
1. 《甘地传》2D9(Gandhi,英国、印度,1982,风云人物传记经典史诗大片)
2. 《温莎备忘录》D9(The Windsor Protocol,英国、加拿大,,战后间谍题材上下集电视电影大片,下集又名《喋血悍将》)
3. 《与墨索里尼喝茶》D9(Tea with Mussolini,英国、意大利,1999,战争女性题材经典轻喜剧)
4. 《纳粹军妓血泪史》D9(SS Lejr 5,意大利,1977,战争情色题材)
5. 《老人与小孩》D9(The Two of Us,法国,1967,战争少儿与犹太人题材经典黑白片)
6. 《非关命运》D9(Fateless,匈牙利、德国、英国,2005,战争少儿与犹太人题材经典)
7. 《分裂》D9(Partition,英国,1987,战后政治题材)
8. 《战后残酷物语》D9(Sengo Zankoku Monogatari,日本,1968,战后情色题材)
9. 《远方的声音仍在回响》D9(Distant Voices, Still Lives,英国,1988,战后小人物题材经典)
10. 《摩登公子》D9(Modern Boy,韩国,2008,战争爱情题材经典)
11. 《五墓行动》D9(Les 5 Secrets du D&sert,美国,1943,早期二战间谍题材经典)
12. 《战时冬天》D9(Oorlogswinter,荷兰、比利时,2008,战争少儿题材经典)
13. 《安全通行证》D9(Laissez-passer,西班牙、法国、德国,2002,战争政治与道德题材经典)
14. 《无情战地有情天》D9+D5(A Time to Love and a Time to Die,美国,1958,战争爱情题材经典)
15. 《艾希曼》D9(Eichmann,匈牙利、英国,2007,战犯题材传记经典)
16. 《柏林的女人》D9(Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin,德国、波兰,2008,战争女性题材经典)
17. 《流浪艺人》D9(&O &Tί&&&&,希腊,1975,战争政治与社会题材经典史诗大片,安哲罗普洛斯希腊现代史三部曲其一)
18. 《死囚越狱》D9(A Man Escaped,法国,1956,战争政治犯与监狱题材经典,布烈松代表作)
19. 《生命国界》D9【Va, Vis et Deviens,法国、比利时、以色列、意大利,2005,二战犹太人题材经典喜剧《生命列车》(Train de vie,德国,1998)续篇】
20. 《青春之门:筑丰篇》2D9(&Seishun no mon: Chikuh& hen&,日本,2005,战争社会与伦理题材上下集电视电影经典大片,根据五木宽之小说改编)
21. 《南太平洋》2D9(South Pacific,美国,1958,战争爱情题材歌舞剧电视电影经典大片)(该影片在下原收D5坏死)
砂器 大篷车 阿拉伯历险记 天平之甍 古堡幽灵 卡桑德拉大桥 啊,野麦岭 复仇 我的儿子 激战的前夕 征服黑暗的人 走向深渊
英俊少年 背井离乡 远山的呼唤 父子深情 奴里 哑女 老枪 最后一颗子弹 甜蜜的竞赛 风雪黄昏 十四个冬春 检察员的起诉 沼泽地里的阳光 麻疯女 天鹅湖
虎口脱险 苔丝 阿奇扎 郡委书记 大使们 女仆 异乡泪 冰峰抢险队 我两岁 阳光下的罪恶 十六个人 火红的第五乐章 寅次郎的故事&望乡篇 啊,野麦岭(续集) 两个船长 人世间 重归于好 非凡的艾玛 三十九级台阶 山的儿子 驯马手莫兰特 汤姆叔叔的小屋
海狼 情暖童心 雪地英雄 绿宝石 护身符 海岛探宝 爱德华大夫 弃儿 第三个人 不朽的情侣 屠夫 挪威之歌 威尔斯面包师的儿子 大海的女儿 除霸雪恨 布加勒斯特居民证 月尾岛 妙香山上重逢 海峡 猎人 蒲田进行曲 苦命夫妻 国家利益 铁面人
非法越境者 游侠传奇 女侦探 大水 螃蟹 觉醒 维拉 志同道合 白玫瑰在行动 开往克拉列沃的列车 上校胡巴尔 艺人之家 死亡陷井 神秘的黄玫瑰 科佩尼科 上尉 兆治的酒馆 只要我活着 胜利大逃亡 王中王 铁骑兵 一个酋长的胜利 热带丛林历险记 张开幻想的翅膀 创奇者 逃往雅典娜 熊猫的故事
黑郁金香 马戏团员的遭遇 温柔的怜悯 无声的行动 马背上的幽灵 希西公主 枪手哈特 总统轶事 金像奇案 我们的肤色 红发女郎 难忘的假日 从地狱归来 第一滴血 冒险的代价 罪行始末 误解 迪斯科舞星 纯洁 不能没有你 好像不认识你 海誓山盟 红钟 日本沉没 幸福的黄手帕
