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香港独立乐队Killersoap (杀手锏) 自2004年成立以来默默耕耘,曾参与逾100场演出,更在2008年夺得Battle of the Bands中国区冠军。他们融合j-rock和alternative rock..
香港独立乐队Killersoap (杀手锏) 自2004年成立以来默默耕耘,曾参与逾100场演出,更在2008年夺得Battle of the Bands中国区冠军。他们融合j-rock和alternative rock的独特声音,成功掳获本地乐迷的欢心。首张专辑《Bittersweet》用上七年时间打造,今天终于落到乐迷的手中,但它又能否承载到得到大家的厚望呢?《Bittersweet》以强势揭开序幕。〈Get Rid of You〉和〈For the Lost Souls〉都是Killersoap最拿手的j-rock/alt rock式快歌,多得编曲里面的细节&&如〈For the Lost Souls〉第二副歌中饶有趣味的吉他riff,令每首歌都有鲜明的性格。夹在两首曲目间的〈Reason〉是整张专辑里最抢耳的曲目,Killersoap驾轻就熟,发挥得淋漓尽致,两个吉他riff随着激烈的drum rhythm,交叉穿插,直接了当,就算歌词老套如「Stay with me when I go wrong」,却依然奏效。然而,几首激昂曲目之后,专辑风格急促转向感伤,差点儿就失去了刚刚建立起来的气势。〈Distance〉、〈The Choices That I&ve Made〉等曲目,容易上口,却缺乏个性,难以令人留下印象。幸而来到纯音乐的〈Did You Hear That〉,专辑重回轨道,而且是多么漂亮的一个回归&&带点post-rock影子的音乐底蕴,由吉他arpeggio作主导,慢慢升至后半部的爆裂高潮。谁想到Killersoap会有此一着?除了一贯的英文歌外,这张专辑亦收录了两首国语曲目〈Love Me for Who I Am〉和〈Singing In the Rain〉。 主音Rocky响亮的声线一向轻易就盖过音乐,但他的歌声在这两首作品中却显得相对无力。但无论如何,中文歌对于Killersoap来说都是值得嘉许的尝试,至少令人耳目一新。Killersoap最亮眼的时刻始终是舞台上的live表演,但《Bittersweet》也不负众望,展示了乐队扎实的功力,更为乐迷带来了几分惊喜。此外,如果你是认为购买实体唱片没有意思的人,今次或许要重新考虑了。《Bittersweet》置于精美的纸皮盒子里,附上十张印刷精美的歌词卡,整个包装更由特别设计的封蜡印章密封着,极富心思,值得一赞。
微信扫一扫精选音乐每日推送!skylar grey的《Dry 》 歌词_百度知道
skylar grey的《Dry 》 歌词
歌曲名:Dry 歌手:skylar grey专辑:O'Dark:Thirty EPHere I am at your expenseEvery move with 植互瘁酵诓寂搭檄但漏eleganceNo two teardrops are the sameDrink them up like bitter rainI won抰 let your glass go dryI抦 your riverPull the flowers from my hairIt doesn抰 matter if it抯 fairNo two teardrops are the sameDrink them down like bitter rainI won抰 let your glass go dryI抦 your riverI抦 your riverFlowing throughJust to be hereJust with youTomorrow抯 morningAnother worldSo just rememberI won抰 ever let you goI won抰 let your glass go dryI抦 your riverDry, I抦 your riverDry, I抦 your river
出门在外也不愁你现在的位置:&&&&&&歌词中文翻译&21st Century Breakdown&
歌词中文翻译&21st Century Breakdown&
【ACT I :Heroes and Cons】第一幕: 英雄们和反对派1.[Song of the Century]1.世纪之歌Sing us a song of the century为我们高唱世纪之歌吧That's louder than bombs它比炸弹还要轰鸣And eternity比永恒还要响亮The era of static and contraband在这个如一潭死水又肮脏的时代That's leading us to the promised land它会引导我们到达应许之地Tell us a story that's by candlelight为我们讲述烛光下的故事吧Waging a war and losing the fight关于那进行的战争和输掉的战斗They're playing the song of the century他们正演奏着这样一首世纪之歌Of panic and promise and prosperity唱着恐慌,许诺和繁荣Tell me a story into that goodnight为我讲述一个故事,陪我晚安Sing us a song for me为我们唱一首歌,为了我2.[21st Century Breakdown]垮掉的二十一世纪Born into Nixon, I was raised in hell.出生在尼克松,我在地狱中长大。A welfare child where the teamsters dwelled.在最底层居住区,我靠福利养大。The last one born, the first one to run,最小的孩子生出来,最大的孩子就得开始辛勤劳作。My town was blind by refinery sun.“精炼的”阳光看似普照,而我的城镇却一片黑暗。My generation is zero.我们这一代一文不值。I never made it as a working class hero我从未成功地成为一名工人阶级的英雄。21st century breakdown垮掉的二十一世纪。I once was lost but never was found.我曾一度迷失且从未被拯救。I think I'm losing what's left of my mind.我想我正在丢弃遗留在我脑海中的东西to the 20th century deadline.丢弃到二十世纪这一截至日期。I was made of poison and blood.我由毒药和血液造就。Condemnation is what I understood我所知道的一切就是罪恶。Videogames to the tower's fall从电子游戏到高塔的倒塌Homeland security could kill us all.国土安全可以害死我们所有。My generation is zero.我们这一代一文不值。I never made it as a working class hero.我从未成功地成为一名工人阶级的英雄。21st century breakdown垮掉的二十一世纪。I once was lost but never was found.我曾一度迷失且从未被拯救。I think I'm losing what's left of my mind.我想我正在丢弃遗留在我脑海中的东西to the 20th century deadline.丢弃到二十世纪这一截至日期。We are the class of 13我们是新的一代born in the era of humility出生在一切讲究谦卑的年代。we are the desperate in the decline我们是堕落中的绝望raised by the bastards of 1969被1969年的杂种们养大My name is no one 我是无名小卒the long lost son你遗失很久的儿子。Born on the 4th of July出生在7月4日Raised in an era of heroes and cons在英雄们和反对派的年代被养大left me for dead or alive将我推向不是苟活就是死亡的未来。I am a nation我就是一个国家A worker of pride一名有尊严的工人my debt to the status quo我对现状欠的债the scars on my hands are a means to an end我双手的伤痕就是通往结局的方式it's all that I have to show这就是我必须要给你们看到的全部。