;
(例)People can not live only to pursue pleasure.人不能只为寻乐而活着;
(例)She pursued the study of English for five
224. stale a. 不新鲜的,陈腐的&
(例)stale bread不新鲜的面包,stale news陈旧的新闻225. substitute n.
代用品& vt. 代替
(例)Use plastics as a substitute for steel.用塑料做钢的代用品;
(例)If you cannot go yourself, please find someone to substitute
(搭配)substitute for代替...,替换..., 取代...;substitute sth. [sb.]
226. deserve vt. 应受,应得,值得
The article deserves careful study. 这篇文章值得仔细研究.
227. discrimination n.
(例)We are strongly opposed to racial
discrimination.& 我们强烈反对种族歧视。
(搭配)sex discrimination 性别歧视,racial discrimination&
228. professional a. 职业的;专业的n. 专业人员
(例)That doctor has been accused of professional
misconduct.&& 那位医生被指控违反医德。
(例)This survey is the work of a real
(搭配)professional education 职业教育& a professional
baseball player 职业棒球选手& professional skill
229. secure& a.安全的,可靠的 v.
(例)The little boy felt secure near his
parents.&& 那小男孩在父母身边感到安心。
230 security n.安全;保证金,抵押品,债券,证券(常用复数形式)
&What I need now is the security of a happy
&He uses his house as security to borrow the
money.&& 他用房子作借钱的抵押。
231. scratch& n.乱写, 刮擦声;抓痕, 擦伤vt.乱涂, 勾抹掉,擦, 刮, 搔,
抓, 挖出 vi. 发刮擦声, 搔, 抓
The child made a scratch on the door with his toy.
232. talent& n. 才能,人才,天资
(例)Have you got a talent for
painting?&& 你有绘画的才能吗?
(搭配)artistic talent 文艺才能 monumental talent非凡的才能
(扩展)scratchy adj. 潦草的, 凌乱的, 刺痛的,
233. insurance n. 保险
&(例)Did you claim on the insurance after your car
&(搭配)life insurance人寿保险 endowment insurance养老保险
Insurance agent 保险代理人 insurance claim 保险索赔
&(扩展)insure vt.给...保险v.确保 insurer n.保险业者,
保险公司insured n.被保险者, 保户adj.加入保险的
234. insure v. 保险,确保,投保...险
&His talent and dedication will insure his
success.&& 他的才气和执着将确保他成功。
235. nevertheless ad. 仍然,不过conj. 然而,不过
&The ne nevertheless, it's
true.&& 这消息也许是出乎预料,但它是真的。
236. neutral&a. 中立的,中性的n. 中立者
That country remained neutral in the
war.&& 那个国家在那场战争中保持中立。
237. spot& n. 污点,地点,斑点a. 当场的,现实买卖的v.
【搭配】a red spot 红点&& on the spot
当场& spot one’s fame 玷污了名誉& spot
somebody 发现,找出某人
【例】He spotted his reputation by lying
&She spotted her friend in the
crowd.&& 她在人群中认出了她的朋友。
&Luckily there was a doctor on the
spot.&& 幸运的是现场有一位医生。
【扩展】spottable adj.(织物等)容易沾上污渍的 spotted adj.有斑点的, 弄污的, 斑纹的
238. spray&n. 水沫,喷雾器v. 喷雾,扫射,喷射
【搭配】a fine spray of perfume 一股香水的细雾 an insect spray 喷液杀虫剂
&【例】We parked the car by the sea and it got
covered with spray.&&
&He sprayed paint on the
wall.&& 他把漆喷在墙上。
&Water sprayed out over the
floor.&& 水喷洒在地上.
239. medium n. 媒体,方法,媒介a. 适中的,中等的
&【搭配】advertising medium 广告媒体& the
happy medium 中庸,中道& a man of medium height
中等身高的人& medium size 中号
【例】Sound travels through the medium of
air.&& 声音通过空气这一媒介传播
Commercial television is an effective medium for
&My gloves are size
medium.&& 我的手套尺寸是中号。
【扩展】media (medium的复数形式)
240. media n.