野鹅敢死队 一个哑巴的故事 年轻的皇后 印度之行 无腿先生 一个皇后的关键时刻 真假萨卢 大轮号和水手号 三个老兵 机组乘务员 少年擒寇记 第七个目标 霹雳舞 罗特的女儿 伦敦上空的鹰 陷阱 谋杀翌日 报警记 姊妹坡 婉丽 换房单独行动 第一骑兵军 神秘的黄玫瑰 珠宝奇案 裸露在狼群 斯巴达克思(上、下集) 无根的树
海魔 铁骨金沙 里约的迷雾 来历不明的日记 国王的光荣 最后一班地铁 圣诞老人 蚂蚁死神 夏日旅行 异国情 不朽的人 黑狼的嚎叫 幻想的日子 他是谁 黑林中的布谷鸟 古宅之谜 红色飞行员 超人(第二集) 首都消失 伊豆舞女 片山刑警在海岛 乱世冤家 没有陪嫁的新娘 合法婚姻 男子汉们 警官的诺言 大象音乐会 健儿春色 舐犊情深
意大利人在俄罗斯的奇遇 故乡行 各得其所 山鲁佐德的又一夜 特殊警察 神射手 冰与火 复仇的火焰 看得见风景的房间 莫斯科之恋 伤痕累累的勋章 美元迷 佐罗新冒险 我的朋友流浪汉 蓝色行动队 优骏 钓鱼迷巧遇记 孤胆警探 片山刑警在山城 金钱与仇恨 昏迷 好事不成双 碧海情 痴情鸳鸯
谜中之谜 神秘的黄玫瑰&蓝宝石项链 八十年代灰姑娘 糊涂警官 钻石胳膊 镜子 印度先生 恐怖笼罩着城市 早安巴比伦 晚餐来的客人 水 生死之间 缉私特警 天网恢恢 良宵难度 危楼风波 清白的手 莫斯在广播 电影悲欢曲 孤身复仇 情海冤魂 魂归故里 无冕之王 约翰&施特劳斯 双人舞 随心所欲 命令027 内线人物 总统失踪记 地震 二十四只眼睛 侦探的故事 暴风勇士 有生命力音乐 出水芙蓉
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原作者:Richard Corliss
By Richard Corliss Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011 1. The Artist
A movie set in Hollywood's silent era that is virtually wordless: a gimmick? No: sustained cinematic inspiration. For our first No. 1 movie since 2007 that's not an animated feature (you could look it up), we choose this delightfully inventive comedy about a swashbuckling star (supreme Gallic charmer Jean Dujardin) and the peppy waif (Bérénice Bejo) he befriends. Historians of antique cinema will tell you to imagine that Douglas Fairbanks had John Gilbert's talkie troubles while Ginger Rogers was on the rise. We'll just say: Think Singin' in the Rain, but silent and in black-and-white, and reveling in the same fondness, acumen and effervescence. French writer-director Michel Hazanavicius transported the two stars of his OSS 117 films to Hollywood, hired American actors (James Cromwell, John Goodman, Penelope Ann Miller) in supporting roles, had the cast speak their dialogue (shown in intertitles) in English and somehow achieved the impossible balance of comic pastiche and earned emotion. There's also an adorable dog. Skeptical readers are welcome to discount the praise of old movie critics for a movie about old movies, but we see a treat in store for anyone open to sheer joy. Here's a film so seductive it could leave you...speechless.