I swallowed my pride我吞下我的尊严And I choked on my faith却被我的信仰哽住I've given my heart and my soul我已献出我的内心和灵魂I've broken my fingers我已折断我的手指And lied through my teeth然后满口谎言The pillar of damage control损害管制的支柱I've been to the edge我曾到过边缘And I've thrown the bouquet我曾把鲜花盛宴Of flowers left over the grave抛向坟墓I sat in the waiting room我在等候室坐着Wasting my time百无聊赖,消磨时间And waiting for judgement day等待着审判日的到来I Praise Liberty我赞颂自由the freedom to obey服从的自由it's a song that strangles me这是一首扼杀我的歌well, don't cross the line然而,别逾越界线。Dream,American dream梦想, 美国之梦I can't even sleep我甚至不能入眠From the lights early dawn在破晓的晨光之下Scream, America scream尖叫,美国尖叫Believe what you see from heroes and cons?你仍否相信你所看到的? 从英雄们到反对派。3.[Know Your Enemy]3.知己知彼Do you know the enemy?你了解那个敌人吗?Do you know your enemy?你了解你的敌人吗?Well, gotta know the enemy那么,去了解你的敌人吧Do you know the enemy?你了解那个敌人吗?Do you know your enemy?你了解你的敌人吗?Well, gotta know the enemy那么,去了解你的敌人吧Do you know the enemy?你了解那个敌人吗?Do you know your enemy?你了解你的敌人吗?Well, gotta know the enemy那么,去了解你的敌人吧Violence is an energy暴力就是能量Against the enemy用来对抗敌人的能量Violence is an energy暴力就是能量Bringing on the fury煽起狂怒的焰火The choir infantry步兵队伍似在齐声怒唱Revolt against the honor to obey向屈尊的荣耀反叛Overthrow the effigy推翻那画像The vast majority那盲从的大众Burning down the foreman of control焚毁那操纵控制的枷锁Silence is the enemy沉默才是你的大敌Against your urgency瓦解着你急迫的意志So rally up the demons of your soul所以集结起你灵魂所有的恶灵吧Do you know the enemy?你了解那个敌人吗?Do you know your enemy?你了解你的敌人吗?Well, gotta know the enemy那么,去了解你的敌人吧Do you know the enemy?你了解那个敌人吗?Do you know your enemy?你了解你的敌人吗?Well, gotta know the enemy那么,去了解你的敌人吧The insurgency will rise总有揭竿而起的时刻When the bloods been sacrificed当鲜血被牺牲Don't be blinded by the lies不要被你眼中的谎言In your eyes.所蒙蔽Violence is an energy暴力就是能量From here to eternity从此刻到永恒Violence is an energy暴力就是能量Silence is the enemy沉默才是大敌So gimme gimme revolution所以给我给我卷起革命的风暴吧Do you know the enemy?你了解那个敌人吗?Do you know your enemy?你了解你的敌人吗?Well, gotta know the enemy那么,去了解你的敌人吧Do you know the enemy?你了解那个敌人吗?Do you know your enemy?你了解你的敌人吗?Well, gotta know the enemy那么,去了解你的敌人吧Overthrow the effigy推翻那画像The vast majority那盲从的大众Burning down the foreman of control焚毁那操纵控制的枷锁Silence is the enemy沉默才是你的大敌Against your urgency瓦解着你急迫的意志So rally up the demons of your soul所以集结起你灵魂所有的恶灵吧4.[Viva la Gloria!]万岁Gloria(注:想了很久不知道是直接音译成格洛瑞亚,还是翻译成荣耀之类的...但我感觉似乎都不好...所以不如就按原文不动它~歌词中可以慢慢理解~)Hey GloriaAre you standing close to the edge?你是否站在悬崖边缘Lookout to the setting sun守望夕阳The brink of your vision在你视线的边沿Eternal youth is永恒的青春只是A landscape of the lie谎言的风景The cracks of my skin can prove我皮肤的裂纹就可以证明As the years will testify岁月也将见证Say your prayers and light a fire祈祷吧然后燃起一把火We're going to start a war我们就要发动一场战争Your slogans a gun for hire你的标语就是那寻找主人的枪It's what we waited for这就是我们一直等待的Hey Gloria,This is why we're on the edge这就是为什么我们在悬崖边缘The fight of our lives been drawn to生命之战已引来This undying love.这不朽的爱Gloria, Viva La GloriaGloria, 万岁GloriaYou blast your name你让你的名字绽放In graffiti on the walls在墙壁上的涂鸦Falling through broken glass that's你从破碎的玻璃中坠落Slashing through your spirit划过你的灵魂I can hear it like a jilted crowd我能听到它像一群被抛弃的众人Gloria, where are you GloriaGloria, 你在哪里, GloriaYou found a home你已找到了归宿之地In all your scars and ammunition在你所有的伤痕和攻防里You made your bed in salad days你在你的全盛时期安息Amongst the ruin在废墟Ashes to ashes of our youth在我们青春的灰烬之间She smashed her knuckles into winter她在冬天来临之际打碎了她的关节As autumns wind fades into black当秋季之风褪为黑色She is the saint on all the sinners她是所有有罪者的圣人The one that's fallen through the cracks那个在裂缝中坠落的圣人So don't put away your burning light所以不要抛弃你燃烧着的火光Gloria, where are you GloriaGloria, 你在哪里Don't lose your faith不要对你已逝的纯真To your lost naivete丧失信心Weather the storm and don't look经历风霜吧,不要回头Back on last November不要回顾去年的十一月When your banners were burning down当你的旗帜被烧毁的时候Gloria, viva la GloriaGloria, 万岁GloriaSend me your amnesty down降大赦于我吧To the broken hearted于那受伤的心灵吧Bring us the season带给我们这样一季That we always will remember将永远铭刻于我们心中的季节Don't let the bonfires go out不要让篝火熄灭So Gloria,所以,Gloria,Send out your message of the light发送出你光明的讯息That shadows in the night.那在黑夜中投以阴影的光明Gloria, where's your undying love?