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How To Guard Your Pet From Fleas
Even Think Of Treating Your Dog, Cat, or Other Pet For Fleas Until You
This Eye-Opening Information!.."
Dear Pet Owner,If you’re looking for getting
rid of fleas and
keeping them from coming back… if you’ve heard
about the best way to treat your flea-infested pet… or you’re
just curious about what fleas are and why they find our pets so
Then this website was written just for you!
Here’s the story…
I Decided To
Eradicate Fleas From My
Home Once And For All!
I’ve always been into dogs and cats…
Even as a kid I had my own dog... he slept
in my room
at night and waited for me to come home from school each day.
My Dalmatian's name was “Sparky”.
I taught Sparky how to do tricks like shake
bark on command...
And even some of the more advanced tricks
like how to
catch a frisbee. Boy did I love that dog. We were together whenever I
wasn't at school.
But one thing about Sparky that I hated...
The Fleas!
I Started Looking
Sparky was a “flea factory”! He was always
scratching& and scratching...
I tried everything: flea collars, various
home remedies.
Even talked my mom into taking him to vet a few times (I didn't like to
see him suffer).
Nothing seemed to work very long.
Some of the treatments would work for a few
days… and
then the fleas would be back, just as bad as before!
I thought to myself… shouldn't I be able to
get rid of Sparky's fleas and keep them from coming back?
How I Became a Flea
Ok, I’m not really a flea expert… but
that’s what
all my friends and family think.
Because (for better or worse) I got obsessed
finding out everything I could about fleas, the diseases and ailments
they cause, why our pets get them ...
And most importantly: how to keep fleas away
from my dog
Any information that claimed be beneficial
preventing or removing fleas… I wanted to know about!
I devoured every website on the internet
fleas& (a good place to start).
I got some magazines, some books, and read
research articles on what actually works and what doesn’t.
Here's what I found out...
Some Methods Work…
And Others Are A
Some flea treatments work EXTREMELY well to
fleas to find another home…
And others don’t work as well.
The key is in knowing what to look for…
What specific things could tip you off that
a treatment
works… and what you should look out for that would tell you
it’s a total scam.
And you don't need to know a lot of stuff.
You don’t
have to be a “flea expert” like me or a veterinarian.
That's the big secret.
In fact, what I discovered was there are
only a few
things you have to know about fleas to make smart buying choices.
Here's the problem...
There's No Simple
I searched and searched for a good simple
flea treatment and prevention.
You know, a booklet that was low on fluff
tells me what I need to know about flea treatments and which ones
actually work.
I don’t need to know how every method was
how many different companies make it… and all that.
I just want to know...what are the basic
should know about fleas and flea treatments?
Just teach me those tips, was what I was
I couldn't find such a booklet.
So I compiled all my research, and had one
Everything You Need
To Know About
How To Protect Your Pet From Fleas
This is the guide I was looking for but
couldn't find.
It's called How To Guard Your Pet From Fleas.
And here's just some of what's inside...
• Fleas 101:
What are fleas, what
is their life-cycle... and ten facts about fleas that you probably
don't know (pages 6-8)
• Want a healthy pet?
Then you need to be aware of the diseases and illnesses caused by
fleas, including tapeworm and anemia (pages 10-14)
• When is it time to call
the vet? The
truth about when to stop trying to treat fleas on your own and call for
professional help (page 15)
• Don’t even think of
treating your pet for
this common flea-caused ailment until you see my tips
home treatment of this malady (pages 16-17)
• 5 ways humans can get fleas…
want to keep yourself from getting fleas (who wouldn't?). (page 18-20)
• Cats and fleas.
No, fleas are not
picky and will take up residence on your cat. How to prevent and treat
your flea-infested cat. (pages 22-23)
• Fleas in your home and
vehicle? Use
these methods of saying "goodbye" to fleas on carpets and floors,
bedding and soft furnishings, in your yard and your vehicle
(pages 26-31)
• Special natural treatment
to repel and
control fleas that should be in your toolkit (pages
• The 5 most popular flea
control products for
cats and dogs (your friends and vet will probably
one of these... are they worth the money?) (pages 43-47)
• The tips on saving money
on flea control
products that most people never discover. (pages 48)
• Plus much, MUCH MORE!
This just scratches the surface of what's
in the book.
I give you everything you need to know about
treatment and prevention.
I'm sure that right about now, you're
How Much Does The
Book Cost?
The real question is: how much is it worth
to finally
know all the stuff about getting rid of fleas that you've always wanted
I suppose you could do what most people do
"make it up as you go", and use the "trial and error" method. And spend
a pile of money in the process!
But why not take advantage of the
experience and
knowledge I've put into this simple book?
And I boil it all down for you in very
simple, easy to
understand terms. Less than 100 pages -- no fluff, all information you
can put to work right now.
of the book for just $47.
I'll send you not only the book itself, but
audio book (which you can listen to on your iPod or other MP3 player,
or on your computer...
...or even burn it to CD). And if it doesn't
work - I'll
send you back your money.
doesn't $47 seem reasonable?
And just in case you missed what I was
saying, let me be
You Get The Book
PLUS The Audio Book!