&&&&& 影片设定在好莱坞的默片时代,整场几乎都是无声的。莫非是商业作秀?不,这是整部影片的灵感。作为自2007年以来第一部不是动画故事的获头奖影片(有史为证),我们选择了这一部令人愉快别出心裁的喜剧。影片讲述的是一位随着有声影视的到来逐渐被人遗忘的默片明星(法国演员让·杜雅尔丹饰)和一名他帮助的活泼的流浪儿(贝热尼丝·贝乔饰)之间的故事。研究古电影的学家们会告诉你,想象道格拉斯?范朋克有着约翰·吉尔伯特的有声电影问题,与此同时金格尔·罗杰斯正在崛起。我们很可能会说:想想《雨中曲》,在同样地爱情,聪敏,兴高采烈中欢闹,只不过是黑白无声的。法国编剧导演迈克尔·哈扎纳维希乌斯把他《OSS117之开罗谍影》中得两位演员送进了好莱坞,邀请了美国演员(詹姆斯·克伦威尔、约翰·古德曼、佩内洛普·安·米勒)饰演配角,让演员们用英语念台词(见画间字幕),并在戏剧效果和情绪中达到了完美的平衡。还有一只讨人喜欢的狗。对于一个讲述老电影的电影,欢迎秉承怀疑论的观众对老电影评论家们的好评打折扣,不过我们认为这部电影将会是对任何敞开胸怀想要感受纯粹欢乐的观众的一场盛宴。这部引人入胜的默片将会让你……无法用言语描述。 2. Hugo 2. 雨果
A young orphan (Asa Butterfield) works furtively regulating a train station's clocks while pursuing his dead father's dream of bringing a machine to life. What sounds like a grease monkey's Frankenstein is really a parable of creative ingenuity. For lifelong movie obsessive Martin Scorsese, Hugo is also an imaginary autobiography. Like Brian Selznick, author and illustrator of the source novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Scorsese believes that films are both the stuff dreams are made of and the product of supreme technological expertise. The camera is a machine that makes art, and filmmakers can be tinkers and tinkerers of genius. In this urban adventure with dewy Dickensian elements, Hugo finds a kindred soul in Georges Méliès (played by Ben Kingsley with the pained grandeur of an exiled king), who virtually invented cinema fantasy with such films as A trip to the Moon, then fell into obscurity. Scorsese's love poem, rendered gorgeously in 3-D, restores both the reputation of an early pioneer and the glory of movie history — the birth of a popular art form given new life through a master's application of the coolest new techniques.