你那不朽的爱在哪里?Tell me the story of your life.告诉我你生命的故事5.[Before the Lobotomy]脑阉割之前 (注:Lobotomy: 脑白质切除术,即切除脑部额叶的神经束,以前用于治疗某些精神混乱症)Dreaming做梦I am only dreaming我只是在不停做梦Of another place and time梦见另一个时间和空间Where my family's from.我的家族来自的地方Singing歌唱I can hear them singing.我能听到他们在歌唱When the rain had washed away当雨水已冲刷掉All these scattered dreams所有这些散落的梦想Dying死亡Everyone's reminded每个人都还记得Hearts are washed in misery每颗心在悲惨中洗涤Drenched in gasoline在汽油中浸泡Laughter欢笑There is no more laughter再也没有了欢笑Songs of yesterday昨日的歌声Now live in the underground现在已长眠于地下Life before the lobotomy脑阉割之前的生活Christian sang the eulogy信徒唱着颂歌Sign my love a lost memory为我的爱签下已逝记忆From the end of the century在世纪之末Well it's enough to make you sick好啦,投石掷砖To cast a stone and throw a brick已够让你觉得恶心了When the sky is falling down当天空开始坍塌It burned your dreams into the ground它也将你的梦想焚毁到了地下Christian's lesson is what he's been sold信徒的教训就是他被出卖的那部分We are normal and self-controlled我们皆正常而且自制Remember to learn to forget记住要学会忘记Whiskey shots and cheap cigarettes威士忌的酌饮和廉价香烟Well I'm not stoned但是,我并没有烂醉I'm just fucked up我只是乱糟糟I got so high I can't stand up我兴奋至极而不能站立I'm not cursed cause I've been blessed我不会被诅咒因为我曾被祝福I'm not in love cause I'm a mess我没有坠入爱河因为我一团混乱Like refugees像难民一样We're lost like refugees我们被遗弃就像难民一样Like refugees像难民一样We're lost like refugees我们流离失所就像难民一样The brutality of reality现实的残酷性Is the freedom that keeps me from就在于那把我排除在外的自由Dreaming做梦I am only dreaming我只是在不停做梦Of another place and time梦见另一个时间和空间Where my family's from.我的家族来自的地方Singing歌唱I can hear them singing.我能听到他们在歌唱When the rain had washed away当雨水已冲刷掉All these scattered dreams所有这些散落的梦想Dying死亡Everyone's reminded每个人都还记得Hearts are washed in misery每颗心在悲惨中洗涤Drenched in gasoline在汽油中浸泡Laughter欢笑There is no more laughter再也没有了欢笑Songs of yesterday昨日的歌声Now live in the underground现在已长眠于地下6.[Christian's Inferno]信徒的炼狱I got under the grip我处于Between the modern hell现代地狱的控制之下I got the rejection letter in the mail and我收到回绝信It was already ripped to shreds.而它已被撕成粉碎Seasons in a ruin and四季破落不堪This bitter pill is chased with blood.用血咽下这枚苦药There's fire in my veins我的经脉中有火在燃烧And it's pouring out like a flood它像洪水一般喷薄而出Whoa, Christian's inferno喔哦,信徒的炼狱Whoa, Christian's inferno喔哦,信徒的炼狱Whoa, Christian's inferno喔哦,信徒的炼狱Whoa, Christian's inferno喔哦,信徒的炼狱This diabolic state is gracing my existence这恶魔的境地在升华我的存在Like a catasrophic baby就像灾难中生还的婴儿Maybe you're the chemical reaction也许你就是化学反应I am the atom bomb而我就是原子弹I am the chosen one我是上帝的选民Toxin your reservoir在你的蓄水库投了毒And then return man to ape然后又将人类还原为猿Whoa, Christian's inferno喔哦,信徒的炼狱Whoa, Christian's inferno喔哦,信徒的炼狱Whoa, Christian's inferno喔哦,信徒的炼狱Whoa, Christian's inferno喔哦,信徒的炼狱7.[Last Night on Earth]最后一夜I text a postcard, sent to you我写了一张明信片,寄给你Did it go through?它顺利地Sending all my love to you.将我对你全部的爱带到了吗?You are the moonlight of my life every night你就是每晚我生命的月光Giving all my love to you把我所有的爱都献给你My beating heart belongs to you我跳动的心属于你I walked for miles til I found you我行走万里,直至我找到你I'm here to honor you我向你表达我的钦慕之心If I lose everything in the fire如果我在烈火中丢失了一切I'm sending all my love to you.我会把我全部的爱都送达于你With every breath that I am worth我的每一次呼吸Here on earth在我有价值地存在于地球上时I'm sending all my love to you.都是我在把我全部的爱送达于你So if you dare to second guess所以如果你敢再次揣测you can rest assured你会确信无疑地安心That all my love's for you我所有的爱都是为了你My beating heart belongs to you我跳动的心属于你I walked for miles til I found you我行走万里,直至我找到你I'm here to honor you我向你表达我的钦慕之心If I lose everything in the fire如果我在烈中丢失了一切I'm sending all my love to you.我会把我全部的爱都送给你My beating heart belongs to you我跳动的心属于你I walked for miles til I found you我行走万里,直至我找到你I'm here to honor you我向你表达我的钦慕之心If I lose everything in the fire如果我在烈火中丢失了一切Did I ever make it through?我能否通过考验?【ACT II :Charlatans and Saints】第二幕:骗子和圣贤8.[East Jesus Nowhere]8. 来自虚无的东方耶稣Raise your hands now to testify现在举起你们的双手来作证Your confession will be crucified你们的忏悔和自白将被钉死在十字架上You're a sacrificial suicide你就是一个自取灭亡的殉葬品Like a dog that's been sodomized像一条被鸡奸的狗Stand up! - All the white boys起来吧~!