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Locking Judge:LOCKME (Funkyz)
药品服务许可证(京)-经营-k.r.o.k.o.d.o.v.e | more (free) Fusion tools&#8230;
While eagerly awaiting Fusion 7.5 (Studio) and its SDK, I&#8217;m happy to announce (a feature-complete) Krokodove is now available for Fusion 7.0:
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This is the first public release of Krokodove which includes a Fusion 7 version (build It is beta&#8230; and most 3D tools are expected not to work or even crash. Enjoy anyway&#8230;
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You might be missing a Microsoft Service Pack.
Try installing any or all of these:
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This release introduces a whole new set/kind of tools: Shape tools. Connect, play around and just remember you might want to feed the result in a sRender or Shape Create 3D tool.
Given there is plenty of new stuff (also underneath) there are probably some loose ends. Please report back with bugs and general feedback.
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This release introduces a whole new set/kind of tools (and therefore calls for a major version number jump): Shape tools. Connect, play around and just remember you might want to feed the result in a sRender or Shape Create 3D tool.
This is another alpha release. Use at your own risk.
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The pressure is on to have some release in time for IBC 2013. But let&#8217;s call it &#8216;alpha&#8217; for now:
(for Fusion 6.10 or later.)
Heightfield Create 3D
Trace Create 3D
&#8230; and several small and major additions to existing tools.
Some people have problems installing Krokodove&#8230; some mananged to fix it. Try installing the
and please report back if it doesn&#8217;t work for you.
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A serious fix and a small addition&#8230;
(for Fusion 6.10 or later.)
Connect 3D
Fixed a most notably when you connected multiple (merged) objects to its main input. BTW. All merged objects will be &#8220;Connect3D&#8221;ed individually&#8230;
A simple tools which connects points with a line (I always hated polylines with published points).
Some people have problems installing Krokodove&#8230; some mananged to fix it. Try installing the
and please report back if it doesn&#8217;t work for you.
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Another interesting release, I believe&#8230;
Connect 3D
Connect vertices or particles&#8230; Too many options too explain. Keep an eye on the
to discover the possibilities. This tool is somewhat unfinished and therefore carries a beta-label for now. (Requests to play with it were too frequent to hold it back any longer.)
Mapped Duplicates 3D
Spread and control object duplicates in XYZ space, controlled by images. This can generate very complex geometry. Handle with care, buy some additional memory and don&#8217;t drink too much coffee.
A simple 3D retiming tool. Not only shift time (which could be done with the Duplicate 3D), but also change speed or stretch as you like.
Segment Transform
Grid patterned transforming of your image.
Transform? Transform! Nothing more than a simple Fusion imitation, but with the added bonus of having the Warp Mask feature, common to all Krokodove warp tools .
Some people have problems installing Krokodove&#8230; some mananged to fix it. Try installing the
and please report back if it doesn&#8217;t work for you.
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I missed the April release by a few days, but now let&#8217;s put it out there&#8230;
(for Fusion 6.10 or later.)
Poly Play 3D
Mess around with your mesh. I&#8217;ll cook up a few
samples over the next days&#8230;
Now no longer hangs the Fusion 32-bit version
Source points now behave as expected (a very long standing bug)
Angles now reset to their default value and not to 45 degrees like they used to (another long standing bug)
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A quick sunday fix&#8230;
(for Fusion 6.10 or later.)
So what&#8217;s new?
Leaks no more memory&#8230; (or should that be &#8216;less memory&#8217;?)
Fold Create 3D
No longer creates unnecessary vertices
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