&&&&& 年少的孤儿(阿沙·巴特菲尔德饰)在追寻亡父让机械有生命的梦想时,偷偷地暗中调节火车站的时钟。听起来像是机械修理工作法自毙的故事,其实是对创造性思维的隐喻。对一生钟爱电影的马丁·斯克塞斯来说,《雨果》同样也是一部虚构的自传。如同原书《雨果的秘密》的作者及插画家布莱恩·塞尔兹尼克一样,斯克塞斯相信电影既是构筑梦想,又是最高专门技术的产物。摄影机是创造艺术的机器,而电影制作人是天才的修补匠。在这部充满狄更斯早期元素的都市冒险中,雨果在乔治斯·梅里埃(由本·金斯利饰演得一位被驱逐的痛苦壮烈的国王)的体内发现了同类的灵魂,他几乎以《月球旅行记》等电影创造了电影院幻想,之后沦落为一文不名。斯克塞斯的爱情诗使3D电影更加华美,恢复了早期先锋的名誉及电影史的辉煌——一种流行艺术的诞生,源于一位大师对最酷的新技术的应用。 3. Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame 3. 狄仁杰之通天帝国
Judge Di Renjie, the legendary sleuth of 7th-century China made famous to Western readers in the novels by Robert van Gulik, takes on the case of the flaming monks in this epic martial-arts whodunit from veteran Hong Kong director Tsui Hark (Peking Opera Blues, Once Upon a Time in China). Always a swami of cinematic compression, Tsui Hark can pack reams of exposition and sensation into a dozen pristinely composed shots that take only a few seconds of screen time. His trickster genius is shared by the main characters — the Empress (Carina Lau), her loyal adviser (Li Bingbing) and Detective Dee himself (Andy Lau) — each of whom is supremely adept and understandably suspicious of everyone else. The films boasts nonstop stunt work in the great Hong Kong tradition: tree-hopping, a fierce battle on two galloping horses and plenty of dexterous swordplay, all choreographed by veteran Hong Kong star Sammo Hung. Packed with a magic talking deer, a red-robed river king and characters transformable by acupoints, Detective Dee is a pinwheeling narrative and cinematic delight. We call it Crouching Tiger, Freakin' Masterpiece.
&&&&& 判官狄仁杰是中国7世纪的传奇侦探,因罗伯特·凡·高罗佩的小说在西方读者中走红。故事讲述狄仁杰接下了僧侣自焚的案件,是一段尚武艺术的侦探小说,由香港资深导演徐克(《刀马旦》、《Once Upon a Time in China》)执导。身为电影压缩制作界的大师,徐克能将大量情结的阐述与情感的演绎压缩成区区几幅质朴的组合画面,最后搬上银幕的放映时间只需要几秒。狄仁杰如魔术师般的才智是由几位主角共同构成的——武后(刘嘉玲饰),她的贴身侍卫上官静儿(李冰冰&&饰),以及狄仁杰自己(刘德华)——每个人都身怀绝技,理性怀疑。影片以香港传统的连贯特技为卖点:树上跳,在飞驰的骏马上打斗,以及大量矫捷的刀剑之战,均由香港资深武术编导洪金宝亲自设计。伴着会说法的魔法鹿,红袍法师和能用穴位易容的家伙,《狄仁杰之通天帝国》是一部情节紧凑、扣人心弦的悬疑故事。我们称之为伏虎,旷世杰作。
4. The Tree of Life 4. 生命之树
This is the movie with the 17-min. history-of-the-cosmos section that drove ordinary customers out of the theaters to demand their money back. So timid have films become in the past few decades that any deviation from the norm, even a spectacular planetarium show, requires lodging a formal protest. The outraged citizens should have hung around for the rest of writer-director Terrence Malick's movie: a pristinely observed portrait of a midcentury Texas family, with stern Mr. O'Brien (Brad Pitt in a boldly acute performance) lording it over Mom (Jessica Chastain) and their three young sons. Just Malick's fifth film in nearly 40 years, The Tree of Life has the elliptical intensity of his '70s masterworks Badlands and Days of Heaven. Family affection or animosity is revealed in a glance, a tilt of the restless camera, a cut from a parental argument in the house to the apprehensive kids outside. You can see the dinner-table tension in each of the boys' faces, dreading an explosion. The movie says, or rather shows, that to a man looking back on his youth, a father's harsh word can have the seismic effect of a crack in the cosmos. &&&&&&&&&&& 凭借着无声的17分钟以及宇宙起源的部分,这部影片就能把很多普通观众们驱出影院并要求退钱。因此,在过去的几十年中,电影变得哪怕是与常规的一点点背离,如一部辉煌的星象秀,也会遭到正式抗议。这些义愤填膺的老百姓们应该再多停留一会儿的。泰伦斯·马力克这部影片是对上世纪中一个德克萨斯家庭的观察,纯粹而质朴:固执的父亲奥布莱恩先生(布拉德·彼得饰,表演的粗犷而锐利)经常对母亲(杰西卡·查斯顿饰)和三个儿子发号施令。《生命之树》是马力克在近40年中的第五部电影,有着他70年代的杰作《恶土》和《天堂之日》的简要与紧凑。家庭中的爱与恨在短短的一瞥中揭露出来,摄影机不安的抖动,从父母在屋内的争吵切换到屋外忧虑的孩子们。你能看出饭桌上男孩们紧张的表情,畏惧事件的爆发。这部电影讲述了,更恰当的说是展现了,一个男人回过头来看自己的童年,父亲严酷的字字句句对他的世界所造成的不可磨灭的震动。 5. War Horse 5. 战马