所有的白种男孩Sit down! - All the black girls就坐吧~!所有的黑人女孩You're the soldiers of the new world你们就是新世界的战士Put your faith in a miracle相信奇迹的存在吧And it's non-denominational这是非宗教式的信仰Join the choir we will be singing加入我们即将开始的合唱吧In the church of wishful thinking在充满希望之教堂A fire burns today如今一场大火在燃烧着Of blasphemy and genocide亵渎神明,残害生灵The sirens of decay腐朽之势诱惑般的警报声Will infiltrate the faith fanatics将会渗透到狂热的信仰者中Oh bless me lord for I have sinned噢~保佑我吧主,因为我长久背负着罪恶It's been a lifetime since I last confessed已用尽了一生,在我上次忏悔之时I threw my crutches in "The river我把我的拐杖丢进了Of a shadow of doubt"“怀疑阴影之河”And I'll be dressed in my Sunday best而我将穿好礼拜日的盛装Say a prayer for the family为每一个家庭祷告Drop a coin for humanity为人性捐一枚硬币Ain't this uniform so flattering?这样的千人一面太过谄媚,不是吗?I never asked you a God damned thing这种该死的事情,我从未询问过你A fire burns today如今一场大火在燃烧着Of blasphemy and genocide亵渎神明,残害生灵The sirens of decay腐朽之势诱惑般的警报声Will infiltrate the faith fanatics将会渗透到狂热的信仰者中Don't test me不要考验我Second guess me不要再三怀疑我Protest me不要反抗我You will disappear你将会消失I want to know who's allowed to breed我想知道谁才是允许被教养的All the dogs who never learned to read所有那些从未读书认字的狗Missionary politicians传教式的政治家们And the cops of a new religion以及捍卫一种新信仰的警察们A fire burns today如今一场大火在燃烧着Of blasphemy and genocide亵渎神明,残害生灵The sirens of decay腐朽之势诱惑般的警报声Will infiltrate the faith fanatics将会渗透到狂热的信仰者中9.[Peacemaker]9. 和平使者Well, I've got a fever噢,我发了高烧A non-believer一个无信仰者I'm in a state of grace我处在恩典之中For I am the Caesar因为我就是凯撒大帝I'm gonna seize the day我准备及时行乐Well, call of the banshee hey hey噢,邀上女妖同去 hey~hey~Hey hey hey hey heyAs God as my witness 让上帝做我的目击证人The infidels are gonna pay异教徒们将会付出代价Well, call the assassin那么,叫上刺客The orgasm高潮A spasm of love and hate爱与恨的痉挛For what will divide us?到底什么会将我们分离The righteous and the meek仁义之士和温顺之人Well, call of the wild hey hey噢,邀上狂野同去 hey~hey~Hey hey hey hey heyDeath to the girl at the end of the serenade死亡临近那女孩,当小夜曲终结Vendetta, sweet vendetta仇杀,甜蜜的仇杀This Beretta of the night这夜之法冠This fire and the desire 这大火,这欲望Shots ringing out on a holy parasite枪声传出,从一个神圣的寄生虫身上I am a killjoy from Detroit我是来自底特律的扫把星I drink from a well of rage我饮的是愤怒之井水I feed off the weakness with all my love我依靠虚弱为食,用我全部的爱Call up the captain hey hey召集上船长,hey~hey~Hey hey hey hey heyDeath to the lover that you were dreaming of死亡临近你朝思暮想的情人This is a stand off这是一个平局A Molotov cocktail房顶上的On the house燃烧弹You thought I was a write off你认为我是报废之人You better think again你最好再次考虑Call the peacemaker hey hey召唤上和平的使者 hey~hey~Hey hey hey hey heyI'm gonna send you back to the place where it all began我打算把你送回一切才开始的地方Vendetta, sweet vendetta仇杀,甜蜜的仇杀This Beretta of the night这夜之法冠This fire and the desire 这大火,这欲望Shots ringing out on a holy parasite枪声传出,从一个神圣的寄生虫身上Well now the caretaker's the undertaker现在看护人成了殡仪员Now I'm gonna go out and get the peacemaker现在我准备外出寻找一位和平使者This is the neo St. Valentines Massacre这是一场新的圣瓦伦丁大屠杀(注:St.Valentines 情人节)Well call up the Gaza hey hey好了,召集上加沙 hey~hey~ (注:加沙,西南亚地中海岸港市,巴勒斯坦的一部分,1967年被以色列占领)hey hey hey hey heyDeath to the ones at the end of the serenade死亡降临,当小夜曲终结Well, death to the ones at the end of the serenade噢,死亡降临,当小夜曲终结Well, death to the ones at the end of the serenade噢,死亡降临,当小夜曲终结Well, death to the ones at the end of the serenade噢,死亡降临,当小夜曲终结10.[Last of the American Girls]10. 最后的美国女孩She puts her makeup on她涂脂抹粉Like graffiti on the walls of the heartland像市中心墙上的涂鸦She's got her little book of conspiracies她有一本密谋计策的小手册Right in her hand就在她手里She is paranoid like她有点偏执Endangered species headed into extinction像濒临灭绝的物种She is one of a kind她就是这样的(独一无二,或者 普通)She's the last of the American girls她是美国最后的女孩She wears her overcoat她身穿大衣For the coming of the nuclear winter因为核冬天即将到来She is riding her bike她骑着自行车Like a fugitive of critical mass像多数派中的流浪者She's on a hunger strike她绝食示威For the ones who won't make it for dinner为那些吃不上饭的人们She makes enough to survive她赚了足够的钱For a holiday of working class为了工人阶级的一次度假She's a runaway of the establishment incorporated.