
关于喜欢的文章- 美文故事-散文随笔
  生活改变了我,曾今的我看到自己不喜欢吃的东西我会果断的离开选择不吃,如今的我,即使再不喜欢也会默默的接受吃上几口; 生活改变了我,曾今的我会因为家人说我这个那个而感到生气、甚至是顶嘴,如今的我,会接受家人给我的意见,因为他们是为我好; 生活改变了我,()
  【旧年回忆】 在很多个傍晚,我都喜欢站在地平线上,看黄昏把影子拉长,看夕阳把小城染成暖色调。只是,当晚风吹来时,我还是会不由自主地想起一些过期的故事…… (1)那时,山河寂静,朴素无华。午后的阳光下,轻盈的粉蝶时常被院中的小狗追赶,童年的矮墙下有个女孩()
  人与人最短的距离叫拥抱,人与人最长的距离叫等待, 人与人最看不见的距离叫包容,人与人最可怕的距离叫漠视你的存在。人,都喜欢和不计较的人在一起相处,不计较的人刚开始时,看似失去,但长久下来却是获得;爱占他人便宜的人,刚开始看似获得,但相处久后却是失去。()
  【一】 轻轻的,我来了。如一片云,偶尔投影在你的湖心,请不必在意,来了,去了,皆是无心。你也不必惊慌,不言,不语,会心一笑,如此,甚好。 路,自有路的方向。云,自由云的归宿。我喜欢这样静静的,看泪,开成花朵;看流年,涓涓的细流,聚成小溪,汇成海洋。聚()
  我心若茶 文/紫云烟 喜欢品茶。喜欢让一杯清茶在安静的小屋内氤氲,淡淡的香味,熏染我寂寞的日子。 几片茶叶,被浸泡在青瓷茶杯中,然后舒展叶片,在水中轻轻的,轻轻的飘()
  人人都有伤心的泪。 为什么还要惦记、牵挂和思念你;为什么总是忘不了你的影子;为什么还要把你留在心里。 你让我伤心;你让我心痛;你让我放不下;你让我无法割舍;你让我的心无法安静…… 一分钟可以认识一个人;一小时可以喜欢一个人;一天时间也可以爱上一个人。但是要忘记()
  人,总有脆弱的时候,并不需要太多的浪漫和语言,累了,有一个拥抱可以依靠;痛了,有一句懂得可以舒缓。即使两两相望,也是一份无言的喜欢。即使默默思念,也是一份踏实的心安。 人,总要有一个家遮风避雨;心,总要有一个港湾休憩靠岸。最长久的情,是平淡中的不离不()
  【一】淡,是人生的真味 淡,是人生的真味。淡淡的花香,淡淡的月色,淡淡的山水,淡淡的云烟。我是喜欢淡的,喜欢淡中品味,淡中思索。在淡中勾画那一抹馨香,一份思念,一份眷恋。淡,不是寡淡,而是淡中有味。如那淡淡的禅境,有一种不可言说的隽永。 看过千篇万篇()
  【一】 一涧溪声,两岱青山,几谷淡淡的烟云。半亩山花,三四座僧庐,数个冷冷的行人。喜欢这种深远的山林,喜欢山林里的清欢。行到水穷处,坐看云起时。 峰回路转,一山放开一山拦,人生有无数的离别,也有无数的遇见。一路前行,一路汗水。总以为最美的风景,就在前()
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北回归线 Tropic Of Cancer
With Tania back on the scene, a steady job, the drunken talk about Russia, the walks home at night, and Paris in full summer, life seems to lift its head a little higher. That's why perhaps, a letter such as Boris sent me seems absolutely cockeyed. Most every day I meet Tania around five o'clock, to have a Porto with her, as she calls it. I let her take me to places I've never seen before, the swell bars around the Champs-Elys&es where the sound of jazz and baby voices crooning seems to soak right through the mahogany woodwork. Even when you go to the lavabo these pulpy, sappy strains pursue you, come floating into the cabinet through the ventilators and make life all soap and iridescent bubbles. And whether it's because Sylvester is away and she feels free now, or whatever it is, Tania certainly tries to behave like an angel. &You treated me lousy just before I went away,& she says to me one day. &Why did you want to act that way? I never did anything to hurt you, did I?& We were getting sentimental, what with the soft lights and that creamy, mahogany music seeping through the place. It was getting near time to go to work and we hadn't eaten yet. The stubs were lying there in front of us & six francs, four fifty, seven francs, two fifty & I was counting them up mechanically and wondering too at the same time if I would like it better being a bartender. Often like that, when she was talking to me, gushing about Russia, the future, love, and all that crap, I'd get to thinking about the most irrelevant things, about shining shoes or being a lavatory attendant, particularly I suppose because it was so cosy in these joints that she dragged me to and it never occurred to me that I'd be stone sober and perhaps old and bent& no, I imagined always that the future, however modest, would be in just this sort of ambiance, with the same tunes playing through my head and the glasses clinking and behind every shapely ass a trail of perfume a yard wide that would take the stink out of life, even downstairs in the lavabo.