After six years when he directed just one feature (the commissioned fourth episode of Indiana Jones), Steven Spielberg launches two fi and both reveal the old boy wonder in splendid form. On Dec. 21 comes Spielberg's 3-D motion-capture animated feature The Adventures of Tintin, from Hergé's world-beloved comic books, a kind of Raiders of the Lost Art of boys' adventures and the niftiest pirate movie ever. Then, on Christmas day, the perfect holiday gift: this traditional, live-action adaptation of the Michael Morpurgo novel about an English boy and the horse he loved as the first World War was ravaging Western Europe. War Horse also inspired the every-prize-winning stage production in which Joey and the other equine characters are full-size puppets manipulated by actors inside them. Viewers coming to the movie version might think it's no fair using real horses (seven played Joey), but Spielberg's team wrangled eloquent performances from all of them, and from the human stars Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson, Peter Mullan and Tom Hiddleston. In his most painterly film, Spielberg has appropriated the lavish visual palette of John Ford movies: The Quiet Man for the rural settings, The Horse Soldiers for the war scenes. Boldly emotional, nakedly heartfelt, War Horse will leave only the stoniest hearts untouched. &&&&& 六年后,当他只导演过一种类型的影片(《夺宝奇兵4》),史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格在短短4天中开始着手于2部电影,并且都是表现这个老男孩在辉煌形式中的困惑。12月21日上映斯皮尔伯格执导的3D动画《丁丁历险记》,原型是埃尔热风靡全球的漫画,一部类似夺宝奇兵式男孩们的冒险而且是史上最俏皮的海盗电影。之后,圣诞节当天将有一部由迈克尔·莫尔普戈的小说改编的电影作为节日礼物上映,讲述在一战横扫西欧时期,一个一英国男孩与他至爱的战马的故事。影片中,乔伊和其他几匹战马如同木偶般被他们内心的演员所操纵,这一点同样也感染了每一部获奖作品。去看电影版的观众可能觉得用好几匹真马扮演乔伊(有7匹战马扮演乔伊这个角色)会混淆,不过斯皮尔伯格的团队们用所有人,包括杰瑞米·艾文、艾米丽·沃森、皮特·穆兰、汤姆·希德勒斯顿等演员精彩表演来说服了大众。在他最如画般的电影中,斯皮尔伯格运用了约翰·福特式的奢华视觉效果。《蓬门今始为君开》式的乡村布景,《魔鬼骑兵团》式的战争场景(这两部均为约翰·福特的作品)。豪放的情绪,赤裸的情感,只有最铁石心肠的人才不会被《战马》感动。 6. Super 8 6. 超级八
No less than Martin Scorsese's Hugo, J.J. Abrams' Super 8 is a chapter of a filmmaker's early movie life turned into a genre classic. One night in 1979, some kids in a Rust-Belt town are shooting a movie when a train crashes and something —some thing — escapes from its boxcar prison. Abrams, a teen-tyro director before hatching the TV series Alias and Lost, has made a tender coming-of-age story disguised as a monster thriller. Super 8 borrows elements from the early films of Steven Spielberg, the J.J. Abrams of his day (and this picture's executive producer). And not just plot devices from Jaws, Close Encounters, The Goonies and especially E.T., but their aching, innocent emotions. Did you ever cry at a boy-meets-girl picture? All right, did you cry when a monster wins? Those are just two of the surprises awaiting you in the year's most terrific mainstream movie. The some-thing you'll feel is the beating heart of J.J. Abrams, Super 8's boy genius.