她是现所创立体制中的逃亡者She won't cooperate她不会合作She's the last of the American girls她是美国最后的女孩She plays her vinyl records她播放着黑胶唱片Singing songs on the eve of destruction在毁灭之夕唱着歌She's a sucker for她会极易走上违法道路All the criminals breaking the laws就像所有犯了法的罪犯一样She will come in first她会第一个到达For the end of western civilization西方文明化的终点She's an endless war她就是无止境的战争Like a hero for the lost cause像一位注定要失败的英雄Like a hurricane像一场飓风In the heart of the devastation在毁灭和破坏的中心She's a natural disaster她是一场自然灾害She's the last of the American girls她是美国最后的女孩She puts her makeup on她涂脂抹粉Like graffiti on the walls of the heartland像市中心墙上的涂鸦She's got her little book of conspiracies她有一本密谋计策的小手册Right in her hand就在她手里She will come in first她会第一个到达For the end of western civilization西方文明化的终点She's a natural disaster她是一场自然灾害She's the last of the American girls她是美国最后的女孩11.[Murder City]11. 屠杀之城Desperate穷途末路But not hopeless但不是绝望I feel so useless我觉得一无所用In the murder city在这个屠杀之城Desperate穷途末路But not hopeless但不是绝望The clock strikes midnight钟声敲响午夜十二点In the murder city在这个屠杀之城I'm wide awake我非常清醒After the riot在骚动的喧嚣之后This demonstration我们愤怒的Of our anguish表示This empty laughter这空洞的大笑Has no reason毫无缘由Like a bottle就像一瓶Of your favorite poison你最爱的毒药We are the last call我们是最后的召唤And we're so pathetic而我们是如此的可悲Christian's crying信徒在浴室里In the bathroom哭泣And I just want to而我只是想Bum a cigarette讨根烟We've come so far,我们已万里迢迢来到这里We've been so wasted我们是如此的被遗弃It's written这事实清晰地写在All over our faces我们脸上12.[Little Girl]12. 小女孩Little girl, little girl小女孩,小女孩Why are you crying?你为什么在哭泣?Inside your restless soul your heart is dying.在你躁动的灵魂里,你的心已奄奄一息Little one, little one小女孩,小女孩Your soul is purging你的心灵在清除Of love and razor blades爱与刀片Your blood is surging你的血液汹涌澎湃Runaway逃走吧From the river to the street从河流到街道And find yourself with your face in the gutter而后在排水沟中看到自己的脸,你找回你自己Your a stray for the salvation army你是救世军的流浪儿There is no place like home你无处安家When you got no place to go当你流离失所Little girl, little girl小女孩,小女孩Your life is calling你的人生在召唤The charlatans and saints of your abandon你所遗弃的骗子和圣人Little one little one小女孩,小女孩The sky is falling天空在坍塌The lifeboat of deception is now sailing欺骗的救生船就要In the wake all the way一路上随之航行No rhyme or reason莫名其妙,毫无道理Your bloodshot eyes你布满血丝的双眼Will show your heart of treason将展现你背叛的心Little girl little girl小女孩,小女孩You dirty liar你这个肮脏的骗子You're just a junkie你只是一个成瘾的人Preaching to the choir谆谆劝诫着唱诗班Runaway逃跑吧To your lost tranquility、逃向你曾经的安宁And find yourself with your face in the gutter而后在排水沟中看到自己的脸,你找回你自己Your a stray for the salvation army你是救世军的流浪儿There is no place like home你无处安家When you got no place to go当你流离失所The traces of blood血的痕迹Always follow you home总会尾随着你Like the mascara tears就像沾着睫毛膏的眼泪From your getaway从你逃亡开始Your walking with blisters你与水疱同行and running with shears奔跑中带着剪刀So unholy.如此的邪恶Sister of grace.恩典的姊妹Runaway逃走吧From the river to the street从河流到街道And find yourself with your face in the gutter而后在排水沟中看到自己的脸,你找回你自己Your a stray for the salvation army你是救世军的流浪儿There is no place like home你无处安家When you got no place to go当你流离失所13.[Restless Heart Syndrome]13. 心乱综合症I've got a really bad disease我真的患了重病It's got me begging使我不停地跪地On my hands and knees祈求Take me to the emergency带我去急诊吧'Cause something seems to be missing因为有些东西似乎不见了Somebody take the pain away有人带走了痛苦It's like an ulcer bleeding in my brain像是脑子里溃疡在流脓Send me to the pharmacy带我到药剂师那儿吧So I can lose my memory那么我就可以丢掉我的记忆了I'm elated我精神振奋Medicated我磕了药Lord knows I tried to find a way to run away.上帝知道我曾试图寻找逃离的出路I think they found another cure看来他们已找到了治疗方法For broken hearts and feeling insecure治愈受伤的心灵和缺乏安全感You'd be surprised what I endure看到我是所承受的,你会大吃一惊What make you feel so self-assured?是什么让你觉得如此自信?I need to find a place to hide我需要寻找一处庇护You never know what could be你永远不知道有什么Waiting outside正在外边等着The accidents that you could find你所能看到的突发意外It's like some kind of suicide都像是一种形式的自杀So what ails you is what impales you使你苦恼的就是使你绝望的I feel like I've been crucified to be satisfied我觉得我像被钉在十字架上受难I'm a victim of my symptom我就是我病症的受害者I am my own worst enemy我就是我自己最大的劲敌You're a victim of your symptom你就是你病症的受害者You are your own worst enemy你就是你自己最大的劲敌Know your enemy了解你的敌人吧I'm elated我精神振奋Medicated我磕了药I am my own worst enemy我就是我自己最大的劲敌So what ails you is what impales you使你苦恼的就是使你绝望的You are your own worst enemy你就是你自己最大的劲敌You're a victim of your symptom你就是你病症的受害者You are your own worst enemy你就是你自己最大的劲敌You're a victim of your symptom你就是你病症的受害者You are your own worst enemy你就是你自己最大的劲敌【ACT III:Horseshoes and Handgrenades】第三幕:马蹄铁和手榴弹14.