The strange thing is it never spoiled me trotting around to the swell bars with her like that. It was hard to leave her, certainly. I used to lead her around to the porch of a church near the office and standing there in the dark we'd take a last embrace, she whispering to me &Jesus, what am I going to do now?& She wanted me to quit the job so as I could mak she didn't even care about Russia any more, just so long as we were together. But the moment I left her my head cleared. It was another kind of music, not so croony but good just the same, which greeted my ears when I pushed through the swinging door. And another kind of perfume, not just a yard wide, but omnipresent, a sort of sweat and patchouli that seemed to come from the machines. Coming in with a skinful, as I usually did, it was like dropping suddenly to a low altitude. Generally I made a beeline for the toilet & that braced me up rather. It was a little cooler there, or else the sound of water running made it seem so. It was always a cold douche, the toilet. It was real. Before you got inside you had to pass a line of Frenchmen peeling off their clothes. Ugh! but they stank, those devils! And they were well paid for it, too. But there they were, stripped down, some in long underwear, some with beards, most of them pale, skinny rats with lead in their veins. Inside the toilet you could take an inventory of their idle thoughts. The walls were crowded with sketches and epithets, all of them jocosely obscene, easy to understand, and on the whole rather jolly and sympathetic. It must have required a ladder to reach certain spots, but I suppose it was worth while doing it even looking at it from just the psychological viewpoint.
Sometimes, as I stood there taking a leak, I wondered what an impression it would make on those swell dames whom I observed passing in and out of the beautiful lavatories on the Champs Elys&es. I wondered if they would carry their tails so high if they could see what was thought of an ass here. In their world, no doubt, everything was gauze and velvet & or they made you think so with the fine scents they gave out, swishing past you. Some of them hadn't always been suc some of them swished up and down like that just to advertise their trade. And maybe, when they were left alone with themselves, when they talked out loud in the privacy of their boudoirs, maybe some strange things fell out because in that world, just as in every world, the greater part of what happens is just muck and filth, sordid as any garbage can, only they are lucky enough to be able to put covers over the can.
As I say, that afternoon life with Tania never had any bad effect upon me. Once in a while I'd get too much of a skinful and I'd have to stick my finger down my throat & because it's hard to read proof when you're not all there. It requires more concentration to detect a missing comma than to epitomize Nietzsche's philosophy. You can be brilliant sometimes, when you're drunk, but brilliance is out of place in the proofreading department. Dates, fractions, semicolons & these are the things that count. And these are the things that are most difficult to track down when your mind is all ablaze. Now and then I made some bad blunders, and if it weren't that I had learned how to kiss the boss's ass, I would have been fired, that's certain.
I even got a letter one day from the big mogul upstairs, a guy I never even met, so high up he was, and between a few sarcastic phrases about my more than ordinary intelligence, he hinted pretty plainly that I'd better learn my place and toe the mark or there'd be what's what to pay. Frankly, that scared the shit out of me. After that I never used a polysyllabic
in fact, I hardly ever opened my trap all night. I played the high grade moron, which is what they wanted of us. Now and then, to sort of flatter the boss, I'd go up to him and ask politely what such and such a word might mean. He liked that. He was a sort of dictionary and timetable, that guy. No matter how much beer he guzzled during the break & and he made his own private breaks too, seeing as how he was running the show & you could never trip him up on a date or a definition. He was born to the job. My only regret was that I knew too much. It leaked out now and then, despite all the precautions I took.