When you order your copy of How
To Guard Your Pet
From Fleas today, you get the book in two different
Downloadable eBook.
You can be
reading How To Guard Your Pet From Fleas in
as little as 2 minutes from right now (even if it's 2am on a Sunday!).
My automated system will deliver your copy as a downloadable PDF file
(which can be read on any computer). You can read the book on your
computer, or you can print it out if you like.
book. I'll also deliver you the Audio book version in MP3
format. You can listen to it on your iPod or other MP3 device, burn it
to a CD, or just listen to it right on your computer. The choice is
Try The Book Risk-Free For 8 Full Weeks!
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If at the end of the 8
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Order Your Own Personal Copy Of
How To Guard Your Pet From
Fleas Right Now
Download Form
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learn everything I want to know about how to protect my pet from
please give me INSTANT ACCESS to my
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of&How To Guard Your Pet From Fleas
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understand I will
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understand that I have
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book and if I am not 100% thrilled with How To Guard Your
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understand I keep each
of the 2 bonuses, even if I request a refund on the book.
understand I also get
the audio book version, which means I can listen to a professional
recording of the entire book, any time I want, as many times as I want.
The recording can be played on my computer, on my iPod, burned to a CD
-- any way I want to use it!
The instant
my order is
approved, I'll download my copy of the book.
What are you waiting for? You have nothing
to lose...
...and in a very short time your pet could
be enjoying
much healthier life with freedom from fleas!
Now's your chance
to finally
discover everything you need to know about how to
protect your
pet from fleas. This one is a no-brainer thanks to your
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用How to keep away from germs ? 为题写一篇运用上初二知识的英语作文、
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关于“How to keep away from danger”的英语作文,要求中学生在学校要注意安全
1遇到坏人时,提示,也可打110 2不吃不干净食物,不要闯红灯 4不要独自到河流,湖泊里面游泳,骑车不要太快,不吃垃圾食品 3上学和放学的途中,应向老师寻求帮助,否则很危险 5不可以沉迷于网络,不可以独自会见网友,
By staying aware of these circumstances you will be able to stay abreast of the situation and lower your chances of being taken by surprise, In that time, Make sure you include your pets in the evacuation plan and that you have a plan ready for where they will go in the event of a disaster,Organization is the key, As long as you have a plan that everyone is aware of and involved in,Know Where You Are Headed – If there is a need to take cover and get to a safe environment,Always have this information laid in plenty of time and make sure that everyone involved in the plan and who lives in your household are all aware of the details and are involved in the process,Be Aware – Regularly check the local weather stations and keep up to date on the warning systems and alerts which will give you the earliest warning of any upcoming situations, It is also important that your family are all aware of this plan and know where to meet you if you are not all together, you need to think clearly and have a certain procedure and plan so that you are able to work efficiently and get yourself in a safe situation quickly, Have cell phones that are charged and have emergency numbers saved into the phone memory so that you always have them on hand,When natural disasters hit, This allows the evacuation and safety to be quick and efficient, It is important to turn off the mains switches for the gas, electric and water supplies to house, then you need to know exactly where you will go in a given situation, Here are some helpful tips to help you make a checklist for yourself in case of any natural disasters in the future,, there is generally very little time to get yourself sorted out and make sure your family is kept safe, The National Weather Service issues information and warnings when there is imminent danger in an area so that people are able to take precautions,Prepare the House – Make sure you are aware of where the main valves are for all the utilities in the house, this will limit any danger and confusion should a natural disaster occur in your area, These can all be added dangers if there is a natural disaster and it is safer to have them all disconnected in an event,
Prepare the House – Make sure you are aware of where the main valves are for all the utilities in the house, By staying aware of these circumstances you will be able to stay abreast of the situation and lower your chances of being taken by surprise, In that time, Make sure you include your pets in the evacuation plan and that you have a plan ready for where they will go in the event of a disaster, As long as you have a plan that everyone is aware of and involved in, this will limit any danger and confusion should a natural disaster occur in your area,
Know Where You Are Headed – If there is a need to take cover and get to a safe environment, This allows the evacuation and safety to be quick and efficient,
Be Aware – Regularly check the local weather stations and keep up to date on the warning systems and alerts which will give you the earliest warning of any upcoming situations, It is also important that your family are all aware of this plan and know where to meet you if you are not all together, you need to think clearly and have a certain procedure and plan so that you are able to work efficiently and get yourself in a safe situation quickly,
Organization is the key,When natural disasters hit, Have cell phones that are charged and have emergency numbers saved into the phone memory so that you always have them on hand, electric and water supplies to house, These can all be added dangers if there is a natural disaster and it is safer to have them all disconnected in an event, then you need to know exactly where you will go in a given situation, Here are some helpful tips to help you make a checklist for yourself in case of any natural disasters in the future,, there is generally very little time to get yourself sorted out and make sure your family is kept safe, The National Weather Service issues information and warnings when there is imminent danger in an area so that people are able to take precautions,
Always have this information laid in plenty of time and make sure that everyone involved in the plan and who lives in your household are all aware of the details and are involved in the process, It is important to turn off the mains switches for the gas,


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