[Horseshoes and Handgrenades]14. 马蹄铁和手榴弹I'm not fucking around我不是游手好闲I think I'm coming out我想我已认清了All the deceivers and cheaters所有的两面派和骗子I've think we've got a bleeder right now我觉得这里有一个人放着我们的血Want you to slap me around想让你痛扁我Want you to knock me out想让你击昏我Well, you missed me kissed me呵,你曾想念我亲吻我Now you better kick me down现在你最好一脚将我踹倒Maybe you're the runner up也许你是亚军But the first one to lose the race然而你却是输掉这场比赛的冠军Almost only really counts in几乎只有唯一才算数Horseshoes and hand grenades马蹄铁与手榴弹的差别I'm gonna burn it all down我想烧毁它I'm gonna rip it out我想粉碎它Well, everything that you employ所有你从事的一切Was meant for me to destroy都是命中注定让我去摧毁的To the ground now现在让我去夷为平地的So don't you fuck me around所以你不给我胡闹么Because I'll shoot you down因为我将把你击倒I'm gonna drink, fight and fuck现在我要狂饮,奋斗And pushing my luck我会得寸进尺All the time now一直如此Maybe you're the runner up也许你是亚军But the first one to lose the race然而你却是输掉这场比赛的冠军Almost only really counts in几乎只有唯一才算数Horseshoes and hand grenades马蹄铁与手榴弹的差别Demolition, self-destruction爆破摧毁,自我毁灭What to annihilate消灭的是什么The age-old contradiction这长久以来的矛盾Demolition, self-destruction爆破摧毁,自我毁灭What to annihilate消灭的是什么The old age这久长I'm not fucking around我不是游手好闲I think I'm coming out我想我已认清了All the deceivers and cheaters所有的两面派和骗子I've think we've got a bleeder right now我觉得这里有一个人放着我们的血I'm not fucking around我不是游手好闲G-L-O-R-I-A荣~~耀~~15.[The Static Age]15.电流时代Can you hear the sound of the static noise?你是否能听到电流的噪声?Blasting out in stereo从立体音响爆破而出Cater to the class and the paranoid迎合着偏执狂妄想者Music to my nervous system音乐直冲我的神经Advertising love and religion宣扬着爱与信仰Murder on the airwaves电波中的谋杀Slogans on the brink of corruption堕落边缘的标语Vision of blasphemy, war and peace亵渎,战争,和平的景象Screaming at you都在向你尖叫I can't see a thing in the video视频中我什么都看不到I can't hear a sound on the radio广播中我什么都听不到In stereo in the static age在这个杂讯电流的时代Billboard on the rise in the dawn's landscape排行榜在黎明的景象里攀升Working your insanity发动着你错乱的神经Tragic a'la madness and concrete悲剧的疯狂以及确凿的事实Coca Cola execution可口可乐的判决Conscience on a cross and良知被钉死在十字架You're hearts in a vice你们的心灵全都处在罪恶之中Squeezing out your state of mind排挤出所有人的正常心态Are what you own that you cannot buy?你所拥有的难道就是你无法买到的?What a fucking tragedy, strategy真他妈的悲剧,他妈的策略Screaming at you.都在向你尖叫I can't see a thing in the video视频中我什么都看不到I can't hear a sound on the radio广播中我什么都听不到In stereo in the static age在这个杂讯电流的时代I can't see a thing in the video视频中我什么都看不到I can't hear a sound on the radio广播中我什么都听不到In stereo in the static age在这个杂讯电流的时代Hey hey it's the static ageHey hey 这是一个电流的时代This is how the west was won这就是如何赢得西方的手段Hey hey it's the static age millenniumHey hey这是一个电流的世纪千年All I want to know我所希望知道的Is a God-damned thing是该死的真理Not what's in the medicine而不是药剂里的成分All I want to do is我所希望做的I want to breathe就是想要呼吸Batteries are not included而电池不能被包括在内What's the latest way that a man can die让一个人死亡的最新方法是什么?Screaming hallelujah?尖叫哈利路亚?Singing out "The dawn's early light"高声唱“拂晓的第一道曙光”The silence of the rotten, forgotten腐朽的,被遗忘的寂静Screaming at you.都在向你尖叫I can't see a thing in the video视频中我什么都看不到I can't hear a sound on the radio广播中我什么都听不到In stereo in the static age在这个杂讯电流的时代I can't see a thing in the video视频中我什么都看不到I can't hear a sound on the radio广播中我什么都听不到In stereo in the static age在这个杂讯电流的时代I can't see a thing in the video视频中我什么都看不到I can't hear a sound on the radio广播中我什么都听不到In stereo in the static age在这个杂讯电流的时代I can't see a thing in the video视频中我什么都看不到I can't hear a sound on the radio广播中我什么都听不到In stereo in the static age在这个杂讯电流的时代The static age这个电流时代16.[21 Guns]16. 21支枪Do you know what's worth fighting for,你知道什么才是值得为之战斗的?When it's not worth dying for?