If I happened to come to work with a book under my arm this boss of ours would notice it, and if it were a good book it made him venomous. But I never did anything intentiona I liked the job too well to put a noose around my neck.
Just the same it's hard to talk to a man when you have nothin you betray yourself, even if you use only monosyllabic words. He knew goddamn well, the boss, that I didn't take the least bit of i and yet, explain it how you will, it gave him pleasure to wean me away from my dreams and fill me full of dates and historical events. It was his way of taking revenge, I suppose.
The result was that I developed a bit of a neurosis. As soon as I hit the air I became extravagant. It wouldn't matter what the subject of conversation happened to be, as we started back to Montparnasse in the early morning, I'd soon turn the fire hose on it, squelch it, in order to trot out my perverted dreams. I liked best talking about those things which none of us knew anything about. I had cultivated a mild sort of insanity, echolalia, I think it's called. All the tag ends of a night's proofing danced on the tip of my tongue. Dalmatia & I had held copy on an ad for that beautiful jeweled resort. All right, Dalmatia. You take a train and in the morning your pores are perspiring and the grapes are bursting their skins. I could reel it off about Dalmatia from the grand boulevard to Cardinal Mazarin's palace, further, if I chose to. I don't even know where it is on the map, and I don't want to know ever, but at three in the morning with all that lead in your veins and your clothes saturated with sweat and patchouli and the clink of bracelets passing through the wringer and those beer yarns that I was braced for, little things like geography, costume, speech, architecture don't mean a goddamn thing. Dalmatia belongs to a certain hour of the night when those high gongs are snuffed out and the court of the Louvre seems so wonderfully ridiculous that you feel like weeping for no reason at all, just because it's so beautifully silent, so empty, so totally unlike the front page and the guys upstairs rolling the dice. With that little piece of Dalmatia resting on my throbbing nerves like a cold knife blade I could experience the most wonderful sensations of voyage.
And the funny thing is again that I could travel all around the globe but America would it was even further lost than a lost continent, because with the lost continents I felt some mysterious attachment, whereas with America I felt nothing at all. Now and then, it's true, I did think of Mona, not as of a person in a definite aura of time and space, but separately, detached, as though she had blown up into a great cloudlike form that blotted out the past. I couldn't allow myself to think if I had I would have jumped off the bridge. It's strange. I had become so reconciled to this life without her, and yet if I thought about her only for a minute it was enough to pierce the bone and marrow of my contentment and shove me back again into the agonizing gutter of my wretched past.
For seven years I went about, day and night, with only one thing on my mind & her. Were there a Christian so faithful to his God as I was to her we would all be Jesus Christs today. Day and night I thought of her, even when I was deceiving her. And now sometimes, in the very midst of things, sometimes when I feel that I am absolutely free of it all, suddenly, in rounding a corner perhaps, there will bob up a little square, a few trees and a bench, a deserted spot where we stood and had it out, where we drove each other crazy with bitter, jealous scenes. Always some deserted spot, like the Place de 1'Estrapade, for example, or those dingy, mournful streets off the Mosque or along that open tomb of an Avenue de Breteuil which at ten o'clock in the evening is so silent, so dead, that it makes one think of murder or suicide, anything that might create a vestige of human drama. When I realize that she is gone, perhaps gone forever, a great void opens up and I feel that I am falling, falling, falling into deep, black space. And this is worse than tears, deeper than regr it is the abyss into which Satan was plunged. There is no climbing back, no ray of light, no sound of human voice or human touch of hand.
How many thousand times, in walking through the streets at night, have I wondered if the day would ever come again when she would be at my side: all those yearning looks I bestowed on the buildings and statues, I had looked at them so hungrily, so desperately, that by now my thoughts must have become a part of the very buildings and statues, they must be saturated with my anguish. I could not help but reflect also that when we had walked side by side through these mournful, dingy streets now so saturated with my dream and longing, she had observed nothing, felt nothing: they were like any other streets to her, a little more sordid perhaps, and that is all. She wouldn't remember that at a certain corner I had stopped to pick up her hairpin, or that, when I bent down to tie her laces, I remarked the spot on which her foot had rested and that it would remain there forever, even after the cathedrals had been demolished and the whole Latin civilization wiped out forever and ever.}


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