&&&&&&&& 并不会比马丁·斯科塞斯的《雨果》差,J·J·艾布拉姆斯的《超级八》是一个电影制作人早期电影生活的一部分转变成了一部生活剧。1979年的一个夜晚,一群锈钟镇的孩子们在拍摄电影的时候,一列火车发生了事故,某种“东西”从车厢的监狱中逃了出来。艾布拉姆斯是一个少年导演,在他策划《双面女间谍》和《迷失》之前,制作了一部还很稚嫩的怪物恐怖故事电影。《超级八》从史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格早期的电影中、J·J·艾布拉姆斯(以及这部影片的执行制作)处借鉴了一些元素。不仅仅是从《侏罗纪》、《第三类接触》、《七宝奇谋》,尤其是《外星人E.T》中借鉴了情节设施,还借鉴了他们的伤痛、率真的情感。你是否曾为一些爱情的画面哭泣过呢?那么,你是否又为一只怪物的胜利而哭泣过呢?这两大惊喜正在本年度最恐怖的主流电影中等待你的光顾。那个你将感受到的某种“东西”其实是《超级八》中的天才男孩——J·J·艾布拉姆斯跳动的心脏。 7. Cave of Forgotten Dreams 7. 忘梦洞
A wanderlust documentarian, Werner Herzog has found his film subjects in remotest Alaska (Grizzly Man) and Antarctica (Encounters at the End of the World) and on Texas' Death Row (Into the Abyss). For his first experiment in 3-D cinematography, this pioneer won permission to film our planet's earliest known artworks: wall drawings some 30,000 years old in the Chauvet cave in the South of France. Preserved by an avalanche that sealed the cave's opening 20 millennia ago, the sketches reveal visions of a time when Neanderthals still trudged across Europe and the English Channel was a dry bed. Someone daubed glorious images of wild animals — lions, wolves, bison, bears — with a sophistication that reveals the beasts' contours and propulsive power. The bison, for example, is shown with eight legs, "suggesting movement," H "sort of a proto-cinema." In the paintings, he finds analogies to Picasso, Fred Astaire and Baywatch. At 69, Herzog has entered his 50th year of moviemaking. This is one of his most revealing and appealing journeys into the cave of the human soul. &&&&& 一部讲述对漫游的憧憬的纪录片,沃纳?赫尔佐格从遥远的阿拉斯加(《灰熊人》),南极洲(《在世界尽头相遇》)及在德克萨斯的死亡之列上(《凝视深渊》)寻得这部电影的主题。这是他第一次尝试3D电影,赢得了对我们星球已知的最早期艺术品进行拍摄的权利:法国南部乔万特山洞中3万年前的史前岩画,因2万年前的一场雪崩封住了洞口而保存下来。这些粗略的岩画揭示了一个古代的场景,那时尼安德特人还在长途跋涉穿越欧洲,而英吉利海峡还只是一片干涸的河床。岩画中还有一些野生动物的图样,如狮子,狼群,欧洲野牛和熊,用干练的笔法刻画出了这些猛兽的轮廓和力量。如画中的欧洲野牛有八条腿,“表现出运动感,就像照片电影一样。”赫尔佐格说到。在这些岩画中,他找到了与毕加索,弗雷德·阿斯泰尔和《海滩护卫队》的相似之处。赫尔佐格今年69岁,已经有50年制作电影的经验了,这部是他讲述人类灵魂最具揭露性和吸引力的电影之一。 8. Rise of the Planet of the Apes 8. 猩球崛起
No apes were harmed in the making of the year's finest action fantasy. In fact, no apes appear in it: all are humans, filmed and transformed through motion capture by Peter Jackson's Weta Digital company. The star is Andy Serkis as Caesar, a genetically altered baby chimp raised lovingly at home by Bay Area scientist Will Rodman (James Franco). It is Caesar's destiny to realize that he is not a near-human but a great ape, a simian Spartacus leading his kind to freedom. Director Rupert Wyatt artfully synopsizes Caesar's growth in magical tracking shots as the ape lopes through the Rodman home and scales trees in Muir Woods. The script by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver creates a story of emancipation as seen from both sides: the human (sympathetic liberals incapable of stanching an armed revolt) and the animal (we gotta be free). But even if you don't buy this as a semi-profound social document, the utterly seductive integration of apes and men should slacken your jaw in amazement. Rise restores wonder to the word "movie."