当并不值得为之而死Does it take your breath away它有没有让你无法呼吸And you feel yourself suffocating?你是否感觉到了窒息?Does the pain weigh out the pride?难道遍体鳞伤才能凸显尊严的价值?And you look for a place to hide?而你只是在寻找一个藏身之地?Did someone break your heart inside?是不是有人深深地伤了你的心?You're in ruins你 分崩离析One, 21 guns嘿,21支枪Lay down your arms放下你的武器Give up the fight放弃这场战斗One, 21 guns嘿,21支枪Throw up your arms into the sky,把武器都抛向天空吧You and I我和你When you're at the end of the road当你身困路的尽头And you lost all sense of control而丧失了所有的控制力And your thoughts have taken their toll你的想法已开始制造混乱When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul当你的头脑背叛了灵魂Your faith walks on broken glass你的信仰行走在碎玻璃渣上And the hangover doesn't pass宿醉不会醒来Nothing's ever built to last没有什么得以永恒You're in ruins.你 分崩离析One, 21 guns嘿,21支枪Lay down your arms放下你的武器Give up the fight放弃这场战斗One, 21 guns嘿,21支枪Throw up your arms into the sky,把武器都抛向天空吧You and I我和你Did you try to live on your own你是否尝试过自力更生When you burned down the house and home?当你焚毁房子和家园?Did you stand too close to the fire?你是否站得离火焰太近了?Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone如一个向石头寻求谅解的骗子When it's time to live and let die当准许生与死的时刻到来And you can't get another try而你没有了再次选择的机会Something inside this heart has died心灵深处有些东西已如死灰You're in ruins.你 分崩离析One, 21 guns嘿,21支枪Lay down your arms放下你的武器Give up the fight放弃这场战斗One, 21 guns嘿,21支枪Throw up your arms into the sky,把武器都抛向天空吧You and I我和你17.[American Eulogy]17.美国颂歌(Part I :Mass HysteriaMass Hysteria)(第一部分: 集体歇斯底里)Sing us the song of the century为我们高唱世纪之歌That sings like American eulogy一首美国颂歌The dawn of my love and conspiracy歌唱我之热爱与阴谋的黎明Of forgotten hope and the class of 13关于被遗忘的希望和我们的下一代Tell me a story into that goodnight为我讲述一个故事,陪我晚安Sing us a song for me为我们唱一首歌,为了我Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Red alert is the color of panic红色警报是恐慌的颜色Elevated to the point of static升级到电流的杂讯之中Beating into the hearts of the fanatics跟随狂热分子的心脏跳动And the neighborhood's a loaded gun闪烁在同胞手中上了膛的枪Idle thought leads to full-throttle screaming懒散的念头导致最高亢的尖叫And the welfare is asphyxiating所谓的福祉令人窒息Mass confusion is all the new rage群众的恐慌是一场新的愤怒And it's creating a feeding ground它为以歇斯底里为食的人们For the bottom feeders of hysteria创造了寄生之所Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里True sounds of maniacal laughter真实入耳的是疯狂躁动的笑声And the deaf-mute is misleading the choir一个聋哑人瞎指挥着合唱The punch line is a natural disaster最后的点睛之句是一场自然灾难And it's sung by the unemployed它从无业游民们的嘴里唱出Fight fire with a riot用骚乱与焰火对战The class war is hanging on a wire阶级战争悬于一线Because the martyr is a compulsive liar因为殉难者只是一个一再说谎的人When he said 当他说"It's just a bunch of niggers throwing gas into the hysteria"“那不过是一群黑鬼,在疯狂地投掷瓦斯而已”Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里There's a disturbance on the oceanside海边有一阵骚乱They tapped into the reserve他们侵犯了领地The static response is so unclear now而电流现在却如此的嘈杂不清Mayday this is not a test!求救!这不是演习!As the neighborhood burns, American is falling邻墙起火,美国也在坍塌Vigilantes warning you义务警员警告你Calling Christian and Gloria呼唤信徒(Chrisitan基督徒)和荣耀(Gloria)吧& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &(Part II :Modern World)(第二部分: 现代世界)I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I'm the class of 13我是世界的新一代In the era of dissent反叛的时代A hostage of the soul是灵魂的人质On a strike to pay the rent为拒付租金而罢工The last of the rebels叛逆的最后一代Without a common ground没有常理做根据I'm gonna light a fire我要点起一把火Into the underground让它秘密燃烧在地下I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I am a nation我是一个国家Without bureaucratic ties没有官僚体制的束缚Deny the allegation as it's written否定一切成文的声明I want to take a ride to the great divide我想驰骋到不一样的地方Beyond the "up to date"“与时俱进”之后And then neo-gentrified就是新一代的中产阶级化The high definition for the low resident底层的居民被高调地定义Where the value of your mind你脑中的价值观Is not held in contempt不会被鄙夷地对待I can hear the sound of我能听到A beating heart一颗跳动的心脏That bleeds beyond a system在体制之上鲜血直流That's falling apart它四分五裂With money to burn随着即将烧掉的金钱On a minimum wage仅凭着最微薄的收入'Cause I don't give a shit因为我根本不理会About the modern age这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里I don't want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里[注:关于class of 13我查到的是...