【搭配】 the Mass media 大众传媒
【例】The media have a lot of power
today.&& 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。
The latest developments have just been released to the
media.&& 最新的进展情况已向大众传播媒介发表。
【扩展】medium (media 的单数形式)
241. auxiliary n. 帮助者,辅助物,助动词a. 附加的,辅助的
【搭配】auxiliary verb 助动词
&【例】We have an auxiliary generator in case of
power cuts.&&
&She is an auxiliary
nurse.&& 她是一名助理护士。
【扩展】auxilian n. 辅助人员
242. automatic n. 自动的机器a. 自动的,无意识的
【搭配】an automatic door 自动门 an automatic dishwasher 自动洗碗机
&【例】Many workers in the sorting office lost their
jobs when an automatic sorter was
introduced.&& 拣信室安装了自动拣信机之後,
&Many of our movements are automatic.
【扩展】automatize vt.使自动化
243. compete&v. 竞争,对抗
&【搭配】Compete with [against] sb. for sth与某人竞争而获得某物
To compete against in a race& 在赛跑比赛中与…竞争
&【例】Several companies are competing for the
Companies must be able to compete in the
&【扩展】competent adj.有能力的, 胜任的 competency n.资格, 能力,
[律]作证能力 competition n.竞争, 竞赛 competitive adj.竞争的
244. competent& a. 有能力的,胜任的,足够的
【搭配】be competent to do something 有能力做某事 be competent for something
【例】He is competent enough to fill that
position.&& 他足以胜任那职位。
&I summed her up as a competent
manager.&& 我认为她是个很能干的经理.
&【扩展】competency n.资格, 能力, [律]作证能力 competition
n.竞争, 竞赛 competitive adj.竞争的 compete&v.
245. competition]&n. 比赛,竞争
&【搭配】enter a competition 参加比赛&
hold a golf competition 举办高尔夫球赛& be in competition
with somebody for something 和某人为某物竞争
&【例】Everyone in modern society faces the keen
Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is
fierce.&& 因为失业严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。
&【扩展】competent adj.有能力的, 胜任的 competency n.资格, 能力,
[律]作证能力 competition n.竞争, 竞赛 competitive adj.竞争的
246. distribute v. 分配,散布
&【搭配】distribute something to/ among somebody
把某物分给某人& distribute something over somewhere
&【例】The books in the library were distributed
according to subjects.&&
&Some types of plants are widely
distributed.&& 有些植物分布得很广
【扩展】distribution n分配, 分发, 配给物,分布状态
247. disturb&v. 扰乱,妨碍,使...不安
【搭配】disturb somebody 打扰某人
&【例】She opened the door quietly so as not to
disturb the sleeping child.&&
她轻轻地开门, 以免惊扰了睡著的孩子.