&&&&& 在这部年度最佳科幻动作片中,没有一只猩猩受伤,事实上,没有一只猩猩参加了演出。从拍摄到由皮特?杰克森的维塔数字公司参与的动作捕捉转换,全部由人类完成。影片中基因被改变的小猩猩凯撒由影星安迪?瑟金斯饰演,这只小猩猩被海湾地区的科学家威尔?罗德曼(詹姆斯?弗兰科 饰)在家中悉心养护。意识到自己不是近人类而是一只高智商猩猩是凯撒的命运,发起人猿的斯巴达战役领导它的族群走向自由。导演鲁伯特?瓦耶特以神乎其技的推拉镜头艺术性的简述了凯撒在罗德曼家中和穆尔森林保护区的成长。里克?加发与阿曼达?希尔弗共同创作的剧本讲述了人类和猩猩双方的解放故事:人类这边,富有同情心的自由主义者无法平息这场武装反叛;而人猿们却一心向往自由。如果你不把这当做一部意义深远的半个社会纪录片,人猿和人类的这种绝然引人入胜的融合将会让你目瞪口呆。离座时仍不敢相信这只是一部电影。 9. Rango 9. 兰戈
A CGI Western with a passel of moviewise fun and a knockout animation style, Rango ransacks, then smartly twists, elements from dozens of classic pictures, from Chinatown to Clint Eastwood's No-Name Westerns. The clever script by John Logan (The Aviator, Hugo, Coriolanus) spins the familiar tale of a tenderfoot who's mistaken for a savior sheriff by rude hombres and the lone pretty girl. Except that the dude known as Rango (voiced by Johnny Depp) and the girl, Beans (Isla Fisher), the Mayor (Ned Beatty) and the chief gunslinger (Bill Nighy) is a rattlesnake mean enough to scare Samuel L. Jackson. For his first animated feature, Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski filmed the actors in motion-capture and called on the ILM team to surround them with natural W this looks like the most gorgeous live-action movie. The scaly skin on its reptiles has a realism that's tactile, even if you wouldn't want to touch it. In a strong year for animation — Rio, Happy Feet Two and The Adventures of Tintin would all be worthy 10-Best finalists — Rango was the coolest, funniest and dagnab-orneriest of the bunch. &&&&& 一部兼具层出不穷的笑料和迷人的动画风格的西部影片。《兰戈》洗劫了大量的经典片段,从《唐人街》到克林特?伊斯特伍德的《无名西部》,聪明的对其进行改造,笑料百出。剧本由约翰?洛根(《飞行家》,《雨果》,《科利奥兰纳斯》的作者)编写,编织了一个为大众所熟悉的故事:懵懂菜鸟被未开化的伙伴们和一位孤独漂亮的姑娘误认为救世主。除了男主角兰戈(约翰尼?德普 配音)和女主角毕恩思(艾拉?菲舍尔 配音)都是蜥蜴,市长(内德?比提 配音)是乌龟,而持枪歹徒头目(比尔?乃尔 配音)是眼镜蛇罢了,虽没什么大不了,却足够震撼酷哥萨缪尔?L?杰克森了。第一次制作动画电影,曾执导《加勒比海盗》的导演戈尔?维宾斯基用动作捕捉技术拍摄了电影,并召集ILM团队以西部的自然风光作为背景,使之形成非常绚丽逼真的动作电影。主角蜥蜴的鳞质皮肤真实到仿佛可以触摸,虽然没人想去摸一摸。今年是一个动画称道的一年——《里欧大冒险》、《快乐大脚2》和《丁丁历险记》都值得挤进最佳前十——而《兰戈》是其中最酷,最令人捧腹的。 10. Fast Five 10. 速度与激情5