-Who's the class of '13 in green day's new album?-Symbolically, the class of 13 refers to the upcoming generation. So it could be either. But Billie came up with the phrase for his son who will graduate from HS in 13.]18.[See the Light]18. 看见光明I crossed the river我穿越河流Fell into the sea随波注入Where the non-believers无神论者们Go beyond belief超越信仰的海洋Then I scratched the surface然后我匆匆掠过In the mouth of hell地狱的入口Running out of service我,一无所用In the blood I fell在血泊之中倒下I just want to see the light我只是想看见光明i don't want to lose my sight我不想失去视觉I just want to see the light我只是想看见光明I need to know what's worth the fight我需要知道什么值得我为之奋斗I've been wasted我曾在 Pills and alcohol药片与酒精中颓废I've been chasing我曾一度追逐Down the pool halls各种娱乐场所的浮华Then I drank the water随后我From a hurricane从飓风中饮水And I set a fire并点燃火把Just to see the flame只是为了能看见火焰I just want to see the light我只是想看见光明i don't want to lose my sight我不想失去视觉I just want to see the light我只是想看见光明I need to know what's worth the fight我需要知道什么值得我为之奋斗I crossed the desert我穿越沙漠Reaching higher ground抵达高地Then I pound the pavement而后我步履沉重To take the liars down为了把骗子们都击垮But it's gone forever但是一切都已永逝But never too late但是一切都未迟Where the ever after“从此以后”的未来Is in the hands of fate在命运之手的掌中I just want to see the light我只是想看见光明i don't want to lose my sight我不想失去视觉I just want to see the light我只是想看见光明I need to know what's worth the fight我需要知道什么值得我为之奋斗+++++++++++【B-sides】1.[Lights Out]1.灯光熄灭Lights out, here comes the night,灯光熄灭,夜晚到来As the darkness falls over the light当黑暗降临Lights out, there goes the day灯光熄灭,白昼逝去And this fear that comes won't go away与之而来的恐惧却不会消失And I'm losing track of time我的脑海里In the corners of my mind开始记不清时间And I'm living out my private suicide我生活在幻想的自杀之外Lights out (background)灯光熄灭(背景)Lights out, I lost myself灯光熄灭,我In the space between heaven and hell在天堂与地狱之间迷失了自己Lights out, finding my way灯光熄灭,寻找出路Till I waste my time losing the way 直到我一直在迷路中浪费掉了时间And I'm losing track of time我的脑海里In the corners of my mind开始记不清时间And I'm living out my private suicide我生活在幻想的自杀之外Lights out (background)灯光熄灭(背景)Lights out, here comes the night,灯光熄灭,夜晚到来As the darkness falls over the light当黑暗降临Lights out, I lost myself灯光熄灭,我In the space between heaven and hell在天堂与地狱之间迷失了自己And I'm losing track of time我的脑海里In the corners of my mind开始记不清时间And I'm living out my private suicide我生活在幻想的自杀之外Lights out (background)灯光熄灭(背景)另加,新单曲[Broadway]Broadway百老汇I, I'm just killing time now我,我只是在消磨时间I do it all the time now我一直在消磨时间and it's killing me而时间也在消磨我I, I polish off the bottle我,我饮酒匆匆I'm throwing down the throttle我撬翻阀门Drinking gasoline豪饮汽油Now I'm on my way现在,我正在驶向Driving down Broadway百老汇Wasting all my time浪费掉所有的时间And I won't be late而我不会迟到Cause I'm on the brake(?)因为我在刹车(?)So don't hesitate所以别犹豫Never make it out答案永远无解And it's killing me这让我备受煎熬Do, Do you get the feeling?你,你知道这感觉么?That you've been bleeded (?)曾经流血的感觉(?)Cause now you're bleeding me因为现在你正让我流血You, You're spilling all the wine now你,你打翻了所有的美酒On Hollywood and Vine now现在,我们到了好莱坞的十字路口【注:Hollywood and Vine是指好莱坞的好莱坞大道(Hollywood Boulevard)与葡萄酒大街(Vine Street)交汇的十字路口】It's Lushotology我们畅饮消遣吧【注:Lushotology是GD他们作为The Foxboro Hot Tubs时自创的一个词,是对宗教信仰的一种滑稽模仿,指一种生活观,即应该无所事事,饮酒作乐】Now I'm on my way现在,我正在驶向Driving down Broadway百老汇Wasting all my time浪费掉所有的时间And I won't be late而我不会迟到Cause I'm on the brake(?)因为我在刹车(?)So don't hesitate所以别犹豫Never make it out答案永远无解And it's killing me这让我备受煎熬And it's killing me这让我备受煎熬(awesome guitar stuff)(棒极的吉他秀)I, I'm just killing time now我,我只是在消磨时间I do it all the time now我一直在消磨时间and it's killing me而时间也在消磨我I, I polish off the bottle我,我饮酒匆匆I'm throwing down the throttle我撬翻阀门Drinking gasoline豪饮汽油Now I'm on my way现在,我正在驶向Driving down Broadway百老汇Wasting all my time浪费掉所有的时间And I won't be late而我不会迟到Cause I'm on the brake(?)因为我在刹车(?)So don't hesitate所以别犹豫Never make it out答案永远无解And it's killing me(x3)这让我备受煎熬(x3)
&&& 材料来源Green day中文论坛
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