【扩展】disturbance n.骚动, 动乱, 打扰, 干扰, 骚乱, 搅动 disturbed adj.扰乱的
248. infer v. 推论,推断
&【例】It is possible to infer two completely
opposite conclusions from this set of
He infer from the letter that the accused know the murder
victim.&& 他从信中推断被告认识谋杀的受害者。
【扩展】inferable adj.能推理的, 能推论的 inference n.推论
249. integrate v. 整合,使...成整体&
【搭配】integrate with/ into 与……整和
【例】They integrate two groups into one. 他们把两组并为一组。
【扩展】integrated adj.综合的, 完整的 integration n.综合
250.moist&a. 潮湿的,湿润的
【搭配】moist air& 潮湿的空气
【例】The moist season has set in.&&
&Her eyes are moist with tears. 她的眼睛泪汪汪的
&【扩展】moisten vt.弄湿vi.变潮湿 moistly adv.潮湿地, 湿性地, 含泪地
moisture n. 潮湿,湿气
251. moisture n. 潮湿,湿气
&【例】If you air your quilt on such a wet day, it'll
soak up the moisture.&&
&The plants drink in moisture from the
atmosphere.&& 植物从大气中吸取水分
&【扩展】moist&a. 潮湿的,湿润的moisten
vt.弄湿vi.变潮湿 moistly adv.潮湿地, 湿性地, 含泪地
252. promote vt. 促进;提升
The young army officer was promoted to
253. region n. 地区;范围;幅度
the Southern region of England 英格兰南部, in the region
254. register v./n.登记,注册
The car is registered in my name.这辆车是以我的名字登记的
255. stable a. 稳定的
The ladder isn’t very stable.这个梯子不太稳
256. sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的
It’s too difficult& for him to operate this new
sophisticated machine. 对他来说,操作这台复杂的机器太难了
257. splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的
&Their wedding was a splendid affair.
他们的婚礼非常盛大。258. cancel vt. 取消,废除
&The trip has been cancelled. 旅行已经取消了。259.
variable a. 易变的,可变的
&After the loss of his daughter, he has got a
variable temper. 失去女儿后,他变得反复无常。260. prospect n.
&Being a young man, he owns&
brilliant prospects.作为年轻人,他前景无量
261. prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣
&the prosperity of a cause 事业的兴旺262. aspect n.
&We should consider a problem in all its aspects.
&The city has taken on an entirely new aspect.
263. cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理
&Mary knows how to cope with various difficulties.
玛丽知道如何克服各种困难。264. core n. 果心,核心
&If we want to solve the problem, we shall get at
the core of it. 如果想解决问题,我们就要深入到问题的核心。
(搭配)be rotten to the core 腐烂透顶,to the core 直到骨子里
265. maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张
&He maintained that it was wrong. 他坚持认为这是错的。266.
mainland n. 大陆
&the mainland states of the United States
美国本土各州267. discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;(古英语)学科
&A soldier should obey the military discipline.
268. domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的
(例)Never interfere in China’s domestic affairs. 不要干预中国内政
(搭配)a domestic servant 家仆a domestic appliance 家用电器269. constant a.
不变的,恒定的 n. 常数
(例)This kind of flowers needs a constant temperature room to grow
fine. 这种花卉在恒温室里才能长得好。
270. cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁
&She felt dizzy at the top of the cliff.
271. authority n. 权威;(复数)当局
&The dictator is supreme in authority.
&There was no news from the authorities concerned.
272. audio a. 听觉的
He lost his audio ability in his childhood. 他在小时候就失聪了
273. attitude(to /towards) n. 态度
(例)What’s your attitude towards the question? 你对这个问题的态度如何
(搭配)strike an attitude 装腔作势
274. community n. 社区,社会
a community universtiy 社区大学,the European Community 欧洲共同体
275. commit vt. 犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)
&The 17-year-old boy committed the motoring
offence by driving without driving licnese.
&(搭配)commit a murder 凶杀,commit suicide 自杀
276. comment n./vt. 评论
&Have you any comments to make? 你有什么评论吗
&I have nothing to comment&
277. distinguish vt. 区分,辨别
&He cannot distinguish red from yellow.
278. distress n. 痛苦,悲伤 vt. 使痛苦
&Her death was a distress to the family.
&They were distressed to hear that she died.
279. facility n. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便
&There should be some facilities for the old
people. 该给老人准备些方便设施
280. faculty n. 能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员
&The faculty of learning English&
&The faculty of College English
Department&& 大学英语部全体教员
281. mixture n. 混合,混合物
&The mixture of orange juice and
water& 橘子汁和水的混合物
282. mood n. 心情,情绪;语气
&I’m not in the mood to disagree with you.
&in a good mood 心境好
283. moral a. 道德上的,有道德的
&moral responsibilities 道德责任


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