This list is short on sensitive indie dramas, heavy on mainstream mayhem, but it was that kind of year. The big boys — Hollywood technicians, from FX gurus to stunt choreographers — used their tools with more craft and cojones than the Sundance auteurs. Fast Five, fifth in the Fast & Furious series, is a live-action movie with so much whirling tumult, so many moments of low genius, that it plays like an animated car-toon. The dialogue, characterizations and acting are irrelevant to the success of this first great film of the post-human era. As if recalling the epochal heist in 1903's The Great Train Robbery and, a decade later, the auto carnage of Mack Sennett's Keystone Kops, director Justin Lin goes back to basics with another train robbery and vehicular violence in police rides — souped up and stripped down like stock cars in a death race — on the streets of Rio. A carnival of roguish heroes and pretty girls, car chases and cliffhangers, Fast Five is as much a tribute as The Artist or Hugo to the cinema's primal thrills. &&&&&&&&&名单中感性的独立电影比较少,多数是暴力犯罪的主流片,不过今年的电影就是这样。大男孩们——好莱坞的技术人员,从FX的专家到特技编导——运用的后期制作比圣丹斯电影节中得制作还要多。《速度与激情》系列之五是一部带有大量令人令人眼花缭乱的混乱镜头,大量邪念闪现的实景电影,仿佛是一部车的动画片。影片中得对话、人物塑造和表演都与这部伟大的后人类时代电影的成功无关。仿佛1903年跨时代的盗贼电影《火车大劫案》,和10年后马克?森内特摄影场的大屠杀般,导演林诣彬用以另一个火车劫案和警车上发生的暴力事件回到了当年的基本中,在里约的街道上加速、拦路就像在死亡赛跑中的货车一般。流氓英雄和漂亮姑娘们的嘉年华,扣人心弦的香车追逐,《速度与激情5》同《艺术家》、《雨果》一样,将在电影院给您带来原始的刺激感。
: sustained cinematic 这是整部影片的灵感flaming/'fle?m??/
1 emitting flames.
2 very hot: flaming June.
3 of a bright orange or red colour of the monks' clothes
1 move into a sloping position.
■ move (a camera) in a vertical plane. a tilt of the restless camera
对他(的)世界所造成的不可磨灭的yiyang de 震动 newspaper or magazine article or a broadcast programme devoted to a particular topic.
■ (also feature film) a full-length film intended as the main item in a cinema programme
into a genre classic成了一部生活剧chapter/'t?apt?(r)/
1 a main division of a book.
■ an Act of Parliament numbered as part of a session's proceedings.
2 a distinctive period in history or in a person's life
into a genre classic成了一部生活剧chapter/'t?apt?(r)/
1 a main division of a book.
■ an Act of Parliament numbered as part of a session\'s proceedings.
2 a distinctive ...
adjective stock cars in a death race
1 usually kept in stock and thus regularly available for sale.
conventional or stereotyped: the stock characters in every cowboy film.
lacking importance, prestige, inferior: training was given low priority.
■ unscrupulous or dishonest.
■ unfavourable: a low opinion.
灵光一现 moments of genius,这里是邪恶一出。
don't lose your dream.
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